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Show Thursday, November 29. 1934 THE TIMES-NEW- S. PACE SEVE- - NEPI1I. UTAH the darkness ef Interstellar space. Tony was reasoning to himself as Wool Made From Stones CHAIR BACK AND Bronaoo Alpha and much as talking to Kyto. "No; this These Possibility of Future Bronson Bea either were asso- can't be Juat destruction. It doesn't ARM REST DESIGN Manufacture on a large seal ef ciated originally, er elae established feel like It Kyto." wool from mineral deposits In a gravitational luttoefu-rok "What eUe can tt be?" ques upon each By CRANDMOTHER CLARK the Niagara peninsula of Ontario Is other la the Journey through space, tioned the Jap, practically. Tony, By JOHN U BLAKE Indicated by report Issued by the' Sarvlc Byndirau-WNand probably have traveled together having no answer, gulped his coffee; A 'anadtan department of mines. This through an Incalculable time until and Kyto had to attend to the cotu'liifloo Is based upon successful tbey arrived la a region of the heav- phone, which waa ringing. When the first Colonists came to ens which brought them at last unexperiments Id the department's Five minutes after the telephone America they bad to be a little care where rock wool of high der the attraction of the sun. Their rang Tony Drake was at the ful about tbeli bai been made from quality prevtoua course, consequently, has The place was policed. We're All neighbors. of rock obtained from the been greatly modified by the sun, Iladlo people and reporters refused samples These neighbor! and as a result, tbey are bow ap- admittance, picked up what they Neighbors deposits. were the owners Uock wool Is a product which, op could from the throng. proaching oa.' an bad the of and annoythey soil, to the present, has not been manuAt this point, the prepared stateTony, at last, made proper con claim of ing way enforcing their factured In Canada. It Is nsed as ment of Cole Hendron terminated. tact with a policeman. bows and arrows. au Insulator for all typ-of bulld- The officer escorted him In. Ths to It with Tony Drake was sitting up re For a ngs and for numerous Industrial straight In bed, holding the paper elevator lifted him high to the pent mained an very long time thla unnelghborly country. before him while his eyes searched house oo the roof. No one was about purposes where It Is not subject to The English and the Dutch Col down the column of questions put but the servants. MIs Eve, they excessive vibration. one another. I With the development of a very by the reporters to Doctor Hendron said, was In the breakfast room; onists distrusted The Spaniards, who were con flexible wool that doee and his answers. Doctor Uendron still was asleep. not break down under vibration "What will be the effect of this "nello. Tony! Come In!" Eve vinced that they ofowned the whole by right discovery, didn't such as has been produced on an approach upon the earth T rose from the pretty little green country care for any Interference by people " 'It la Impossible yet to say.' scale from Canadian In experimental two bodies SYNOPSIS table chtnts remained the curtained "Thi baft gay of other nations. I raw material, Its field of service Id "Will the earth be endangered V nook which they breakus called the associated, approaching together ' blanket form may be extended to And so, until a large part of North nl t the sarna speed. Both now "Answer: There will undoubted- fast room. Her eyes we e bright. David Ran.d.11. not4 aviator, ha. eommixioncd at Capatowa by chow disks which can be measured. ly be considerable alterations of con- her fare flushed the slightest bit America was put under one flag "Tulip" Chair Back and Arm Rests; Insulation for chips and railway Lord Khond.n and frof.Mur Urou. tt no uow be estimated here.' trains. A new and steadily widen with her excitement Her hands quarrels between neighbors served that, when ditions of Ufe Three-Piec- e Set in Filet Crochet . on, the aatronomer, to d.liv.r a sort alteratlonsT of "What of wheels on to such brakes his the ing market for rock wool Is la the for 0r1 had Longing tightly. put hey approached af photographic plat., to Dr. "That will be the subject of a grasped and acoustical treat within the distance from the sun of her leaped In Tony. D n every progress as had been set In motion Cola ll.ndron. la N.w York. Ton and arm rests In Chair backs Draka calla at tba Hcndrona apart. the planet Neptune. It must be re- later statement.' Doctor Hendron re- thing else I offices, the at that time. been used for gener ment of auditoriums, crochet have mioL Kan.d.11 arrive, and tva membered, however, that radio stations. Its Ore- aters and arms Ue plied. The character and degree of He within his her are pulled ations popand they very today again when were Then there the days Handron, with whom Ton ta doop In an the disturbance which we are to and kissed her; and her lips, as they nature makes and vermin-proo- f entirely different direction. ly la lova. Introduoaa Tony to Jlan.