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Show TUntdar, November 17. 1932 Sally Sez n Wc THI! By EDWARD W. PICKARD IDINO triumphantly upon the beard the rejoicings of his close ascrest of a tremendous wave of sociates In the campaign, and then discontent, franklin Delano Roose-- went to Albany to take up the task relt was elected President of the of adjusting the New York state United States, the budget. A group of leading Demo man crata In the senate and house, as to win that lofty soon as his victory was assured, tel- R' d eminence. Herbert Hoover went down to catacylsmlc defeat because of condition and circumstances beyond his control and not of his making. The sovereign people of 12 fSmt ;, the nation wanted Franklin D. a change, a "new Roosevelt deal." that might conceivably bring about an Improvement In business and Industry and provide joba for the millions of unemployed. So they went to the polls and got the egraphed him urging that he enunciate as soon as possible bis program of combating the depression, 'f'W'i and asking especially that be tell the country whether or not he planned to call a special session of k rmfi fx vark will mm h e'r. aiau SjmiW hw congress immediately after his In4r, $- to via lu. Mack, Kk, la mi, auguration to deal with the tariff. at etamT at It was Intimated In Washington that 1 ATB0.MZB H0MK INDVBTRT Mr. Roosevelt might assume at once the leadership of his party and direct its doings in the final session of the Seventy-seconcongress during the winter. Since the nation's problems are so grave and realiy not partisan. It would be gratifying to the people to see the PresidentIWt Have to Lie Down elect change. and his party sinIIor.es, like elephant and many The defeat of the Republican na cerely with the administration of '.her animal, have the power of Their tional ticket was the greatest sus- President Hoover In seeking their ekeping while standing. tained by a majority party In more solution. With the election ended legs are provided with muscular mechanism which cause them to than a century. Governor Roose so decisively, this delightful dream velt carried 42 states and has a might be realized, luck, a it were. vote of 472 In the electoral college. KK VOIR DBUCCI8T fOB President Hoover won In only s 4R. ROOSEVELT at least to try to get his program Delaware, New AGA- R- Maine, Connecticut. Hampshire, Vermont and Pennsyl for national recovery started during vania. His electoral college vote the coming short session of conPRODUCT AM INTKKUOt'NTAIN Is SO. The Democratic candidate gress. He let It be known that be was 200 votes In excess of the 2CG would Invite the leaders of the presKeats of Flamingoes to a choice. Moreover, when ent senate and house to a confer necessary build Strang, The flamingoe the victor takes office next March he ence at his winter home at Warm looking nests in low marshy areas. will have backing him a congress Springs, Ga., where he will spend To avuij rising water they mold eonri of mud a foot or more In controlled by the Democrats, for two weeks at Thanksgiving time, height. These are hollowed at the they won a majority In the senate and will plan with them what can be done without waiting for his inapex to accommodate one or two and Increased the majority they al Farm relief especially ready bad in the house of repre auguration. sentatives. Among the notable Re will be discussed'. Mr. Roosevelt publican senators vho were over- has plans to aid agriculture by a whelmed by the deluge were Hidomestic tariff to be levied on cerram Bingham of Connecticut. Reed tain basic crops such as wheat, corn THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Smoot of Utah, James E. Watson and cotton, which would be intendof Indiana. Otis F. Glenn of Illinois ed to give the farmers a better price and George H. Moses of New for their products and strengthen Hampshire. Brookhart of Iowa. their buying power. If taltraujntaJa pesple bar lnwiauaataia Blaine of Wisconsin and Shortrldge titU It Is likely, too, that a measure Tkta M aua cUl eaprrulaa of California had been eliminated In to legalize beer will be put through WeM Jest U am aa4 die. the primaries. the lame duel- session of congress if f Indoilrr waaM Pa. Pwi Though New York with Its 47 the plans of the wets work out. W al antra tura Ban Bar hh Am4 car aaanclal Ula electoral votes had been considered though the drys will Bght it as long Wall