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Show THE Thursday. November 7, 1933 The Man Who Knows TIMES-NEW- S. NEPIII. UTAH PAGE THREW When a Vice President Die- s- Whether the Remedy You are taking for Headaches, Neuralgia or Rheumatism Pains is SAFE is Your Doctor. Ask Him Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's to Unknown Preparations take any BEFORE you don't know all about, for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he in comparison thinks about it with Genuine Bayer Aspirin. We say this because, before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin, most "pain" remedies were advised against by physicians as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery of Bayer Aspirin largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of people who have taken Bayer Aspirin year in and out without ill effect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Hemcmber this: Genuine Bayer Aspirin is rated antong the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains and safe for the average person, to take regularly. You can get real Bayer Aspirin at simply by never any drug store asking for it by the name "aspirin" but alone, always saying BAYER ASPIRIN when you buy. ... Bayer Aspirin First and Foremost What Is the quality most mlsslni in character? Self-respec- JL 'iJSl OAy Su J - ,tVnnn S' M -- 1 Homeof Henrq Wilson, the "Cobbler vice Presidenf'inNatick, Mass. By ELMO SCOTT WATSON. ITHOUGH November 25, 1SS5. probably has little si),'ulUcance to the average American, In mility It was an Important date in our history. On that day just 50 years ago Thomas Andrews Hendricks, vice president of the United States, died at his home Id Indianapolis, Ind. Now, of course, It tins become a standard Joke that the vice president, so far as his authority and powers are concerned. Is a most unofficial In our important national government Hendricks was probably an abler man than the majority of his predecessors had been, yet the same obscurity, which had engulfed the others when they were elected, had been bis lot when he went to Washington He as vice president with Grover Cleveland. bad been In public life for 40 years, beginning with his election to the Indiana legislature In 1845. In 1850 and again two years later he was elected to congress. Defeated for the governorship of Indiana in I860, he was elected to the United States senate In 1SC3 and served there until 1SG9. In the Democratic convention of 1SG8 he ran second to General Hancock In the balloting for President, but both lost out to Horatio Seymour. Again a candidate for governor of Indiana In the same year, Hendricks was deand feated, but In lf72 he staged a come-bacwas elected. In the 1S76 Democratic convention he was again a strong contender for the Presidency, but when Samuel J. Tllden was nominated Instead, Hendricks received 730 out of the 738 votes cast for vice president The Democrats were defeated that year, but eight years later they won and Hendricks became vice president He died eight months after Inauguration, but his death while occupying that office was not unique, for "four previous vice presidents had died before finishing out their terms. Why, then, was his passing a significant event? The answer to that question lies In the result of his death and an event which followed soon afterwards. The Constitution of the United States provides that "In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death, resignation or Inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice president ; and the congress may, by law, provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or Inability both of the President and vice president declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly until the disability be removed or a President shall be elected." Up to the time of Hendricks' death, however, the congress had not seen fit to pass a law providing for the case of removal, death, resignation or Inability both of the President and vice president and this despite the fact that four vice presidents had already died while in office and one had resigned. If at any of these times when the office of vice president was vacant, the President then In the White House had died, resigned or been unable to discharge the duties or powers of his office the nation would have been without a Chief Executive. Of course, the congress could have passed a law providing for his successor provided it was In session. But what If It had adjourned? Since the President alone has the power "on extraordinary occasions to convene both houses or either house," who could have called the congress together to choose the new Chief Executive? Although the need for providing for such con tingencies had been apparent for nearly 75 years. nothing was done about It until