-sai- l. the North and South ceased to be ular for practical and decorative pur proof It valuable for these purSince coming under observation. undergo la now the subject of study had last night, clung to his. Their especially poses. misunder of a because atneighborly will We hands held each other a moment How much more Inviting Is a chair poses. they have moved within the dis by a responsible group. standing which for a time threat tance of the orbit of the planet tempt to describe the conditions more; then Tony stepped back. haa this added personal touch that nation to the Continued whole ened CHAPTER II Scout Mambanhip Cain She had dressed but for her asunder. split Uranus, and are approacblug the dis likely to confront all of us on the and In a design that stands out clear soon as as world define clearly they In negligee, tance was frock abe of Girl grouts are represented Saturn. on The a Itself; dark background. ly Tony aat op vehemently. "A h 1 with her slim lovely arms In "Bronson Alpha which Is the themselves.' This set In a conventional tulip tn more than 4,000 communities by we and are But now, neighbors of a thing." be said aloud. "The name will this 'When silk, her white neck and temporarily assigned to the statement be madeT supplementary design Is easy work even for the In 14,000 troops, and a total member whole world la haywire. Haywire I bosom half exposed. He bent and good ones. of the two new bodies apThe large fllet stitch ship of KG.OOO. The membership larger experienced. un Is firm And mutual so the " 'As soon as possible.' By the way, Kyto, you don't hap- pears In the kissed her neck. In the work Interest similar used makes being represents a 14 per cent gain within telescope " Tomorrow T derstanding that exists among all pen to send code messages to Ein- site to Uranus. That Is, Its esti"You've breakfasted, Tony?" is the last ten months. time a short and ing, surprisingly " 'No ; by do means as soon as tostein, do you?" "Yes no. Can I sit with you here? the people of the country that noth required to finish the set It Is an mated diameter Is something over The total membership of the Boy "Cold messagesT I scarcely dreamed you'd be up, Eve, ing short of a political cataclysm attractive addition to your living Scouts of America la 874.059, an Inthousand miles. Bronson Beta, morrow.' forty -can break It "Let It pass. I'm going to bed. which la the smaller of the two Within a weekT Within a after your night" room or a valued gift for a friend. crease of 101,208 over last year. The There are still mutterings and If my mother calla from the coun- bodies, haa an estimated diameter of month T We You've seen the papers? measures 10 by 14 Cuba, Junior organization ef the back The chair try, Kyto, tell her Tm being a good eight thousand miles. It la similar In "1 would say that tt might be were through with them before differences of opinion between the Inches, the arm rests 6 by 10 inches Scouts, number 40,033. Literary Dmade within a month.'" hoy and still wearing woolen socks size, therefore, to the earth. political parties. three. That la. Father then absoIf crocheted with a fairly tight stitch igest " 'Bronson Beta at present Is In agalnat a cold snap. I must have Tony was on hi feet, and In spite lutely refused to say any more or A looser stitch will produce a largtowe In all are to fact be The for work that was of himself There neigh sleep, ahape trembling. to see anyone else. He went to advance of Alpha In their aper size. This package, No. 705, con morrow. Ave one Is of sell the I'll no and was shares bors, Maybe good ones, possible mistaking of the sleep." Moun toward the solar system; tains sufficient of stock In the morning, or possi- proach foundations of our greatness as a tain Craft Crochet Cotton to com 532-fS"You didn't" i but they do not move In parallel undertone of thla astounding anIt spelled doom, or bly ten. It's wearing me down. I lines; Beta, which Is the smaller, nouncement cro also thla three-piec- e "No; I kept thinking thinking " nation. set, plete can't stand the strain." "Of the end of everything. Eve?" Because toe are united on matters of chet hook. Instructions are Includ revolves around Alpha so that their some enormous alteration of all Four hours later, after twice havconditions of life on the world "Part of the time, I did; of the highest importance we have been ed, also a black and white diagram positions constantly change. Uen-droto Eve to disaster. ing attempted phone " They have both come definitely equivalent complete course I did; but more of the time able to go far along the road of prog- of the design so the meshes may be and twice having