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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. DAIRY COURSE Where Your Funds Are Safe A Saving- Bank may not pay you as much interest as you think you can earn with safety elsewhere but at least your funds are safe here. That feeling- of security is worth the difference in interest. And you can always draw cash as needed. - We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest On Time Deposits Neph i National Bank OFFERED LOCAL HAPPENINGS EE R. H. Evans transacted buslnesss in Salt Lake City Wednesday. The Dairy department of the Utah two Agricultural College will offer aJanuweeks short course beginning ary 18, for operators and employees of cheese factories and creameries, according to an announcement made U. hv Professor George .v.ia Caine. in eharee of the work in dairy husbandry. This 2 weeks course will not take the place of the regular dairy school course. Instead, it isa intended for those who have taken longer course in dairying and who desire to return for a short time to Vtrnch iin nn crmctal lines of work for those who have not attended a special dairy school but who have had practical experience in creamery and cheese factory work and who de- sire to receive help in solving. some Professor of their problems, says Caine. This course will moot the special requirements of those in at tendance and", consequently, will be more flexible than the regular dairy course. Special arrangements will also be made to accomodate those who are interested in ice cream manufacture or market milk. An extensive teaching force has been arranged to take charge of "the short course, including, besides Prof essor Caine. Walter R. Dally, expert in dairy manufacturing, Wilford Cole instructor in dairy manufacuring. Dr. R. L. Hill, professor of chemistry Dr. Ezra Carter, assistant professor of bacteriology, W. E. Thain, assist ant professor accounting, W. W Owens, assistant director of the ex tension service, and Emil Hansen landscape architect all of the college faculty and H. R. Lochry and S. J. Pierce, experts in dairy manufactur Western ing of the United States Oscar Lunt was down from Salt Lake yesterday shaking hand with old friends here. FOR MOTHER Hand Dags $2.85 to $6.00 Hand Painted China . . 20c to $1.00 Hand Decorated Japanese Vases $1 to $2.95 German Engraved Vases Reed Bailey came down from Logan this week on account of the serious inness or nis rattier, 1'atrl arch L. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ord, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crapo, Miss .Margery Crapo and Wallace Ord, motored to Provo Sunday where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomas. "n"' ! Mrs. Mattie Vickers was hostess to the members of the Social Companion dub at her home Wednesday evening. The time was pleasantly spent in sewing after which refresh ments were served to the following: Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs, Mrs. George Lati mer, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. J. G. Irons, Mrs. W. H. Belliston, Mrs. Harry Irons, Mrs. Robert Chappell, Mrs. Harry Beagley, Mrs. J. E. Mem- molt, Mrs. Robert Lomax, Mrs. T. W. Vickers. and the hostess Mrs. Mattie Vickers. , Paiii-- ul ANKLE. n u1 Jid TENDER JOINT v5.J S Lj CRAMPEC5 TO E.S L f-J k. 'pains i4 La sore tender t ;1 CALLOUSES ON SOLE r"&i.-,r.:-'- .i-r- -r- J Tif INSTEP f ,3 T . , -r FREE DEMONSTRATION WEDNESDAY DEC. 16 Seven persons out of every ten have some form of foot trouble. It corns, callouses arches, weak ankl.-smay be weak or broken-dowor bunions or probably a ci-- of tired, aching, pain ul feet. Regardless of what may be the nature of your suffering, you will find quick and permanent relief, this week, at our l oot Comfort n Department. Foot Comfort Expert to Serve You For the benefit of all foot sufferers, this store l as arranged with The Scholl Mfg. Co., fT the services of one of Lr. Scholia most skilled free foot comfort demonstrators, who will be at our store to give sufferer should take demonstrations on the above date. Every foot advantage of this exceptional opportunity. Free Pedo-grap- h Picture Made of Your Feet In a few seconds' time, without