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Show THE TACE FOUR . NEPHI, Thursiay, November UTAH Levari News Local and Social and Bread Take Stage! Cheese TIMES-NT.WS- Mr. unci Mrs. ClfO Malmgren are Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton rejoicing ovtr ttie arrival of a baby spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City. The 30. October on girl, bora mother was formerly Miss Faye Fred Chapman was a business Pierce. visitor In Salt Lake City on Mrs. Delia Lundsteen returned 10 after spending her home Tuesday the week end In Salt Lake City at Howard Belliston was In Ephralm In law and on Ftiday. attending the Founders' gon the home of her Mrs. and Lloyd daughter. Mr. Day program at Snow College. BARGAINS IN BOOKS STANDARD -n " i r - I - - t ' L ' V: : " : S PV'- v; - " " ' V: .. ": Funeral services were held on ward Sunday afternoon In the Vance meeting house for Fred away last Mangelson, v.ho Wednesday In Twin Falls, Idaho, two following a car accident about month ago. Mr. Mangelson was born Marcn 3, 1888. at Levan. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mangeleson. He was married to Emily Christensen of J iU ' r' I ? - '- - ; 4 I- Blphraim and they lived at Levan and at Nephi and then moved to Filer. Idaho 16 years aero. Later where they moved to Twin Falls they have since lived. The deceased Is survived by his widow, Emily Mangelson; his mother. Eliza Mangelson of Levan and the following children: Mrs. Venice; Carpenter, Ole Elum, Washington, Mrs. Maxine Brown. Roslyn. n Betty and Bobby Mangel-soof Twin Falls Idaho. The funeral was under the dir ection of Bishop E. P. Peterson and the opening prayer was given of Nephi. by J. M. Christensen The benediction was given by Nils Lundsteen and the speaKers were President A. H. Belliston of Nephi;p H. R. Francom. Herman O. Wash-lnKto- f ' ' - ' - K ' ' CIIEKSE STRATA PUDDING snld Marie ofTers the highest food values at lowest 12 alices day-ol- d "Let 'em rat cake!" brad 4 tuns Bemarkt-ttoday. But that was before he cost available on most milk Antoinette. H lb. Sharp American 2'4 eup highly conceIt Is the Salt, pepper Cheeme knew what cnulil be done with broad cause cheese of ntrated form lown, protein venerable most two the nnd choose, those Arrangre six slices of bread Inthem is admirable for the n.aLn dish of bottom dish, ntting a baking staples of mankind. Comblued with its in so of meals. Is surface entire many Nathe of that in recopnttlon This year, dietetic twin, bread, cheese covered. Spread the bread with the perfect 10 to November Week Cheese cover tional cheese (or cut It in slices and makes a whole meal. 16 the Cheese pudding bus been to the bread with It.) Cover with reThe cheese pudding Is simple maining nix slices of bread. Beat the proclaimed otiiclal dish. As the main Added econom.cal. in make and most eggs, add milk and seasonings, and dish of the meal, Cheese Pudding It Is that fact the virtues these pour over the bread and cheese. Let one of its many forms offers a rare to in a moderate an hour. Bake guaranteed to stand licking" good, treat to substantial appetites. And Is about 40 minutes, or until the tasics of the most parti- oven. 3fiO; whnt a treat for budgeting cheese please browned. uo and .putted cular family. Pound for pound 1935. November, Claimant names as witnesses: LeA. G. Irons, John R. Sperry. Roy T. Ostler and .Will L Hoyt, all of Nephi. Utah. THOMAS P. THOMAS, LEGALS Register. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP First publication, Oct. 24, 1935 clerk Nov. 21, 1935 NOTIES Consult the county Last Publication, or respective signers for further information. SW cor of SEVi or Sec 31, T 12 S R 1 E, S. L. M.. th ft to middle running E 1430.5 of TJdall ditch; N 34 deg 07 min W 46.9 ft; E 818 ft; N 887 ft; W 1089 ft to middle of Udell E of Ditch 497.3 th S ft; ofW ft to pi 17 d?g 1291.3 beg and acres of land. Cont. In all 50.271 49 min ft; S 453.8 ont. acres 33.511 tog. n; Chris-Bisho- Peterson. Musical selections included: Quartet," "Going Home", Alice rvo Delia Banies. LeRoy White Nehead- and Clarence Warner or nhivocal solo, "Not unaersioou , vocal Mrs. LeLynn Farnsworth; e duct "Sometime, somewnere Christensen. Reva and Taylor mixed quartet furnished two Th numbers.. "There's a Beautiful City" and "He Will Forgive You Now". ' vi-iv- deceased. October 24, November Sunday guests at the NOW 25c home Mrs. Roy T. Cowan. of Jack and