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Show THE Thursday, November 29, 1934 Q.I 1 V TIMES-NEW- S. PAGE THREE NKFIIL UTAH n S'tUv Scz Our Melt Lai GOOD HEALTH WniLIL BY DR. LLOYD ARNOLD ProfvMo of tiriKUiiy and Pr Cr vtuv Mdicia, ColUft Silt, Jjf fl? fl wt V Uaivr ity of f M4ict. h? ! ;1 4 ( & A NEW ATTITUDE TOWARD FOOD RATIONS ll ?p v. ( V XS' ..l-- V'.-'-'H- 4 k J IV The deprvtsion we are now In Is nothing new In the world's history. We have bad Ceot. Tom t - n y hi . 3 before there newis Hut r.,,ri oniethlng the way we ire apportioning In food to the needy. Ia for-ti- times -- J.':. - , f ' V- Where the Custer Died In - ink r, : Wlmt miiHt family be given to mitlntnln health? The maintenance of health and the maintenance of a bare subsistence ration are two entirety dif X ferent things. A, X Particularly are health officials concerned with the maintenance of I jM By ELMO SCOTT WATSON health among growing children. The HIM It U written: "lie followed children of today are the rulers of (J lory all bis days. lie was her tomorrow. lifelong devotee. She gave him faFor the past twenty years the vor withheld from most men, and United States has had the healthiest rtttrtitti IVt denied herself when hia need of her o MO P young people in the world. This is was When, desperately pur42 suing,sorest because we did not have to make he died on the heights above the dietetic sacrifices the leading D the Little Big Horn, Glory, the perEuropean countries did during the verse, relented and gave eternal O war and post-wperiods. brilliance to bis name." U ' s So begins chapter one of a new Our young people bad food Q biography Frederic F. Van De Water's enough and the rigid kind of food. If I It is up to us now to see that the "Glory Hunter," published recently by the Bobbs-MerrlO , was standards of nutrition are not lowcompany. The "Glory Hunter ered to the danger point "George Armstrong Custer, Lieutenant-Colonel- , l, 7th United States Cavalry, Brevet Especially should relief organizaUnited States Army, the 'Boy General with the tions reuiemher that milk la the most Iniportaut food a child can Golden Locks,' the 'Murat of the American have, for "milk builds boue and Army,' the good sword, the hero, the martyr." Around bis name has raged endless contromuscle better than any other food." Custer Monurnent One quart a day per child Is the West Point versy, for he was the kind of man who seems Ideal ration, and never less than to have been capable of Inspiring either the bit"his people were no more hostile then than they three-fourtterest hatred or the blindest loyalty. Chief among quart per child. had been when members of this same band were the exemplars of the latter was, of course, his and wrs. If the expenditure Is fairly the victims of Colonel Chlvlngton and bis Colo- ample, then, according to Dr. Henry wife, "who was to devote the rest of her life to rado troons at the Sand Creek massacre. But Sherman, nutrition expert of Coadornment of her husband's memory." Long beSheridan's orders were. In effect, to "kill Indians fore his tragic death In 1S70 there were those lumbia university, who quotes Lucy political foe and had been the Academy's ind Custer didn't stop to find out whether the H. Gillett of the American Child who had reason to hate him but chose to hold their tongues. After that event .there were whis- chronic insurgent Bis nature was bright and Mage Into which he charged that cold Novem Health association, the food money volatile, yet durable past the power even of war ber morning was occupied by friendly or hostile should be divided Into fifths: pers of suspicion but Uttle, If any, to alter." Indians. denunciation. One-fift- h or more, for milk and It was during these two years that the tradi Ills tactics at the Washita were the same as cheese. "Elizabeth Bacon's fifty-odyears of glorification of "Custer's luck" began. For nothing else those which brought disaster less than ten years tion have enshrined her husband In the folk-lor- e One-fiftmore or less, for vegehim a brigadier-genera- l later a division of his command and a headlong tables and fruits. of America. She proclaimed him hero and, since bnt luck could bave made un twenty-three- , In were at of on the the whose numbers an the age youngest attack "enemy" One-fiftshe was his widow, men who thought otherwise or more, for bread and At least, the historians have never known. But he soon found that he bad stirred held their peace." Last spring she died, as did army. cereals. to In reason was been 1802 find able any good why up a hornet's nest, for Black Kettle's village Gen. E. S. Godfrey, another staunch defender of One-fiftor less, for meats, fish he should have been advanced from a first lieu nly one of several along the Washita. Threat and eggs. Custer's name. Therefore a in the Fiftb cavalry to the command of ened by warriors from the others, Custer hastily One-fiftbiography can appear without giving pain to tenancy or less, for fats, sugar these two honored