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Show I Nov. Thursday. TI1H 1932 17. ' , 1 NEPHI, UTAH. . TIMES-NEWS- ' of m:w yoiik wv Oiif of the ' " '." rj iut York , The Livestock Situation rx LEC.ITS ) We Plan interesting woni l U Israel en lu New By J. A. McNaughton MonkottilZ, kiltlixr. s.x toloKlat, poll- LOS ANGELES There is a dlx- Iciat.s. public ivlui !n counselor. and omnium aid und adviser of At imctly better feeling in market ma business circles now that the red Kiimmfitu'l Smitli. Mr. Mosople have made use of their nrl- a New Yorker who native kimili ilene of electlns a new federal in becHine social Interested eurly administration. Tlhe overwhelm!! nervlee work mid women's clubs. oie or confluence and: approval Jnce un antl sulYraKte, slie lias be iven Governor Roosevelt Indicate come one of tbe nuwt powerful worn- that the majority of the people are au pollllcians of t'ie n i iuii. iievinK m nis policies and that iey will do something towards Im. i tier Interest to proving conditions. It must be rec- It was threu-lIllzed that a new nreslrler:. rnnlH woman a club lliat slie met iordo little towards effecting chan ertior Smith, whom slie escorted, a ges but lor the better, but much can rather unwilling rujitlve, to uiuke be accomplished through the sjKH'fh before tier n;:tiil.utloii. Iin effect that has come over iressed l her knowledge of social the people themselves. und political mutters, he kept In it probably is too much to ouch with her, arid Hpointed tier iect any great immediate imnro. to the Ktute rwonstrui tion comtuls eniem in market values, yet there sion. I. liter she wa a member of s everv r ason to irmir rnrwaM n such bodies as the toverinrg Inuor general Improvement if the mass board, and the Committee of Wom- of people are in more optimistic frame of mind. It Is significant. en on National IVfense. however, that as this is written, hog prices on the ereat central mar. Tremendously it live und quick kets have advanved every day for witted, capable of unstained mental 'asi seven market days; tha and physical effort, with un alert the hide market has trained in nrt.- sense of humor, P.elle Israels Mos tvity and the recent advan.-nr kowitz Is a shrewd publicist, capable being held; that offerings of wool , and a fine are in siroing nanas and no sales of smooth diploiii:ii-yshowman. This latter quality may are neing errected unless at the full of recent gains. partially result Irmu. a short expe strength I he most lmnortant nrnhlem eon. She Is one rience as an aetre-swoman who has had a real Influence fronting the new administration i on the course of state and national that of improving the agricultural situation. Farmers and stockmen affairs. nave been producing at a loss and no real improvement can come un- Tbe Yale football team of 1902 ess iarm commodities brinir more had some pretty husky men on It. attractive nrlces. In the forward line were Holt. It is reassuring? to know that turn Glass, Coss, llogan, Kinney, Sher- 01 me greatest, men wno nave held Un Walter Camp me position or secretary of Agriculand Uafferty. were appointed by Democratpicked the lot of them for first ture, ic presidents. Back at the close of with the excep string Goss the last centurv. President Criev.' tlon of Goss and KalTerty. land apointed J. Sterling Morton made only the second 01 rxeDrasica. a man wno had a keen that season, and KalTerty didn't knowledge of livestock and agriculmake tbe mythical eleven until the ture. His practical management of ball The carriers following year. aie umtea states Department of and Agriculture was vastlv diffmwifc tr were Chndwlck. some of the harmful and theoret Metcnlf and Bowman, second Between the forwards ical ideas forced urxm airriculture and the pigskin toters stood the by more recent heads of this Im a portant division. Another great quarterback, another of Asrir.nlt.iirA wo noiH.-- l small bundle of dynamite with fire Secretary F. Houston, appointed by President on the upper end in the shape of wiison. red hair. With commands, which When Franklin n Rmvplt or. a of as as bark tbe sounded sumes the high office as President, sharp terrier, he bossed those giant line it is of utmost importance that his men and those plunging and darting selection or a secretary of Agricul backs, driving them to victory and ture oe careiuny studied. The Imto glory. Ills name was Foster portance of the livestock business Rockwell, field general of one of the warrants the appointment of a man who has a sympathetic understand- greatest teams football ever knew ine of worth nf livesrvV In nnr air. riculture be of a practical mind and. Delia J. Akeley tells me a story of tans tnat our new secretary of Ag- town In Africa. An Eng ncuiure De or a practical mind and a fair-size- d lish resident was robbed one night, a man whn will fnllnw nut ttu mil tbe thief entering and leaving the established laws of supply and de house silently and cleverly and tak mand ror the improvement of conditions rather than try out any log nothing except money. A native more rje& theories whlnh