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Show PAGE EIGHT THE STORE ALLEN'S CASH TIMES-NEW- CLASSIFIED 8TRAN A S. NEPHI. UTAH. Thursday. Xov. Local Social Items OP PEARI Nephi Merc. Co's. Annual Thanksgiving BEADS. Finder nottify Mrs. Bessie Schofleld. SPECIALS BONNE'S MALT, 3 Nov. 18 & 19 CANS FOR $1.00 BROOMS CHECKR ROLLED OATS 15c 55 oz. Pkg 1 5 35c GALLON Mince Meat Extra Good Quality 15c For Rent Two partly furnished rooms Phone 358J. WANTED BARLEV Some people will be buying a lot of their foods Thanksgiving Our iitore Saturday. is ready to serve all the staple items needed for the Thanksgiving spread. Also our prices were never so low. Bring In your big list tomorrow and do at least a part of your holiday buying 9c 25c Quart jar BeefPot Roast Veal Roast - 'SHOULDER I.PJNd" . now. SHOULDER 10c 1 Rai sins 8. POUND Saturday, 4 lb. packages of Market Day Seedless Raisins will sell at 20c per pkg. Seeded Raisins In 15 Mutton Chops Veal Chops SHOULDER LOIN l..-j- oz. 10c 2 25c POUNDS cartons will sell for 5c per pkg. This Is all new fresh stock. . T pound TONS OP 6c Ele. Co. We're Ready SMALL SIZE 1 FEW Co. Mill Crisp Celery The grower of this Celery claims It is the best in the state and Utah raises Celery of unequaled flavor and crlspness. The stalks are selected first for quality and are larger than medium size and the price Saturday will be 3c a bunch. Our store will also sell the popular size Jar of Gold Medal Salad Dressing for 10c. HAMBURGER, 1 POUND 10c WE BUY BEEF, PORK, VEAL. MUTTON & EGGS Housewives, don't embarrass your LOST $10 bill between bank and neighbor by asking to borrow her Courthouse, Wednesday, Finder. sharp shears. Our machine gives Phone 127J. yours a keen cutting edge. Special Price 20c. M. L. Read, Burton & Read Barber Shop. Party getting wrong parcel of dishes at Reunion Thursday please 71. GOOD COAL AT $6.50 PER TON call or Levan delivered, at Nephi Prank Phillipson. Trucking a Is M. I. A. DANCE, TUESDAY, AT Phone 360. done. Armory. Adm. 10c. Cranberries Mince Meat After the Storm Our store will have Cranberries on display in 1 lb. bags Saturday at The per lb. family will like the tart flavor of Cranberry Saure. We will also have a large display of Lady Jane Mince Meat In 2 lb. jars. This sanitarily bottled Mince Meat Is of a much better grade than most bulk Mince Meat and at Saturday's low price of 2 lbs. for 25c is cheaper. lc Candy Sale we will have lb. boxes of Choco3 lb. boxes of lates, Saturday 1 Chocolates, and other randies put up in cellophane bags at prices lower than we have ever offered you before. Everybody likes candy. Treat the family to some on Thanksgiving day. MntE Our Bargain nils Counter Nearly all of the mentioned items will be displayed on our newly installed bargain counter, SatOn this new urday. fixture, recently installed in the rear of our store, will be found some very at- ve TO FIT YOUR MOTOR OR PURSE PENNZOIL (Pure Pennsylvania) Per Quart TEXACO GOLDEN OILS Per Quart VICO OILS Per Quart VALOR OILS Per Quart tractive bargains Wednesday and 35c 30c every Saturday. Especially on Wednesday before Thanksgiving will be found some very timely Items. Thanksgiving Fowls Saturday our Market 30c will have a large sup- ply of Thanksgiving fowls Turkeys and Chickens. These will be sold at prices you can well afford. We will also have some very choice Baby Beef Pot Roasts. This Baby Beef has been corn fed specially for our Thanksgiving trade. 