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Show THE PAGE EIGHT UN'S isiu; NOVO! I'll It S IVt oz bottle 14 flub 1 MISCK 2 ZjC tan lb Mi: AT IQg pounds Q- IjfC LL'X SOAP bars 3 9 1 large pkg. fiisquick and IMug tor ... ISLLP POT ROAST per pound Cherry Chocolates I pound POP CORN Black Beauty, 3 33c 13c 25c 11 ROLLED OATS pounds 3 STRING BEANS cans 3 no. 2 25c 19C 25c i.iilih Mrs. Alice P. McCune was called to Salt Lake City on Tuesday on account of the Illness ( her daughter, Mrs.- - Delia Steed. ll. VI Bad Weather? POHila ,, SI (.Alt fir JW OXVUOL - IjC pound carton 1 LOOSE MINCE- MEAT, 2 lbs ftr large package KAISINS SEEDLESS 15 oz Erma Lomax was in Salt Lake City Monday and Tuesday attendconing the annual Beauticiansat the vention which was held Hotel Utah. While there, she took stylpersonal Instructions In hair faming from Mr. Burton Sklles, ous Hollywood Hair stylist, who was the guest artist at the convention. ar rs JEWEL SHORTEN- ISCm, I pound p'.g ... tj . en The following Nephl peolpe attended the district P. T. A. meeting held in Provo recently: Supt. and Mrs. R. F. Nilsson, Elmo Hansen, Mrs. P. B. Cowan. Mrs. Ruby Care ter, Mrs. Emma Brough, Mrs. Mat-tiBelliston, Mrs. John C. Hall, and Mrs. Vera Howell. A musical number was given by Miss Reva Vickers and Dorothy Brough, accompanied by Mrs. Lola Jensen. P. S. COFFEE pound can TOLET SOAP 5 var. ietlen 3 bars e, J. A. Chrlstenson. daughter Mer-linson Oscar, Mrs. Julia Ras-mutnd two childern and Mrs. Eva Hoyt spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles in Salt Lake City. CLASSIFIED mi O. 1 D" package RAISINS SEEDED 15 oz package Kl' Pr - per pound I tah valley PUMPKIN ft XUC large can Millcr'u Queen O SwVets -HONEY '1 faculty. making the score Fate was kind to the juniors, however, and with final seconds waning. Alma Garrett, praying un- der the basket, watched his shot bound vrazily off the backboard.', circle on the rim of the hoop, and. iinauy drop tnrougn. Wait, the game isn't through. Paul Walker has been fouled. Well. better luck next time, faculty 22-2- 3, "Traffic law Is a law of common sense and a law of common sense is a law of courtesy" said Mr. Brown In a talk to the Juab high school student Body Monday. Mr. Brown, who is president of the Safety league of Salt Lake City and secretary and treasurer of the Utah Safety League, gave many interesting illustrations showing the correct and Incorrect methods of driving a car. Following his talk, a picture show was given on accident prevention. Mr. Brown stated that in the United States aolne. 36.500 people were killed in automobile accid ents this year. In 1933, 34,000 people were killed Sixty three peri cent of all accidents happen after dark. Trie picture and lecture were sponsored .by the Aetna Life Insurance Co. , The seniors ate a heady bunch! After struggling for a quarter or so to ktep up with the faculty, they called time out, settled down with soma strategy, and that meant doom for he faculty, who are very apt with the muscles, but who looked rather clumsy against a little basket ball technique. Pav. Park and Davis kent the hoop warm for the seniors, and Facer scored consistently for the teachers. The final score was seniors. Snoop 31-1- 6, SNOW A special assembly was held on Tuesday, ovember 5 and was given by the girl club with Miss Garrett in charge. The program was as Stewfollows: Prayer Magdelene art; vocal solo Bernice Garrett; speaker; Mrs. Paul Booth; vocal duet, Alice Belliston and Afton Ellison; piano solo, Ora Taylor. Reporter, Jane Lunt. Miss as Mrs. garoos'" play is number COLLEGE Afton Garrett will appear Whitehouse in "The Kanon November 14. The the play production class of the autumn term. Donna Belliston is this week being initiated into the Sigma" Delta Chi club, official dramatic orgn-izatiof the school. Last Thursday night the Juniors downed the faculty in a hard Woman's Shoes, Size 22 fought basket ball game, The museum in Jefferson City, The junior boys took an early lead of two or three points, and Mo., houses a unique exhibit !n a managed to hold the margin until pair of women's shoes, size 22. They in the final canto, when Mr. Wal- belonged to a woman who was 8 ker slipped through for a basket, teet 4 Inches tall 24-2- 3. 