a kaa fraaa abar t aher. the crucial battleground, Roosevelt, as they can, and they are still In as It turned out. did not need It the majority In both houses. Many aaploTawni k Xtrryae An a f.lliiuc aalUr par. to win. However, he carried his of the states on election day voted W.' a vim better aredaH home state by about 642,000 pluralto repeal their dry laws, and the Att4 wi Uan wvald ceai ta tT. CLARA BK1TSCH, next congress will be controlled by ity because of the Immense pluralManU, Ulr ity of about 802.000 given him by wets. Greater New York city. Lieut, Gov. H. H. Lehman led the national and In evinced UTAH WOOLEN MILL GREAT Interest Isofnow state tickets, winning the governorRoosevelt's Trade makeup Bill" Donovan by cabinet. Before the election he anBLANKETS ship overa "Wild for million votes. Senator nounced that he had made no com nearly Your 811 Lak City, Utah Robert F. Wagner easily won re mitments, and to (or Samp' Wool Kinllrnt Values-Ben" election. Among the date he has made P.iiuaaawm. New York congressmen defeated known none of his Europe's Oldest Zoo were Fiorello La Guardla and Ruth selections. Political The Vienna zoo is the oldest ir Baker Pratt, Former Senator James gossip was that Al Europe. At present it is mam Smith's reconciliatained by the city, but it was be W. Wadsworth, Republican wet, was elected a member of the lower tion with Roosevelt gun more than 150 years ago as was based on virby Maria house. a nrivate collection tual assurance that Theresa. the latter would DEMOCRATS of Illinois, with the of Republicnot consider any of JOSEPH WM. TAYLOR, Inc. ans, not only gave Roosevelt and independent fill's Ltidiil MirticiHS Garner a handsome plurality but Republicans for Funerals on Time Payment Plan elected their entire Alfred E. cabinet positions, it n ..ski. state ticket. At Its and this was taken Smith - Tim Wit 121 head was Judge H. Ut lili CitT. in Into consideration Horner of Chicago, also by other conservative Demo-whReward of Idleness who swamped Len feared noth- cratic leaders "One who seeks a life of idle Small In the race so would alarm business else Ing noss," said Hi Ho, the sage of for the governorof radicals for as selection the find Chinatown, "may expect to was not This was of ship. It Importance. positions himself ill served at home and ma for not thought likely that Mr. Smith ligned abroad" Washington Star. surprising, Small's record as would himself accept a place In the state treasurer and cabinet but possibly he might be governor was peappointed chairman of a commission to reorganize the federal govculiarly open to atJohn N. tack, while the only ernment Garner argument against Mention as possible cabinet memV Horner was that his bers were John W. Davis or Newelection would add strength to the ton D. Baker for secretary of state ; MOTOR OIL Back Guarantee powerful machine built up by Mayor Melvin A. Trayler or Owen D. Sold with a Money Anton Cermak of Chicago. CongressYoung for secretary of the treasman William H. Deiterlch was sucury ; National Chairman James FarEarly American Painter Peter Pelham is generally re cessful In displacing Senator Otis ley for postmaster general ; GovIn Cook county the chief ernor Ritchie, Senators Glass, garded as the first American art- F. Glenn. ist. The first authentic portrait battle, that for state's attorne, was Walsh of Montana and Harrison ; of marked by a lot of unpleasant former Gov. Harry Byrd of Virginia produced in America that Cotton Mather wa3 executed by scheming, with charges and counterand Bernard Baruch. Pelham. charges concerning the crime situation In Chicago. The Democratic NE outstanding result of the "GRAINS OF GOLD" candidate. State Senator T. J. Courtelection was the Immediate ney, defeated the Republican In launching of a general movement THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL cumbent, John A. Swanson, by more among the foreign debtors of the "Makes Cream Taste Better" than 300.000 votes. United States to obtain revision or Western Made For Western Trade In Wisconsin the La Follette fol- cancellation of their debts. They Aik Your Grocer lowing defeated In the primaries seemed to think the change of adthrew Its strength to the Democrats, ministration would give them as "Married men ought to wear and the conservative Republicans, well as the people of the United something to indicate plainly that led by Walter Kohler for governor, States