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Show TUB PACE SIX THE FEATHERHEADS m - - teMa km I! eS, jMi0-T7. said TTP she -- fanhY THAT ztrjmk was Trunk Mystery TWit IS "THAU I HEAVIER 0UT ZZ " J TwoHTjff 'LL,ftT teSytQtftr.r7j! J OLD r --i-ic- Wsffl - WiSHEt Thursday, December 5. 1935 NEPHI. UTAH S. By "5srfM--- 1 ( TIMES-NEW- vtWATteVER A oU von&-- . -- . reliV 2 1 J - - , ifoU -- SAID TbU WISHED WAS WIS TUN V, .J Dowi aTAW - I j- - J AVL CS r CZ IV THAT IS IM imANP idipht FeeL IIIOS SbNS- s I L I vVAMTfeD LP THAT l ACE Vj5k J "v v fejffH Ale I - Davi V WyJ after it up PlPf! Sally Sez Bob Saraetbing About "Banned Boo It a," and Red Indian Oratory. CALEDONIAN CANAL, SCOTLAND. my to clap eyes on the Loch Ness monster in these local waters I turned again to the study of human beings, not at all difficult in this section of the world where FOLLOWING S1V1ATTER Again, Two Heads Top One POP Ttop will 15" e"J"T MESCAL IKE By S. AJsJ ALARM f PAYNE r jTn On The Quiet. I HUNTLEY uev! tm'schooc MOOSC IS onj FIRE rum everVTMiKj' ue TURrsJ flfyi' . ByCE asz- INI TM" r1AyZ.V, HITS REALtvN UJORTM A DIME OUT 1 kJxuolet vow mave I - 5 FER VNyTT k"S A. MICKE.L f9 J JLw .' "j 4Cr ICDTriirSl. FINNEY OF THE FOF'E by . tUMT4l L. Hontlrr. Trad Z2zX!2. WELL-BA- t , I Up CK GOT IT V.rk .' U. a M. Oar) Casting Reflections 6013- - o POM T KMOvJ ( . Sen FACE "1 FULL O'plfcftT LOOKiM' lOI UwMVp ' A SfwjaiST - J) YOU HOW V' TO LArqAP J - IWAy Poor Credit Rating 'REG'LAR FELLERS P1NWE.A0 DUFFVt TWENTY CHOCOLATE CENTS WOULD YOU FOR A PENNY OH. COME NOW, PlNWEAO VOU WENT INTO MERRIt's CANDY STORE AND CAVE MRS. MERR.IL A PENNY MOW MANY CHOCOLATE HOME! IF CREAMS FIVE COST MANY HOW ' ExampI The Customer Isn't It rather unusual to see a barber with long hair and whisker like yours T The Barber Tes; but lt'a good business. Every man that sees how awful they look on me will fall for haircut and share. CREAMS DRUG STORE, FIRST CLASS Married Thm All John I understand your wife came from a One old family. Ijys V. Vf3liS I i$Frl!sJZ "Z VA- SHE By GLUYAS WILLIAMS PARENTS' NIGHT OUT A iJlt imp came. She brought It with her. '7oa"ay Cap- per's Weekly. C.ne.I That First Little Call Boy I forgot to ask you to my picnic a y WONDERS WHV PMtEKft WERE ftHWOUS TO WWE HIM 60 TO SlXXP FR6MPTLV T6NI6HT. WVi? US1tffJ6 AT HB DOOR NOW SO HERE THV SUMRS. THEY'RE 60,TlPTblK6 Hft,'5 60ES5EP DOWN IT? 60)Nfe OOf, LEA)IN6 SOME KEJ6HB0R HI ft Too late V flrst-clas- Family Menagari Mrs. Ballard How does your cat like your dog? Mrs. Seaton . Y HEARS THEI") STOP AtfD LroTEK AWlOUSLV ON THE STAIRS, TrlH COME TiPTOElNa BACK O b, &Ls v WHIMPERS A llTHE TO iET TriEM KHOW HE POESN'TORRETN) MOCH FOR THE ARRAN6EMENT ALONE W1H party tomorrow. Second Little I've prayed for a blizzard. American Boy. a he's opened a drug atore?" "Xea hoa the finest oda fountain to town." LAST TIME! . GIVE YOU? I Boy now. i tvi' yfLiI WOULD Henry sa; wouldn't M f isWrllGLEY'S cooLiw6 I IjMm SHE WOULDN CilVE ME ANY ON ACCOUNT OF I OWE HER A FENNY FROM THE IF GET A Horrible " MAP,- p- WT AIL HE NEEPS 1& PO lb KEEP THEM W ISTOStfcKT CRVIN6, BIT SOMEHOW HE DOEftNT FEEL LIKE OMHb KNOWS JL THEY PONT DARE ftME IN T6 SEE HE'5 ASLEEP, T6R FEAR THE WILL WAKE HIM UP, IF HE IS IP a PathBnder azine. Mag- Just Ain't "What are diplomatic relations, dadr "There are no snch people, my bay." TvEV DECIDE ITVS S1l FALSE DOttN ALARM AMD THERE 60ES TriEFRDrfT POO? THEV' if5 SfOP TO LISTEN THE lA5f BELLOW WILL CHAKCE. Of WE 660p Br6"61EM BACK OH WELL, LET fHEM 60 AW HWI FUN AKD BESIDES HE IS PRETTV SLEEPY THEIR geniality among travelers Is the order of the day. Among nmny excellent and companionable tourhtts