hum who had passed the house during disturbed marthe night heard of the robbery and re in the past so badly and which a great keting practices a seen he had that bicycle ported dismany people i runic nave parked In the road. He had stopped turbed the marketing unduly situation a moment to look at It and remem There should be the greatest posbered the license number. The po sible element of coordination of ex- lice traced the bicycle to the town isf.incr fnrcfts rat.twr than an ffnr. jailer, who also was a native. In to create friction between such for vestigation disclosed that the Jailer ces. nightly had been releasing an ex pert thief from the Jail, who would Plant 155,000 Acres take the bicycle, do his stuff, and then return to be locked up and of Timber Lands split with the Jailer. Washington. More than 155,-00acres of the United States Some time ago, a set of questions were planted with forest trees of members the wer asked the during 1931, state reports comRoys' club of New York. The an piled by the forest service. swers Indicated that the average United States Department of Fast side youngster is interested In Agriculture, show. so to chance but has little baseball, In 1930, 138,970 acres were Is turning to basket play that he planted. ball. That Is one reason many big The forest service planted league ball players come from counmore than 26,000 acres In nationIs where still there plenty try towns, al forests In 1931. State forest of land for a baseball field. planting totaled 58,989 acres and new planting on other state Other things discovered by the Reported lands, 3,321 acres. were East the that questionnaire by individuals amountplanting Is to be ambition side boy's great ed to 29,624 acres. come an aviator or an engineer. Other contributors to foresta-tlo- n That I what planes constantly flyIncluded: Industrial organing over Manhattan have accom izations, 21,638 acres; municiThe boys picked Lindbergh plished. and 11.561 acres, palities, as their favorite hero. In their schools and colleges, 1.114 acres. choice of books, mystery stories and Michigan led all states In adventure stories lead aviation tales. and putting Idle land planting Just as the golfer would rather play back to work growing timber, e would-bso of these golf, than read the report said. New York was aviators long to fly rather than to and Pennsylvania third. second, read of flying. 1931 plantings, the AgrThe WNU Sanrtoa. . 195S. Bel! Syndicate. iculture department estimated, brought the total area of arti"Steak" Grow en Planta ficially reforested lands to 1,953,-39Belmont.Mass. Tasmanlan beans, acres. cultiare five to pounds, being three vated here by Coy Orsett. The bean, when sliced and cooked, tastes like real steak. Hi-l- iT IMP More Radio New Philco !r Tour Money Balanced Unit Super- be Highboy Cabinet in American Black Walnut hand heterodyne rubbed. Automatic Volume Control. Tone Control. Twin Electro - Dynamic Speakers. Illuminated Station Recording Dial. Seven New Philco High-Efficien- cy Tubes, Four Pentodes. And the K ..III fMllfO mum price is only . . I m.r JC ,. il . k - 11 1 bJ V rh Iff i H 1 fee- 1 - , to bay It Looki Better! It Sounds Better! It IS Better! Philco Nw Unit 11-Tu- - Balanced be Superheterodyne radio Twin Klectro-dyna-.'a. magr.ia-ce- nt C ;nt Speakers. Shadow Tuning. Tone Control. Automatic Tuning Silencer. Automatic Volume Control. Illuminated Station Record-in- ? Circuit. EU DiaL Push-Pueven New Philco ' Tt ' ' iuucs, inciuaing oix x'enioaes. ilGrill. fine luminated An unusually specimen of the cabinetmaker's art 4-- p ll High-Efficienc- 1 1 y! J 1 rare American Walnut, hand rubbed. Embodies every worth in while improvement, are exclusive many of which $ISS NEW PHILCO Balanced Unit Superheterodyne Model 91X with practically all the latest improvements described above . . . Complete Nothing Else to Buy. Free Trial. ..Long Easy Terms! Dixon-Taylor-Russ- Other toModels from $19.50 Co ell $310.00 Sahara Largest Deter! The Sahara bas an area of about 3,500,000 square miles. The Great American desert, extending from the United States Into Mexico, has an 1,050,000 area of approximately square miles. Maine's Tribute to Howard Unveiled 0 Menacing Fire Halted A letter from a farm tells this story: owner When fire broke out the other day my wife called the telephone operator for help. She telephoned all who could teach us quickly. "Suddenly the wind changed and another appeal to the operator brought additional help to save all our buildings." 