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Show t : " ; " : J A HOME PAPER FOR : HOME PEOPLE 1 DEVOTED T O T H E INTERESTS OF JUAB WW : J TMTV 1 I VUUiH Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday December 11th 1925 The Times, Vol. 15, No. 48. BIG SOCIAL LEGION HOLD Orvald Warner Chosen Post Resolution Commander Passed Thanking City For Providing Club Room. , The annual election of officers for the Nephi Post number 1 of the American legion took place at the evening. legion rooms Wednesday The resuit of the election follows: Orvald Warner, Post Commander; Dr. L. T. Booth, First Stephen Allen, Second W; J. Olpin, Adjutant; Samuel G.' Paxman, Chaplain; E. L. E. R. Shaw, Jones, Sergeant-at-arm' Historian , ; A. V. Pyper, Post Commander presided at the meeting and reviewed the work since he had occupied that The. reporC"showed the positio'n. organization to be in good condition with a membership of 32 paid up ' for thS year 1926. The question of furnishing the ... ' rooms was discussed and arrangements made to equip - the same .as c'". soon as possible, '.'.4.' A resolution was then adopted thanking the city for' their generosity in providing such suitable quarters for the members of the legion in the new City Hall. The following is a copy of the resolution: . "WHEREAS the citizens and tax payers of the city- - of Nephi have gratefully remembered the service of , the men who served in the World A War, and have, through their duly elected -- representative . generously Provided for the American legion, - s; ' , Ladies night at the Kiwanis club held Friday evening at the Forrest hotel was one of the most enjoyable events that has been staged by the club since its inception. The entertainment committee and those who took part on the program did themselves proud and their efforts were very much appreciated by those who attended. The banquet was all that could be desired and brought forth many' compliments from the members.' Roscoe Grover was introduced as toastmaster of ,the evening and was a regular "Chauneey Depew " in the wav he handled affairs during the lie I II vrarTrsnu - All I l I I'll MO I zmm 6021 21 25 Owing to the general wave of prosperity that Is prevelant this year it is expected that this condition will be reflected in an increase of the Christmas mail in the annual holiday "rush' that is almost upon - mp:4 us. Every effort is being put forth by the postal department to educate the general public to a state wherein this "eleventh hour" congestion- may be The time will come when relieved. the public will come to the realizatand sane thing to ion that "the sa do is to mail early. As a start in this direction let me suggest that this year you shop early and do your mailing at least two days earlier than you have been in the habit of doing. This Is especially necessary this year due to the fact that this year all the post offices in the United will be closed on Christmas day. To avoid your own as well as your friends, disappointment you will have to mail earlier, this year. Besides this general appeal for early mailing I have the following suggestions to - banquet.. Among the special features was the playing of the Kiwanis "Razz Orchestra." This unique and now famous musical aggregation .simply took the guests by storm. Never in the history of music in this city was there ever such harmony, technque, and shading ever produced before: Since the entertainment we are informed that offers for future engagements have flooded the malls especially from points In Sanpete and P'ute counties. The members of ihe organisation with the instrumentat " - ion follows: A. V. Gadd, fundo;-- , .Arthur V,i Pyper, basso-pr- , jas. a. .starts.; wireailUs; 'Paul E. Booth.'