Vice President Hendricks died in 1885. Then the congress acted to avert the potential, dangers which might result from the loss of both the President and vice On January 19, 1886, It passed a president law providing for a Presidential succession In case the vice president could not serve. Under Its terms the secretary of state would become President In case he, too, would be unable to serve, the next In line would be the secretary of the treasury and so on down the cabinet secre postmaster-genera- l tary of war, attorney-general- , secretary of the navy, secretary of the Interior, secretary of agriculture, secretary of commerce and secretary of labor. Under the provisions of the Twentieth amend ment to the Constitution (the "lame duck amend ment" adopted February 6, 1933), still further safeguards In the matter of Presidential succes sion were added to the law of the land. In case should die within the time the President-elec- t of bis election and his Inauguration, the vice hlch-rankin- g John C Calhoun John Tyler land with men chosen more for political expediency than for ability. An even stronger man ifestation of that custom was shown In the next campaign when William Henry Harrison, the Whig candidate, defeated Van Buren, the Demo '"lif k Now Science Explains Why So Many People Past 40 Feel That They're Slipping LosingTheir"Grip" o n Tilings Many people 'round 40 think they're 'crowing old." They feel tired a lot . . . "weak." Have headaches, dizzi ness, stomacn upsets. Well, scientists say the cause of all thi3, in a great many cases, is simply an acta conauwn ot tue stomacn. Nothing more. All you have to do is to neutralize toe excess stomach acidity. When you have one of these acid stomach upsets, take Phillips' Milk of Magnesia after meals and before .going to bed. 1 nat s alii Try this. Soon you'll feel like another person I Take either the familiar hauid "PHILLIPS' " or the convenient new Phillips'- Milk of Magnesia Tablets. ALSO IS TABLET FORM l Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at all drug stores everywhere. Each tiny tab let 15 ii w equivalent, ui teaspoonfut of Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Phillips AfilA. cfAfcuj Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood YOUR kidneys arc constantly matter from the, blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work do not act as nature intendedfail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may surfer nagging backache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, puf Finess under the eyes; feel nervous, miserable all upset Don't delay? Use Doan't Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly functioning kidneys. They are recommended by grateful users the country over. Get them from any druggist. Briefly told for president-elec- t would become President Considering the Importance of the office which the vice president may be called upon to fill, it Is a curious anomaly of our government that bis position Is so lightly regarded and that so little care Is usually taken In filling that position with an outstanding man. In the early days of the republic, wjien the two men receiving the high est electoral vote were chosen President and vice president, respectively, there was little room for complaint about the caliber of the men who served as vice president It was taken as matter of course that the vice president would become the new President when the Chief Execu tlve under whom he served had filled his allotted time in the White House. Thus Vice President John Adams succeeded President George Wash' William R. Kmq ' Ington and Vice President Thomas Jefferson suc ceeded President John Adams. But the break from this tradition came when Aaron Burr was vice president under Jefferson. Burr served one term, then became involved in the scheme which led to his trial for treason and, as a result, George Clinton was chosen vice presi dent when Jefferson was elected for his second term. Again precedent was Ignored, for Instead of Clinton succeeding Jefferson as president, that honor went to Jefferson's secretary of state, James Madison. Clinton, however, was ed vice president but died In 1812 after serving only three years of bis term. During the last year of Madison's first term as President the United States had no vice president When Madison was Elbridge Gerry became vice president. He also died in office after serving only a little over a year and the United States was again without a vice presi dent this time for nearly three years. So James Madison was the only President in our history during whose administrations two vice presi dents died In office. The next vice president was Daniel D. Tomp kins who served both terms under Monroe, but when Monroe retired, Tompkins did not become his heir to the high office. Again It