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Show THE PAGE SIX mil t -- wfn Tells abooT ths olp romanj hev fe-l-t fMEi? end was , NfAR( TH6 "Themselves WOULD j frTTZ thf. NEPIII. UTAFI S. Thursday, November 17, 1932 Br Otboroe THE FEATHERHEADS iHese HisoicAU Movsts ars great! owe tnis TIMES-NEW- veR- E in mi stow c a Vou'Re PERHAPS VO"J cAi- TELL MB gVBNTS tHiMOTH6 .UGr wHAl WAS fHf? FRST lI uEty omwrapp&d - ems&des V--- J -" Zw. H& CAM Br frlB "TO fri.ONg f WHISPERED Throne Into Histories iii, "Vlh VOUP GtVB TH6 MM6 SUPR?0 I .VOU WHAT WAS ANP f.ronf rnmnlpk I fin Secret! kV" ASKtO ANSWER. F THH FIRST THIWG- - QUEEkJ BUXABeTH PIP WH&tf HB CAME s SAT OH rT.1! SHE: j- fo WAS IT WA PiD SETB lhrn:t of tar flawksaclear wll skin. Ixmg ao h leomrd that no conttie would hulf bktcb, iMmilror uliowneea. She tuund Uie aecxrt of real complexion beauty i.i NR X fexacd 1 and cleared th climiiuitive tract ccMrtrd aluit-gM-b . rjowrl lion drove out the pononoue waste. She felt better, too, full of prp, tutting with vitality. Try tht mild, aale, drpendiJjla. corrective tucughL Se your cotw lAriMM imorove. see headaches, dullness vantbh. Ar ail rtmoutalft only 2oc IP PROPEKty 44Lmmm Wind Carried Off Hay whirlwind near the home of Stanley Mucha, In Ware, Mass., caused several men working In his hayfleld to ga.e In wonder when a pile of hay they had rake" up, ready to be loaded on a truck, was seen to rise In the air and sail along for tome distance, apparently without any reason. The hayplle was car ried up In the air about 200 feet and remained In a compact mass for a considerable distance before drop ping to the ground. A FINNEY OF THE FORCE - g'-'-- - gjf - I AM' WHV $' 01 7 - rA - fmce Bftw&ErJ vouano a SCK THE LOOSE SCREW i "Why are you looking for two summer resorts? Isn't one enough for you?" "Sure, but I want another one for in, wife." Poetic One She's an incarnation of beauty. Itoughneck She ain't no flower she's a peach. sx.- x- Algy- - "1 wondah if Bessie would Miss Stiarpe (bluntly) "She's fond of dumb animals she says." Logical Explanation 'Doea a family called Greenlee live here?" "No, but there Is a Mister Green a few doors down, and over the road a Mrs. Lee." "Oh, they must have been di vorced." Vart Hem (Stockholm). MALE ANIMAL AT LEAST ;Jg SjL I ff STOPPED 'UP REDUCING IN ENGLAND I TnnnpnfVipnnKtrJIaand promote clear breathing use Mentholatum night and morning. IV V Kennard, age eight, delights In us ing big words. At dinner, when cabbage was be ing served by his father, he accepted his plate with a wry face and ex- tlaimed : "I Just Ignore cabbage." What do Why-er-wh- y She When in an spot like this, a girl always wishes she had a man's protection. Miss Oversensitive Mr. Small Norhort, let me remind you that I'm a male animal at least. have lost twen ty pounds since I came over here. Lady Doublecross 1 never play bridge for very high stakes. Jack bliss. Miss Eagleblrd Try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ?r7tf Compound CSX I Shan & Ik I Felt Terribly Nervous I - fe) Ll- Jill How exceedingly blissful you must be. Friend Well, how are you com-- l May? Telephone Operator Plugging along as usual, thank you. ig on, "It may be so, but I don't see how It can ever