20c SILVEE MAPLE SERVICE Mrs. Seth McPherson Is vlsitlr.f Miss Jane McPherson was down m Mantl this week with her daugh from American Fork over the week ter, Mrs. J. R. Munk. end. the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. R. McPherson. George C. Phillips of Garfield week-end visited over the Mrs. Grover A. Giles and family in llii of Fillmore were house guests of city with his family. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wade In this William Starr was amoiur the Salt city Saturday afternoon and Sun- Lake City viMtors over the week aay. Mr. and Mrs. Euuene S Smith n WILL TRADE $140. A. W. KENT Salt Lake CKy were guests of Mr. RADIO, for $25 worth of coal and Mrs. G. H. Lewis Tuesday a E. I. Isaacson. the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D Goldsbrough. TALK TURKEY' AT THE M. I A Dance in the Mr and Mrs. Henry Painter and day iiiKht. Admission 10c. rumily were in Eureka Sunday vis iting with Mrs. Painter's sister Mrs. John Vi. Anderson. WHITE STAR LIBBY'Sc APPLE BUTTER, A Juab Mrs. Kate Bowles was a Provo visitor Wednesday afternoon. GOOD MILL RUN, $11.50 PER TON, Smaller quantities 55c sack OUR POULTRY FEEDS ARE OP THE BEST QUALITY fc PRICE RIGHT Junb County Mill 4c Ele. C rna. TUNA Mixed Candy POUND 25c POUNDS 2 FRESH 1 39c ONE FOR Cider Apple SWEET 1 TIE Miss Malda Starr spent Die week end visiting in Salt Lake City. BSKAGCS FOOD A STORES SURETY OF PURITY" A Mr. ana Mrs. Arvii swasey are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter at their home Tuesday, November 15. The mother was formerly Miss Areata Harris. The Bee-Higirls of the North ward with their leader Pern B. Garrett spent Monday in the Manti temple and were baptized for 164 people. The pirls of the class are: Oneita Boswell, Melda Vickers, Jesse Mecham. Blanche Boswell. Bernice Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Ockey tf Garrett, Oneita Bowles. Mildred salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs Bowles, Donna Florence Theron Oclcev of Britrham Cifv men Tolley. Lorraine Sperry. Sanders Renor- Sunday visiting with their parents ter, Oneita Boswell. ivxr. ana Mrs. uavia uckey. The regular Dractice of the FiHel. Enroute to their home in Poca is Choral Club was held Wednesday teilo, Idaho, following a month' evening at the home of DaVeda motor tour of California. Mr. and Davis. Following a tasty repast was Mrs. W. L. OKXon are visiting hero enjoyed by the following: Kate at the home of Mrs. Orton's sister Burton. Lucille Booth. Lucille l.nnt brother-in-laAlice nnd Mr. and Mrs Crapo. Florence Winn. Mabel W. W. Stephenson. lAini. Louise Pyper, Lillle Wrigfrl-Vivian Hovt. and the hostess no- Social Neighbors Club members Veda Davis. Mrs. Davis was assis ted in serving by Mrs. Edith Vick enjoyed a delightful afternoon oi ers. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Rob er; Winn. In attendance were Mrs Mrs. Lvnn Jackson T. W. Allred. Mrs. Gilbert Bailey entprtninoH in honor of her son Mrs. A F. Bracken. Mrs. Owen L Monday Barnett. Mrs P. B. Cowan Mr Billy s birthday. Games were played were George D. Haymond. Mrs. Russel and delicious refreshments served to the following: Sarah Hall, nawKins, Mrs. i. m. Petty, Mrs. J Ranee Pexton. Nelda Salisbury Vir E. Ostler, Mrs George O. Ostler Donnell nracVsn Mrs. O. R. Judd. and Mrs Winn th ginia Forrest. Joyce Tew. Mildred Ockey. Gertrude hostess, uucKworin, Kooertt Bryan. Keit'i George Hall. Kenneth The Church Historv class of the Brotigh, Darwin Williams. Kieth Nephi Ward Sunday School were Sperry, Rcece. Paul Ockey, Harlow Pexton, enieriainea at a candy pull last me ci honor Billy Jackson Thursday evening at the home of Aliceguest nan, Nan Brough and Mar their teacher. Miss Oporela PnrlrinK