went to a secretary of state, John Qulncy Adams. Adams' vice president was John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, who was again chosen for the office when Andrew Jackson became Chief Executive. Thus the South Carolinian had the honor of oc cupying that office under two Presidents of oppo- site political faith. But Calhoun did not serve out his term under Jackson. He quarreled with "Old Hickory" and In 1832 the vice presidency was again vacant, this time because of a resignation, the first and only one thus far In our history, Instead of a death. When Jackson was President, Martin Van Buren, his former secretary of state, became vice president and after Jackson retired from the White House Van Buren succeeded him. Up to this time the vice presidency bad been filled with men of unquestioned ability. "But In 1836 there was a sudden lowering of the standard for vice president" ay historian. Richard M. Johnson, who was chosen by the Demo crats to run with Van Buren, lived In a border state, Kentucky, where Van Buren was not strong. Otherwise be was merely a second-ratpolitician whose principal claim to fame was that he bad killed the great Indian chief, during the Battle of the Thames In lSia It helped elect him, even though It was a spuri ous claim. More authentic Is bis distinction of being the only vice president who has ever been elected by the United States senate. The Twelfth amendment to the Constitution provides tnat a candidate must receive a majority of the whole number of electoral votes to be chosen vice president If no candidate receives such a majority, the senate miist then choose a vice president from the two candidates wbo have received the largest number of votes. In the election of 1836 electoral votes were cast for the candidates for vice president as follows Richard M. Johnson, 147; Francis Granger, 77; John Tyler, 47, and William Smith, 23. The total number of votes cast for Granger, Tyler and Smith was 147, the same number as Johnson's, and no candidate had a majority of the whole number of votes cast Therefore the election fell to the senate, which chose Johnson. His election marked the beginning of the cus tom of filling the second highest office lu the e Harrison's running mate crat, for was John Tyler, who was not even a Whig but a Virginia Democrat. Just a month after Harrison's Inauguration, "Old Tippecanoe" died and John Tyler became the first vice president to win the Presidency through the death of his predecessor. The Constitution had left undetermined the question whether a vice president, upon the death of the President, should become President In fact or should merely discharge the duties of the office until the congress should decide what to do next. For half a century after its adoption no one knew the answer to that question nor apparently even thought much about It When Tyler be-- f came President he settled the question to hi? own satisfaction, at least by acting on the assumption that he was President In fact Since no one challenged bis right to do so, he established the precedent followed ever since, that the vice president who succeeds to the highest office through the death of bis predecessor shall serve out the remainder of the term for which that predecessor was elected. Moreover, during Tyler's administration the country was without a vice president for the longest period In Its history three years and 11 months. In 1850, when President Zachary Taylor died after having been In office only a little more than a year, Vice President Millard Fillmore followed the precedent established by Tyler and served as President for the next three years. Again there was a vacancy in the office of vice president during the greater part of an administration. There was another vacancy during the next administration, that of Franklin A. Pierce, for six weeks after William R. King became vice president he was dead. Incidentally, King was the only vice president who ever took the oath of office outside the United States. Before his Inauguration his health began to fail and he went to Cuba to recuperate. When It became apparent that he would be unable to attend the Inauguration ceremonies In Washington, the congress on March 2, I FEEL ditional projects. BOISE, IDA. With a snow storm of a few days ago eamo the coldest temperature Boise has witnessed in October since 1919. At 9 a.m. it was 22 degrees. Sixteen years ago during the same month it was as low as 19 degrees. thousELY, NEV. Thirty-tw- o and pounds of cheese burned when a semi trailer, Sterling Diesel motor truck caught fire. It is believed a rock lodged between the rear dual tires caused friction that set the rubber on fire. The truck was valued at $19,000 and the cheese at $12,000, both being a total loss. BOISE, IDA. Through the the enactment of