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Show fiflw HtlirT Buy Locally Nephi, Juab Gjunty, Utah, Thursday, The Times, Volume 26, No 4i fine Funeral Sunday For Thomas Broadhead pre-seas- dh GAME PLAYED Oil IIIIE December 5, 1935 The News, Volume Five Women Who Are Rulers of an Ohio Town Parent Teachers To Meet At. J U.S. on Who Died Tuesday . WEDNESDAY Buy Locally f . Thursday Evening - Funeral services will bo held at 2 P. M. Sunday in the Juab Thomas tabernacle for stake Broadhead, 69, who died at the family residence here Tuesday alter a short illness. Interement will be in the Vine Bluff cemetery under the direction of the Anderson Funeral home. Mr. Broadhead was born in Nephi April 4, 186t5 a son of David and Harriott Betts Broadhead. who were one of the first seventeen families who settled Nephi in 1851. Mr. Broadhead, as a child, endured the hard life of the early pioneers and has cpent his life in this city, being a farmer and stock raiser. He is survived by his widow, Mary Broadhead, and two son?, Leland Broadhead of Lynnwood Utah and Delbert Broadhead of Nephi. Six grandchildren and the; following brothers and sisters, also survive: Hyrum Broadehad. R. B. and S. D. Broadhead, Nephi; Mrs. Harriet Scott, Salt Lake City: Mrs. Alfred McCune, Charlo. Montana and Mrs. Lizzie Pace, Price. 16, No. 48 mm bale IS SCHEDULED FOR , The Parent and Teachers meeting will be held in the high school auditorium, Thursday, December 12th. A very fino program from the Central School is to be given. It consLsis of numbers from the first to the sixth grade. 1st Grade fA) A dramatization of "The Ginger Bread Boy" (B asso-Itati- FRIDAY. DEC. 13 The annual Juab Slake "Seminary Ball' will be given this year on Friday evening, December 13, ' according to the officers of the : ' V . seminary who are working out Doll Drill. plans for the annual affair. The 2nd Grade Christinas in the Arlington hall will house the ball Air. The song to be accompanied and the Night Hawks, an orchestra night. from "up north" with a fine repby a Rhythm Band. Following a 0 lead at the end 3rd Grade Santa's Doll Ship utation lor real dance music, will of the first quarter, Nephi saw a be on hand to take care of the dramatization. its rival sweep into a 10-- 7 lead at fA) Musical Plajv music. 4th Grade the half and at the conclusion This play was written by Miss One of tho features of the of the third period the score was Brough's 4th grade. It was taken dance this year will be giving of 3 for Salina. Pay, diminutive Goe-tel." from the story "Hansel and the entire above expenforward, led the attack in the B 'Songs. 1. Santa Claus ses, to the proceeds, nine missionaries who final canto which pulled the game A Land. (2) Christmas: Reading, are out Jn the mission field from out of the fire for the Wasps. Allen Ostler; The Funny Bone Juab stake. The nine checks will In the first of the twin bill Milton Wot wood and Lamar Black- - be sent as a Christmas present staged, the strong Manti Lions ett. to the missionaries and the studgained a 37- - to 27 victory over 5th Grade Song Merry Life. ents are working hard to make the Juab Mill cagers of Nephi. 5lh Grade The govern n ient of the town of Llnndale, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, Is practically a matriarchy. Not Song, Soldiers" the dance a success in order to The scores: make the checks substantial ones. satisfied with the male administration, the women of Llnndale decided to "clean house" and succeeded In elect- Chorus. The Parent Teachers association SALINA As usual, the students ing a slate of their own choosing which included the mayor, treasurer, clerk and two of the six councilmen. The invites of the all parents to attend. O. T. P. P women are shown here as they attended their first meeting. to right, seated: Mary Itoginsky, treasurer; seminary will sell tickets for this 2 2 1 5 Okerlund, rf dance and a lively contest is being Ann C. Lakowltz, mayor, and Helen Lashutka, clerk. Standing: Mrs. Ozema Williams and Mrs. Ethel Sotoa, 0 0 0 0 Bird If arranged between the three groups conacllmen. 