. , Prof.. Engar, 7. M. Petty, Swissg-oog; pumpo; and Miss. Viola Starts., piano. T. O. Durham, Impersonating "AH- Dm " with Spencer E. Forrest, as the , hypnotized ' "Zemo' ' were a extra-toto- o; : oil-ca- n- Ali-Din- ,'" V :a'U":: IN SESSION by - The Seniors won the pennant given to the class having the mosC subscriptions, for the N. H. S. .year book. - was-Hyr- 1 . The report cards we're sent out today and we would advise all parents to look them over to ascertain how the students are progressing. the ALFALFA SEED from which sum $239.00 was sent to the church authorities In Salt Lake City for (he relief of members In various parts of (he world who A car of alfalfa seed was shipped are In from here Wednesday consigned to circumstances. Ihe Occidental Seed company of Salt Iike City. The seed came from the farms of George McCune, Sylvester SUPT. SMITH NAMED Pierce. George Tolley, Orme Green-halgBros.. Warner StephenON COMMITTEE son, andHillGeorge K. Howard. Another car will be ready for shipment the latter part of this week from the Supt. Calvin a. Smith was named farms of Wilson Bros, and Edward oif an Important committee yesterday Jones. The seed produced here this by President Milton Bennlon of the year Is of good quality and will find Utah Educatlonnl association. The a ready sale In the markets. Juab valley Is making 11 reputation as a letter to Mr. .Smith follows "This is to advise you that Presi- seed region, both for wheat and aldent llcnnlon of the U. E. A: ban ap- falfa and it will not be surprising in pointed you oh a member of the com- a few years if a large area of this mittee on research for the present valley Is used solely for the growing yfiir. Other member of the com- of feed. mittee ns named by Mr. Bennlon are Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Forrest, and Henry Oberhnnsly of the Utah Agricultural college; Hugh M. Wood- Miss Mabel Miiduen motored to Sal! ward. It. V. V.: Irvln S Nonll, Stale t,ake today for a couple of days visit The regular monthly meeting of E. Cowlns. School tiffli e; and the High Priests Quorum will be of the University of Utah. held at the Seminary building. Sun D. W. Parratt, Executive Secretary" day morning at 10 a. in. ed : :- ' - ' afternoon the H. .O. .A. t .Jf Sfulent liody: James "MeCu her 92 club was j 'SPrilertained- by Mr.s H.'B. M ; Ruth 92. V-- 1 Do not mail Christmas cards All cards, with a one cent stamp. (except the government post cards) , , require two cents. 2 to young All mail addressed children should be in care of their parents as small children are not ' known. . . v 3 AIL mall should befr the return address of the sender, in the upper left hapd cOmer,'of the envelope. 4 Seals ,and stickers should be placed on the back, and not on the r front of the envelope. 5 Be sure that you "have suffici ent postage on your mail and avoid having mail going to your friends " post collect. 6 Use standard sized envelopes If the pui'lie understood the annoy ance caused by these small envelopes thev .would eliminate them. 7 Do not try to send perishable mail too far. Don't take a chance on it, spoiling in transit. , depositing -- .your mail j - Sperry, Angell. The. time was spent in mak ing Christmas presents, among which two baby quits were quilted. Seniors: Helen Ballon, 91 Viola Starts, 91 Juniors: Wanda Petty, 91 Verda' Russell. 89 Sophomores: James McCune, 92 H ; Ellen Cole, 90 Freshmen: Ruth Sperry 92; Wabel 2-- 3; 6. 5-- 6; 2-- 3. Wilson 91 2-- 3. , A meeting of the Nephi library ORGANIZE CLUB board was held Wedensday evening with the following members in attendance: Jas. Garrett, Jr., Mrs. J. M. Christensen, Mrs. W. F. Brough, The twenty six Nephi students and A. V. Gadd. and Calvin S. Smith. The principal business discusspd four Nephi faculty members at the Utah Aericultural Colletr were org was the furnishing of the library anized into a "Nephi" club last Fri quarters in the new City Hall. A day with the aid of Presicommittee was appointed to meet dent evening E. G. Peterson. The officers with the City Council to ascertain if elected to head the new organization an appropriation sufficient to equip are: William 11. Warner, president the library room could bo arranged Naom Evelyn Bailey, for. Broadhead,. secretary and treasurer Gordon Wood, cheer master: and Helen Bailey, reporter. PEOPLE RESPOND The club is already functioning as it has begun preparations for its in the contest program to be VERY GENEROUSLY part held at the Nephi high school auditorium on December 23rd, by the Nephi studei.ts attending the Brigham The members of the L. n. S Young University University of Ut church in Juab Stake responded very ah, and the