a "new deal." It was said '.y are married," says a novelist. were defeated. A. G. Schmedeman Ambassador Sir Ronald Lindsay Indo suit the they of Madison was elected governor, formed the State department Great ajfjy generally ouught the year before last, Lon and F. Ryan Duffy defeated young Britain could not continue Its war don Humorist. Editor Chappie for the senatorshlp. debt payments without seriously disSenator Jim Watson's victorious op- locating her financial structure; Led in Prayer Making ponent In Indiana was Frederick and Washington received dispatches The first prayer in congress was Van Nuys; and Paul V. McNutt was from several other nations saying made by Rev. J. Duche. chosen governor of the Hoosier they would have to default on the state. Henry Field, r ho whipped payments due In November and DeSenator Brookhart In the Iowa prl cember. Under the war debt fundper wwk will ttt paid I II I tor th bent marles, went down In the debacle, ing agreements the treasury can alS7 articl en "Why won and Louis Murphy, wet Democrat, low postponement of payment on hiiutd Intf rmounuln mad ok Hirailar to abova, was elected senator. Rrookhart. who principal for two years, but only Brnd (imirti' er ra to In four ilorr in pro run as an Independent, received a congress can arrange for postponetrrmmmialn Products Column. P O. ment of interest payments. Hos I.V.j, Bali Laka City. If your pitifully small vote. Roosevelt lory appari In IhtaGovernor the received column jm will congratulations of President Hoover, fCBA suffered the greatest disas- cfiTf rhrk for ter In the history of the Island and his promise to "dedicate myself Wtk N. 1247 In every possible helpful effort," by when a tropical hurricane struck Its Salt Uk. :ilr W.N.I The entire prov- wire from Palo Alto. He calmly southern shores. 1, : ret. JSr ?f d pro-pose- lax ' iU Need Creoraulsion Bronchial troubles may lead to something terious. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, creosote is recognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent cooghs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to also had an election, the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, GERMANY 1 with the tan- attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. gled cond Hon resulting therefrom. is guaranteed satisfactory It was hr Id to choose members of In Creomulsion the treatment of persistent coughs and the relet tag, tor colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and the fifth time In other forms of respiratory diseases, and was as 1032, anc is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any indecisive as those cough orcold.no matter of howlong standIt. No preceding ing, is not relieved after takingaccording political i a:"ty won V, todirections. Ask your druggist. (Adv.) a majorl y In the two-fol- d if. fH-- assembly, but Chancello Von Papen ne vertheless declared his government vould not relinquish power. The o ttstandlng Franz von result of the elec Papen tion. In vhlch voters cast their ballots, was the i.oss sustained by Hitler's Vazis. They have only 195 deputies 'n the E'?w relchstag Instead of 'heir 230 In the last chamber. On i.he otbe hanr' the Communists made oig gains, electing 100 members. Thi? Von Papen government can couni on only about CO votes In the as ;embly, and the opinion was expressed In Berlin that President Von Him enbnrg would have to effect a i sorganlzation that would retire tlu chancellor to private life. Speaki rt of the Foreign Press association in Berlin, Von Papen hinted t' at he might retire when tie said f:iat "personal questions do not matter; the alms of the government wi be pursued unswerving He predicted that "a real naly. tional concentration is coming" which Will aid Germany to recover internationally and to regain her equality with other nations. He atucked the Versailles treaty snd reiterated Germany's claim for The equality in armaments. conference created a sound beginning by doing away with rep arations, he said, and pointed to the for1 hcoming world economic conferem.