4 2 Peterson c attending the seminary. The two 0 0 Green lg losing groups in the contest will Black lg 3 3 2 8 furnish a big Christmas party in 4 Cooper If the high school gymnasium soon 0 0 0 Nielson rf after the dance is over. The boy E 0 0 0 rf Christensen, and girl who sell the most tickets The members of the executive will receive special cash prizes A D. 8 17 7 23 Totals committee of the Juab District, by Principal LeRoy Whitehead. BROOKINGS, S. D. in NEPHI Ellison, county agent supervisor Boy Scouts of America hi session This being the only organized V. Belliston rf 0 2 the western district of South DaTO Wednesday evening adopted nine program of raising a Christmas AT 1 2 13 two If 6 kota for the past years, and Pay objectives for the first six months present for our missionaries, it is 0 2 for 14 years agricultural Duckworth c agent in of 1936. These objective should hoped that everyone will cooperate V. Garrett rg 2 Butte county, has accepted the in with the young people who are to greatly increase the interest 2 2 Park, lg position of agronomist with the scouting in the district, and also be complimented for adopting such C. Burridge, presiWanda Mrs. A first course aid will be From Lake Tribune the Salt given at 0 0 0 0 Soil Service Davis rf Conservation be of much benefit to the indivi a fine dent of the American Legion Aux project for their annual POCATELLO, Idaho A. Garrett If 0 2 0 0 Huron. He wiU serve as chief in Nephi during the months of dual scouts themselves. dance. Remember the date Is announces that the follow that there are from 75 Warning iliary, and 100 under to the January February, inclu0 0 0 0 agronomist for the district assistant Merrill Strong c Christopherson, to selected been Friday, the 13th or this month. in the United States scout executive of the personal supervision of Mrs. Sar- ing ladies have a, "0 0 0 0 ding South Dakota, North Shaw, rg Timpanogos It's to be a lucky day for the as chairman of the various organizations act Nelson cause to our ah to in chaos J. govAkrum, seeking according 0 6 3 3 was in attendance at the missionaries if all the and Montana. Kendall lg committees: ernment and social structure, Law" Council people of After graduation from Utah Ag- Eral Reid, first aid chairman of meeting. Juab stake cooperate. Buy a ticket Mrs. Blanche Membership, of rence H. the field of Dierks Amerithe Nephi Chicago, bechapter 11 13 5 27 ricultural college, Mr. Ellison are: Totals The aobjectives Essie Vs?m student, Gents 40c and Brough; Rehabilitation, Mrs. Cross. representative of Kiwanis Inter1 came superintendent of the Nephi can Red At least one health and saf lady 25c. The course will be held one eve- Shaw; Unit Activity, iftrs. Edith national, addressed presidents and gh Utah. From in station to leacture each experiment troop ety during Manti Lions Beckstead; Fidac, M Ruby E, secretaries of the Utah-Idah- o disthe went to Washington, D. ning each week for eight weeks, Carter; the winter. G. T. F. P here Legislation, Mrs. Vera P. rict here Monday. and will be given free to all per in 2 Troop committees file a list assistant the as scientific C. HanMrs. 3 13 5 Ellason rf Howells; Americanism, over sons 17 of the who age years "Three things are struggling for of all the boys in thfcir ward beoffice of cereal investigation of the 1 5 L. Hall If ........ nah . 2 Service, Community to Cooper; et desires Information. the . Ftrset is ,&Hmwacy-whic- tween the . ages of . twalva and fifbrueau of plant industry, u charge 4 Anderson C ... First eld as taught by the Amer- Mib. Florence Inscore; Child Wei recognition, we know and love; second teen. of cereal investigation at the gov ican Mrs. Reva Moyle; 4 fare, Poppy, efLuke, rg Red Cross is and prompt is fascism, which we fear and 3 The district have two hikes ernment experiment farm at Arlin 1 ; Cox lg ficient emergency care of the in Mrs. Ardella Warenski; Memorials, dread, and third is communism, hi which all scouts will take gton, Va. part. LaVell Mrs. Music Mrs. 0.. R. Hall, rg Svedine; Deiore tne a of arrival which is alien to all of us," Mr. 4 The district will have a parAfter a term in the army during jured Misha Mrs and Bigler; Publicity, Includes con and physician (a) Dierks said. ents and sons banquet sometime the World War, he had charge of trol 16 10 5 37 Totals of bleeding, (b artificial re Beulah Irons. He urges the leaders of the during scout week, (Feb 7 to 14) flax Investigation work in Calif Juab Mill (c) tran clubs in Utah and Idaho to go to handling and 5 Each troop to have a proand Arizona. He came to spiratoin, 2 3 2 6 ornia T Belliston rf their own communities and in true gram in their ward M. I. A. meetSouth Dakota in April 1919, as sportation, (d) prevention of Male Chorus Sings During 4 4 