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Show lii!!!tlll!lll!lllliai!U if A HOME PAPER FOR HOME PEOPLE DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB 1 j 1 COUNTY jiiiiiiii!Hiiiiiii!i!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiniii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii!iiiiiiiiiiiii;i; The News, Vol. 8, No. 43 Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, October 24th, 1924 The Times, Vol. 15, No. 43. Which? SENATOR W. H. KING OPENS REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN OPENED DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN HERE MONDAY EVENING BY COLTON Venice Theatre Crowded to Capacity to Hear Noted Speaker Issues of Campaign Discussed at LengthCandidates For Judge and District Attorney Also Spoke. Big Crowd Present At Venice Theatre Monday Evening To Hear Issues Discussed Musical Program Also Feature of the Meeting Picture Show Given After Rally. Congressman "Senator W. H. King was the princiiaJ, speaker Wednesday evening at the Venice theatre at the opening rally of the Democratic party here. The theatre was crowded to capacity, many being unable to find seats in the building. County Chairman John C. Hall presided at the rally and introduced the first speaker, Mr Grover Giles of Fillmore, candidate for District Attorney on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Giles stated that he felt a honored in being chosen as the for this important office and pledged himself if elected to uphold "Ynd sustain the law at all times. O. A. iMurdock, candidate for Judge of the 5th district was the next speaker, and outlined in a short talk what his ideas were relative to this office. He said that his campaign would be conducted along clean lines and in keeping with the honor and dignity of the judiciary. Musical numbers were then ren dered by LeGrande Jenkins, in the -' WEEKLY NEWS ITEMS WILL ERECT A Don B. Colton paign in this city. Mr. Colton was by County Chairman Jas. Garrett Jr., who presided at the FROM THRIVING LEVAN introduced BUSINESS BLOCK meeting. Acording to plans now being Congressman Colton spoke for and some time relative to the published visitstatements of T. C. Winn, in a pamphlet addressed to Utah farmers. The speaker showed in a very forciA Republican rally was held ble manner that Mr. Winn was unDon B. Colton fair in Tuesday afternoon. trying to place the blame upwas the principal speaker. Mr. Col on Coolidge for the failure ton also addressed the students of of President McNary-Hauge- n bill. He statthe the Levan school. ed that there was always a question in the minds of many members of The Sea Gull Girls were delight the economic congress fully entertaned Wednesday after soundness regarding of the bill hence there noon at the home of Miss Effie was considerable opposition to it Stephenson. from both Republicans and DemoThe students of the Levan school crats. Mr. Colton stated further, for the went to Salt Lake City Wednesday that he worked and voted was willto attend the State Teachers Con bill on the theory that he ing to try anything once. But to vention. charge the failure of its passage to was in his estiAt the weekly assembly of the President Coolidge local high school Friday morning the mation absurd. Mr. Colton then launched into a faculty furnished the program. Miss of the benefits that had discussion Enda Anderson and Miss Amy Peter come to the country through the son assisted with vocal selections. enactment of the present tariff law, and factories LeGrande Mangelson spent the claiming that the mills start work, and able to been had week-en- d here. hundreds of thousands of unemploy Mrs. Margaret Jacobsen and son ed men had found work at good of Salt Lake City are visiting with wages. The speaker then took up tne Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tundbridge and change in the Constitution contem family. showplated by Mr. LaFollette, and would Merle Bosh has gone to Lehi ed how this particular change espec where she will visit with relatives be dangerous in the extreme, ially In the hands of radical congress. for some time. In closing his address congressto conMrs. Will Jackman entertained man Colton urged the voters who Mabey, Gov. of record the sider Wedthe Sewing club at her home the efficiently the served had people nesday evening. executive past four years as the chief the voters of the state. He also asked cn their own a little thinking do to MARRIED IN SALT account and cast their ballots for the men who represent their own LAKE SATURDAY ideas of government. Musical numbers were rendered by and Ivan Dalby family of Murray, Utah, are ing here this week. Mr. pre- pared, the George C. Whitmore Company will erect a store building in the near future immediately south of the Bailey Grocery store. The size of the building will be a thirty foot front, and one hundred feet long. When completed, the building will be