Tom Cowan, who are attending the Brigham Young University at Provo, spent the week end at the home of their mother, Mrs. T, Roy "QUEST OF THE SPIDER-"TH- E MAN OF BRONZE-"TH- E Cowan. were City end at the Schofield. guests over the weekhome of Mr. J. W. By Kenneth Robeson "THE SHADOW LAUGHS Miss Itha Parkes visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Conover In Salt Lake Mrs. Herbert Hall and Mrs. Jones and son Bobbie of Mr. of "THE LIVING SHADOW City. ron spent and "EYES OF THE SHADOW" ByMin-ersvll- le, Sunday at the home Mrs. LeRoy ' By Maxwell Grant NEPHI DRUG CO. Mr. and Mr. C. S. Christens" n Mt. Pleasant were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rodger Lunt Mr. Christensen is the grandfather of Mrs. Lunt of Prof, and Mr. C. J. Hawkins and son Wayne and Miss Ina Hawkins of Salt Lake City were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brough Mr. and Mrs Walter K. Smith announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret, to Theadore Heckle or Los Angeles, California The marriage took place on November 1. at Salt Lake City. Twelve friends and neighbors of Jennie Beck met at her home on Thursday of last week, and spent a delightful afternoon in Delicious refreshsocial chat. Mrs. TERROR' LAND" OF Lawrence Blackett and daughter Marion and son Orson of Salt Lake ments were served. D. M. Miller returned to on Friday, after several She months visit in California. visited at the homes of her two The annaul road show, sponsored sons and daughter in Los Angeles, will be by the Mutuals of the stake, Long Beach, and Poomna. held Saturday night in the Levan ward amusement hall at 7:30 P. M. Mrs. Thomas Vlckers returned home on Friday last arter visiting L. S. Jackman was reelected as in Salt) Lake City and Spanish president of the Levan town board Fork with relatives and friends. Jay On Wednesday, she left for Long Christensen, Marion with Stephensen, Gilbert Shepherd and Beach, California, where she will Owen Francom as trustees. spent the winter. Mrs. Vickers was accompanied' by her sifter, Mrs. J. W. Price of Driggs, Idaho. 1935. THE DISTRICT COURT OF wltrr any and all bldgs. Imps, & appurts. thereunto belg. THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOTICE TO CREDITORS H. K. MELLOR FOR THE COUNTY OF Tog. with 12 shares or water Estate of Paul O. Hanson de- IN AND Juab County, Utah CO. NEPHI Sheriff, IRRIG. the In UTAH OF STATE JUAB right ceased. Creditors will present claims ana all other any UTAH. with tog. OF STATE R. E. Winn Deputy with vouchers to the undersigned water & ditch rights of every Date of firstBy publication Plaintiff October at 1122 Continental Nat'l Bank upon or belg 24, 1935 vs natr, how ev. used Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on ISAAC H. GRACE, sometimes to the above desc. premises. Date of last publication, November or before the 24th day of Decemknown as I. H. Grace, a widower DATED this 24th day of October 14 1935. ber A. D. 1935. BESSIE BELL. Administratrix P.nd H. V. Hoyt, Defendants of the estate of Paul O. Hanson NOTICE OF SALE IN Mr. and Mrs. Stellman Cowan and daughter of Salt Lake City were FICTION Formerly told at 75c and family Mrs. Leslie Taylor, formerly Miss Francis Benedict, of MO. View, came here on Monday Wyoming, to visit wiih Ii"r mother, Mrs. Helen Ben-die- t. Mrs. J. H. Enulfield returned to her home Saturday following a two weeks vitit In Delta with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sperry and family. Joseph Miller of Caldwell. Idaho is here Visiting with his brother-in-laHans Anderson. 1935 7, Mrs. Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Leland Belliston were in Santaquin on Saturday evening, attending the wedding reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Nelson was Clyde Nelson. formerly Miss Elaine Openshaw of BANKS PLAN ADVERTISING Substantial funds have been set the reserves of the American Bankers Association to finance the development by its Advertising Department of a service of informative newspaper advertisements Betting forth in brief, popular language the methods and policies under which banks operate, their effective practices for protecting their depositors' funds, the services they render and tne various ways in which they cc operate with business in their own communities in fostering sound recovery and progress. Some 350 banks are now using this material and it is available at a moderate price fov