2 10 Bailey If ac (e) relieving pain, (f) iKwanis spirt fight for democracy ings during scout week. cereal investigation work at the Five generations, with the hus2 2 Vlckers C Juab Stake Conference and freedom of thought and exof cident prepvention. scientific assistant in charge 6 Each troop committee is to 0 0 0 0 The rg of first aid train Brough purpose at and hikes in their band and wife of the first genertwo Newell, farm least have at pression. experiment G. Belliston lg 0 0 0 0 soon to provide those receiving ation, were assembled for Thanks Mr. Dierks traced the growth of The recent stake conference of accepted the position of ing is during the winter. 2 3 2 6 Sudweeks rg at Nephi. Their ages range instruction with the knoweldge Juab Stake was featured by excel service clubs from the time of troop 7 The district will have a Sun- giving county agent at Belle Fourche. trom 85 years down to 11 months. and skill needed for the proper lnt busic furnished he termed which world in was war, the instrumental Ellison Mr. the various by day evening program during The group is headed by Mr. and Totals .... 10 12 7 27 care of- the injured pen groups and among these bringing the sugar beet and cucu- immediate appeared as the real beginning of the scout week. John S. Cooper, who emigthe 8 Each troop commitftee .must Mrs. mber picking factories to Butte ding medical care and attention. a newly organized male chorus, need for service clubs. In for the course will which it is hoped will continue as early part of the century, com- handle all registrations of the rated to this country from England county and assisted in the de- beRegistration in Pioneer days, and have spent made with Mr. Reid at the a permanent organization. Nephi munities were isolated, but now, scouts in their troops. velopment of the crop rotation almost 66 years of married life Toggery. road with Belle the is as Fourche prog in 9 some used a A the to building musical good acclaim systems point happily together. winning special trip Other members of methods rams and of most center where to all improved efforts its be of interest will of given irrigation project through the of the five generations at the talented muiscans the sugar beets are grown. The and its fine communication, there is a definite boys making specified advancereunion were: Mrs. beet factory was constructed in Timothy Irons Leaves Salt choruses. The new male chorus is need for inter city relations as ment and improvement in liv- Thanksgiving Sarah A Cooper Starr, 64; Reed 1927 and cucumber growing on a Lake City For Mission Field ably directed by Frank E. Wan-la- providtd through service clubs, he ing scouting. Starr, 40; Mrs. Enid Starr Ostler, and is composed of Alma added. large scale commenced the follow19, and Judith Ostler, 11 months. Mr. Dierks blamed lack of or ? Burton, EIRoy BarnesyernJBw ing year. He also developed boys' Mr. Cooper was born at Birmingde-f- et as reason for H. the To At left Talk to Salt Sorenson Elder a work club Irons, V. Timpothy and girls' ganization Burton, Herman McCune, Ed. high ham England, March 23, 1850, a son movement Lake and liberal the for of BailCity state of efficiency. Downs, Eldon Tanner, Ernest Thanksgiving Day North Ward Meeting Sun. of Henry and Elizbeth Cooper. He the South African Mission of the ey, Charles R. . Jenkins, EIRoy declared that a service organiz-tlo- n "Dollars to Doughnuts" by Glen left England in 1867, and after L. D. S. Church, going by way of Barnes, provided the method for overJoseph Ostler, Eugene Hughes, the annual senior play V. M. Foote, was reelected a New York and sailing Tuesday of Ostler, Elder D. A. Sorenson, who has spending a year in Newark, N. J. V. Ord, Alma Tran- coming that difficulty. George which is to be presented Friday member of the board of directors this week on the S. S. Manhattan. ter and A. L. VanWagenen, with Mr. Dierks was the principal recently returned from the East crossed the plains in a covered night, is a clean and witty farce, of the Nephi Irrigation Company Elder Irons was one of a party of Mrs. Grace Judd as accompanist. speaker at a luncheon meeting, Central mission whre he has wagon. He came direct to Nephi, with lively dialogue and excellent at where he became a bricklayer and "the annual meeting held Mon- four L. D. S. missionaries leaving The organization should con- which was held in connection with situations. All have heard no