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Show VACAl Thursday, SIX t.l Friday's & . Best Buys Molasses 27c; 2 quart, 95c 50c, PAPKR GIVES LOCAL CLUB BOOST - Continued from page one years a?o practically all of th traffic to t'.iy and ottier Nevada points came through Tintic. Jtowever, latt-rthe Lincoln highway via Tooele county was improved and all auto travel to Ely Is now routed that way. "The admission must be made that Nephl resndcnts are Just one that the efforts step ahead of us of the civic organizations of that city far out weigh the Individual efforts of a few live wires in Tin-ti- c, There Is no denying the fact that things can be accomplished by civic organizations where individuals utterly fall., Eureka has, on created civic orseveral occassior-ganizations but they have never prospered, after a few months of activity they always die and of course, the community suffers." Saturday's Dixie Molasses, KKKA quart galon Beets & Carrots Scrowscroft's Blue Pine Beets and carrot i 15 oz can Fc each. FAST FLYER Smoke Salt Morton, large can, Smoke Salt, 79c. k f ft - I Pancake And Cake Flour Pancake Package cake Dixie Oz. 40 20 oz flour; flour all for 23c. tremws Luxuriant that cover woman's head as her crowning glory oiu-- were the erales of fish, acrordlng to discovery of science which aolvea another mystery regarding the origin of huuuto hair. It has almi been found that man's whlskem. as well as hi teeth and flab nail, also are just made-ove- r tea lea. It Is estimated that there la an average of about 120.000 hairs on the head. Blonds becuiiKe their hair is of a much finer texture, often have as many as HO.ono ha Ira. , Brunettes uaually have about while the red bends usually produce a crop of only iH),oi)0 hairs. It used to be a popular belief that a heavy beard was a sign of great physical strength, hut It has now been discovered that the older and feebler a man becomes the more luxuriantly his whiskers often grow. The average hair on the scalp Is said to grow two Indies a month, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. This growth Is comparatively steady, while hairs on other parts of the body do their growing by spurts and jumps. Hair grows faster by day than by night, and sun and warmth encourage this growth while prolonged cold retards It. If not pulled out or blighted by disease each normal hair lives a normal life, dies, drops out and is replaced by a new one. A hair in the scalp lives from four years to many times that age, while the average eyelash lasts only about 150 days. Granulated Soap Peet granulated soap, 63 oz for 29c. Capt. C. F. Nelson of the army air corps won the Mitchell trophy race at Mt. Clemens, Mich., setting a new speed record of 216.832 e course. miles an hour over a Toilet Paper 20-mil- Zee Toilet Paper, 6 rolls for 25c. HE BEAT RITCHIE Graham Crackers 1 ! t " 1 JUL package Graham Crackers 25c package. 2 pound 1 Cheese Wisconsin Nippy Cheese, 25c pound. I Lamb Roasts Square cut Shoulder Prime Lamb, 12c pound. QP. SKAGGS FOOD "A Surety of Purity" ANDERSON FUNt-KAHOME Efficient, Satisfactory Service Phone 168 Nephl Harry V. Nice Is the Republican who defeated Albert C. Ritchie, Democrat, for the governorship of Maryland. Ritchie was running for a fifth consecutive term. Mr. Nice Is a Baltimore lawyer. Diplomats in U. S. There are exactly 60 foreign countries that are represented diplomatically In the United States. Ambassadors and ministers reside In Washington while consuls usually have their offices In the cities that are the greatest trade centers. President's Auto License The President's automobile ai ways bears the license number 101 which Is reserved for It C5) A GOOD FROST SHIELD A GOOD GOOD-YEA- R WIPER BLADE NON SKID TIRES DON'T TAKE A CHANCE on OLD SMOOTH TIRES SIIiVBH MAJPLE SEHVICE fill ifAit iHi steer from California. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bigler of Salt To this writer, the victory of barvisLake City spent the week-en- d and ley over corn Is one of the most iting with thrlr s. important lessons that the Pacific daughter, Mr, and Mrs. J. II. coast ever had. The publicity attendant to the winning by a CalifMr. and Mrs. T. A. Carver of ornia bred and fed carload of fine steers should be one of the real step Salt Lake City spent the week-en- d stones towards the developand the fore part of this week vis- ping ment of the cattle feeding business iting at the home of Mrs. Thomas on the Pacific coast. Vlckers. Three times. It will be rememberLOGAN Aline Ellison, a grad- ed, a University of California barley uate of the Juab high school. Is one fed steer was named prand champion of the great Chicago Interof the