occupied by the J. C. Penney Company of this city. The building will be a substantial addition to the business district and will be modern in every respect. The property in question is owned by Mr. Lot Pexton, who is now taking the necessary steps to have the property transferred to the George C. Whitmore Co. nom-ine- mw pot s. - mm - V IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VOTERS Mrs. form of a trombone solo accompanied Section 2136 of the Compiled Laws by Miss Viola Worthington, and a MRS. DARTON LAID of Utah, 1917. provides that "prior which of the names appearing there vocal selection by Mrs. Allie Belliston to the time for registering voters on, were entitled to be placed in the accompanied by Mrs. Diane Booth. municipal election registers for the election of NovemTO REST HERE at each general or of Chairman Hall then arose and ineach county of ber 4, 1924. Every possible means the County Clerk troduced Senator King. The speaker the state shall prepare an official for checking such registers were used went into the subject of progress register of the voters of each election but because of the above stated con and paid a high compliment to the The body of Mrs. Harriett E district of his county, by making a ditions, it is possible that some names people of Nephi in erecting such a Darton, pioneer of this city who died list in alphabetical order of all per- of voters may have been omitted from magnificant high school building, recently in Salt Lake was brought sons who voted at the last general the registers, and therefore, we take stating that it was a monument to here for burial Friday morning. Bish- election, as shown by the checked this means of informing the public the progressive citizens of the dist- op C. H. Grace conducted the ser- copies of the official register used, and asking that EACH VOTER GO rict. From this subject he compared vices at the grave and dedicated the or poll lists made, at such election; TO THE REGISTRATION REthe progress in politics which he said remains to its last resting place. The etc." CORDS BEFORE THE NEXT REG was Just as essential to the welfare casket was opened at the .cemetery As several of the official registers ISTRATION DAY AND LEARN FOR of the nation. Along this line he paid in order that old time friends of the returned to this office after the gen HIMSELF WHETHER OR NOT HE his respects to the Republican leaders deceased could view the face of the eral election in 1922 were not prop- IS PROPERLY REGISTERED. EARL GADD, referring to them as a hard boiled aged woman for the last time. In erly checked by the judges of electlot who stood pat on the old system j terment took place at the Vine Bluff ion; it was very difficult to determine Juab County Clerk of government and failed to keep up Cemetery, besides her husband who with progressive movements. was buried here 33 years ago DEMOCRATIC RALLY The speaker then told his audience Those who attended the funeral POLLING PLACES AND how the Democratic party had lab- from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. ored for years to bring about pro- Joseph Darton Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jos TOMORROW NIGHT JUDGES OF ELECTION gressive measures that would bene- eph Darton Jr., of Salt Lake City; fit the people, and stated that his Mrs Hattie Darton Beasley of Long party represented the cause of hum- Beach, California, Mrs. Issac Darton The Democrats of this city will The following list of judges of anity and human rights. He urged and Mr. Ned Hickman of Eureka the voters to cast their ballots for sevfral grand children, and great election and polling places have hold another rally tomorrow night, been designated by the county com- Saturday, October 25th, at the Venice the party that stood by the common grand children of the deceased the Cole Sisters. Miss Florence The family of Mrs. Darton wishes missioners for East Juab County: theatre. The Hon. George H. Dern, Peterson. A pictpeople. of local A interest took Sperry andwasVivian wedding Senator King then launched an at- to sincerely thank their friends in Nephi District 1: Clarence H. War- candidate for Governor, and J. W. also given in connectshow ure tack on the oil investigations much Nephi for the kindness and assist ner, W. F. Brough, John Belliston. Robinson, candidate for Attorney place Saturday evening In Salt Lake ion with the rally. of which was known to the great ance shown them during their stay Polling place: Forrest Bldg. Dist. 2. General, will address the citizens. City .when Mr. Shirley Riches of T. R. Green of Ogden. a member H. C. Crane, R. Winn. Mark Bigler, A free picture show and musical pro this city was joined in marriage to of the congressional committee spoke majority of his audience through the here the ceremony recent publicity given in the daily Polling place: County Courthouse. gram will also be given in connect Miss Maud Settle, a short