It was my good fortune to swap conversation with Mr. Arthur J. Simons, of his Majesty's Cuxtoms and Excise, beaded for the Lsle of Skye on a holiday. Aftet-time we got around to the regulations affecting the recent flood of questionable books, that is to say I did, having heard that the percentage of banned books was on the increase. "That may be true," aald Simons, "but also the objection to them la on the wane. I can tell you that much from experience, as all the books regarded as undesirable are obliged to pass through my department of the customs, or through my hands If there is a decision to In England there is no be made. duty on a legitimate book. If it reaches us properly wrapped and sufficiently stamped It goes through without a hitch. I have no doubt that a great many volumes inapfamily readpropriate for ing are constantly passing through the malls." The Right of Search. "What is your procedure when a particular book, banned by good taste whatever good taste may be Is brought to your attention? Are you on the watch for such?" "There again," said Simons, trained in the civil service, "is the right of search. If we have reason to believe that a particular package contains poison and we take the trouble to investigate well, nine times out of ten, the parcel is found to contain something quite as harmless as 'Pollyanna' from the States, or. a novel by Wodehouse from England. With us a book is merely a book and in the absence of suspicious exterior it is delivered as such in its original wrapper unmolested." "What do you mean by suspicious exterior?" Discovery by Instinct. "That is a matter nobody can explain. There is something psychic about the way a book is wrapped for mailing. Twine, sealing wax, the manner of writing 'Book only,' the numerous peculiarities that are associated with the attempt to hide something that Is not entitled to be revealed, all have inevitable telltale characteristics, which under thp eye of an expert, cry aloud for action on the part of both the customs house and post office department, each Jealously exercising its rights. In either case. If the contents are disapproved the book Is not delivered." "Who decides the issue, if there be one?" "In my own department there are two assistants who can pronounce the death sentence. If they 'are in doubt it is my prerogative to do so. It Is our privilege to ban any book in any language that we regard as unfit for the British mails." Burning "Bad" Books. "How often do you take summary action?" T should say that on an. average of once every IS months we find it necessary to perform the thumbs All such books are down acL burned by the department. Occasionally there Is a protest, but not often. Neither the addressee or the addresser cares to make a fuss. Many books that attain notoriety In one country are Issued as reprints in another country, thus increasing the difficulty of detection. Then again there are highly indecent works that because of their historical background or because of their truly artistic value are classified as works of art The destruction of these Is by many experts regarded as vandalism. For them plenty of defenders come forward." e In the sitting room of a family hotel of the first class at Inverness, one of the most hospitable municipalities in Scotland, Is assembled the world's greatest collection of furnltnre designed to facilitate the gentle art of lounging as practiced among denizens of the British Isles. My Inventory reads: Sofas, 5; double easy chnlrs, leather and cloth, 2; straight backed chairs, 8 ; tabourets, 15 ; potted plants, 5 ; writing desk, 1 ; fireplace, 1. The dimensions of the room containing