removing the hose, he can make a photographic print of your foot that positively shows if you do have foot troubles and to what stage the trouble has progressed. This service is absolutely free and places you under no obligation whatever. FREE SAMPLES Do you want to know how to stop corns hurting instantly? Come They remove the and get a sample of Dr. jcholl's Zino-padcause of corns friction and pressure. Thin, antireptic, healing. your foot troubles to this store during this demin -- s. Bring onstration and learn the true meaning of foot comfort. Only 99c, Special Shaving outfit Large Assortment of Flashlights All kinds of useful Toys for the children PER CENT OFF ON ALL STOVES RANGES UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Conic in and see what we have. Cooper Pyper Company n NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT There is delinquent upon the fol lowing stock on account of assess ment levied Dec. 1, 1924. the several amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as follows: No. of No. of Ami. Name Useful Presents For Christmas AND $3.25 Wrist Watches, Bovs $4.50 Wrist Watches, Girls $12.50 & up DeVilbiss Perfumizer $1.75 to $4.95 Manicure Sets $2.50 to $9.50 Toilet Sets $1.25 to $5.75 Many other items of exquisite value and beauty for gifts of lasting . . ' 85c to $1.40 $1 - $8.75 Fountain Pens Razors . . $1.00 to $5.00 Flash Lights 65c to $3.75 Lunch Kits $2.35 Ingersoll Watches . . $1.75 to $9.50 IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU Come in and let us help you choose your gifts. G. L. Shepherd 23 i XOT1CK OF Hi' Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" FORFEITURE : ! TO BUILD WELL Nephi Plaster Frank Mellen J. W. Mellen You are hereby notified that I the undersigned have Expended the sum of $400.00 being the sum of $200.00 for each of you as your share due for assessment work for the period ending July 2nd. 1925. as required upon ths SPIDER, EMMA, HURRY BACK, UTAH No. 1, UTAH No. 2 and UTAH No. 3, Mining Claims, situated in Mount Nebo Mining District, Juab The Largest and Purest County, Utah. Natural Deposit of Gypsum If you fail or refuse to contribute In The World your portion of such expenditure on or before Ninety days from date of X X 1 TVTf inc pi ii T11i... first publication of this Notice your i lastei aim ivng. interests in the above mentioned Mining claims will become the property of the undersigned in accordance with the laws in such cases NOTICE TO CREDITORS made and provided. J. E. KRAUSS, Estate of Earl .S. Hoyt deceased. Creditors will present claims with Salt Lake City. Utah. Sept 23th, 1925 vouchers to the undersigned at 5 2 West, 2nd North St., Nephi. Utah, on or before the 14th day of January SHOE REPAIR SERVICE A. D. 1926. Have your Shoes Rebuilt With ROSE EVALENA HOYT FLEXOAK Administratrix of Estate of Earl S. LEATHER Longer wear and Greater Comfort IlOyt, Deceased. All Work Guaranteed Will L. Hoyt Attorney for Estate. Date of first publication, Nov. 13th, C. O. LOMAX 1925. Dale of last pub. Dec. 11th. One Door East Cooper, I'yper Co. 1925. HAS NO EQUAL 1 j i r m ttt JlL A Six Built Under Famous Super-Si- x Patents The COACH Certificate Shares 461c 1 $100 6. 00 294c 6 Chris PayMrup 420c 10 15.75 Peter Larsen 1 SI Hans Anderson 8 75 429c 16 II. R. Francom 1 100 412c Erick C. Peterson 234c 14 10.50 Annie Stephenson 14.00 388c 14 L. II. Mortensen Catherine M. Mortensen 485c 6 6.00 And In acordanre with law and an nrrler of tha Hoard of Directors SO many shares of each parcel of such stock will be sold at the residenre of the President of this corporation In Ievan. Utah, on Nov. 30th, 1825, at 1 p. in. to pay the delinquent as- ie(sment thereon together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. C. Chrlstensen. Pres. J. C. Jensen, Secy. 10-0- Revolution rxtMinlnn The Snle of Stock Tlir. Above Resolved by the Hoard of Directors in meeting held Nov. 14th. 1925. that that the date of sale of the above capital stock as fixed In the above notice bo and the same is hereby pout tinned 30 dars. to wit: from Nov. .inih. 1925. 30tl,. 1925. to C. Chrlstensen, Pres. J. C. Jensen. Secy. First publication. Dec. 11th. 1925. Last publication. D"c. 2.'