-as the next great opportunity f :r Important achievements VISITOR TO ALAMO GETS REAL THRILL Historic Structure Filled With Relics. Lau-sinn- d well-know- n the :- o NEW ICO Cf . $5 ff r- . $5.00 A RMI 3TICE day was selected as thi date for the wedding of Jahn D. Rockefeller III. heir to all tiie unc unted Rockefeller millions.' and Miss Blanch ette Hooker. The ceremony was per formed In River side church. New city, by Rev. Harry E. Fosdick. The the pastor. ' I? P, who is a bride, of the daughter E on Huntington Hookers of New York and Green 1. D. F ocke-fell- e wich, had as her maid of honor her III sister, Helen, and t ' o otb .T sisters, Barbara and Adelaide, vi ere attendants. The bridesmaids vere Mrs. H. Edward Bilkey ard tlu Misses Mary French, Faith Rockefeller, Diantha Walker, and Virginia Furiuan. Nels o A. Rockefeller was best mm for his brother, and the ushers include.! a cousin of the bridegroom, Avery Rockefeller, as well as thrte brothers, David, Lawrence and Winthrop Rockefeller, and a David Milton. brothei 4vOu r IP Perhaps the best known of all places of Interest In San Antonio, Texas, Is the Alamo. This famous building faces Alamo plaza, a park way two blocks long by a block wide, In which grow palms and various trees and plants. other The Alamo Is a small building of adobe, surrounded by a court. Inclosed with a high stone wall. The thrill of the Alamo comes as you first place foot on Its floor. The very atmosphere of the place the recollection of the deeds of valor within It quickens the enacted blood. To stand In the small room, where Colonel Bowie lay 111 when the fort was surrounded, brings the struggle for Texas Independence very close to the present day to see the line across which the defenders stepped to indicate their choice when the question of defense or abandonment of the mission was put to them by their commander to go into the room in which Davy Crockett was slain all these give the stranger a clear conception of why the Sons and Daughters of the Texas Revolution are Justly proud of their state, their history, their distinguished ancestors and its shrines. The Alamo is filled with relics of early Texas history each with an explanatory card. A half day can be spent In the Alamo inspecting the mementoes of that period of Texas history, Aniorican history and world history too often unnoticed In the world. busy work-a-daAnother interesting sight in down town San Antonio is San Fernando tathedral. This remarkable old church was built In 1731. It Is In an excellent state of preservation Vork of American Artist The bronze doors at the east en trance to the Capitol in Washington were designed and modeled by the American artist, Randolph Rogers, In Rome in 1858, and were cast by Von Muller In Munich. semi-tropic- 1 York 1 Fools Cast Out foolproof airplane Is a new offering of an Italian firm. The fool, we understand, Is dropped quietly through a trapdoor while somebody else grabs the controls. Detroit. News. Early Paper Money The first paper money In America was Issued by the General court of Massachusetts In 1G00 to pay the soldiers returning from an expedition against Canada. tEXJ! TOR BORAH of Idaho, chair- ma i of the senate committee on relations, went to Washing- They Lost Count Manageress (to guest) In order ton Immediately after the election to decide a bet, sir, between the waitress and myself, is it 20 or 21 and be,an hearings times you've rung the bell? Dubon tht treaty prolin Opinion. viding for joint const, uctlm of the St. Living Too High Lawroi.ee water-wThe man who will live above his by the United present circumstances is in great States and Canada. Htdanger of living. In a little time, vill give a much beneath him. Joseph chiince to all inter-esle- d y jartles, and probally hearings Cld Orders !n Force Some of the standing orders reSenator Borah cently noticed to be in force In the Chicago. British house of commons are over Vlgc rous opposl- senate ratification of the two hundred years old. tioi treity already has developed. IndiWho's the Kisiee? cation i were that the opposition will be cer tered around the section per- Medical experts are divided as to miuiEj Canadian autnorlty over whether it Is safer to kiss or shake LaUe Michigan to the extent of lim- hands. That depends. Atlanta Con it!' g she Chicago water diversion. stitution. the p. wer features of the $500,000,-00Another Howler project, and the division of cost betsvem the United States and Schoolboy's essay: "The defendCanar' a. ant's lawyer made a motion for a change of menu." Boston Tran In script. S')VET Russia, especially the fifteenth an- nlv n ary of the October revolution, Another Landmark Gone wh cl by the standard calendar now One doesn't speak of a manicure in is.