devotees to a partly true the Second brigade of the Third division, rocket- withdrew, even though MaJ. Joel Elliott and 19 and other groceries. lieutenant-colone- l men in his detachment of the were ranks unaccounted still ing past captain, major, legend. But If the amount of food money and colonel True, he distinguished him- for. Lieutenant Godfrey had reported hearing If, Indeed, as the poet tells us, the child Is to be drastically curtailed, then has "father to the man, then several Incidents in the self in a wild charge at Gettysburg but at least sounds of firing which Indicated that Elliott was the money should be divided Into - twice thereafter he narrowly escaped annihila and tn Custer this But distress. RumNew in was born disregarded who childhood of the boy thirds the bands bt that cavalry genius In gray, marched away, leaving Elliott to bis fate-tion d ley, Harrison county, Ohio, just 95 years ago Jeb at for milk and cheese. bad that indicates he Stuart Ills hasty withdrawal d (December 5, 1839) are significant of the man for vegetables and of as Sheridan chief of The appointment? Phil lost for the moment at least his belief that the fruits. he was to become. When war with Mexico cavalrygave Custer his chance for Seventh could whip all the Indians on the plains. threatened, his father, Emanuel Custer, Joined the the Unionwas d for bread and cereals. Sheridan who overlooked Insubor But he lost something else at the Washita the "New Itumley Invlnclbles," a militia company fame. "It retrenchment of expendi"Let . . . Cnsfitar with dinations by the of admiration faith and undivided a charity. with min regiment and provided his little son, "Autle," no strategis""1 tireless body and and the confidence of some of his officers. From tures," says Doctor Sherman, "take iature replica of his uniform. One day the young' aHere was first, of foregoing the pui D0Wa as Dent Custer mind hungry "liufias that time on the Seventh cavalry was a regi- the form, foods ster amazed his father by lifting his arm In imiof other groups, and, who had been was a weapon that inWidun knew how to use." ment divided against Itself. Nor during the next chase of tation of an older of selecting the cheaper or next, him in the raids which devastated the eight years was Custer able to do anything He used In school and a at declaiming piece" "sneaking cheapest forms or articles within seems to have which restored that shattered faith. his boyish treble "My voice Is for war!" For the Shenandoah valley where Custer each of three groups Just mentioned of lessons ruthlesslearned the 1873 of he enough willingly During the Yellowstone expedition next 30 years "Autle" Custer's voice was to be to In who ness so those the bad one run-iwith his superior officer, General as essential." engage necessary raised for war to be heard in a "wild shrill Let us hope that each community war. business a severe rebuke which of making and received dirty hundred a of In forefront Stanley, the cavalry whooping will 1865 he had become a majorof so has some philanthropist who the at him to be By caused thereafter spring least good fharges." winter months, the through donate, a luck" "Custer' and was which was it But he again concerned. as orders far Demo general obeying The Custers were staunch Jacksonian a teaspoon of cod liver oil to each crats even though their community was predom enabled him to be "in at the death." For it was did rush into one reckless fight with the Sioux of age, down and his who Custer swooped upon which nearly ended disastrously for him and needy child under two years cavalry inantly Whig. One day Emanuel Custer took his a preventive against rickets. son to the doctor to have a tooth Appomattox Station and slammed shut the door which gave him a dangerous scorn for the Sioux as A point that Is not sufficiently to Lee's only avenue of retreat After Lee's sur as foemen. His expedition Into the Black Hills pulled. As they left the office, the boy gave a I believe. In low cost rastressed, Issued Custer the In 1874 of richcongratu his render, the and exclaimed: of exaggerated reports nothing, bloody grin and, apropos Is that cheap foods can be to tions, Third whose order his him a division, ness there of the gold fleeting made brought "Father, you and me can lick all the Whigs latory general and Interesting. At palatable was in he the moment of fame, but this was soon overshad declared, "unparalleled In Ohio." In 1878 he felt the same way about record, fairs. Instead demonstration home owed by the disgrace which overtook him when the Sioux In Montana and he died because of annals ofIs war." of prizes being given to fancy ornate but scarcely more accu he became embroiled in the Belknap scandal. more "This belief. that they should be given to the Belknap, President Grant's secretary of war. dishes, When he was four years old a new brother rate than other battlefield proclamations," Bays can produce the best bean who cook of whose rec the his calm In was with analysis connection