resent were the following mem jorie Jackson assisted in serving. bers: Kenneth Hoyt. Beth Davis, All members of the Nephi Ward Norma Hall, Vaughn Jarrett, Rex are extended a invitation to Hawmns. George Hall, Lola Barnes attend the M. I.special A. meeting next uorine vickers. Betty Crane, Ken evening. Following the tes neth Wilkey, Byron Scott, D. L Tuesday son and activity periods in each de Bailey, Ruth Ord. Marilyn Beck partment, the Senior class will stead, Boyd Greenwood, Naomi a one-a- ct play, "Grandma Painter. Audry Sells. Marjolain sponsor Pulls the String." by Edith Barnard ostler. Deiaw. The cast of characters fol o lows: Grandma Blessington, Mrs. Delbert Fugal; Mrs. Cummings, Eva HUDSON BAY PORT Pay Wietzeil; Hildegard Cummings, rneima Hansen: Julia Cummines. HANDED BLACK EYE Ida Bean; Nora Cummings Beaver, ueioise Robins; William Thornton, Elmo Hansen. 1932 17. H MONDAY NOV. 21 TUESDAY NOV. 22 WEDNESDAY NOV. 23 Read Our Bills Nephi Merc. Phone 18 Co. Nephi, Utah , o Fear City of Churchill Will Be Whiis Elephant. Tokyo Jumps to Third Among Greatest Cities Ottawa. Out. With a J. H. S. News D. U. P. News The Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Fort Wall camp met last Thurs-sda- y afternon at the home of Mrs. Rhea Beagley. with Captain Nellie Cowan presiding. In addition to the Trail "Freighters and Stage Coaches" by Ella Cowan, a vocal solo was given by Miss Eva Linton, and a inanKsgiving story by Lizzie Black. in attendance were: Coun ty Captain Alice P. McCune. Nellie Cowan, Celia Briges. Ella Cowan nLUin Goble- Lizzie Black. Etta! Sadie Nielson. Phillips. Verenai Jacooson. Leah Tjitimoi...... .- , UVUIOC T,io Vickers, Eva Linton. Lyda Lomax, and Rhea Beagley. Light refreshments were served at the conclusion of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaw were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. "aray t tneir home in Mabel Sowby, Reporter) Rulon Broush was recently elected president of the Juab High School Band. Other officers are: Vice president. Witmer Barnett; Sscretary-treasurBlanche Broad- rieaa; Band librarian. Dick er ! I - t Thf Mrl-i- wmiiui I, llij'll &CI1UU1 Presented the assembly program Wednesday mornintr in .fho xJit,, ium. Two band selections and a talk by Judge Geonre Ballif nf Pm were given under the mmsifeo nf the Nephi Kiwanis Club, with President A. B. Gibson presiding. Judge BaJlif expressed the need for education and what education has done for humanity. i T,,,-.;.- o PRnvo IC CI)E.. AT HIGH SCHOOL ASSEMBLY The regular Business and Prof-- j n (Continued from ' W,omens c ub mTOting wasM-ollswar, painting a mcture of th- held Monday in evening the City horror and devastation left from the hall. A paper, "A Challenge To WoWorld War. As-- a final men" was given by Miss Naomi admonished the students Bailey, and a piano solo was given ior 'tneir luture lite whento prepare they will by Mrs. Merle Sergent. Refreshments were served, following the take the reins of government and piooaoiy iacc tr.e problem of e. program and club business nother war. ne T gruin-lade- New York. As the result of new totals announced from New York city and from Tokyo. Japan, the ica's most northerly' seaport. Port official and unofficial standings In Churchill on Hudson buy, received a Hie population lists of the world's greatest cities have undergone conblack eye. Canada had gambled to the ex siderable changes. New York's unofficial metropoltent of $S 1,IXX),(KJ0 on the navi itan population reached the huge of her subarctic water gability figure of 12,0,V.1S7, while Toyko route, and the