- there comes on November 7. parlor any more. It's a manicur Tfc" f imons Red Square In the cap-it- ing salon. Woman's nome Compan as the center of the ceremo ion. nies x nd a million persons took part in the demonstration Old Proverb Explained of the Ha noi s military and labor powers. The reason politics makes stranse Die a or Stalin and his colleasnes bedfellows Is because they like the rev'e red the proceedings from a same bunk. Los Angeles Times. sui tJ on top of the massive Lenin ma. s ileum, and far many hours the It's the Little Thing Re? troops, the workers and the An elevtrionl autnri):itic counter r as little as 112,."VJ0 pea ants marched by cheering and can now sin.. I g. j of a second. e wl 1 bo h held In l ew York and t-- j C - ei rot-isto- . X 1932. Weatero Newspaper rjnloo. PILES Young Keeps onSkin dirrtdJn M4 - Ffa f and M . Ja is kia pMl off until ll dereaw U pota. laui and frecklM dUaptMar. and vwlvty. Your ftw look lNHAr. t Ki tana out tba KiaUsHk bwavutjr vl row tovJita wrtnttUa um oa ouas fcAvMi. At tin f wto WuJtw. la piAl O.laa u yr mmn ft HOt4 til. Pile sufferers from Protruding. Bleeding, Itching or Hi toil f LUas, run now nt retiet froua very first treatment by Ualsg Fd4 Q.R.Pilo Ointment m- - x r2nv u aw I , .v,i j - msMm POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE 13fH and KUdiwm i I a Q. E. (Quirk Relief) pile Olat meut U a new remedy (ut l& treatment of pllo au.trrei b matter how loug guar oteed. to give satisfactory relief or money refund'!. Before placlof this tle olot-meon tl mrrket fur sal, K was put to the add teat la butd mild and sever cases, beter fail Ing to produce wonderful Jesuits. If yon are troubled wtth pile, do liot experiment. Get iiOintment. If your lietti-gidoes not carry It La Mot k. nil out the blaiik below aod mail It to R. OINTMENT Mr a. CO. 373 South 6th East Salt Lake City, Utah ...t aprrr r ; t " w t mi-te-- i OF ENGIREERIKB OaUaad. Calif. COME TO OAKLAND We invite youpf mm to com to this col lege with ass trance of the brt (auliuca U the Went for Engineering Spsxtalitaiio. Civil. Electrical, Minia. Klachaaical, Aeronautical, Kadio, Archncural aadl At aini wring. Conditioning, Rfria-rtinaThis college maintain, cxwtart with Wading corporations and engineer who eratsiuy our graduates. Mao ststicstU cars part of expenses while at tend in. If you want thorough workyoa eas eel tl at the Polytechnic College, Kouwa uul m ofrnizrd as the leading aihool of It kind la the West. Students may enroll at any time. Seod for free catalog of informaooa and bUnk application for enrollment before the tiuuoa is advanced. We have a life membership or aa ttnllmiled scholarship for those who desire that plaa. Degrees awarded in all the above court. Recommended by many high sc haul mea. Offers a chance for boy who Uunk they have failed. W. E. Gibson, Pres. W. I. W'ooo, Registrar WANTED fr" - e st a Q. n. Co, (jwitieinen : Int'loaed find $1.00 P. O. j! )nr Order for One tube of Q. It. pile Ointment to be mailed prepaid to Name P. O. Address On conditions that If I em Bat satisfied with results obUluel. am to receive money tack bpiit returning tube to jour Qualify for radio amririria. eonnvrriftl radio, telaviskm. ate. Br-atraining availably modern equipment, fraa literatura. K m tuitmn. Wattera Electrical CoHeca, 133 Rasaat SL. Sail Laka and services conducted In Spanish In it every Sunduy. Next door to It Is a modern strucA little thing auiuetltnee makes ture of twelve stories, and as one big Impreaitoa. constands across the square and templates the two, one cannot fall to be struck with the contrast between AT THE FIRST SNEEZE the busy, thriving city of today and use the Spanish world that flourished once at San Antonio and Is gone are held L 4 Mistol mOKTaae Corn Borer's Enemy A tiny wasp, a parasite that lives on and eventually kills the larvae of the European corn borer, has been discovered In Italy and Is being Investigated by entomologist. of United States Department of Agriculture with a view to Its Introduction Into area In this counthe try. The Insect belongs to the group known as the braconlds. whliti lay their eggs within the bodies of oilier Insects. The wasp larvae feed within the bodies of their unwilling hosts, literally eating them to hollow shells. Then they spin cocoons, from which adult Insects emerge, ready to bunt out other victims for their fatal eggs. borer-Infeste- ,,TjW hjV A j vlrt'irti