been In- within The League of the Last Days! of you." the sphere of gravitational ress. easily counted. formed that service for the night Influence of the sun "Of me last night?" Write our crochet department, en ; but having ar- There was some reference to It In was discontinued, Tony got to sleep. The kind of religious prejudice "I hoped you'd come first thing 40 cents for this complete rived from Interstellar space, their another column but Tony scarcely closing It was the staid, accurate, of approach greatly exceed caught Its coherence. Where was today. I thought you would. . . . which was at Its very worst dur package. No. 705, which contains suf is New York Times which speeds the Witchcraft Salem days the velocities of our familiar plan- Eve; and what upon this morning, It'8 funny what difference the for ing ficient thread to make this beautiful spread the sensation before blm In ets In their orbits around the sun. was she doing? How was she feel mal announcement of It makes. I Impossible now. or send 10 cents for the Instruc set a Is to even difficult start good- tions and diagram only. the morning. The headlines lay It ing? What was she thinking? knew It all last night Tony. I've are the "Such observed phenomblack upon the page: known the general truth of It for sized row In a Presidential camAddress Home Craft Co. Dep't ena. The following Is necessarily Might she, at last be sleeping? B Nineteenth and St. Louis Ave. Scientists Say World From Another highly speculative, but It Is offered She had been up all ntght and at weeks. But when It was a secret paign. to to Some be Is credit the given St Louis, Mo. as a possible explanation of the work assisting her father. The thing something shared Just with men who Star Approach the Earth have opened lines of com Enclose a stamped addressed enCLEANED origin of the two Bronson bodies. statement had been released at one my father and with his friends It munlcatlon by motor cars, railroads, velope when writing for any Infor with the same as now. One knew Dr. Cola Hendron Make Astonish has long been supposed that o'clock In the morning. How much wasn't "'It It but still didn't admit It, even to steamships, and radio. mation Ing Statement In Which Sixty REMOVE OXIDI COATINO WITH THS about other stars than ours for of more than this, which had been one's But the Improvement In our peace self. It was theoretical In of the Greatest Living Phy. AND YOUR AC SPARK rlUO CLEANER course our sun Is only a star are told, did Eve now know? Plainly, mind and of Is chiefly one's aiclsta and AstronomMOTOR STARTS INSTANTLY. other planets like the earth and manifestly, the scientists knew We bead, like a dream, not reality, due to the fact happiness Will Carry On Gr en fell we are work that all er Concur. really didn't do much. Father Mars and Jupiter. It Is not pre- more much, much more, which they and ten, Sir Nearlng three-scordared not tell the public. Dared and I, last night I mean do much ing with one common purpose which Tony was scarcely awake when sumed that all stars are surroundIs to make this a safe and a pleas Wilfred Grenfell has decided that ha A PLUG In proving up the facts and figures. ...ONLY I That was the fact not ed by planets; but It has been esKyto had brought him the paper. Father had them all before from ant land In which to live, "and In Is "getting too old to drive a do; Kyto, who usually effaced himself, other "Dr. Cole Hendron, generally ac- timated that probably at least one men. Professor Bronson's which to bring up children who will team," and, henceforth, must take knowledged to be the leading as star In one. hundred thousand did not do so this morning. Kyto, plates and calculations simply con carry on the good work after we things easy. That does not mean No spark plug can an coffee for the untasted a planetary system. having trophysicist of America," Tony read, has developed firmed what was certain; Fa- are gone. that the man whose name Is synony- escapeOxideCoating "early this morning gave to the Among the many billions of stars, excuse, called attention to himself ther checkedreally no am mous with Labrador definitely has I cannot but I over. he them Then patrioteer, the chief cause of press the following statement, on there are probably millions of suns and ventured, "Mister, of course. gave It out That's what made ev- help but think that this Is the best ended the task he set himself more hard behalf of the sixty scientists named with planets. It Is always possible comprehends the news?" starting, loss of all countries, and always will be, than forty years ago. He still will "Yes, Kyto ; I understand It part erything so changed." that some catastrophe would tear In an accompanying column." of e Inpoor gas driving-forcbe behind power, the the "You know exactly what's going Tony's eyes flashed to the