various state excise tax laws during the past few years, interest charges that totaled $429,491 on $11,675,000 in general fund tax anticipation rotes issued between 1925 and 1935, have been eliminated from the cost of Idaho government. BOISE, IDA. Boise city council took its first move a few days ago, upon recommendations of the city audit by giving the city full to "crack attorney authority down on all business houses ow to for the city ing money "past due" licenses. Figures in the city auait snow tnat anoroximatelv $t4,uuu is due the city for unpaid fees and licenses which had been carried for years without being collected. POCATELLO, IDA. Armed with traps, skis, snowshoes and firearms, an "army" of approxi mately bu lederal and coopera- Mothers read this: tive hunters will undertake this winter to afford protection to livestock and game from ravages of predatory animals. The objective of the "army" is to take 5000 predatory beasts, including coyote and bobcats, with a few cougars and wolves. BOISE, IDA J. H. Stemmer. director of highways, announced recently that $2,000,000 in hieh- Hway and grade crossing projects wiu De unaer way within the next six weeks in Idaho. TREMONTON, UT. Approval has been received from Washington, D. C, on a $9751.50 WPA project for the construction of thirteen blocks of curbing and gutter. It is estimated that it will take seven months of labor for the completion of this project. Approximately 250 men will receive relief employment. These men will all come from relief rolls of Tremonton and vicinity. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Seventy-one foreign born residents have been admitted to citizenship of the United States by a hearing' conducted by District Judge P. C. Evans. ELY. NEV. Livestockmen of White Pine county, southern Eureka and Lander counties, and northern Nye county, have voted ibi to n to lorm cooperative grazing district No. 4. The dis trict will include some 10,000,000 acres in th area. IDAHO FALLS. IDA. Ship ments of Idaho potatoes so far this year are approximately 3000 cars behind 'what they were for the same period of last season. Restricted trading and adverse weather have affected the potato deal this year. BLACKFOOT, IDA. Several Future Farmer chapters in eastern and southern Idaho are starting plans for feeding steers to exhibit at the junior fat stock show next April in San Fran G Westers Newipiper Union. 10, regional oEFce report. child Is so easily A CONSTIPATED straightened out, it's a pity more mothers don't Lnow the remedy. A liquid laxative ii the answer, mothers. The answer to all your worries over constipation. A liquid can be measured. The dose can be exactly suited to any age or need. Just reduce the dose each time, until the bowels are moving of their own accord and need no help. This treatment will succeed with any child and with any adult. Doctors use liquid laxatives. Hospitals use the liquid form. If it is best for their use, it is best for home use. And today, there are fully a million families that will have no other kind in the house. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is a doctor's prescription, now so widely known that you can get it all ready for use at any drugstore. passed an act authorizing William L. Sharkey, United States consul at Havana, to administer the oath of office "on the fourth day of March next or some subsequent date." King was accordingly sworn In by Sharkey on March 4 and he died on the following April 18 shortly after his return to his home In Alabama. In 1865, for the third time In history, the vice cisco. president became the occupant of the White OGDEN, UT. A new airport House through the death of a President, when Is being planned for this city. the assassination of Lincoln elevated Andrew SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Johnson, the Tennessee cobbler, to that position. Roller canaries, from west of the Seven years later another cobbler became vice Mississippi to the Pacific coast, president He was Henry Wilson, a native of will enter in competition in the New Hampshire, who was born Jeremiah Jones annual Salt Lake City Roller Canary club show, to be held NoColbaith, but had his name changed by the legis lature when he came of age. Wilson was the vember 29, 30, 31 and December 1, at the Newhouse hotel, ClayRepublican candidate for vice president when ton has anBerryman, president Grant was President In 1873. He died nounced. I lore than 150 entries in 1875 before completing his term. The next are expected to be received from vice president who died in office was Garret A. all sections of Utah and outlying Hobart, elected with William McKlnley in 1897. states. Winners in respective Hobart died In 1899 and another two years saw divisions will receive 23 cups and 48 ribbons. Show will be open to