accused of graft biographer, sutler Arrived In the Custer home Nevin J., who is or or potato soup, using only pea was less much remarkable ord it shows that contracts at the army posts and Impeached by worthy of mention If for no other reason than would have as believe. congress. Custer "talked too much" claimed cheap materials. For Instance a bit than the He lived the from rest different so was he that to While admitting that Custer was a "fair tactician knowledge which he did not have. Summoned to of bay leaf and rutabaga added and died In peace, a farmer. Thomas W. Custer and It distinction. Onions gives soup pea . . , and as physically smart a made a to he disciplinarian witness. in scene Custer Boston sorry In 1845, testify, Washington appeared on the are cheap and give good seasoning. a man as ever drew sword," a summing He was even so rash as to involve the Presi 1848 and Margaret Emma Custer in iney,- valiant to leads con the the evidence of Inevitably dent's brother, Orvllle Grant In charges which A writer commentator, discussing especially Tom Custer, became the first hero- up that George Armstrong Custer had few, be could not prove and to Insinuate guilty knowl- present living conditions in Europe, clusion on bis older brother send purto their worshipers the Germans lived betany, of the qualities which make a really great edge of frontier graft by the President himself. statedon that same food suit of glory and they were to share In the Ifcommander the expenditure ter can is If set doubtful be and he It So resented all this. Custer Grant was as his Naturally tragic end of his quest, did, because the the than English an in leader down the as of command or was the cavalry the not of outstanding Won only deprived food Lydia, who In 1849 married David Reed Stuart and Forrest of the Con expedition which was to be sent sgalnst the German women made their roe, Mich. When she went to the little pioneer same class withor taste good. Sheridan, Merrltt and Torbert hostile Sioux from Fort Abraham Lincoln in town on the shores of I.ake Michigan, she took federate army A food that should be used much North Dakota but was even forbidden to go with "Autle" with her. He lived there off and on for of the Union army. His weaknesses as a commander became even it He made frenzied appeals to Sherman, com more frequently is whole wheat the next six or seven years and there he met more apparent In bis Indian fighting days than mander in chief of the army, to Alfonso Taft grains. Whole wheat offers one of the girl, Elizabeth Bacon, whom he was to marry In his Civil war career. When he became lieuten- the new secretary of war, and to Grant himself. our cheapest, best balanced foods. 10 years later, ant-colonel of the newly organized Seventh But none of them availed and this time not even Slow boiling over a low fire for Returning to New Rumley again, Custer took g career. his In Despite cavalry and busied himself with molding that his friend, Sheridan, could help him. Finally he six hours will cook wheat grains. the first step a appealed to General Terry, who was to command The cooked cereal contains starch, his father's strong Democratic principles and outfit Into what he believed cavalry regiment be, the strict discipline which he en the expedition, and It was Terry who succeeded which is fuel; protein, a tissue consequent disapproval of his son's actions, Cus-- should and his callous disregard for the wel In getting him restored to the head of his regi ter was not averse to asking a Republican con- forced builder; some fats and vitamins. to men him close his disaster, ment It will be seen later how Custer repaid The brought vrosRmnn to tret him an appointment to the fare of fats and vitamins are In the he was court martialed at that favor. of the grain. Wheat swells to United States Military academy at West Point in September, 1867, on seven germ charges, the most Chief among the points In the controversy four times Its volume after boilUnsuccessful at first Custer was so importunate Fort Leavenworth he had deliberately disobeyed that has raged about Custer's defeat and death being that When you boll the wheat add that finally John A. Bingham, the congressman, serious orders of his superior officer, General Hancock on the Little Big Horn Is the question of whether ing. he entered on 1857, June 3, and him It to it eight times as much water, to gave command In the of midst hos or not he deliberately disobeyed Terry's orders, and never pour off excess liquid; West Point There he was "a oenani insuDorai had deserted his to Indian country hurry to Fort Riley where thereby breaking up a plan of campaign against boil It into the grains. Add salt nate cadet, forever, In trouble and as constantly tile was raging and from which his be the Indians which might bave been successful of course. Wheat cooked this way on the verge of more. . . . The Impartial voice the cholera wife was writing letters filled with lonell Van De Water's conclusion Is that be