dominion governcame up from an Inconspicuous ment had Just succeeded in convincpoint to third place by announcing ing the shipping insurance under writers that no special dangers at- Its population as 5,312,000, Jumping tached to the Hudson bay water ahead of Berlin, Chicago, Paris and route and that they could cut insur Moscow. Officially New York is still sec ance rates materially. The whole Hudson bay railway ond to London with a population venture, together with Its costly ter- of 6,081,915 in. its five boroughs while London has 8,202,818. minal and port facilities, is genTokyo, which had counted Its erally regarded by ooliticnllv versed Canadian as a white elephant born population as 2..r00.000 and Its area as 31 square miles, has annexed 82 of political exigencies. villages and towns and increased Both Parties Responsible. Its square mileage to 233 and its The Canadian middle west had population to more than 5,000,000. wanted a Hudson bay railway and port for decades and a few years ago when the political balance as between Liberals and Conservatives was finally proportioned both parties vied with each other In their support of the demand. Thirty or forty political constituencies west FRIDAY Nov. 18 of the head of the lakes would throw aflat their support to the party most All Comedy J"" construction of strongly advocating Another Big All Comedy the railway. DIME NITE Present-da- v resuousibilitv rests evenly upon both Canadian oolitical SATURDAY parties, for both, alternately in pow BARGAIN DAY er, pushed the project to comple"ARE THESE OUR vessel .smacked Its nose against an Icclier in mlsiin straits and went to the bottom recently, Amer- ANDERSON 1 FUNERAL HOME FOR THOSE WHO CARE UNEXCELLED SERVICE QUALITY PRICE AMBULANCE SERVICE 94 West Third North Phone 168 s Nephi, Utah tf tion. There was a $0,000,000 blunder connected with the earlier selection of Port Nelson as the rail Charles Dunning, as way terminus. 3 Sfeiv f CHILDREN" Today's Bewildered Boys and Girls Crashing Through Life Heedless of Rifht and Blind to Consequences minister of railways In the old Mn- Kenzle King government, found that the peculiar nature of the sub soil SUN MON, NOV. 20 21 at this point precluded successful so with $0,000,000 al dredging, ready spent trying to develop Port Nels-.n- , this site was abandoned for Churchill. BAfvKflEAD Has Fair First Year. mini Government statistics for the nres. IViONTGOMSRY ent grain shipping season show that the new port of Churchill has been active to the extent of 1.3C7.713 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ONLY bushels of grain shipped out. This looks fairly Impressive for Its first Mr. & Mrs. Martin Johnson year of operation alongside of Montreal's 10.814.072 and Vancouver's 4,710,206 bushels. But It does not Only Talking Picture constitute a fair commercial comEntrely made In Africa parison, for the covernment In Its efforts to establish Churchill, has THURSDAY ONLY been carrying the grain free of ele3:00 P. M. vator and other usually Incidental Thanksgiving costs at the new port. About sli European freighters. each taking away about 250,000 bushels, have called at Churchill this year and taken out grain cargoes. TOO BUSY TO WORK "Congorilla" MATINEE KROGER $EliNS J (Nairn Silk Hosiery if tjttr thi Emprai China discovtrtr of silk) worn exclusively by the featured itars of Warner Bros. Film Colony. The aristocratic style and inimitable iheerness of $E"ljnwill captivate f ou too. axe if SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED New Fall Colors Buy Your Christmas Hosiery Now tin L ii i |