col- the planets away. It would require ly, at any rate." am unable to answer the quesI Grenfell association, and mileage. But a thorternational to Eve? don't "I It's happen, go may you. more Inquire, please, perhaps than the approach of umn, which carried the list of dis nothing tion, "Why should the spirit of mor- Labrador still will see his familiar ough cleaning by a smrx hub B ing to be doomsday, Isn't It?" tinguished names, English, German, another star toward the sun to de- the significance?" tal be proud?" figure, now and again. "No, Tony more than dooms CLEANING Tony stared at the little Jap. He French, Italian, Swiss, American, stroy the gravitational control of the What he has done to ameliorate I' too often Is, STATION High South African, Australian, and Jap- earth and Venus and Mars and Ju had always liked him; but suddenly day." a is Station coastIn however. that bleak conditions of life "What can be more than that?" Hatters anese. "sure-fire- " piter and other planets, and to be was assailed with a surge of remedy. Little children al land would be long in the telling. "Dawn after doomsday, Tony. The "Similar statements are being send them all spinning Into space fellow feeling for this small brown Look lor the world Is going to be destroyed. begin bragging to one another al- It was his literal Interpretation of Replace badly worn "PB9-B- given to the press of all peoples at on cold and dark careers of their man, trapped like himself on the rim as as soon learned most new have ACs. uttered with ub" 2,000 words the Is world they the Tony, ago: oh, years Tony, going plugs of the world. this time. 'In order to allay alarms own. to be most thoroughly destroyed ; yet to speak. "Inasmuch as ye have done It unto was That "This world of ours, and Venus likely to rise from the Increase of It Trapped Trapped They Insist their father Is smart- the least of these My brethren, ye rumors based upon Incorrect or mis- and Mars and Jupiter and Saturn, was the word for this strange feel some of us will not die Or we need not die If we accept the strange er, or bigger or richer than the fa- have done It unto Me." Literary "Be-I.Farm Radio" SI 9.93. Reqnlrpi Inwould understood reports of the discovery then wander throughout no B battery. Marvelous tone. ing. goiter' challenge that God Is casting at us thers of the children they are talk- Digest Radio. 103-7- 7 N. 7th St.. Minneapolis, Ml nn. made by Professor Bronson of Cape- finite ages some of them perhaps "Kyto, we're In for something, to. 1" from the skies ing town, South Africa, and In order to eternally doomed to cold and dark"What?" They know nothing about religion, extensive, usThe challenge that God casts at acquaint all people with the actual ness; others might, after Incalcu"Something rather declare that the church which yet what do What you challenge? Is One we're all true, situation, as It Is how viewed, we lable ages, find another sun. thing Kyto. their parents attend Is the only mean?" offer these facts. be In for EcOllOtUlCSlt Use one LEVEL teaspoonful It for pur"'It might assumed, together." church worth going to. " 'Eleven months ago, when ex- poses of explanation of the Bronson "General destruction?" Kyto are"I'lltwotry to tell you, Tony: There to a cup of flour for most recipes. worlds coming toward us If men and women would leave off amining a photographic plate of the bodies, that they once were planets asked. two worlds millions of torn, years bragging when they get out of their Tony shook his bead, and his reply region 15 (Erldanus) in the south- like our earth and Uranus, circling Scientifically made by baking g sun. A ca- surprised himself. "No; If It were ago perhaps, from another star. For teens, we would be a happier and a ern skies. Professor Bronson no- about same SPECIALISTS to produce best results. powder millions of years, probably, they've better contented race. ticed the presence of two bodies tastrophe tore them away, together Just that, they'd say It the end of been dark and with in a wandering, whatever all other after utterly there planets everything. People near the star Archernar, which had The trouble Is they keep on that utterly frozen, through space; and might have been, and sent thesa Into way are prepared for that Kyto. not been observed before. too many of them do. is now our found and they've sun; " 'Both were exceedingly faint and. I never could see any reason for to attach themselves they're going in constellation the lying Erldanus, to It at our expense. For they are people's continually exalting themwhich is one of the largest constelInto the solar system on a selves, unless It is a consciousness coming lations In the sky, they were at first course which will carry them close of Inferiority. put down as possibly 25o 25 Perhaps they are not really "sold oh, very close Indeed, Tony, to