this assorted comfort is 22 by 35 feet The number of Items totaled 45. It contained every known slouching convenience except a steamer chair and a hammock. A restless man, calling his shots, could have spent the whole day there without repeating. Something ever on hand calculated to fit the most fastidious. Copyright. WJTO Sarrtee. Of ftnUel Me enKeenumirtw to eat th the nun lata each lawlr n have laztaaa ie icim Umv aal Um. lateral aantila uwtBara maantaia Mck wiilmai PATBONIZS BOMB INDLSTRT. anaanavanaHananaaanaanaanni lil J 9 M a 1 r Wf THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY aaa aawar la tfca la. Tatra'a Intea-rittarataantala Wat that explain why (ede wa auk hare are eepaaeabla, the Beat I Bhaa the ahaddy -.nreeect lalxUad "Made or Tart". Bay er "8lakr ban eat aradect, aal firm jreae Batshaar week. heaaet aatfhhor y ra )". MRS. VERNON HOWELL, Baa Mac. CmL Pilgrims Brought Twe Dogs When the Pilgrims first touched Plymouth Rook: they brought with them twe dogs, one a mastlS and the other a spanleL No ons knows If the blood linos of these two pioneers Is found 1b any of their pro gear today. At 400 Utah Oil, Refining: Service Stations In Utah and Idaho Start of Sing Sing Prison Sing Sing prison was authorized by act of legislature in 1823 and waa started In 1826, when Capt. Elara Lynds transferred 100 convicts from the state prison at Au burn and put them to work to wall themselves la. L ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. Braaea . Artificial LJmba Troaaee Arch Support Cratchea Eztenaiaa Shoe Elaatic Hosiery Eatahlished in Bait Lak in 1901 Ph. Wu. 2C4 Satisfaction Guaranteed 13S W. Third So. Salt Lak City. Ut. Gumbo Soil The term gumbo soil is popularly applied in the western United States to very heavy, soil rich in soluble salts and practically devoid of sand. Water per. colates through It with difficulty and it Is soapy or waxy when weL d tr rf will be paid for the beat yoa ah on Id nsa Intr-mountain made Goods' Similar ta ahore. Bend year story in prose r vers to Intermountain Product OoL P. O. Box 155S. gait Lak City. If year story appear In Uit comma yoa wtu re ceive cheek lor nn, $3.00 Versatile have been used for many things other than medicine; to locate pearls In an oyster without opening It, examine documents for alterations, photograph bullets in flight, and examine delicate building work for hidden flaws. X-R- TRUCKS USED Several Makes CMC. 19271 V4 ton CHEY. CHEV. CHEV. CHEV. & Models Stak. ton Stake.. ton Furn. Van 2 lVi ton Dual Stake p 14 ton 1930- -1 Vi 1931 1V4 -- S150 - 139 300 1933 375 1934 400 FORDS 3 Late Vi ton Faneli 275 DODGE 193334 ton Panel 350 Sea us before you buy your truck. 1929 1933 1933 1930 Pick-U- Passenger Cars Sedan CHEV, Sedan CHEV., PLYMOUTH COACH BUICK, Standard 6 Sedan 1931 FORD, Town Sedan 1938 FORD, Sport Roadster $195 475 445 375 295 225 Buysrs,,, pierce write Strearor-Smir- Inc. h, Authorized Chevrolet Dealer 5rh South and Main, Salt Lake City Variety of Exports a Exports of town of French Include rubber, silk, gum, wax, stick-la- c, ebony, cinnamon, indigo, horn and fish roe. Luang-Praban- Indo-Chin- rht-ocer- Week No. SM W .N.U. Sslt Lak City Smallest Muscle in Body The smallest muscle in the body Is mssoulns levator labil superloria alaeque nasi (elevator of the upper lip and wing of the nose). It has its origin at the root of the nasal process of the maxilla or upper jawbone. Leech Not Particular The medicinal leech, once s much used that, in the Sixteenth century they said. "Send for the leech" as we say "Send for the doctor," feeds normally on the blood of fish and frog, a good meal lasting It for months. |