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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- .Zz? THE FEATHERHEADS Sally Sez rw ! ! STAR DUST f ItTAvB VoU COAT Your hp FeliX-v- wy Y ! gEWiMi- OM Ripping C"Dll I 2 TABLE - Thursday, November 7, 1935 NEPIII. UTAH S. J YOU LOOK. is oH-- rr 1 -j- i ) rippex, ) YeA- H- SEW ITS f 1 H " Movie Radio J S By VIRGINIA VALE movie HOLLYWOOD tits all over again about that state income tax they swear they'll move out of the state, that they'll make fewer pictures and so actually make more money, and all tliut sort of thing. And they get do sympathy whatever from the people who've beeu paying state income taxes for years and years. New t Many th best proooets la h "lntr mountain Mndr" Don't .r, out f thtm. world cnest yn PATKOM.K nolle S'MATTER Sure Cure for a Little Boy With Hiccoughs POP--A worlj out when ebe bought her charming house la New INDUSTRY fI JLi York 1 v ' ' 1 It's city. owned by the Mlrl- am Hopkins corpo- - 1 which ratlon, makes ell difference the In ' ' the world. But don't ask how much she pnld somobody to think that op! Or perhaps she thought of it herself; she's smart enough to do Just that M. Hopkins. hTUf nd rood khm, l!k charity t horn. LaynUy dvmanda produced In our lntcrmoun-tai- n ana & plains that the -Wtjare rood crodueta worth buy in-- , brins of iant qnalltyj while charily will b annce Miary for if we support bom industrial theft la turn, will support us. MBS. HENRY C. CLEOG. ' Heber City, Utah fcvuid bactn w bur soodUi "'" learning to fly, aviation hostess In the screen version of that thrilling play, "Celling Zero." And she's Toad Has Collar of Spines MESCAL IKE Amelia By s. All ot us sins the work. We began work centuries ago Induce other people ot praises ot hard praising hard In an effort to to do our share It. At 400 Utah Oil Refining Service Stations in Utah and Idaho RHEUMATISM sofferlni from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, Cout. etc, will find Analaresie prompt relief in BRALOT t Tablets. If your cannot sap People Drug-gis- ply you. send $1.0 to Brnlot Laboratories, Gardnerville, Nevada and they will be mailed post-pai- 150,000 feet Used Sizes Ia". . & New Pipe i" Structural Steel and Plates Monsey Iron Metal Co. & 700 Saatb 3rd West Salt Lake City. Utah Moxo Barbers needed. We have calls for Barbers from all Western States. taught In a short time. MOLERS ture In "The Grimm," with Helen Mack and in the cast It has a great picReturn of Peter Lionel Barrymore, George -- A-t- KoiE BT Breakstone reM to ce' BARBER COLLEGE Jud Tunklns says he knows a man whose Idea ot personal success la slng'.n' off the key so loud that the rest ot the choir has to tTlve up. USED CARS Cher. Sedan . $295 16S Ford Coups . 475 Cher. Sedan 625 1935 Graham Sedan 1934 Chev. Master Coach. 525 These are samples of our used We have sbout values 50CARS In stock. Out of town i J Uood seftsoM ct, . W T UJSAKTN UM C)lG6S TWIttO I l.iZ-- tu'1 I V" veeASOMry HSlLm buck 1 pilLB. History has certainly been repeating Itself In Joan Crawford's case. Perhaps yon recall the preliminaries of her marriage to Ionglas Fairbanks, Jr. all the denials of an engagement, all the rumors that they had been secretly married, and then the trip to New York, with more rumors and denials, and finally the wedding. And now we've had Miss Crawford and her new husband, Fran-cho- t Tone, whom the movie fans were inclined to Ignore until he turned in a grand performance in The Lives of a Bengal Lancer," traveling to New York on the same train, engaging a large eulte In a hotel, and swearing at least, she did that the trip was made for broadcasting purposes not matrimonial ones. The suite, incidentally, was on the seventh floor. That's not surprising, though most people like to he high above the tumult of the city's streets. But Callfornlans insist on being near the earth, and when pressed some of them break down and admit that It's because they're afraid of earthquakes! Some of 11s can remember way back to the days Just after the Crnwford-Falrbnnk- s nuptials, when a starry eyed Joan (who surprised her public by using very little mnke-uand letting all her freckles show), and a devoted Doug Junior held hands even when lunching in a hotel dining room. rovrlfrht. P1MNIFV HP ) ' 7 , FRUM? t. by L. Iluntlfr. Traar warn new. v. Vmsjs Ol CAME n iSpJ OWieCAWFEE -Z- -j Y AM' UcLOSe .