members of the fifty-foand in each of these piece College Symphony orchestra national the decision was made by a at the Utah State Agricultural col Jud?e and the British lege. This Is the largest orchestra British yet assembled on the campus, ac are generally recognised n)s true ludges of beef. But when the same cording to N. W. Christiansen, dir lesson was demonstrated right at ector. home at the Los Angeles show, It Is even of greater Importance as it hips to overcome prejudice among certain people against western-fe- d Hip--HipHurra- h! WINTER IS HERE WITH LOTS OF SNOW son-in-la- w Vlc-ker- ur CLASSIFIED Come to the Nephl Ward Mutual Tuesday evening December 4th at A wonderful Xmas v carnival 7:30. a visit from Santa Claus with a present far all. A beautiful lighted Christmas tree. Dances for all ages A regular treat at the Armory after mutual. 10c a tlckt. All be there. beef. Old Santa I 2v WILL NOW BE ON HIS WAY TO THE Nephi Merc. Co. WITH LOADS OF TOYS FOR THE KIDDIES AND OCEANS OF CHRISTMAS GOODS FOR THE GROWNUPS. The champion carload of steers bred in Santa Barbara county and fed In Los Angeles on a ration consisting of California barley, alfalfa mainly corn, and dried beet pulp, andhay, enough Hawaiian molasses to stimulate the The grand appetite. steer was fed on virtuallychampion the same were Hereford.?, DIVORCE IN MEXICO Final rations. in a few days, no residence, no publcity. Write: Atty Box 88, OFFICERS Mexicali. B. C, Mexico. 10 In stamps. ON TO CHECK APPLICATIONS NOTICE For some time past people have 'Continued from Paj niwi dumped in the willows on my farm ces, the proceeds to be used In mak dead, fowl and other trash. This ing loans to relief clients. must cease, otherwise prosecution Rodney C. Allred of Lehi. has been will follow. Mrs. T. W. Miller, Adm. named manager of the livestock . feed operations of the corporation Dr. Harrison will be at the Nephl and will arrantre for disnosal of t.h Drug store Tuesday December 4th feed to relief clients and small live- from 1 to 5 P. M. stocK producers. Franklin S. Harris, president of Notice of Sale of Estrays the corporation, presided. Other State of Utah stockholders are Robert S. HinckS3 County of Juab Utah FERA administrator; Geo ley, I have in my possession the fol- L. Haerr, his assistant; Herbert J. lowing described estray animals, Barnes, P. V. Cardon, F. P. Champ which if not claimed and taken and William Peterson. Professor W away will be sold at publicauction P. Thomas of Logan to the highest cash bidder at Os- Mr uaraon, who Is In represented Washington. car Brough's corral in Nephl pre- Mr. who Is ill and Mr. Petcinct on Saturday the 8th day of ersonChamp, who is In Washington were December, A. D 1934 at the hour of represented by proxies. 10 A. M. Mr. Stoot pointed out supDescription of animal: One spot- ervisors had been sent that Into five ted two vear old counties to start the program no mark; a blotch brand on left salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, Juab and nip. Millard and that it was expected OSCAR BROUGH that the work would spread through Poundkeeper for Nephl Precinct out the state within six to eight Sailors with ability to carve stones and whose ships, as early as nearly three and a quarter centuries ago, plied between European and East Indian ports established at Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, one of the strangest mall services the world has ever known, asserts a writer In the Montreal Herald. Owing to the fact that Table Bay was midway between India and European ports voyagers took advantage of this fact to send lettars borne. Since It was seldom that a ship bound in the right direction was In the bay at that time, they adopted the plan of tying up their letters In bundles and placing them securely under large beach stones which were safely beyond reach of the tides. Then the captains of passing vessels took from beneath these stones letters destined for the ports toward which they were sailing and deposited under the same stones letters to be later picked up by ships sailing in the opposite direction. Such was the origin of the "stone post office of Table Bay." Stones used for this purpose were usually two feet wide and three or four feet long. 25c pound. i Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mayer 110.