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Show THE TIMES-NEW- MENU UTAH S, The Times-New- Your Confidence Published Every Friday by the Times News Publishing Company EDITOR MANAGER DENNIS WOOD, A, B. GIBSON Early Shopping TREES A WASTE? thu time of the year the an- noatinn of whether cutting beChristmas trees is a waste or not District to comes acute. According n H. Rutledge, the cut kind of ting may be either the best kind worst or the conservation forest Is of waste, depending upon how it doue. In a fully stocked forest there are always many hundreds of young trees per acre, only a lew dozen ui which have reached maturity. The rest drop out in the struggle for Tres cut in such forests as those where the youngsters are stand to ing too thick, helps the otnersthem make better growth by giving nrht and sDace. while it serves to put the smaller fellows to a good use. nr. the other hand, there are in the Intermountain Region, vast areas of brush land into which the tlmDer irpps are sDreading slowly and vita are great difficulty. In such places scattered trees of beautiful snape aiui nr rnn1 Christmas tree size. To cut these is the worst kind of waste, for it is their mission to grow into maturity, and in turn scatter seed so that the worthless brush lands may be slowly transformed into valuable forests. The choice of the trees that are taken, therefore, makes all the differ ence in the world. From the point of view of the Christmas tree user, it is unfortunate that the trees which are taken from overly dense stands to Improve the forest conditions are and not nearly frequently so pretty as the symmetrical trees which grow in the open. "The Forest Service is asking to ko without a Christmas tree but if you want to place yourself on the side of conservation and not 01 waste. Drove it by buying a lop-si- d ed tree" says District Forester R. H. Rutledge. The poor side can always be put into a corner. The number of trees used for Christmas trees is far less than the number cut for tooth picks, according to the Forest Service. trees The cutting of Christmas may result in denuding a few square miles of land, but giving joy to thousands of children. Fire caused by careless human beings annually burns over thousands of square miles of timber and does nobody any good. u i Subscript ion Rates: Six Months $1.00 $2.00 One Year EDITORIALS EXPENSE. ADVERTISING REDUCES sensible business moves you ever made when you take us into your "Liberal use of advertising has contributed to make low rates pos sible and has shortened by the time necessary to attain the present stage of electrical development In the United States," says W. H. Hodge, Manager of Advertising department of the Byllesby Engineering and Management Corporation of business confidence. Our long experience in handling investments and business deals of all kinds permits us to give you the counsel that will guard you from many losses. This service is gladly rendered to every depositor. one-ha- lf Chicago. "Collectively the third largest industry in the country, the utilities should be large advertisers. It is estimated that they are spending day an amount equal to about of 1 per cent of their gross revenue In this way. From 65 to 75 Make use of per cent of their total advertising expenditures are In the newspapers. d "About ofthe utility's advertising dollars is spent for selling appliances and is charged to d sale price of merchandise. goes for sale of securities on plan and is an investd ment expense. is used to build up service output and explain the busienss and its affairs and is chargeable to operating expenses. This last third is equivalent to 4 mills on average monthly bill for electric service and is so small it cannot possibly add to rates. "Advertising keeps down and reduces rates by creating market value which in .turn permits the economies of mass production and lower disBREINHOLT-DASTRUOrchestra tribution expenses.'' To Play at Woodman Annual Dance to- one-ha- it one-thir- One-thir- customer-o- wnership One-thir- First National Bank What My Neighbor Says b of P Woodman Dance, Tuesday, December 15th, at the Arlington. Tickets 75c. Extra lady 25c. Refreshments. Interest to Nephl Folks When one has bad the misfortune to suffer from backache, headaches, dizziness, urinary disorders and other kidney ills and has found relief from all this sickness and suffering, that person's advice is of untold value to friend and neighbors. The following case is only one of many thousands, but it is that of a Nephi resident Who could ask for a better example? H. P. Warren, reired farmer, Nephl, says: "I have used Doan's Pills and know they are a good, reliable remedy for weak kidneys and an aching back. I gladly recommend them to anyone." A FEW YEARS LATER. Mr. War- - requests seem to have met with the approval of the people. Never before have customers selected their Christmas giftss early as they are doing utr this year. You not only have a complete stock to select from but the clerks have more time to render you the service you are entitled to. It ra You will find it one of the most SCIENCE Eskimos lf Polar regions, are -' trade: poor roada mean grade I ern added: "I am glad to endorse Doan's Pills again as being a reliable kidney remedy.'' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Pills the same that Mr. Co. Warren had. Foster-Milbur- n Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. thouhttobe the primitive American race related to the Indians. Although ' i of several different groups, geo- -' graphically, all speak the same language. They are said never to wash. They eat a steady diet of fat and oil, the meat usually being uncooked. Fewer than 30,000 are now alive, and the race Is apparently dying out . lilt, WMtarn Nawipapar Unloa.) is a wise idea. Our stock of Christmas Gifts is still very com- -' plete. Gifts purchased from us are Practical Presents that make a Merry Christmas last the whole year through. The response of our Hand Bag advertisement last week was surely gratifying. We still have a number of bargains left for your inspection. We are here to serve. lop-sid- Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner. I EFFICIENCY m MM Only Eleven Shopping Days Before Xmas Eskimos, habitants of the North Good troads mean 8 EE IS s OF Dont wait until the articles you wanted are sold. THE RADIOALA Gall to Day- - The supreme efficiency of the regenerative receiver has been firmly established, for the regenerative circuit provides performance with a lim ited number of tubes not equalled by any other circuit with the same number of tubes. Look our Bargain Counter over you will be surprised at the values. Radiola. III-has attained nation wide, and even international popul arity. More than one hundred thous and of these sets have been purchased by. radio enthusiasts. As a four-tub- e loudspeaker set. it meets every requirement of those desiring a complete broadcast receiver at a minimum of expense. With the new prices now established. Radiola III-Is the very finest broadcast receiver at anywhere near Its price. Quality of reproduction, sensitivity, selectivity and ease of tuning are the basic feat ures of the set. Sold by O. R. Judd, Nephi, Utah. A 10 per cent discount on all Stoves, Ranges and Parlor Furnaces. A IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL COURT IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. K Davenettes! Davenettes! Makes Full Sized Bed At Night Upholstered With Genuine Leather For $65.00 I I A Leather Rocker For Dad One of these fine big leather rockers for Dad to rest In. They After a hard day's work. re covered with genuine leather and will give lasting wear and comfort. A small payment down and a little each month soon pays for one and you use it while you ray for it. Leather Rockers as Low as $29.95 Buy Your on Kay Monthly Payments OXK PRICK TO EVERYBODY Dixon-Taylor-Russ- THK LOWEST PRICE Co. ell "THE ONE PIIICE HOl'SK" PKOVO 8PRIXGVILL.E NEPHI FREDERICK M. RYDER, Plaintiff. vs. Cora O. Buckingham, Charles H. Kent, and Jean H. Bakeman. Defendants SHERIFF'S SALE. To be sold at sheriff's sale on the 19th day of December 1925, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, at the front door of the County Court House in Nephl, Juab County, Utah, the following described real property, to wit: This big beautiful Davenette can be made into a full sized bed when guests unexpectedly Made call. It Is a beautiful piece of furniture by day and a comfortable cosy bed by night. sagless up in genuine leather with heavy oak construction, and is built with a pring. Iav-nt- t KENDALL BROS. PAY HON The South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14; the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15; the Northeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter of Section 22; the Went Half of the Northwext Quarter and Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 23, all In Town ship 15 South, Range two West, Salt Lake Meridian. 460 Containing acres, more or less. Together with all water rights owned or used In connection therewith. Situated in Juab County, Utah. Purchase price payable In lawful money of the United 8tates of Anier-lea- . Dated this 27th day of November, 1925. DAN MARTIN. Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By P. P. Chrlstison Deputy Sheriff P. N. Anderson Attorney for plaintiff Date of first publication Nov. 27th 1925. Date of last publication December 18th. 1926. THE GIFT STORE 1 YOUR TREAT IS HERE! NOW! HAPPY SAM'S COUNTRY STORE VENICE THEATRE, 8 MORE THURS. NIGHTS Below are the Prizes to be given in the Country Store Juab County Mill & Elevator Co. 12 Sacks of Flour Flour made in Nephl. Ladies Silk Dress Nephi Mercantile Co. The Toggery The Store that treats you as a guest, not a shopper. Walk-Ove- r Shoes, Wilson Shirts, Ties, Sox, and Clothcraft Clothes. Cooper, Pyper & Co. Cole's Hot Blast Heater. Paints, Oils. Glass and Everything in Hardware Wilkey's Harness Shop 1 hand made riding bridle, The Texas Last Night Prize Co. 5 Gal. Oil, 5 Pounds Cup Grease. R. Hawkins, Agent for Texaco Products, Gas, Oil, Etc. Jas. A. Starts, Jeweler 1 Stran Pearl Chocker Beads, Set Garters. 1 White Gold Bracelet, 1 Pair Pearl ( Nephi Drug Co Supplies every night of Country Store McCune Millinery 2 Ladies Hats, 1 6th & 1 last night X, L. Bakery Bread for the Country Store, 12 Nights Bailey Grocery Groceries for the entire show. Carter Cleaning & Tailoring Co Something for Every There will be more prizes Night of Country Store. Watch this npnee from Wfvk to work. Sam Gives You $25.00 Cash the Last Night. Venice Theatre every Thurs. dont miss a single show 8 |