doubt For the 35 years prior afternoon. Mr. Foote has for this mission and was one of tinue, and it Is to be hoped that a training school for the presdents be the speaker at the North Ward builder. of the poor family pretending to day to January 1, 1934, he has served the board for a group of seventy three new mis- music lovers and citizens generally, nd secretaries of the 22 Kiwanis chapel Sunday, December 8. De well-o- ff in order to make an been a member of several and was reelected for sionaries leaving for various mis- will do what they can to encour- clubs in the district. All but two Elder Sorenson will report and as Justice of the Peace of the Impression on the suitor of a a term years of three years. relate experiences of his mission. Nephi Precinct, retiring from duty sions after a brief course of in- age this and other talented groups were represented. in but this that daughter, play of advanced age. He was secretary-treasurpresen- tensive study and training at the of singers and musicians of Nephi. Attending the meeing were Dr. He has been laboring in North because situation is reversed. A rich fam tedThe D. H. Henderson of Salt Lake City, Carolina and Tennessee, and was also Juvenile Judge for ten yers the annual report to the stock mission home. The missionaries to ily pretends to be poor in order holders. South Africa will have a stop .over past district governor and John president of the N. C. district for and also has served as city and to please their daughter, whose He represented the county judge. in London for ten days before pro- Several Nephites Attend Snow Fagerstedt of Weiser, newly elect- one year. has a prejudice against Caroline M. Warrilow Cooper was who took office fol- Scipio ward of the Millard stake to Capeton, where their ed governor, ceeding the rich. This, situation is funny CARNEGIE PIPER College Lycum Presentation lowing the meeting; Loris g, is a grandson of James E. also born in Birmingham, England and are located. Elder headquarters in no sooner but Itself, enough July 2, 1852 and came to the Salt Lake City, retiring Memmott. Irons is the first missionary from has the fun started than another United States in 1869. She came One of the outstanding events secretay; V .H. Kimbrough, Weiser to Stake African South Juab the comes -' home with a boydaughter across the plains to Ogden among of the Lyceum course sponsored newly elected secretary; Hugh since mission Elders James H. is who a friend, European prince, the first parties on the Union DELEGATE LABOR'S Ockey, Alfred J. Gowers Jr., and by the Snow College of Ephraim Caldwell, Caldwell; Orson Slack, and demands that the family She came direst Pacific railroad. was the illustrated lecturt given Provo, Utah; G. W. Charles worth, Roy Boswell were in that maintain an extravagant style to to Nephi and was married to Mr. Tfy Lorado Taft, Idaho Falls, and Dr. G. L. Reese, Monday evening some mission odd field, twenty the impress prince. Cooper January 31, 1870. the American Sculptor who has Smtthfield lieutennt governors. years ago. This situation, trying to be rich won international fame for his and poor at the same time, is very ft work. The subject of his talk funny and provides an interesting was "One Hundred Masterpieces Nephi Merchants Display Nephi Beauty Operator At basis for the plot of the play. Library Board of Nephi Sculpture" and his purpose in . Christmas Toys and Gifts Intermountain Shovf of is Holds Business Session to these lectures giving develop in everyone an appreciation for National Youth Administration art and sculpture and to increase Lucy Boswell has just recently a live for Director Here on Sunday if "The the beautiful. 1 Disregarding the fact that no Interrecent retdrned from the The Library Board met on to the Great Spirit" by snow graced the earth, the advent Appeal show at mountain Beauty Trade I Wednesday evening in a regular I was a Utah Dallin, Cyrus Sculptor, Dr. Francis W. Kirkham, Utah December of suddenly brought the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City. with President Robert session, listed Mr. Taft among his to Nephi citizens and particularly National Youth director of the After making a thorough inves- hundred by Winn presiding. Routine business from Those masterpieces. the citizens and Administration, was in. Nephi Sat the juniors tiny was taken care of and the list of tigation of all the newest methods Nepih who attended the lecture news that Christmas was just urday and Sunday to compelte of permanent waving; she has sel- were books recently purchased for the A. H. Mrs. and Presitent mer comer. the. formation of a local committee the Nephi ected for the service of her cus Belliston, Mr. and Mrs. William library was approved. These books to have charge of National Youth Is into the far 1 night. chants, toiling tomers the new Frederics 50 per I will be available to the public as S? Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cole, to get the Christmas ware ready, matters in Juab Bailey, Administration cent cooler method of permanent Mrs. Alvin Bowles, Mrs. James soon as catalogued. anSchool district. The national youth their out with came suddenly This method of perman The gift of a deluxe edition of waving. Rulon Mrs Mrs. Bracken, Stanley, Christmas administration was called into ex nouncements openof ent waving is being use din all Amos O. Irons and Miss . Shirley The Story of San Michele, written annual rush invited lstance by act of congress to pro and the ings, of the leading beauty salons the Irons. by Dr. Axel Munthe, and presented vide aid for deserving youth and - I of youngsters. world over, and hair is actually by Dr. L. C. Warenski, was accepto assist existing colunteer welLocal stores are plentifully stock waved with one half the heat forted. This bok is one of the outfare organizations throughout the ChristMrs. Erma Lomax, Miss Mabel ed with merly required and the perman standing books of recent years, Members of celthe In Juab To take American the country. part lovlier and stays just Howarth, Miss June Burton, Miss mas merchandise, and are preent is L. Uutcheson was appointed and is a real addition to the librW. district committee already named ebration of the centenary -- of the as well.softer, Floris Orme, and Miss Elenor pared for the biggest holiday trade President William Green of the ary. are: Harry Beagley, R. F. Nilsson, birth of Andrew Carnegie, Hugh Mrs. Boswell received thorough Burton, members of the local or in years. Eager little folks are by Federation of Labor as American Mrs. Joel Taylor, Mrs. Gerald and preparing their orders to Santa Grant, official piper at Sklbo castle, training in this process in Salt ganization of the Business that Orland Anderson and Cazier, DJ. T. Wlarren Allxed, Scotch home of went delegate to the Christmas organization's Women's Professional the Claus. Frederics fac from ExAyn Culb, Lake famthe Everywhere City the Carnegie Will L. Hoyt and Herman McCune International labor con- Anderson, students at the Univeris at to to Lake Salt New in forthcoming evidence, Their reminding spirit City Sunday came over tory representative. how and showed us ily, New-houdinner given at the the young folks and the older folks ference in Chile. The selection was sity of Utah, spent the latter part the pipes should be played. He Is York factory representative has tend the Hotel In honor of Miss Chart that December is here, and they said to be "shocking" to Secretary of the week in Nephi, at the home seen here being greeted, as lie land- recently made a visit to Mrs. shop and was very well Ormand Williams, national presi- are awakened to the need of of Labor Perkins, as Mr. Hutche- - of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bishop and Mrs. Henry Jones of ed from the Anchor Anderson. Orland is a member Fairvitw were Sunday afternoon by Roswell Miller, liner Caledonia, pleased with the success she Is dent of the B. P. W. Miss Will-la- getting ready for the annual vis ctnn 1st nn nnfsnnken nnnonent of N. of the of the R. O. T C. and ExAyn is a with permanents from this gave the main address of the ltation of the patron saint of the t,, visitors at the home of Mr. and having late iron master. member of the University band. kiddies. machine. Mrs. W. H. Howell. evening. In one of the best games ever played in the Juab high school gym, the J. H. S. courtiers of Nephi put up a thrilling 13 point rally in the final qauarter to defeat the Wolves of Salina, 27 to 23, here Wednesday pre-seas- 20-1- Z"' ,f )v v- - Le-va- n; 10 10 16 Nephite Receives Higher Position ills Auxiliary FIRST AID COUItS Committees BE T 10 10 Appointed 11015 MEET Scout Officials Adopt Objectives ' Da-okt- - - . (HI FIVE GROUP ASSEMBLE on 15 EM PLAY 10 BESTUH ss er boy-frie- nd Man-warin- piipllliil w far-aw- ay 'SlLv if .r r- tit ; se Bos-wel- son-in-la- l's |