did delibhas a nutty flavor; it is most tasty of the Academy records portrays George Arm loved and terror and that he bad ordered some erately disobey, that he Intended from the first of all the cereals. stroni CiiBter as a slovenly soldier and a deplor ness shoot without de nf officers to down mercy his to "swing clear of Terry" and by winning a One pound of wheat grains conable student" The approaching crisis of the Civil course serters from the regiment. smashing victory over the Sioux to regain favor tains l.COO calories. Each cup of war resulted In the academy's five-yeFormer Custer biographers have either Ignored with his superiors. So the Glory Hunter gam-hie- d cooked wheat contains 200 calories were being compressed Into four and two classes or lightly over this court martial, but the and lost I or body energy producing units. In graduated in 18C1 one In April ana anomer in factpassed remains that Custer was found guilty on When be lost he brought death not only to addition to a starch, June. Custer was In the latter group, his stand all seven charges, suspended from rank and com himself but to more than 300 others. And among protein, satt and vitamin content In a class of thirty-fouins helne thirty-fourtfor time his for and that pay them were three of his own blood Capt. Tom Whole milk, cream, or condensed "Two years of campaigning would turn West mand for a year the felted. But before year had passed Sheridan, Custer, a troop commander In the Seventh. Bos- milk and sugar can be added for I 'flint's Indifferent sloven Into a soldier," writes more than once overlooked Custer In ton Custer and "Autle" Reed, the son of bis Van De Water. "It would not change bis sub- who had goodness and to Increase the food came to his rescue. Lydia, who had been a "second moth- value. stance. Battle that reconstructed others, sober subordination, was the "battle" of the Washita er" to him. Another of the Custer clan whose The result could live on whole A person tng and deepening their spirits. would only sharpon November 17, 1808, when Custer at life was to be blighted by what took place on wheat and milk for a long time, become would fought He Custer. en (.noma Armstrong tacked the sleeping camp of the Cheyenne chief, June 25, 1878, was his sister, Margaret Emma with the addition of onions, pota:i.1cppii weaDon. terrible to the enemy, difficult Kettle, killing that chief and slaughtering Custer, the wife of Lieut James Calhoun, who toes and tomatoes to combat scurvy. for a weak superior to wield, yet intrinsically he Black women and children Indiscriminately. There perished on the hill above the Little Big Horn. Children would need cod liver oil would remain the raucous and reckless youngster men, is every reason to believe that Black Kettle and O by Western Newspaper UbIob. hand of to prevent rickets. the to his defied clasp had parents ilio v Custer Gen. Geo. a , o IK ar 1 ll I ,r- t Major-Genera- at hs Custer d d ... h, One-thirOne-thir- One-thir- . d la half-broth- n four-year-ol- d half-siste- r, glory-seekin- well-balanc- h r. half-siste- r, C. Western Newepaper Union. 1S m It a bare ration. this ax, how-vemoat relief urgan I cation i EEVEItLT HILLS. Well all I know Is Juit what I read la the papers, fittoa t ucVline down pretty hard at the old R t ll it I a ef Ifcr prowling around all over for o long. I bad to make lot of faces at the old Camera. Movlo feels buslncHi pretty good now. Tbey had a couple of st arve here lattlv.- The m L are ttio diirmli-b- t people to get up a scare. Here you remember not long ago they were all so excited over the fuct the Churches were going to make cm claan up. Well you would bave thought that they had been told there wasent going to be any more film made, that they bad ran out of the stuff they made it out of. WeU they lived through it and are Jut doing line, and Its all forgotten about. But they sure did take It serious for awhile. Then right about the time they could go to bed without looking under It, along come the scare ot Sinclair being elected. Well they was off aaln. The business was to be ruined, they was going to have to move to Florida, or Claremore, or some other place. Well In the first place the fellow wasent going to be elected, and the next place he maby dldoiit Intend to ruin the business, and in the third place he couldent have done all these things If he had wanted to. Tou bave to bate a Legislature with yon. Huey Long is the only one that can do things with no advice, help, or visible aid from anybody but Huey. Bnt now we are over all the scares, and everybody Is working hard, and are happy. California says they are in for quite a little better times. This Election changed a lot ot folks' idea on things. Tbey have kinder become reconslled to the fact that the folks are not so excited about this great debt that Is being piled u? as they thought they were. Course there is lots ot em that think we are just so far in debt that there will nefer be any head above water again, but the most