.th. 1925. lc ft Ord & Mangelson Why Accept Less Than a Six? The Ieviin Irrigation Compnny NEPHI MER. CO. 10 non-miner- al Eastman Kodak .... $2.00 to $15.00 Hand Bags and Purses 50c to $6.00 Stationery . 25c to $3.50 Military Sets for Boys $3.95 and up Bobbie Sets for Girls ! Collates Toilet Sets NOTICE United Stales Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 11 1925 To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that the Dairy Division. In discussing the special short State of Utah has filed in this office course in dairying, froresor uaine lists of lands selected by the said State, under section 6 of the Act of said: Demonstrations and actual practice Coug-iapproved Juiy 16, 1894, as will characterize the work but lect Indemnity School landc, viz: E'N- ures will be given on such .opics as Sec. 8 the feeding and the care of dairy SE4SW'i Sec. 6, NV4SV 2 West. S. L. 16 Twp. of South, milk Range clean the cattle, production bacteria in relation to the changes in M. Serial 0 36493. Copies of said lists, so far as they milk, determining the fitness of milk for cheese making, the chemistry of relate to said tracts by descriptive milk, creamery and cheese factory subdivisions, have been conspicuousaccounting methods of paying for ly posted in this office for inspect milk, and the marketing of dairy ion by any person interested and by the public generally. products. During the period of publication "The College creamery is operated on a commercial basis and is equip of this notice, or any time there ped to give practical demonstrations after and before final approval and departmental and training both in cheese making certification, under and creamery work. In addition to regulations of April 25, 1907, prothe modern equipment of the cream- tests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or sub ery proper, the laboratories furnish divisions hereinbefore, described on facilities for interesting demonstrat the ground that the same is more ions. valuable for mineral than for agri "No registration fee will he but cultural purposes, will be received of those in attendance, all students should come equipped and noted for report to the General with white suits and waterproof Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failu.u so to protest or contest, withfootwear." in the time specified, will be consid ered sufficient evidence of NOTICE OF MEETING FOR character of the tracts and the ADOPTION' OF CITV RUIXJET selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approvNotice is hereby given that the ed to the State. meet will City Council of Nephi City ELI F. TAYLOR. at the City Hall in Nephi City, Utah, Ilegister. on Friday, the 18th flay of December. 1925 at 7:30 o'clock P. M. for the First publication Nov. 27th 1925. purpose of passing an appropriation Last publication December 25, 1925. ordinance to govern expenditures of funds of Nephi City for the year 1926 and that public hearing will be had at said time and place on mat ters to he covered by said appropria tion ordinance. WITNESS my hand and seal this Sth dav of December 1925. MARTHA E. VICKERS City Recorder (SEAL) AND SISTER $1.95 D- 3. Foot I roubles FOR BROTHER Heautiful Silverware . . 50c to $13.00 Ivory Ware in newest patterns. Oh A Radio ! Guaranteed performance. FOR FATHER Goldsbrough of this city, and Angus McDonald, of Eureka, recently Jury commissioners ny Judge T. H. Burton, met here Wed- nesday and selected the list of citl2ens w,1 ,)e called upon during ' serve as jurymen in mis county. H- slire Gifts That Are To Please AT U. A. G. i i ! Freight and Tax Extra For any closed car you will pay almost as much as the Essex Coach costs. So why accept any performance short of a "Six"? In Essex you get qualities of the "Six" not found in any "Four". And equally important, you get the famous Super-Si- x advantages exclusive to Hudson-Esse- x. Quality made Essex, with Hudson the largest selling "Six" in the world. That volume permits economies, which are passed on to buyers in a price way below any rival. World's Greatest Values An Essex Coach may be purchased for a low first payment and coirvenient terms on balance G. R. Judd uaraee NEPHI, UTAH |