r Essence of V and V ON VOUK HAMOHieCMIff AMD PILLOW d tk ta r.o.iaa . a ..... w ara " . aa mma r M Maa " ....ma lirlliU ta. VMM Mima -- a .aaara ma .i.a .n'ia. It. a--a y A In-la- n crcolizcdVax Bronchial Troubles - w PAGE HIRES the town ct Santa Cruz del Sur was out and other places. utterly wl'-eIncluding the city of Camaguey, were parti wrecked. The number of dead Is uncertain at this writing but the ni yor of Camaguey said his information was that It would reach at least 1,1 00. The first official fig ures at F ivana were considerably less. Thousands of person were injured and the property losses were immense. At Santa Cruz del Sur a wall of v.';.ter described as being 20 feet high was driven live leagues Inland by tl e terrific gale.-- Great Democratic Landslide That Carried Roosevelt and Garner to Victory Gossip About the Next President's Cabinet. tblrty-fcecon- ; fEWS. NEPIII. UTAH of C. maguey was devastated Ince News Review of Current Events the World Over v TIMES-- aa 1 JI . "a, f f Kf I -- layy ""V Asker What do you mean by saying that your wife Is In and out all the time? Teller She's In a rage and out aaV at ai of funds. ft ! f How Snakes Feed ' Meteor Showers There Is no meteor shower Snakes which capture their food whose period of return Is once ta by constriction, such as boa con strictors, pythons and anacondas 100 years. The Leonids sre espe never begin the laborious process of cially brilliant abnt every .1.1 years. swallowing their victim until they The earth meets the thicker part of the swarm three times In about 109 have crushed the life out of It years. Doubtful Parity It la said that Russian women "en Nothing New Some of the mountains of Chin. joy complete equality with men"; certainly so modest a pleasure that have never been penetrated by man. no one would have the heart to deny soys a travel writer. American them It. Philadelphia Inquirer. wives, returning from vacations, often And these In kitchen sinks. Detroit News. Acquitted The statement may be Inaccurate Porcelain Teeth which says men get their manners from their mothers, but at least It Artificial porcelain teeth were lets their wives out. Worcester made In France as early as 177 1, but were not Introduced Into this counEvening Gazette. try until 1817. when Dr. A. A. Plan-ta- n arrived In Philadelphia from Lacks "Sticking" Qualities "Money," said Uncle Eben, "Is a Paris. true friend when you has It, but It Uncle Eben ain't de kind mentioned In the Good Book dat sticketh like a brother." "A great speech," said Uncle Eben, "Is kind o' restful. When you. Washington Star. hears It over de radio It lets yon lt still without wantln to join In a Genius The genius Is the supremely nor chorus or dance." Washington Star. mal Individual, with full use of natural powers. Those who are not Poems Were Returned geniuses are abnormal. Archibald Henderson. Educated, pure young Japanese poet seeks position as Journalistic Affidavit, Please worker, window cleaner, tutor, Then there is the modern mother housekeeper or schoolboy. Japan who phoned the A. A. A. to send a Advertiser, Tokyo. mechanic to show her how to operate a safety pin! Pathfinder Mag Not a New Idea azine. We note that electricity may be used to protect year around crops; Back to Earth however, It always has been cusLima Beane says the honeymoon tomary to shock the corn. Ohio is over when the bride begins to State Journal. get well acquainted with her hus band. Toledo Blade. Atiitane A woman may be able to do her own housework, but she always has Clever at That Women can't throw curves with a to get some other woman to help baseball- - But they certainly can her keep a secret. Columbia (3, O.) State. twist men around their fingers. Atchison Globe. Disastrous Flood The 1931 Yangtze river flood During Rain drowned. lfiO.OOO persons In China A cut potato rubbed on the windshield of a car will prevent the and did $2,000,000,000 worth of glass becoming obscured during property damage. heavy rain. Armor Resolve to keep happy, and your Pride, Envy and Avarice Three sparks pride, envy and joy and you Khali form nn Invincavarice have been kindled in all ible host against difficulty. Helen Keller. hearts. Dante. rr Happiness He Is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peaco In hU . home. Goc-the- . It Seldom Occurs It's a rare thing to win an argu- ment and the other fellow's respect at the same time. Toledo Blades |