-000- pine-nut- s, COAST CATTLE WIN AT LOS ANCELES SHOW (Continued From Page One) and daughter Bonnie of Lynndyl and Miss Thorma Porter of Delta upon California grown feeds. Again famous internationally spent Thursday at the home of Mr. another Judge selected as his grand champ-Io- n and Mrs. George Christiansen steer over all breeds, a barley-fe- d Origin of "Stone Post Office of Table Bay" Pinenuts Nevada fine quality Local and Social Human Hair Crows Faster During the Warm Weather November 29, 1934 ni. nif.. HE IS NOT DUE TO ARRIVE AT OUR STORE UNTIL Monday Morning December 10th SO PLEASE REMEMBER THE DATE AND BE ON TIME AT THE Nephi Merc. Co. ilitation division. The women directors will superSupplementing the rural rehabilitation program, the corporation vise the work of county home advis-of homes plans by December 15 to organize ers, who will go Into the In adjusta home economics program under farm women to aid them the direction of a woman, who will ing their budgets and carry to them educational programs be assistant state director or rehab months. iisiiii.su. mmv mv jjwji. 1 Ancestors of Dogs In discussing the ancestors or dogs, an authority In the Detroit News says: "For a long time it was thought that foxes should be Included among the ancestors of dogs. They are very doglike In general appearance and In many of their habits. I have had many American red foxes In captivity, and one which I reared from a pappy became almost as tame as a dog: Foxes of this species whine, yelp and bark and, like dogs and wolves, smile and wag their tails when pleased, bury their food which they cannot eat at the time, and turn round and round on their beds before lying down. But In spite of all these similarities, and In spite of the fact that they will sometimes make friends with dogs, and even wolves, it seems they are not closely related to either. As far aa I know, no one has ever succeeded In obtaining a cross between a fox and a dog." Short Lstteri Short Reply What undoubtedly Is the shortest letter on record was written by Vic-teHugo, who was always Impatient and Impetuous. On the very evening of the day on which one of his new works was published, he could not resist the temptation to inquire how the sales were .going. So he wrote to his publisher as follows: "T Victor Hugo." The publisher was equal to the for his reply was: occasion, M d gtl Boa Constrictor Not Poisonous Boa constrictors are not poison ous. They are harmless until they become large enough to crush their prey. The highly developed muscles make the snake appear much leaner and higher from the ground than ordinary reptiles. Fully grown boa constrictors sometimes exceed 80 feet In length and are one of the most dangerous of Jungle creatures. Like all constrictors, they swallow their food whole and digest It at their leisure. Crocodile crocodile 14 feet long and seven feet In girth, which waa shot near Salisbury, southern Rhodesia, la believed to have been over 100 years old. Its teeth are declared to be the last of six seta with which a crocodile Is provided. The reptile has been stuffed and will be presented to the BhniUsUa musetua at Bulawayo. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NEPHI IRRIGATION CO.: We, the undersigned, take this means of answering certain rumors which are being circulated in connection with the election of directors of the Nephi Irrigation Company which is to be held December 3. We are informed that reports are being circulated that we are pledged to have the Nephi Irrigation Company purchase water stock which is held under mortgage by the Nephi National Bank and the First National Bank. Such reports are without any foundation in fact. We have given no pledge or promise to any person or organization whatever to vote or work or us our influence in faivor of such action by the Nephi Irrigation Company. We have given no promise or pledge to anyone to do otherwise than use our best judgment and ability to have the affairs of the Nephi Irrigation Company handled in the way which will be for the best good of the stockholders as a whole. If any persons have been circulating rumors contrary to the abovey we urge the stockholders of the company to consider carefully the motives of those who have circulated such reports. We were urged by numerous stockholders to become candidates for directors of the Irrigation Company. In yielding to such persuasion, we did so without obligating ourselves to any stockholder or any other person and without committing ourselves to any particular policy. We would not have consented to become candidates except upon the understanding that we should be free to vote according to our convictions and best judgment upon any questions which may come before the Board of Directors. We have not made and will not make any pledge to any person; than other to exercise our best wisdom and ability to promote the welfare of the Nephi Irrigation Company as a whole. Respectfully submitted, It (Signed) Thomas Bailey (Signed) W. H. Belliston ld 11 |