4 Priceless emergency use is only 1 of the telephone's functions. It keeps you in touch with prices with customers, saves you many trips and makes social contne's all for a few cents a day. Mountain Tel. and States Tel. Co. bronze equestrian statue of MaJ. Gen. Oliver O. Howurd, n veiled on the Battlefield of GetA., by Ilobert Aitken, N. A., was on November 12. It was erected by the state of Maine In honor Thtc heroic U. S. of ber valiant son. - PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES (Consult County DESERET MORTUARY Why pay more for less THOMAS BAILEY, MANAGER Telephone Nephi 55 "SERVICE ABOVE But To Keep YOU DRUGS AT IT PLEASES M Complete-Nothi- ng else Get You Well - Shadow Tuning Inclined Sounding Board Twin Speakers Philco High -- Efficiency Tubes ...and more features m i Not only to - 1 MO IMABV ? FIV PAGE K ALL" Signers For Clerk or Farther Raspsetiv Information. Bandits Flee From Spinsters' Greeting Va. When and "Doc" Ocala, ColumWright, twenty-five- , bus Qulsenberry, twenty-two- , tried to break Into the home occupied by three elderly spinsters here, they received a much warmer reception than they bad anticipated. Miss Annie Goad, sixty-threa cripple, smashed Wright on the head with an ax as he tried window. The other to enter and sixty, sisters, seventy-thre- e respectively, put up such valiant resistance that the men were frightened off and later arrested, but not until they bad used rocks and other missiles with sncb effect that the spinsters' dwelling was considerably e, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of George C. Malloy, de ceased, and Thelma Malloy, deceas Creditors will present claims ed. with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Will L. Hoyt, Nephi National Bank Building, Nephi, Utah, on or before the 17 day of January, A. D. 1932. Albert N. Sowby, administrator of estates of Geeorgc C. Malloy and Thelma Malloy, Deceased. Will L. Hoyt, attorney for estates Date Date of first pub. Nov. 17, 1932 of last pub. December 8, 1932 Wei 1 t PRICES PRE-WA- R US TO PLEASE YOU , Ord & Mangelson DRUGGISTS SAWS, ALL KINDS PUT IN FIRST Class Condition. Eugene Tolley. College Student Pays Way by Plane Jumping Sheridan Blockhouse Is Getting New Cedar Roof Dayton. Ore. The I'liil Sheridan It blockhouse Is beitiR re roofed. was built in .STr. when the white people feared an outbreak of In dians brought to the reservation. It Is one of Dayton's valued relics The new roof of pioneer days. will be of cedar shake and will be built to resemble as nearly nsu.s-slhlthe old one. 1 Houston, Texas. Some students wash windows to make their way Others cultivate through college. campus merchandise concessions, and there's always the fellow who has his way made easy because of athletic prowess. But It's safe to say that none can lay claim to greater originality, however peculiar the abilities making them capable of holding their Jobs, than can Dan RIppe, sandy haired, blue eyed Swede, who attends Rice Institute here. Dan Is a parachute Jumper, and because of his daring In delaying the opening of his chute sometimes makes as high as $25 for single exhibition. Instead of counting 10, the usual procedure, RIppe counts 50, often falling 1,500 feet or mora before checking his drop. e o CAMERA STOPS WATER r, rv 1 Swedish Police May Use Movies in Riot Trials Stockholm. The police here are seriously thinking of using moving picture cameras during public disturbances to help them gain convictions. Stills taken during political riots and the like have often been produced In court as evidence to show some person or persons In the act of stone throwing. The trouble with stills, however, Is that although a person ma be shown with a stone In his hand, there Is no actual proof that the stone was thrown by that person. A moving picture camera would record every movement of the throwing, or as the case may be the striking of a blow. Experts are working on a camera of the baby type which can be carried easily, worked easily and oper ated from a distance. Expert Studies Effects of Chess on Children Lelpslc Whether or not playing chess affects the formation of the body, and especially that of the skull. Is at present being Investi gated by Dr. R, Gran of the Insti tute for Ethnology and Anthropol ogy, at the University of Lelpslc. Doctor Grau Is lucky, for he has at his disposal the most nnlque material for bis studies namely, the en tire population of the little village of Stroebeck. province of Saxony, known as the "chess village." where the royal game has been played now for close to 1,000 years." In Stroebeck chess Is played In every house by young and old. Chess even forms part of the obligatory currlcnlum at the Stroebeck school. f 8F0tfuD FULL POWERED 4 Is Water from the faucet stopped to pose for Its portrait when this unusual photograph was made at an exposure of of a second. The constantly changing pattern of flowing water, which ordinarily appears to the eye as a blurred vision, is now revealed In strange forms not unlike Icicles or molten glass. The photograph was made by means of a new electrical circuit developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Prof. Harold L. Kdgerton and Kenneth J. Oermes-hausen- . Buy in BATTERIES FULL SIZED high oversize plates select Port Orford Cedar separator special design rubber bushing prevents leaks and absorbs shocks thick, heavy reinforced covers give battery contents extra protection large connectors carry heaviest discharge without power loss extra strong, genuine hard rubber case , ample capacity at all temperatures WJ WWW Ki. Im I 'I 1 1 Wt V,, v Texaco Service Garage i |