- T- J( FuT I FteESH t LIKES f- - SWURE HAVE Biff- W6USH HOLES L SOKS--.'L- HAVE II SAY "THESE CRULLEgS X H&AH -- . ' HgRE.") IM OUTO'TH' 1 iai. urncei The Opening b, Wsurmox.hH. vaiUPER OPEM CbMirt' PffAFT 60T A - YoU POM'T MIND THAT r 'AT HERE'S tj THP PffflfT I MUWlBUT J J UP 0 7k HOLES ' WHO TriOOWT fEVERTHE IDEE ' IM "e ) i,oS rJjWJJ VOUBTJ f I OF PUTTlM' HOLES , EfJ V r Inc. Streator-Smit- h, Authorized Chevrolet Dealer 3 Piece Set $46.66 I YE5, SAV woulOn' euvE. IT TO TOU 'UE.SS 1 THE LONtSiER YOU KEEP STllL THE SOOMCa - YOU'LL BUT. -- HW-F-MQM- VKE.PT SAIO SQ! STIt-- t. &ETT t -- Speaking of freckles, Myrna Loy made them fashionable. Since has she went to En- - rope ana was f- - lic, : veloped a fad for painting freckles on faces. Helen Hayes' return to radio start ed the fall season off so far as radio pretty k. .IStfMji'jtj.-,..- the pubthere has de mobbed by 1936 CHEVROLET now on Display BUILDERS SUPPLY OION HAD HALF OF THE BANANA. NOW GIVE ME MY YOU Downey's appearance al guest star for Paul Whlteman reminded Paul of the days when Morton was singing regularly with his band; when he wasn't singing he played the French horn that is, he pretended to play the French horn; he really couldn't play a note, but nobody found that out until he'd become a singing star. 505 So. Main St., Salt Laki City KETCHUM Banana Oil "REG'LAR FELLERS" Morton buyers, please write us. Pi J ' QOKl Inc.) p IIS Recent St.. Salt Lake City. Utah 1931 1930 1933 AU. BI6UT, MISTER fKMOWUiTLl., MAVBe VJH-GO'tMJJSJ TO OOWrCW TUIBD tAjWEKj MULEV MIT TM t DOUBLE ? WUM CAMPED G-- i JECOKJO LIKE VUH , WAS U that The Pell Syndlcat.. Reason Enough 1 RKO feels 12 L. HUNTLEY . ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. Trusses Artificial Llmbi lira cm Cratches Arch Supports Extension Shoe Eisatis Hosiery Established in Bait Laka In 1908 Ph. Was. 2Ci Satisfaction Guaranteed 135 W. Third go. I Salt Laka City. lit. L LlC 7 ) June Travis Is for her role as an Eurhart sun-lovin- g ' 1 being taught by an expert The horned toad ot southern California, a squat lizard, has a collar ot sharp spines around his neck, so that it is not likely to get Its head bitten off. M. PAYNE Yorkers, for example. Miriam Hopkins found way let tlie THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STOKY C By was . ) f""7- I KJXHX r X " ft Ir CwC . o ' r- - rrTTMrnl is-i-r I 1 DAV CTAOTIWf? CTID av um mnniinu I j j THP am 1 f"!AMP j 1 Th Associated Newspapers Despite the New the time we live better be cause of the old Ideas, not the nen Most of ones. concerned thongh Jack Benny done his bit Myrna Uoy. had the previous Sun day evening with one of his best efforts. Mr. Benny remains one of swimiMMnfTrtK our best radio comedians, and Michael Bartlett fitted Into the new routine very nicely. Those rumors of impending 41 vorce annoyed Frances Dee and Joel McCrea no end; they swear they're perfectly happy together. Everything In Plumbing ODDS AND ENDS . . . Mam Vest has a new white automobile and her chauffeur wears while uniforms to match it . . . Lanny Ross' name is really "Lancelot" . . . Clark Gable's off to Speed of the Blood vacation . . . Schumann-Hein- k All the blood In the body goes In Mexico for has started work in her first and out t the heart once every under her new contract Jean minute. Muir flew to New York for thm gala Midsummer Night's Dream" opening per week will k. paid for articl. . . , Barbara Stanwyck seems to bm well the best an Wh nn shoald US. Now started on a return to movies similar mads Goods" Intermountaln Paramount wants to borrow Jean Harr In pros. to above. T Send atory your . . low for "National Velvet," it's said Tern, uiinaiii.iu UJn.la v.. mn, P. O. Box IMS, Sslt Lake City. If Kalherine Hepburn being much better your atory appears suited to the role . . . But perhaps this column yea will check for air. harder to borrow , . , Fox's "Thunder Mountain" is m pretty swell Western, W.N.U. 8lt L.k. City Week Ha. IUI ) Wast.ru Newspaper Uartea. Silt Laki Citi 788 Wist 4tk So. ... of $3.00 . pic-tu- re ... -- $3.00 A- - Jl f f f tsZ -- J3 fl wdr I l A 1 I llftLE AMP CN-- l Wfl bt clutas wnxuMg AKP SB'S OOf FOR riE UMmwM'vmx&X :,, - |