Agricultural College. ' This city has more students atgenerously to the appeal sent out by the First Prctldency for the special tending the U. A. C. this year than fast offering hild throughout the she has at the B. Y. U. and Univerchurch last Sunday. The record of sity of Utah combined. Ihe five wards show that 620 members attended the services, this being en average for the stake of 23 per SHIP CAR OF cent. The tolal amount of the special fast offering was. $269.05 ' el The following students) received the highest averages in their respective l!tspe8 during ;the 2nd JernOaf 6. U. A. C. STUDENTS r. Miss Reba Poulsen entertained at a bundle showed in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar N. Christensen Monday" evening at the home of J. M. Bosh,v,jGanies and "stunts'' were features of the .veniug, and" were greatly' enjoyed. A delicious luncheon to the following: The guests pt "honor Mr. and , Mrs. Edgar N. Christensen, Mr. .and Mrs. Christian Chlstensen, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus STiinbridget Mr. and Mrs.J.'M. Bosh, Mr.?"afid Mrs. Andrew Poulsen. Mr.' and Irs. Earl A. Beck, Fern Bosh," Be'tlah Bosh, Katie .Iverson, Iona Mortensen, Leona Peterson, Alice 'Beurd, Byron Taylor, Douglas Shepherd Joseph Christensen, Ash-a'CllriKeusen and Jean Wilkey of Nephi, ami the hostess. ;Reba Poulsen Devotional exercises were given The the Ag. club .Wednesday. Prayer, program was as follows:Nephi Chase; selection, N. H. S. band; one act play,. Ag. club mem bers! selection by band. ; - h offer": HIGHSCHOQL NEWS LEVAN NEWS ITEMS o hornaloo;; . Ioy Bp ...... Miss Blackett is absent from school on account of Illness. Ruth Grover is taking her place In the Domestic Art department. The girls are making quaint and delightful Christmas presents. The Fine Arts club held their first meeting Wednesday evening in the high school building fbr the purpose of arranging the program for this year. There will be six programs altogether, one to be given the first Wednesday of each month, the first to take place next Wednesday, Dee-emb- er 16th. to be given bv Miss Diamond in the N. H. S. auditorium. Literature will be the predominating subject. The league basket ball series to be played during the season of 1926 will be held at Nephi on the following dates: Springvllle, January 8th; Spanish Fork. January 22nd; Eureka January 2fith; Payson. February 12th; and Provo. February 26th. The following players have applied for eligibility cards, and others will apply at a later date: Neldon Worthlngton. Karl Ostler, Wayne Sidwell. Herman McCune, Clarence Ockey, Karl Haynes. Harold Bellis-to- n, Winn. Eugene Grant Worthlngton. Sperry. Nello Jack Sud-week- s. Earl Olpin, Howard Tanner, Clyde Sanders. (Florence Chase, Reporter) BURTON CASE BEFORE SUPREME COURT disbarment proceedings filed against Judge T. H. Burton of Ihe Fifth District were heard Monday by the Supreme Court. The case Is now before that body for Its final decision. It may be several weeks before the court will render its opinion on the Issues presented for their consideration. Counsel who made the arguments for the prosecution were W. W. Bay, E. A. Rogers. P. T. Karnsworth. and Attorney General Harvey H. (luff. Judge Burton was represented by Judge Thomas Marioneaux, and O A. Marr. Arguments In Ihe A large crowd attended the Relief Society work meeting Tuesday after noon. A demonstration was given by the officers on making pleasing Christmas presents from materials ordlnarilly thrown away in the home. Especially Interesting were the var ious dolls made by Mrs. Grace Chris tensen. Mrs. Chritsensen also conducted a demonstration Thursday afternoon at the High school to the Domestic Art girls. Mrs. Mans E. Jennings was host ess to the ladies of the M. L. S. club at her home Monday afternoon. De licious refreshments were served. Friday evening Ihe Tenth grade, under the direction of Mr s Ivie B. Spencer, gave a very interesting en tertiiinment in the amusement hall A two act comedy "Dinner at Six" was presented with the following students: Walda Malmgren, Jessie Morgan, Edith Peterson, Francis Wanda Jackman. Rex Benedict, Taylor, and Ernest Sorensen. A clever program was given