variable stars which had recently as on the themselves," expression the of orbit earth. the also You can They're gobuy Increased in brightness after having to Join up at the same distance goes, and feel they must constantly Jt P 1 1 10 ounca can for tOo ing been too faint to affect the phofrom the sua as we are. Do you shout their own virtues and their Z5 ounce can for ISO tographic plate. own possessions in order to cover understand?' "A month later, after photograph Double-Actio- s In spite of himself, Tony blanched. their defects. Double lng again the same locality, Profes(But whatever Is at the bottom of 'They're going to hit the earth, you sor Bronson looked for the two new mean? I thought so." It, It is a bad habit stars and found that they had In the first place It Is always They're not going to hit the moved. No object of stellar distance first the Irritating. time around. earth, Tony, could show displacement in so short The first time they circle the sun, Nobody likes to listen to 'other a space of time. It was certain, they're going to pass us close, to people's self approval therefore, that the newly observed he sure; but they're going to pass Nobody likes to hear others boastbodies were not stars. They must us both of them. But the second ing, even If they are Justified, as be previously unobserved and unsus time they pass well, one of them they occasionally are. pected members of our solar sys If you can do something extremeis going to pass us a second time, tern, or else objects, from outside too, but the other one Isn't, Tony, ly' well you needn't be coy' and refewest Hotel our system, now approaching ns. The smaller one Bronson Beta, the tiring. , or new "They must be planets one about the same size as the But neither do you need to shout comets or strangers from space. earth and, so far as we can tell, to the housetops about it " 'All planets known to be associvery much like the earth Is going Basically we are all more or less ated with our sun move approxiWhen you see the to pass ns safely; but the big one, alike; to quote the old song "from Bronson Alpha. Is going to take the rich man who rolls In his milmately In the game plane described specials of ou r comout the world I" by the earth's orbit This Is true, lions of wealth, to the poor starvwhatever the size or distance of the "You know that. Eve?" ing wretch In the street." "We know It! There must be a planets, from Mercury to Pluto. The If we use such abilities as we announced in the two Bronson bodies were moving almnrgln of error, we know. There may possess, and keep on using them In r tc Wife columns most at right angles to the plane head-onot be a direct collision, good causes, we have done all that of the planetary orbits. Is expected of us. Tony; but any sort of encountei "Comets appear from all direceven a glancing blow would be on them. But if tee continually "put on the tions; but these two bodies did not enough and mnch more than enough viewed resemble comets when bargains Theymean to finish this globe. And an en high hai" and sneer at others who don't, toe shall soon find that tee have counter Is certain. through the greater telescope. One food Every single of them, at the time of the second calculation that has been made very feu people to watch us achieving that operation. you. They are observation, showed a small but pershows It mer(TO BB CONTINUED.) ceptible disk. Its Bpectrum exhibThe very attitude that some peoited the characteristic lines of rewho Tile 200 Rooms 200 Baths chants not Pork and Hominy sevflected sunlight ple take Is a boast Meanwhile, Do a little thinking and a little One writer says that pork and Radio connection in (vcrr room. afraid to announce eral observations of position and observin.5 before you begin strut- movement were made which made hominy first met when De Soto's ex SO RATES FROM the their prices pedition gave a banquet furnlshlnc ting. It plain that the two Bronson bod' of merthe There Is practically no one living ies were objects of planetary dimenqualify hogs from Spain for the neat and the Chickasaw Indians, in whose today who could not be replaced sions and characteristics, approachERNEST C ROSSITER, IIgr chandise they offer honor the feast was given, fur if he should pass out ing ns from out of stellar distances "Comets Appear From All Directions; but These Two Bodies Did Not nished hominy. Resemble Comets When Viewed Through the Greater Telescope." that la, from space. Uncommon Sense to e Hen-dron- and s it m ry long-fibere- 1 bn I trd. cream-colore- d n. QUICK STARTING PLUGS e 5c 1 1 Dependable long-perio- d Sams Price Today as 44 Tears Ago fell ounces for 'Tested Salt Lake City's a no s Err it n, n HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE - j munity grocers of this paper you can depend in products for offered by are or |