time and urged the voters taking place at the home of the for District 3. Mat T. Howard, Louis ion. papers. The speaker then charged to support Congressman Colton, and bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. that the Republican leaders in Utah Garrett, N. A. Neilson. Polling place. the Republican State ticket. STUDENTS 19 outcome The the Settle. wedding were erecting a smoke screen in North ward amusement hall. Levan of a love romance which commenced order to hide the work of the stand-- j H. R. Francom, Jas. Stephenson, Ray WORK COMMENCED about three years ago when Miss ENTERTAIN AT BUNDLE SHOWER ARE ENROLLED Jackman. pat politicians. Polling place Courthouse. Settle was a teacher In the Nephi Considerable, time was then taken Mona nrecinct. J. S. Neilson, G. A. AT TABERNACLE High School. The groom is a son up bearing on the proposed changes Newell, Earl Newton. Polling Place: of Mr. and Mrs. James Riches of in the Constitution. The speaker Mills precinct, John Mrs. James Andrews and Mrs. Geo The Seminary election last week Courthouse. this city. The young couple will there was no danger along resulted in the election of the follow Williams, W. C. Orgill, Erdhart Ben- Howard, entertained at a bundle rge this line as two thirds of Congress ing officers: dixen. Polling palce: School house Work commenced this week at the make their home in Salt Lake City. shower Wednesday evening at the and two thirds of the states had to Paul Grace The general election will be held Tabernacle on the improvements This paper Joins with their many home of the former in honor of Mr. President vote in favor of any change, and said Ellen Cole mentioned in this paper some time friends here In wishing them the and Mrs. C. N. Cox. Many beautiful Tuesday, November 4th. President Vice in s. happiness that any fear put forth by the Re- Clela Bailey secretary and Treas. ago. A number of men are now en greatest of joy and presents were received by the newly-wedtheir married life. was served rear of during the publicans along this line was pure Tola Bowers at the Luncheon gaged building Reporter bunk. for the proposed comfort station, the evening to the following guests: Committee: Hortense Car- A. F. BRACKEN After a two hours speech Mr. King Program also the erection of additional class Lois Lunt, Howard Tanner, Pearl was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Neilson, PresiMrs. Frank Belliston ter, closed with an attack on the present Green, Deon Belliston. facilities. When completed it to the members of the Social Corn- - dent and Mrs. A. H. Belliston, Mr. HAS CAR STOLEN room tariff law claiming the present high Mr. ana will add a great convenience to the is now under good par ion club at the home of her and Mrs. Lester Belliston. cost of manufactured articles being Mrs. Walter Sells. succesLen. a for building. Mrs. and Jones, Broadhead. Mrs. prospects headway mother Joseph meas and due to the Fordham-McCumbsful year are good. The time was Mr. and Mrs. David Winn. Mr. Mrs. Thursday evening. ure. He urged n is auaience 10 voie Mr. and Carrett. was A. 180 Mr enrolled F. Bracken While have Mrs. We doing Brigbam luncheon already spent In sewing. A dainty MI1S. BETSY ANDERSON for the Democratic ticket on Nov. students. Mrs. B. H. some work at the high school buildwas served to the following: Mrs. Alfred Orme, Mr. and Jenkins. ENTERTAINS 4th. and commended the local candiAT Mrs. KIIOWEIl In Janerva Mrs. last night some auto thief came We Intend to visit every ward II. Sparks, ing Mrs. W. Belliston, Joel Taylor. dates for Judge, District Attorney, the Stake and give a demonstration along and drove off with his car. James Mrs. and Mr. Dell G. Sperry. Mrs. J. Mrs. Ralph Belliston, and State Senator, as men worthy of of our regular work. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mr. Bracken on discovering that his Irons, Mrs. Robert Chappell. Mrs. Andrews, Frances the vote of the people. Nlelson. May Andcoman our In had machine Mrs. Betsy' Anderson entertained Otto Golden. Mrs. Mattle Vickers, Howard, parents disappeared got During the visit of Senator King was suffering from Zetta Littley, was Andrews, Blanch Sheriff a with at made munication home Chrlstison. last rews, her shower at organiz BellisInquiry evening regarding Lester Mrs. A. E. Mrs. Smith, a bad cold which made It quite dishonor Mr. and Mrs. of in Church who phoned to all the principal in honor of Mrs. C N. Cox, a bride of ton. Mrs. the a class and 'or guests V parents A. Mrs. ing George Latimer, tressing at times for him to talk. A History and Doctrine. It was plan- towns for miles around, but at the the week. Many useful presents Mrs. Joseph C. N. Cox. A. picture show was given In connection ned to be held at three o'clock, two time of going to press no clue has were received and a very pleasant Gadd. Mrs. J. and Kendall. Mrs hostess the Broadhead. with the rally. or three times a