before the show and between the acts as fol lows: Clarinet solo. M. Chard; piano solo. Leon a Peterson; vocal duets "Sammy," and "Dear Little Jammle race, Reba Brown and Amy Peter- roii; male quartet numbers, "Annie Laurie," and "Until the Dawn,'' Asa Fowler, J. E. Christensen, E. A. Beck and Alvin Stephenson; trombone duet. E. A. Beck and J. E. Christen sen; "Boys" cnorus, "Freckles,' Margaret Griffith. Venice Malmgren Hhea Grant, Thrlma Wankier, Zella Jessie Fowler, Vernlce Francom, Christensen, accompanied by Ethel Mortensen. iNiotie. All Smiles,'' a comedy will be presented three act In the amusement hall Wednesday evening December 16th, by the Levan School faculty with the following cast: Peter Amos Dunn. O. W. Budge; Cornelius Griffin. Earl A. Beck; Philip Innings. J. E. Christensen, Hamilton Tompkins. Marcellus Cbnrd Parker Sillocks, Reuben Mangelson; Caroline Dunn, Bene P. Beck; Helen Griffin. Ivie B. Spencer; Hat He- Griffin. Beulah Bosh; Beatrice Sillocks, Fdna Anderson; Mary. Thelma ; Jack-man- .Madeleine Mifton. Helen Benedict; Niobe, Nettle Mnngejson. The music lovers of Levan will receive a treat in the near future when the Ievan High school presents the opera. "The Ixive Pirates of Hawaii" The proceeds of the picture show . 9, No. 48 TWO DIRECTORS OFFERS SUGGESTIONS HERE: COUPLE WEEK ON LV II I I POSTMASTER LUNT 100KT DEcEMBErCA .OVUIMHtR ir scream f,rom start to finish. The occult powers of coupled with the ability to concentrate on the part of "Zemo11 were most start; Nerhi Post number i, ,. a "'meeting ling. Hidden mysteries of the past, place and club room.' in the 'Nephi and vivid portrayals' of the future 1 City Hall,., now therefore be. it , were paraded before the gaze of the A "RESOLVED-tha- t the members astonished guests.' - ' of. the Nephi JPost convey to the Toasts were responded to by Dr. Mayor and City Council, and the peo-- F, H. Beckstead, A. V. Gadd, Earl pie of Nephi City-thei- r B. Sperry. 'VinW- L. Jones. Refd, grateful of this gift, and unitedly Mrs. Will hf Hoyt,"' Mrs, Paul E. """ "pledge themselves to express this ap- - Booth, Mrs. R.A E. Grover, Mrs piecinuon hy .lumoJdlnjr the standard G.oJBS. JPktra'ymWl !iM.rs,',Jas,. ;A. ana worKing lor Kiart, Mrs." Georfce A. Mm. uuiosmi) and advancement of the Gilbert Bailey. 'MusicalSperry numbers City of Nephi" were rendered by Mrs. T. W. Allred, Dr. T. W. Allied, and the Kiawnis club quartette, composed of Praf. LIBRARY BOARD Chas. J. Engar, A. V. Gadd, Paul E. Booth and A. V. Pyper. . The News, Vol. The Twelfth Month EVENT OF THE SEASON ANNUAL'ELECTION i ARE ELECTED Annual Meeting of Stockholders Nephi Irrigation ' Company Held Monday Financial Report Presented Theaiuiual stockholders meeting of the Nephi Irrigation company was held at t tie Courthouse Monday afternoon. The principal business transacted "was the election of two directors to erve;three years, and the approval of the annual finunciaf report. The election resulted iu the choice of J. W. Brough, and James H. Ellisoiv, as directors. The financial report was read ..by the secretary and approved. The report shows that the receipts; of the company amounted to 111,92- 0.41 for the fiscal year ending" Nov ember 30th 1925. The disburse--- . 11.614.36. ments wer leaving a cash balance at the close of the year of $306.05. Bills receivable amounted to $5,714.40. This account Is due from Nephi City for water purchased by the latter from the com pany. Bills payable represented by notes amounts to $5,500.00. This leaves a balance in, favor of the Irri gation company on these accounts of $214.40. Expenses on the canyon dams, city and field dltcehs amounted to II.- 907.25. This was distributed as fol- lows:Dam number 1, $13.00; canyon. $25.00; North field ditch. $321.25; North city ditch, $146.00; creek, $356.75; South field ditch North main, $236.50; $356.50; Weirs. $59.50; Hollow flume $279.75 Among the other chief items of expense are the following! Notes and interest, $7,515.26; lumber $163.50; postage and printing, $138.14; salary of watermaster, $600.00; salary kof secretary, $275.00; salary of directors.; $125.00 ; freight. $67.69 J Burn- -- , . . ham Mfg. Co. $716.16; " ' v committee 4 ' work, $45.00; legal work. $15. 