all of the members in the association who care to use it in bringing about better public understanding in their own communities regarding banking and its services. It has materially stimulated the use of newspaper advertising among banks. i Many favorable comments have been expressed regarding the informative and constructive character of its messages. It is issued io two sizes; the larger size ia 3 columns wide by 10 inches deep, but In some instances subscribing banks have expanded this to occupy full pages in their local papers in order to obtain a more emphatic effect. Four pieces of advertising copy are supplied each month in this service aside from The officers and teachers of the South Ward Primary were entertained on Monday Evening at the nomeor their President Gefnevieve Belliston. After the regular preparation meeting, a social followed, and refreshments were served to th following: Mrs. Pearl Jen kins, Mrs. Louise Pyper, Mrs. Liz zie Black, Mrs. Edith Powell, Miss Marion Chrisste risen, Miss Geneva Miss Elva Shaw. Worthington, Miss Marie Brough, Mrs. Beatrice Winn, Mrs. Letha TidwelL Miss labell Bodell, Mrrs. LaVern Worthington, Mrs. Lucille Korgan, Mrs. Lula Memmott, Mrs. Irene Broad-hea- d, Mrs. Lucille Warner, Mrs. Amy Warner, and. the hostess, Mrs. Belliston. IT'S BETTER AND BETTER FOR YOU AND YOUR TRY CHILDREN OUR RICH MILK! A phone call will secure delivery to your door. Meodowbrook Dairy Santaquin. No. 2526 14. TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFF'S SALE op the 16th day of November A. D. 1935, at 12 o'clock noon FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LANDD OFFICE at Salt Lake City. Utah, Oct. 17, NOTICE said day at the front of door of the Juab County Court House, in Nephi, Utah the following describ ed property situated in said coun 1935. ty ta wit: NOTICE is hereby given that Beg. at a point 24.42 rds N of the SW cor of SEV of Sec. Rose E. Hovt of Nephi, Utah, who, 31, T 12 S R 1 E, S. L. M. on March 23, 1928, made homestead N 26.8 rds; E entry No. 046935 for Lot 4, Sec. 4, & running toth center of Udall 1430.5 ft NViSE14 Lots 1, 2, S'.iNEVi, 7 min, foof said Udall Ditch to a point due E of pi of beg, th W 101 rds more or less to pi of beg. con't 16.76 34 deg. ditch; Scenter Sec. 5 Twp. 13 South S14NW14 Range 2 West. Salt Lake Meridian,to has filed notice of intention make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described before the Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah on the 26th day of llowing acres. Beg. at a point 845.2 ft N C4 '-f- or If the people who use our cars every day are not praising them, it matters little what we may say. The last word must be spoken by the car itself." PKOU AN ADVERTISEMENT fekMSL. AGAIN, A NEW AND 1. 2. 8. Drain, refill Differential 9. Supply Pap 88 Gasoline 10. Install new. cai Atla 5. Drain, refill Crankcase . 6. Flush, refill Transmission 11. Flush out the Radiator Inspect the Fan Belt 3. Tighten Hose Connections 4. Changs the Oil Filter 7. Test the Battery All these Hems nomical 8 Test and gauge Spark Plugs Ask for free copy i far safev ecoDrive ia today. UTAH OIL REFINING CO. SERVICE Hundred of Service Station cund Dealer in Utah and Idaho Distributors oi Atlas Tires, Batteries and Slanolind Products g; accessory group including "Bunting Hints" PEP88J V-8'- 510 12. Give scientific Grease lob motoring. in America alone, are now than two million Ford s, hands of drivers. These owners have heard, from the car itself, a clear story of motoring value and pleasure that far outstrips all previous achievements in low priced cars. Now, the 1936 Ford V-- 8 speaks for itself . . . new beauty of line; new, brighter colors; easier steering and super- safety brakes. We urge you to get this car's story from the driver's seat to know at first hand its, V-- 8 performance its luxury-ca- r comfort and roominess. Let the last word about the 1936 Ford V-- 8 "be spoken by the car itself." AND UP.P. O. B, DETROIT Make arrangements today through: Standard gear-shiftin- Tires are important FORD IN JULY, 193 J-- MORE MORE BEAUTIFUL FORD V-- et our Service JMen DO THESE 12 THINGS NOW SIGNED BY HENRY YOUR FORD DEALER ON THE AIR FORD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, SUNDAY EVE. 7 to 8 M. S. T. FRED WARING AND HIS PENNSYLVANIANS, JACKSON MOTOR CO. bumpers and spari tire extra. Easy ' terms through Universal Credit C TTJES. Eve. 7':30 to 8:30 M. S. T. CBS |