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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- Thursday, November 29, 1931 NEPHI. UTAH S, THE FEATHERHEADS VoU FEUX,PEARr-vJOUL- MINP amp OH-I'- WELL-n- M OOiNG-UPSTAl- get that LEFT PATTERM OH THE" To ASK VoU To RUKJ UP GET THOSfc FLOOR. AND AIL RlSKr ASAtlJ RLouseS PUT OM Top OF THE TRUMK. I "ZA I OM Ye AH ? t3 WHAT PO You AFKAIP M 11 L HAVE UP TO THB THIKP ON I THINK . 111 AA"M! BUREAU f I J NOW THE IDEA! TUST LAST WBEK WoU VWER.B WlSHlMS- - VOU COULD VO SOME MOUNTAIN CHMB1NQ- - And Mow PowT WAHT To CVBi4 CLIMB A FEW TAIKI r ? AM III -- 7 IT t- JVziZ FINNEY OF THE FORCE III" THAT WAS FINE VJORcf PiUMpV CATCHlMGr THAT SHORTvslEISrtT PiJTCHEK.1 IM PUTTlHC YOU OM 77J 7 I I tba 3oim om orA WORK THATs A I tbtecT;e" THIEVES w On the Weigh P AFIWE Y'Tis Noisie o' VER BlSNlSS-- J LAU6HJ WHAT rrrfpi)Tot'M OUT APThER SHORT IS IT HOvi? VJ6KSHT MERCHWTS SpoT-fl- N DOOR MAT y , OM DETecXiTWE M UGHT WEIGHT" BISr KlPPOl ARE J'J Encouragement At an English theater they were playing "The Forty Thieves," and as the company numbered only eight, the entry of the robbers Into the cave was achieved by their passing out at the back of the stage and entering again at the front. Unfortunately one of the robbers walked with a limp, and when he bad entered five times a voice from the gallery cried: "Stick It, Uoppy; last lap!" ? WJkM ( CfN" 0 4 :7l -- t BOBBY THATCHER PAJAMAS SC-ln- tin FAnmyI GiT Mt CitLlAM CLOTHES OlTT SPECIAL PETAlL TO FERRET OUT OTWEf? OFFBMPERS jpL eioa Jean slinpor loathes to cover np ber gorgeous new pajamas with sheets and blankets, and so aha lingers up with Teddy until the lat moment. But It won't be long now look at those eyeai Beautiful aa they are. ber night things are even more cox and comfortable, and no child llvlu could possibly keep ber eyea opa very long when wearing them. are neat but roomy, with sleev- Jf SUCCESSFUL TOUR wide enough, there's m pocket tor a "We must go to Stratford," a tour- hanky and a smart loose cut of trous-e- r and please don't overlook the ist on a visit to England said to bis convenient way In which they button wife. "What's Uia use of tbatr asked up In the back. Pattern 910S may be ordered only she. "We can buy Stratford postIn sizes 4. 6, 8, 10 and 12. Size 4 recards In London." fabric. yards "My dear, one travels for some- quires 2 Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or thing more than to send postcards! I want to write my name on Shake- stamps (coins preferred) for this pat- speare's tomb!" aiontreal Star. 7 1 Constructive Criticism I .... I 1 twa's just what i VOL! ET THOUGHT. I THATS TUn JUAIM TROUBLE WITH YOU ALWAYS MA KIN A TWS BLACKBERRIES FAST6RV1 VOJ 6TUAWWICK nun jf'ififa JSP AAA L1KTE -- 111 COMMA KMOWS BETTEF?N HIAA... I'LUCO OVER THB HILL, WHERE THE? - ftHE y I I i nr.nl-.ie- ickek;: i LU And Ha Went Hi. Way Sinister Looking Individual (significantly) Is yer usband at ome, ma'am? Lady (resourcefully) Well, If he's finished his revolver practice, he'll be playing In the back garden with Did you want to our bloodhounds. see him? London Tit-Bit- BAYS A CROWIM rwiLO LIKS Me NEEDS A LOT TA EAT "N" I GUESS HELP YOJ AND WE AIHT GONNA VNAIT FOR YOU, AMT 'I III M AlVJT COT THAT FULL, BY THB vuc; FU4ISU WE YOU PAIL, FlTTS SAYS IRA STORM By GEORGE M I IF CODCA YOUR PICKED "EM SLUMBER-WOOIN- G TATTERM tou ) PRETTY Just 'Alping Out i.nfih t 1 Hard Lack's Limit They were discussing their bad luck. Do you know. Bill," said one, my lack Is so dead out that If I threw a dollar bill Into the air It would come down an Income tax demand note." The Whole Story "Hello, Smith, old man, haven't seen you for some time." "Been In bed seven weeks." "Oh, that's too bad. Flu, I suppose?" "Yes, and crashed !" Montreal Star. SWATTER POP The Truth Will Out By C M. PAYNE DODGING THE 9108 OLD TASK Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS, the STYLE NUM- tern. BER and SIZE. Complete, diagrammed sew chart Included. ToPDoTo fA TlA-- J STb'ey V 3ouTJT4 vjkuL ylTOMTy EttiMy "-- j- V A "7 Z5C Send your order to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 232 West Eighteenth street. New York, N. Y. X - EUREKA 7 I "Archimedes," read the schoolboy, aloud, "leaped from his bath shout- ' ' " . a. VIK 1 "KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES" ow I THryr ALoysius R vice pResioewT of Tue HAVE AM I OCA HUM- Am't M- iki T. TRUST IT fy vflty COMKlECTED WITH TH 5 NO. ITvS AOOOT A BoTLER! ti& Mowey. we HAve The ABSOLOTO-y- why shoolont a Cutler Joneses? YOU THINK XVl THeae' like Don't . OLD OEAR..' IS NOW HAKIMS' ALOy-10- NOTHING UKl TSUTLeB. TO CrlVe RKfHT? Class to a HOMC FLATHeL SMOKED a "Okay" Says Eddie HELP WftWTCD COLOMM! DOVJT FoESET JLHAVE HKiH BLOOD Dg, canine, - iNo ny eoy; the My LIFE I REAUIxeDl WILL SOONT tE REAKFAyrvy Br moition ftBCUT TO T6E YOUR. OLD MA TAKIU3- - Hl-- J in ceck!!: H6K.RIMG- - 1 CLARC6 7- CSIMWIMG Tt HAVE "5lSr IDEVS ing 'Eureka! Eureka I'" "One moment," said the teacher. "What U the meaning of 'Eureka? " " 'Eureka' means I have found it," said the boy. Wife (pleadingly) John, why are "Very welL What had Archimedes you staying out every night until found?" Questioned the teacher. The boy hesitated, then ventured, hopeafter 10 o'clock? fully. "The soap, sir !" Terre Haute Hubby Sh I Don't you know Bob- Tribune. ble has begun those Infernal geometry lessons again? Can't Get Away With It "But, my dear," bleated the poor Thought Revived d little husband, "you've Lionel By Jove, old fellow, when been for half an hour, and I talking In to love a man's think haven't said a word." he begins that his eyes are open for the first "No," snapped his wife, "you time I haven't said anything, hut you've and Friend Yes, Sympathizing been listening In a most aggravating when it's all over be sometimes has manner, te stand and I'm not same sensation Vancouver for It" Border Citiesgoing the Star. Province. - The Grass Is Greener Man Did your wife scold you when you went home so late last night? Friend No. For once I was In luck. The people next door were having a family spat and she was so bnsy listening that she forgot all about me. Chelsea Becord. 2 ! Our Pet Peeve Powder By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Proper Treatment Her View of U A woman came Into our He Would you marry for money? She Well, a husband with no hospital the other day and she was so cross-eye- d that the tears ran right money to me would be like a garage down her neck. with no car In It Boy Friend You couldn't do anything for her, could you? Not Missing Anything Nurse Certainly; we treated her Old Gentleman Didn't I give yeu for bacteria. Pathfinder Magazine. a dime Just now in the High street? Tramp Yes, sir; Pve got a branch The Real Point office there. British Guide (showing places of Cash Wanted Interest) It was In this room that Lord Wellington received his first "Pay your taxes with a smile,' adcommission vised Mrs. OotrockB. American Tourist (suddenly Inter"I should love to," said Miss "but they Insist on cash." ested) How much was It? JNurse twr RKD5 MOWER HAS LETT BASKET CCWAIKM6 HIS BWrt PARAPHERNALIA HI. Best Work They had been discussing the habit of certain authors who de most of their work at night "When does our old friend Scribbler do his best work?" asked A. "In the daytime," replied B. "That's when he mows the lawn and keeps the garden generally hi order." Montreal Star. WriM REACH Q0KKE5T VW To EXAMINE COUXOitS OF AtJVftlS6 15 TO UP ENP (T DOESKT XKOW WHETrlER HI ft. MORE WTEREStED W BWH THERMOMETER OR POWDER. 1 PEC1PE5 Ort IKTTtR AND 5HAKK THE WPfV MOWER PCS Af TER WS BAW AV CRN ' EXAMINES CAM AND -TO FlHO WW THE TOP Cflt BE TURNER SHAKES OH A6AIM ANP IS PE U6HTEP THAT MOW A U5T0F P6WPER COMfS OOT X 1 WHV MOWER HIM PLW WIW WIS ! JOST UKE A S(ttW SORM WONDERS mXJt lEf BtftRE ay.rgn. w. n gt ' 6TI5 A UtTlE fM MIUIPIOOS AND CRACKS HEAD WW CftK. CftUS TOR HCTHEff wra. HE MUSTSAV HE PIDNT SYMPATHY FROM Htfi! AND HE OHlY PM) WHAT SHE DOES CTTTW EHOU&H 6Ef MUCH (Cuyyilglrt. fcy TH BTt SttwUcW, Inc ) .i' Jii ill I. , |