the death of McKlnley with the result that another vice president entered the White House. the public on November 30 and December 1. Song demonstraHis name was Theodore Roosevelt by champion canaries and In 1912 James Schoolcraft Sherman was vice tions a clinic for birds will be featurpresident under William Howard Taft. Sherman ed during the show. Mrs. Sadie was also a candidate for but on OcSaldberg will conduct the clinic. tober 30 he died, thus creating the only instance BOISE, IDA. Collections from In the history of the United States In which a which miscellaneous revenue, candidate for either of the two offices at the include all taxes except the ad showed an increase head of the national ticket had died on the eve of 1935 of during the first half of election. Sherman's death raised the question 113 per cent, cr sared with the of whether any attempt should be made to fill same period two years ago. the vacancy. Naming a new candidate would have been the ordinary procedure, but because BOISE, IDA. A decrease of 1515 cases was noted on IERA of the nearness of the election It was not pos rolls from September 26 to sible to do so in this case. October 10, the assistant adminTne tiepuoncan national committee hold a istrator has announced. The cases meeting In New York city and Chairman Hilles represent 7000 pefsons less reannounced that Sherman's death would not Inceiving relief from the IERA, validate the ballots because voting, legally, was Seasonal employment and removal to various other federal for electors In each state and not directly for apencies i the reason for the de President and vice president However, ttie comcrease. mittee selected Nicholas Murray Butler, presiOGDEN, UT. Although forest dent of Columbia university, to fill Sherman' fires in the intermountain region place on the ballot. But this was little more tlisn nre rare during October, a total an empty gesture, for the Democratic ticket, of 54 fires were reported during headed by Woodrow Wilson, swept the country, the ten-da- y period ended uctoD-e- r 1853, FINE Busy (traders GREAT CHEESE FIRE COLD RECORD MADE FEAR POTATO FREEZE INTEREST LOAD EASED BLACKFOOT, IDA. Lowered temperature in this vicinity, of 17 above, during the past few days caused serious damage to the. potato crop, an estimated 10 per cent of which still lay buried in the fields. Some potato men believed 60 per cent of the potatoes still unharvested would be lost. IDA EmployPOCATELLO, ment for 500 Pocatello persons during the past week is reported, following the allocation of $51.-00- 0 under the WPA for five ad- - Weil-Bein- g Intermountain News CHAPPED LIPS To Quickly relieve chapnind. rouhneit. cracking, apply Boollung.X cooling Mentholatunv. MEW Have yam 1rted the UQUID MEMTHOLATUM for head cold ? Ilk MemlhoUtum oinbneat it bring soothing comfort Itching toes Burning. soon relieved.and healing aided with safe. soothing- - Resinollfci Quick. Complete Pleasant ELIMINATION Left be frank. Tbere'f only one way for your body to rid itseli of the waste matters that cause acidity, gas, headaches, bloated feelings and a dozen other discomforts your intestines must function. To make them move quickly, pleasantly, completely, without griping. Thousands of physicians recommend Milnesia Wafers. (Dentists recommend Milnesia wafers as an efficient remedy ' for mouth acidity). wafer These mint flavored candy-lik- e are pure milk of magnesia. Each wafer is approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Cliewed thoroughly in accordance with the directions on the bottle or tin, then swallowed, they correct acidity, bad breath, flatulence, at their source and at the same time enable quick, complete, pleasant elimina r ion. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles ol 20 and 48 wafers, at 35a and 60c respectively, or in convenient tins containing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately an adult dose of milk of magnesia. All good drug stores carry them. Start using these delicious, effective wafers today. Professional samples sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request is made on professional letter head. SELECT PRODUCTS, Incorporated 440a 23rd St Lone Island City, N. V. I.BARN Proopectlngby Mall. Free Catalog. SCHOOL OF PROSPCCTINa, lue. 322 HnM Harw WM, STEPHENS HM SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY Our lobby Is delightfully air cooled daring the sammer months Radio tor Every Room A HOTEL Temple Square Pates $t.SOto$3.QO 4)Tha Hotel Templn Snaro ittM" highly deairablo, friendly find it inunw-ul- l, pliers. You will alrJ ooa niprmely comfortabJ. thoroughly agreeable. You ean therefor underatand why thia hotel lai HIGHLY RECOMMENDED also appreciate why i Yoa ot distinction to atop If s aatmark thie fceauiiful bomtalry en ERNEST C. ROSSITER. Mgr. |