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Show - 3 BE MONA NEWS ! ' ' ' mm 'i ADS CLASSIFIED ipwriiiim'til FREE '"ml ou of Salt Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Nc Orchestra Lake City visited relatives in Mona I5KK1 XHOLT-DASTRTo Play at Woodman Annual Dance Sunday. DONT DELAY YO-U- Foot Comfort Demonstration Woodman Dance, Tuesday, DecemMrs. Isaac Kay has gone to Mt. Pleasant to attend the funeral of ber 15th at the Arlington. Tickets her aged mother who died at that 75c. Extra lady 25c. Refreshments. place last Saturday. A Christinas suggestion. Send your Mrs. James H. Newton has gone to out of town realtive s The Los AngeleB, California, where she will apprecate one for year. They will spend the winter with her the old home town news. daughter who resides at that place. XMAS SHOPPING R DEC. 16 Times-New- have an exOnly Twelve More Shopping Days we cellent assortment of Gift Goods for all the family. Dishes. StatToys, Dolls, Games, Wagons. Coasters. Silk Hose All kinds of wearing apparel ionery. for all the family. Come early and let us show you and assist in making gift selections. Foot troubles are universal. Government records show that 7 out of every 10 adult people have some form of foot trouble. You are probably a victim of foot trouble yourself. It or some more may be only a corn, a callous, a bunion arc'ies. serious trouble such as weak and broken-dow- n You might not know the nature of your trouble but you do know that your feet ache, pain, and get all tired out on the slightest provocation. WANTED-poultr- y, Fred Nance and family are eggs, veal and moving to Elberta for the winter. hogs Mutual Creamery Co. Claren- Mr. ce G. Fqpte, Manager. and Mrs. Oscar Newton visiting in Salt Lake this week. Mr. See me for all kinds of Nursery Stock Stephen Boswell. association met In the school house Tuesday. evening. Good fresh milk cows for sale Plans were discussd for holding an art exhibit at the school-hous- e next See H. B. Angell, Levan Utah. week. Reproductions of the great Printed Christmas Cards at The masters, loaned by the Porter-Mottoffice Make your selCo., will be exhibited and art lect- Times-New- s ures given Friday afternoon. In the ections early. . evening an entertainment given by 41 yards of New Rag Carpet for the schools will be held. All proceeds will be used for the purchase of sale, or will sell part of it Phone 61 worth while pictures for the school WTe have a nice line of Christmas rooms. cards and will print your name on Tha The stork visited the home of Mr. them at a reasonable price. office. and Mrs. John S. Kay, Monday, Dec. Times-New- s 7th, leaving a fine baby hoy. See our Swiss handkerchiefs be fore buying. Ask us about our fl M. S. Winder lectured to the farmers at the Farm Bureau meeting held specials. Orme Shop millinery and last Friday evening. A large crowd novelties. attended, but were greatly disappoin-- See Mrs. J. Two rooms for ted in the musjcal part of the proReid. gram, which failed to arrive. The GROCERIES parent-teache- r FOOT COMFORT EXPERT HERE to our Foot Comfort Department on the above date and get a Free Demonstration. There's no charge for this valuable service. This work is in charge of a Special Demonstrator from The Scholl Mfg. Co. This is an opportunity that every foot sufferer should grasp. er Come -- 40c lb. Best Peanuts 2 Pounds for 45c. Almonds . . 25c. lb. Walnuts .... 25c lb. Mixed Nuts 25c Best Seeded or Seedless Raisins 2 for 50c Large 4 Pound Package Seedless Raisins 2 Packages for. 45c Best Grade New Currants Can Peas Can Corn 15c-20c-25- c. SPECIAL UNTIL NOON SATURDAY AND MONDAY 5 ft SONS F GHAS. 19c. Limit 5 Rolls for FREE. SAMPLES Zino-pad- ANNOUNCING pop-cor- n, 23 i i i 1 lilt t i l I I 1 l 1 1 M 1 1 i I DIPPING INTO SCIENCE WRIST WATCHES wrist watches, fully t-- 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 HUT 1 Old Songs guar- anteed. Also Diamond and Weddings Rings. if THE TOGGERY 1 We carry a complete line of Everything in Jewelry I The lyric for Annie Laurie was Inspired by a beautiful woman of that name about 1700.. X An earlier familiar rhyme In song, however, was "Three Blind Mice," 1000, while "Sing a Song of Sixpence" Is said to date back to the Sixteenth century. Others not so well known were written even earlier. Western Newspaper Union.) 