of em seem to think that Its not so terrible. This thing of worrying about what our grand children are going to have to pay, well most folks say, "Well our children seem to think they are smarter than we are, so If they are the chances are that their children will be smarter than they are. sa if they are that smart why maby they can think of some substitute for money that they can pay off their national debt with, and they will wonder why we dident have a bigger one. Maby we wont print the money, but they will, so what difference does it make to us? Why I had the most surprising thing the other day I was reading that In Iowa during the Election they had voted an old age pension, and in order to pay it all the taxpayers had to do was to pay two dollars a year, everybody who is of age. Now can you Imagine that? Every old person in the state gets a pension, if everybody else will pay only two dollars a piece. Why there is dozens of great things that could be done at a very little cost, if the tax was properly applied. Its the waste in Government that gets everybody's goat. 1 see now Borah is after em on a lot of that. Now I dont know how you all feel about Bill Borah, but I think he is just about one of our biggest men. He is a great fellow is Bill Borah, and he can put the finger right on many a festering place. And I think you will see an investigation and they will cut out a lot ot that. Course the way we do things, always bave done things, and always will do things, there just has to be so much graft. We wouldent feel good If there wasent. We juBt have to get used to charging so much off to graft M .. Just like yon LET'S kiuiiie fleer with Leral IneSulrr. Uie HOME INOL'STBT. FATBONIZB Soviet Lists 20.000 Native Plants The flora of the Soviet union have been classified in a edition. More than 20,000 species of plants are described. UTAH HIGH SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Why aet cat rear trslnlnr et the Ian-r- at and best equipped echeel tn the Wet Where yea rie lesia nt prefce-le- a that will aiake yea tar the net ef year life? Write UTAH HICH SCHOOL OP BEAUTY CULTUKfi Bait Lake C'.tlr. Utah Be. Mala 121 Largest Elk Antlers The largest pair of elk antlers recorded by the government was pufehAsed in Colorado Springs in 1897 for the emperor of Germany. Their length of beam was 67 Va Inches, and there were 12 points. OF GOLD" "GRAINS THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL "Makes Cream Taste Better" Western Made For Western Tr2di Ask Tear Grecer THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY hrase. "Bar leaal p roe arte The aad hlp jroer neichaere" sa tree eaeaxh. bat "Bar IntenaeanUln Made uoed ana kelp raaraeir la eqaaUy trne. If yea want ta Inrare year wa BnlV hood, provide fatnre Jebe far year chllarea, and. tacidrnteUy. ear money en year aar ahaeea, bay Intermeantala Hade Ceode. HOMBB NELSON, Boiae. Idaba. eft-aea- rj At 400 Utah Oil Refining: Service Stations in Utah and ldah Thora ara salt lakes in Tibet rhich are remnants of shrinkage of huge fresh-watglacial lakes formed In past ages. er iTlnAAM llrvVifa TMAOn afT elnncr all courses and red Is an invitation to i jfo eisewnere. 1 WILSON HOTEL 28-4- EAST 2nd SOUTH ST. 0 Salt Lake City The Center of Convenience Shopping and Theater District Reasonable Rates We solicit your patronage. Cafe in connection OTTO R. HAAS. Mg--r. Europe is a little smaller in are than the United States and Alaska, but it has more than four times have to get used to charging so much off for Insurance, or as many people. taxes, or depreciation. Its a part of our na tional existence that we just have become accustomed to. It will be very interesting to see Just what the new Congress does do, or rather it will be very interesting to see what It is he has thought up for them to do, for 1 guess no bunch of men ever come to a Congression al Mess Hall with any less Idea of what they was going to order to eat. They are all just coming and say ing, "Well I had no Idea I would be allowed to order myself. I just fig ured I come and sit down, and I eat what they bring me. Why I dident know I would be asked to order." But 1 expect thats the best way after all. You can look at half the guys stomachs In the world, and you can sea they dont know how to order for themselvB. 1934. UcStmlkt ha It's eer faell Synditt, Im. fto .T." ff llll PCT wk the bnt B nald ler ertith) Similar Intermeantaht made Geeda te above. Bead year atory In proae orvera te intcratonntein Predaete Cotam a. P. O. Bos 1S3S Salt Lake City. It year etery appeare larethle eotania yoa will eeire check for Week No. tut W.N.U. $3.00 Salt Lake CUy Island Sank Into Sea The island of Tuanaki, In th Cook islands, sank into the sea in 1836, drowning over 13,000 Battle for Light Babies Babies under five and one-ha- ll pounds weight at birth ordinarily have trouble surviving, says en physician. Casein, a product mado from milk, is used to make buttons, beK buckles, combs, hairbrushes, mirrors and other articles. |