00 other miseelaneous items amounting ' to $56.37. loo'r snra .thgt.Jt ft ; retvlp t, col u m n $5,445.72 and stampfd.,- -' f were. dertvel from ainrf-- mjifr.. 9 your Wrap parcel"? water stock. $lv.142.35 were .paid will reach their destination in they Nephi City for. the Marsh, Canyon .... good condition. Address them plafn-l- y by water. Rent of elk pasture amountin ink. 10 Parcel rist may receive the ed $40.50, an d$5,100.00 came from same expeditious handling as first notes. These items were the princlass mail by putting a 25c "Spec cipal source of income for the company. ial Handling" stamp on it. 11 Do not only mail early but mail often. To business houses that make a practice of letting their mail SENDS MESSAGE TO : accumulate till late in the afternoon, would sugrest that you mail as SENATOR KING often as you can. Any time during the day von are coming by the post office mail what vou have readv. 12 Notice of the arrival of The matter of expediting the ereparcel pot will be sent out each day. When ction of a Federal building In this calling for them please bring the city was taken up at the regular notice. Kiwanis club luncheon Monday. The 13 The only mail that will be de- - fact that Senator William H. King lfvered on Christmas dav will he had Introduced a bill In congress "Special Delivery." In case you fall providing an appropriation for such to post your mail so it will reach its a strurture started the bail rolling. de?tlnat'on before Christmas day you A motion that the club send Senator will have to have a special delivery King a message was promptly apstamp on it to have it delivered. proved and the following telegram was forwarded to Washington D. C. during the afternon: "Kiwanis club of Nephi appreciates your promise to work for Federal building for Nephi. Strength to your arm. Your work will not be Jn-be- ad.-h-es- secui-elV'-s- . ' SCHOOL BOARD HOLD MEETING forgotten. Will L. Hoyt, President.'' letter will also le sent to Senator King by the club calling his attention to the fact that Ihe post department purchased a valuable site here a number of years ago, one of Ihe best locations in the city. Also the fact that the forest service .llu government experiment station Is located here without any office facilities except by renting. If a public building measure passes congress this session a strong effort will be made by the club lo have this cltv included In the list. George D. Haymond presided at the luncheon and Ihe program conA The regular meeting of the Hoard of Education of Juab school district Present: was held Tuesday evening. Harry Foote J. II. Lunt, Lorenzo Mangel'snn, and Raphael Garfield. Hids were opened for the sale of the barn recently advertised by ttie board. The amounts offered were considered too low and all bids were rejected, and the clerk was instructed to again. A communication was received from the State School Board association urging the district to have representation af the convention to be held Fridav and Saturday of this week in Salt. Lake City. Schools of the district will close for Ihe Christmas holidays Wednesday afternoon. December 23rd, and open again Monday, January 4th. Claims against the district after being audited and found correct were allowed. of some other After disposing minor business the meet Ing adjourned until Tuesday, December 22nd. J. W. Paxman was in Salt Lake Monday attending the convention of the Utah Taxpayers association. Saturday niebt were given to the Christinas Seal Sale Committee. Many pri'es were given to the hold ers of lucky numbers. In the form of groceries of-f- ir sisted of two vocal solos by Miss Dorothy Haymond. The attendance prize was furnished by Mr. Haymond, who presented each member with a handsome Kiwanis calendar. STORES REFLECT CHRISTMAS SPIRIT A glance at the windows of ' the various business houses In this city bring to mind ttie fact thnt Christmas Is near at hand. The decorations this year are excellent and a splendid line of gifts suitable for the occasion are being offered by the merchants of this city. People are responding to the appeal lo "Shop Early." and much activity has been in evidence the past week. ' :. -' |