1925. I -- v4:-i-m 1 1 1 1 1 1'liwi'ti ww ('ATOJV-WD- E Li M f INSTITUTIO- N- enneyQ First class corn for sale at David Cazier's. Price $2.00 per hundred A birthday party was given Monday evening in honor of Miss Kay. pounds. Games and music occupied the evenLOST a log chain about a month ing after which refreshments were served. The entertainment was given ago. near the flour mill on East 1st at the home of Miss Kay's parents. South street. Finder notify David Cazier. DELINQUENT, TAX LIST PUBLISHED .DEPARTMENT STORES Buy A New Dress Now By order of the Board of Education Dennis Wood. Clerk. wool are represented in this usual offering of ours. f ) if un- If you want a modish flare hero they are! rcnney Company A result of our At dress J. (". ces! pri676-Hto- re At these Prices! "run-down- Assortment of colors and the Iiress whirh becomes Appreciate Shirts Pajamas 3: Pearl Necklaces Watches kings fins Hath Robes Slippers Mufflers Jewelry darter KA Hats Clocks Silverware and Novelties Chains Head IJags HracelctS niz.es. $16.75 ML A Gloves P.elt Sets Kerchiefs He Can Wear We'll be only too glad to show what we have and give you every assistance we can. I'.aby Rings James A. Starts Jeweler you most! Sets Fancy Hose Shoes Underwear Suspenders Give Him Something l.aby Necklaces J!aby Fork and Spoon Sets 5aby Pins Our line of Wri-- t Watches from S10.CX) and up cannot be surpassed, and you have an experienced watchmaker's guarantee behind each one. or In this group are really charming frocks of either silk wool. For women and misses. You will find here Just Gifts Men We arc headquarters' for gifts of anything in the Jewelry Line, this is exclusively a Jewelry Store, and is the only logical place to buy Jewelry. Buying Power. $9.90 I GIFTS THAT LAST Flares! 011 Silver Maple Service Christmas Gifts frocks U Hall's Catarrh Medicine ELRY thru the Winter! and v " condiThose who are In a tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In rood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease, it Is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Combined Treatment, both loral and Internal, and has been successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold bv all drutrirlsts. V. J Chenev & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. ' 77?. Buy a new Dress now to Both silk In order to keep up the standard of service, we have established, and maintain the service you expect, we have installed a modern "Constant Potential" Battery charger. The latest method of battery charging, It gives vou a fully charged battery in one day and has a capacity of 20 batteries per day. We can' give you prompt battery service. Order your fruit trees from John Burton. They are cheaper than they have been for years. See Our Unusual Values wear all Mr. Car Owner: DeLuxe Christmas Cards never The delinquent tax list for 1925 in been shown before Ord and Mangel uab county is being published this week in this paper and the Eureka son, druggists. Reporter. The list is not nearlv so Dont wait until to Christmas ;irge as last year, taxes having been choose your Radio. Come and see paid up this year much better than the 5 tube Music Master $60.00 with formerly. This is due to a large ex- volume, clearly and a distance gettent to the better crops that have ter. Ord and Mangelson, Druggists been harvested by the farmers, also an increased price for wheat than Dr. Scholes of Chicago, will give a was received last season. free demonstration next Wednesday at the Nephi Mercantile Store, on "Foot Troubles " Read our adverHID.S WAXTKI) tisement in this issue for particulars Nephi Mercantile Co. The Board of Education of Juab School District will receive bids for the sale of the barn located near the Central School. Bids should be filed with the clerk of the board not later than December 22nd. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. samplf s. NEPHI MER. CO. cake. 3Ej PICTURE H Do you want to know how to stop corns hurting inDr. Scholl's and get a stantly? Come inremove friction of corns cause the They and pressure. Thin, antiseptic, healing. A 25c. Limit 6 PEDO-GRAP- In a few seconds' time, without removing the hose, he can make a photographic print of your foot that posiand to what tively shows if you do have foot troubles is absoservice This trouble has the progressed. stage whatever. no under and obligation free places you lutely For Sale my home, kitchen cab birthday party was given for inet, buffet cupboard range table Miss Ina Neilson last Wednesday eveand four chair A. H. Belliston. ning. A delightful time was enjoyed by those present, playing games, Christmas Cards convey a mes after which refreshments were served sage of good will to your friends The Times- Let us you some! Miss Beatrice Webb was given a News. print birthday party Wednesday evening of this week. Many of her little friends FOR SALE a good Maytag Wash attended and enjoyed the evening ing machine, hand power Call phone with games, candy and 206 R 3. 35c. Limit 3 Raisins 3 Packages for Matches, 6 boxes 4 oz. Roll Toilet Paper FREE KA Shop Early" THE TOGGERY K |