1935 Red Cross Poster Invites Your Membership Let the telephone run your errands Iks?' J ? Cars that are not lubricated regularly and propevly have costly repair bills repair bills that are entirely unnecessary. - -- pik I 1 1 w 'h - , , ski: liicvru- ox display i. our window More than 187,000 certificates showing completion of first aid courses were issued last year by the 0 Red Cross. This shows a gain of certificates over the previous BRIGHAM YOUNG AND year. Approximately 64,200 boyi in THE WEST O.C.C. camps throughout the country passed first aid tests. Since the Red Cross first entered the field of first VISIONS OP BROAD EMPIRE aid teaching, being one of the first The pia'.nesi ol a man. it has organizations In the world to do so, alhv t one million persons have be.'n ij.S, may be measured by been trained In handling emergency the raJius of the circle that circumscribes his vision. Judged by treatment. this standard, Brgham Young was magnificently great, both in spiritual outlook and practical statesmanship. He visualized his people CTRANrF and the church to which they beas recipients of all truth, CULT IS REVEAL iD longed, from whatever source it be ChrisiTir-Tw- r. U1 l U V IV I 11VJ.J tian or Pagan. Hence ministers from other denominations were offered the hand of fellowship in Drutalily Charges Are Filed this newly founded community in the valleys of the mountains. The Against Members of church was considered the recKails." of "Order eptive agency and the custodian of that truth and culture which fill the whole, would eventually Victoria. 15. C Three young Vancouver Island men, members of a earth. In the meantime, the historic strange 'United Order of Nails," utare awaiting trhil here on a charga statinent, "This is the Place", valtered upon entering Salt Lake of assault on two youths during a ley, was pregnant with meaning. brutp.l "initiation ceremony" In committees Almost Immediately, deserted barn. were sent out in different directThe three cult members, Roland ions to see if they could find a P.urrltt. Rupert A. (!. Walker and better place for the center for Donald Wood, are free on $1,000 Mormon colonization and expanbail pending a hearing In the As sion. They all came back with the Place" sl.e court, probably some time In conviction that "This is the was wise and phophetic. The jourOctober. of Norton Jacob reports that It was a weird stony that the vic- nal one brother Nance was dissatisfied MWilliam l.indstrom and tims, and wished to go elsewhere, but ichael Share, told of their treatment aside from the one vote, it was by the cult, whose practices appear unanimous in its approval. to resemble rituals staged by barOn the 9th of August, a com- , barians. Hired as Musicians. IJndstrom and Share, who are musicians, said they had been engaged to provide music at an event described as "A Midsummer Night's Dream and Masquerade Dance.' When they reached the place specified, a barn In the Saanich district, they said they were told that If they wanted the job they would have to submit to an initiation ritual and In addition would have to pay $6.50 as membership fee In the cult. However, they were not permitted to decline. They were told that the whole proceeding must be kept confidential. The cult, the leaders said, was a secret order and all its negotiations and actions must remain secret I there were violations of this code they would be punished severely. l.indstrom and Share, according to the story they, told police, agreed to Join the cult, little suspecting the nature of the initiation. They said they were seized and tied with ropes and strung up to rafters in the barn, part of the time suspended by their feet Alum and salt were stuffed into their mouths and the; were then given vile tasting liquid to drink. Once LIndstrom'a head was forced Into a bucket of water and held there until he gasped .for breath. The letters "U. O. M." were branded on their bodies In letters , nearly three Inches high with hot Irons. Torture Gaiters Worn. Then they were compelled to put on gaiters in which tacks had been driven so that their legs were gashed when they walked. They were pushed In their bare feet across a floor littered with tacks. Finally, they were gagged, dressed In old clothes and thrown Into a lake, from which they extricated themselves with difficulty. Instead of keeping the secret, Lindstrotn and Share notified police. With "officers, they returned to the barn next day and found Burritt and Walker supposedly ready to Initiate another victim, Archie Burritt, Walker and Wood, the last described by the prosecution as more of a novitiate than a principal, were arrested charged with assault and unlawful m mn.. nnii.. pwimi jiw wounding. 1U1UK. nv T.,.n mttee the that had been exploring region around Ogden reported-thone Miles Goodyear had at a farm and ranch th?re upon which he was raising various grains and Corn was already (August 9). However, despite various favorable e ports of Cache Valley and other parts, Salt Lake valley remained the center of the Mormon Empire and the mother of either wideboth north spread ' colonization and south and east and west. In all these movements, Brigham Young, who, by common consent and approval of the Saints at Winter Quarters. December 24, 1847, became President Brigham Young.showed his practical statesmanship in meeting the trying and Intricate problems of home making in the undeveloped wilderness. The valleys of the mountains prophetically called, were rapidly filled with homes and thriving vill lages from Cache valley on the North to St. George on the South. Moreover! the prescient eye of President Young envisioned an empire that extended its bounds Into what are now the States of Colorado, Wyoming. Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and California. Wherever settlements wer made, the admirable church organization furnished the basis for both religious and civic disciplne and orderly government. One distinctly new Anglo-Saxo- n frontier activity was Introduced, that of irrigation. More of this projected empire and the detailed activities projected therein will be given in a concluding article which will appear next week. vegetables. in the tassel r-- . BE THE BIGGEST - ' x Sill! jj; n ' i - tmetlMmm Mrs Something Urausual i ? " ' - " ye'- t I itm SERVICE " y egular lubrication of your car prevents squeaks, rattles and the abnormal wearing of the moving parts. MAPLE Number t?iven for every $2.00 paid on account. every $1.00 Cash Purchase; Read page 5 of next week's issue of The Times-New- s SPARE THE GREASE AND SPOIL THE CAR SILVER 1 Given, for YEARS WILL GREET YOU 1 im . XumU-- r FURNITURE EVENT IN You can have one for few cents a day. Regular visits to our Lubrication Department will save you m( ney and increase your driving comfort. 1 66,-00- Surety of Turily" J. H. S. NEWS Christmas Eve NEPHI MERC. CO. q O.P.SKAGCS "A To Be Given Away By Red Cross I7 gallon BICYC First Aid Treatment Taught Thousands D YAMS, best quality Plans asThe Nephi Parent-Teachesociation are sponsoring the following program on Thurday evening, November 14th, at 7:30 P. M. in the high school auditorium: Community singing and selections from the high school band, under the direction of Frank Wanlass; invocation C. W. Johnson; talk, Supt. R. F. Nilsson; musical selections, Carmenia Chorus: reading. Olive Edmunds; tap dance. Clyde Christensen; vocal solo, Gertrude Gourley; talk, Elmer Facer; musical selections, Male chorus; benediction. A. E. Sells. A social will be held in the gymnasium immediately afterward. All are Invited. Each of the nine year that O. P. Stags System Store in exlslame has seen improvement in our store. Each month bring new customers. Without boating (too much) we nay, "Why houiUi't the number increase, our store are the best." Mis. George Miller of Sclpio was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Memmott on Friday and Saturday. .1 extra-curricul- Announce Program have been Mr. and Mrs. Elmont Carter announce the arrival of a son, born on November 5. Thursday, November 7, 1935 Nephi P. T. A. Official! Smart Shoppers Wilford Belliston left on Tuesday morning for Ogden, to attend the Bee Keepers convention. A large group of little friends of Arnold Isaacson were entertained at a party In Is honor wiven We Buy Beef, Pork. Veal on October 31, by his mother. Lamb and Fees Games were played by and rein iju 'hhii mry freshments were served to: Ronald n 111 1 BHtf ijHHiii r, Beck. Hal Memmott, Glen Burton, John Golden, Billy Hoyt, Jack Car ter, Patsy Carter, Jimmy crane, ie Enrollment Records Are Barnes, Charles Crapo, Elaine Broken at Brigham Young U ere Hawkins, Joyce Carter, Norman Shaw. Robert Gadd, Norma Lee. Carter Smashing all previous records for Margaret Golden and Jean fall quarter enrolment, 2075 stud- helped in the serving. ents from 27 states and three foreign countries are registered at the Brigham Young University this term according to figures released this week by John E. Hays, registrar. Many students from the 350 communities have organized Into Carrots, Phone 297J FOR SALE clubs, the purposes of which are to foster fellowship and ponsor currlcular and activities among students of Apartment for rent, furnished. See the various towns, counties and Manager of Forrest Hotel Annex. states. Twenty-fou- r Juab county stuChoice Delicious SALE dents from five towns are now reg- FOR $1.00 bushel; Sweet delicpples, istered at the "Y". They are: 35 galon. Stephen Bos-weLeo Anderson, Monte ious cider, Nephi Bailey, Catherine Bowles, Pern and Faye roadhead, Blanche Broadhead, Eunice Brough, Dorothy Brough, Banner year ahead. Brood early. Jack Cowan, EIRay Fehr, Marjorie and Feb. Chicks now. Foote, Marjorie Gadd, Muarice Gar- Order Jan. will pay entire cost. cockerels rett, Lola Jensen, Maire Kendall, Early Don Taylor, Reva Vickers; Mona Free circulars on brooding chicks Emery Ellertson, Newell Clark; Eu- and turkeys distributed by Melvln reka, Phyllis Marie Pant, Adele B. for Poehlmann HatTowers; Mammoth, Faral Hassell; Read, agent California. 3tip chery, Levan, Juul Dalby. H NEPHI, UTAH , 21 Local News ALLEN'S Cash Store TIMES-NEWS- M ; ' t " , 1 x ' c " - - - J ' ',; Greatest Mother r " j, ; i Prepare yourself For a Profitable Event For You arid yours "" VIS AMERICAN LEGION Annual C aram 'l'lllll " mite rm ' ARLI NGTON Mon. Nov. ii |