week If enough been obtained of the car. evening spent, after which refresh Belliston. returned Frank Schofleld Mrs. Nellie ments were served to the following applied for the course. Bfter visiting with . M""0 Mrs. Wm. McSwaln of Kanosh, Mrs. Hannah Foote, Mrs. Julia Hoyt MARP.IKD IN MANTI In Provo the The Levan school band played sev. Utah, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. George D. llaymond, Mrs. Ger Mrs. T. H. Burton was hostess to relatives and friends TEMPLE WEDNESDAY week. past eral selections here Wednesday dur Mrs. George Lunt this week. trude Foote, Mrs. Hess Claridge, the members of the Ladles Literary Wm. club at her home Tuesday evening. ing their visit to the school here. The Mrs. Beulah H. Bower?, Mrs. A large number of the .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley left Miss Musical numbers were rendered by making great progress and leading Foster. Mr. Gus. Anderson, At the Mantl Temple Wednesday band doing good work. They were en sportsmen of this city were out deer Francis Neilson. iMr. and Mrs. C. N Blanche and Clarence Burton, entit- yesterday for Salt Lake where Mr. the marriage of Mrs. Mary Nellson are at luncheon at the Forrest hunting the early part of the week. Cox, and the hostess Mrs. Betsy led "Minuet in G" and "Lories Greet- Reagley will attend the State Teachof this city, to Mr. Clarence N. Cox tertained Smith before return Mr. A. F. Bracken Mr. Rush Hawkins, Anderson. hotel by Supt. ings." An excellent address wa then ers convention. of Fountain Green was solemnized. Mr. Gerald Pyper and Mr. Delos Hay-ne- s to Levan. given by County Attorney Will L. Mr. and Mrs. Cox are receiving the Ing were successful In getting a deer I In M. Hoyt, his subject being: "The Court Mrs. their friends many of Tuesday Petty spent Practically all the teachers from congratulations B. Cowan was hostess yes- each. P. Mrs. or International Justice." By request this city left for Salt Lake yesterSalt friends. In with Lake which this paper Joins. They City visiting here. J. A. terday afternoon to the members of Teachers of the Mayor, Councilman will make their home In this city. day to attend the State Mrs. Paul E. Booth, entertained the the Social Neighbors club at her Booth wag present and explained the convention being held there this FowBorn Mr. Thomas Mrs. to and The decorations were in members ot the Entre-Nou- s home. club at kes necessity of erecting a City Hall and week. On account of this convenyesterday, a fine boy. time was her home yesterday afternon. The Mrs. Clara Farnsworth of Mantl. Halloween colors. The exhibited plans of same. The club tion the schools of the district closed In A delicious lunch time was occupied is visiting this week with her daugh- spent In sewing. sewing and on record at the clone of Mr. Wednesday evening. Mr. C. Mrs. and E. Stephenson went was served to the following guests: social chat, af'er which a dainty lunter Mrs. Ralph Belliston. address In favor of the ereBooth's cheon was served to the following: motored to Salt Lake City Wednes ction of the building. Those present Mrs. O. R. Judd, Mrs. E. M. Green Miss Florence Gadd entertained at Mrs. W. I. Brown cama down from wood. Mrs. George O. Ostler. Mrs. Athella Booth, Mrs. James M. Pow- day for a few days visit In that were: Neva Booth, Mrs. E. R. ForGanges Salt Luke Tuesday and will visit with I. M. Tetty. Mrs. Gllbprt Bailey. Mrs ers, Ludean Lunt, Mrs. Frank Reck-st.ca- city. rest. Mrs. Jas. Cole, Mrs. P. B. Cow her home Friday evening. Mrs. J. R. Ostler. Mrs. Orton her daughter Mrs. James L. Belliston George D. llaymond, Mrs. Frank an. Miss Ida Parkes. Mrs. J. W. Elli and music were enjoyed after which P.eckstcad. Special guests: Mrs. J. W Durham, Mrs. Spencer Forrest. Mrs. Mr. and .Mrs. w. c. Andrews are son. Mrs. R. T. Cowan, Mrs. J. W, refreshments were served to the folfor a short time. Dorothy Ellison. Mrs. E. R. ForreRt, Mrs. Den A. V. Pyper, Mrs. Clarence Warner. spending the week in Salt Lak Whitmore, Mrs. O. M. Whitmore. lowing: Blanche Garrett. Bessie Painter, Lee Mr. and Mrs. IX. II. Bracken, and nls Wood, Mrs. James Cole, Mrs. W. Special guests: Mrs. II. C. Crane, where Mr. Andrews Is receiving med Misses Lula and Bertha Mcpherson Stephenson. The Mrs. Charles R. Jenkins. Mrs. E. R. leal attention not having been able Mrs. S. B. McCune. .Mrs. Mark Sow Bailey, Leland Bos well, Thorel HowMiss Louise Irons, motored to Salt J. Cole, Mrs. Rush. Hawkins. by Forrest, and the hostess Mrs. Paul E. to attend to his duties at the bank by, Mrs. Wilson Glacier. Miss Pearl ell, Voll Howell, and the hostess Lake yesterday, where Mr. Bracken hostess was assisted in serving I for the past, two weeks. the Misses Florence and Alice Cowan Booth. will attend the teachers convention. Allen, and the hostess Mrs. Burton Florence Gadd. 180 ed er S ad dressed a capacity house at the opening rally of the Republican cam vr 1 d, .iil9 |