be." "What Is It?" "My nephew says that the reason we feel so exhausted these hot days it because of the humor In the at mosphere." PARKED- DOWM TDWM Next top coughing. j OH, ARE M?0 Home"? VOU MUST HAVE FORGOTTEN THS CARVti? "Father was angry because we had to leave the picture show when I couldn't I - Wfli Try the Fire Department "Hello ! Is this the city bridge department?" "Yes. What do you want?" "How many points do you get foe a little slam?" Union Pacific Magazine. x. QrJA By jame w. rztizzz"' Brooks "z- - Pont Neglect Kidney and Bladder Irregularities . If bothered with bladder irregularities, getting up at night and nagging backache, heed promptly these symptoms. They may warn of some dis- ordered kidney or bladder condition. For 50 years grateful users have relied upon Doan's Pills. Praised the country over. ISold by all druggists. CEM.THOMA5 GAOE.,tNGl-l5- GOVECNOft OF MASACHOStTTb 11 iHE NiGHT OF MCS. WA5WIMGT0N WA5UlNCrroN AFTEEWACD AND ACOIVED "TO HtG TAit THE. HOME OF HEN2V LIFE WA5 MOCt CMEECFOL CAME TO BOSTON ON, OOHN PAC.LX COMMAND OF THE WAptWOCTM F00 THE GENECAL ACMV THE.Y UVED . WlTH HI6 SOME. !N M0NTM5 THE CCIGIE FNM1L.V WITH AFTtC- HOOt HIM AGIN APBU- - 4, 1176, TWO TH0O&AN0 MEN STRUGGLEO UP OOCCHE&TEC HEIGHTS WITH CANNON AND FORTIFICATION MATERIAL UNDECCOVEtt Of A 0OMBACDMENT WASHINGTON NOW IN A POSITION TO DE6TPOV BOSTON THE ENG-Ut)- H 3ENECAU &AIO THAT THE CE8EL HAD DONE MOCE IN ONE NIGHT THAN H5 OOL0lEK.t W0OL0 HAVE OONE IN A MONTH WAS 1 time we'll take a bot for coughs." tle of Bronchi-Lyptu- s At your druggist's. For FREE sample) write to 732 Ceres Ave- - Los Angeles. Ok Pawl ALWAVS "THE VWAV ! A MAU WORKS HARD TO BUVAGAR AWD THEKI UMEU HE VJMTCS Tt OSE IT, HIS WIFE IS OUT GADOMQ- - AROOWO Creoles The word "Creole" Is used in the United States In reference to the white persons descended from French and Spanish settlers of Louisiana and other Gulf states. rWatchYour Kidneys GEORGE WASHTN GTON'S TRAVELS J Fagged out . . . always melancholy and blue. She should take Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Compound. Ira tonic action builds up the system. Try it. They say that ignorance la f I SOMEWHAT MIXED By Charles Sughroe I 11 Tfl JUST PLUGGING ALONG er aw pet?" X. fe IS . MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL OFGOLFBEWRe l'" N HlmJ.!! yfe NOW! jj "So Fred and Bess have made up? By George, after the way she laid him out I never expected it. Ilow did he pacify her?" "Told her he would ratlicr quar rel with her than kiss any other girl." v Vv MIGHT PET NO FLOWER - CSnN "Ignore." It "Just saw Smith the contractor tearing down the street." "lie must be clearing a space for that new park." THE DIPLOMAT ZTl I" NO DIFFERED V She (touching her lips) you do for the chaps? Her Friend (blushing) should I tell you? Dear Girl I know there's a screw loose somewhere, oilicer, but I Just can't And where. He's in Harness, Too "THE? Res ( I COLD CREAM? HARD AT WORK Trallic Cop What do you mean by dashing through like that? You must have a screw loose )r ' C, is g EXPLAINED THE ONLV DIFFER- 3 . Q, WHV 1- 25 THe,y C,0 AND CLEAN them- should IS m5?ss- VOU-L- ""-"- fcS r ' A y Diuretic 1: j W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 47-19- 32. |