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Show THE The Aggressive Business Men TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, NOTICE OP SPECIAL BOND ELECTION XKPHI CITY, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH Times-New- s ruhli8hed every Friday by The Time News Publishing Company DENNIS WOOD Editor andWHEREAS, there is immediate pressing need of raising fund a. B. GIBSON Manager for the purpose of defraying the ex pense of acquiring the necessary Subscription Rates grounds and erecting and construct One Tear 12.00 ing thereon a City Hall Building for the purpose of supplying said Nephl Six Months SI. 09 City with adequate facilities for con ducting the public business of said I MALLOW E'ENl FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31ST, 1924 City. NOW THEREFORE, Notice is her by given that on Tuesday the 4th day of November, A. D. 1924, a Spec ial Election will be held within th limits of Nephi City, Juab County T1IE CONSTITUTION. Men who direct live, progressive are always alert to utilize the best facilities available. Officers and directors of banks are compelled to know the texts of the banking acts. Business men are al ways seeking Information about crdit and contract laws; workmen's compensation and income tax acts, Professional men do not fail to in form themselves of the laws dealing with their affairs. Golf players pride themselves upon rules knowing the St. Andrews's which govern the royal and ancient game. Therefore, it is surprising to note that these same people and many others are usually Ignorant of the text of the Constitution of the United States. While most of them are op posed to suggested changes In the Constitutiton they are unable intelli gently to discuss the thing they seek to defend. Conservatism is a prudent trait Indeed, the conservative is at this Juncture a saving grace In our nat ional life. However, conservatism that is ignorant of the basic , law which It instinctively defends' Is dis creditable to both the individuals and the country. Americans need more facts, espec ially in dealing with citizenship pro blems. No person who has prospered and who professes a desire to see the nation well governed has any excuse for failing to familiarize him From self with the Constitution. the Dearborn Independent. . This dependable financial institution is excellently equipped through experience, connections and complete facilities to serve the business interests of Nephi and vicinity. First National Bank ember we have a complete line for Hallowe'en your party. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co. ' OTHERS FOLLOW "WE LEAD No ijrv3?t Why Keep pumpkins, noise makers, etc., just rem- For the Issue of City Hall Bonds. If the voter desires to vote in favor of the issue of City Hall bonds, he he shall place an X in the space after the word "Yes". If he desires to vote against the issue of City Hall bonds he shall place an X in the space after the word "No." Tu' porly"Pllld 1V url who C3x5j&I On the reverse slds of said ballot Is CALMNESS NEEDED. announcer "Dear me. Isn't your train NijTvHa now shall be the following: face famillarr at making good OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR VOTINQ announcln' least hei a Una I money i tnet' familiar. r DISTRICT NO. NEPHI Diirine the heat of a Dolltical cam fer tn radio. CITY, UTAH, SPECIAL BOND paign, people are prone to says things ELECTION NOVEMBER 4th, concerning those of an opposite be1924 lief that in ordinary times they would (Fac-slmll- e never think of uttering. It is a good signature) to remember that we are all thing 1 City Recorder, Nephl City, Utah and citizens of the same country, that all good citizens are concerned, At said election the shall be or should be, with those policies that opened at the hour of polls seven o'clock 54 nr for the best Interests of all. It A. M. and closed at the hour of i perfectly proper to have dlfferen seven o'clock P. M. res nf ouinlon concerning the meth The polling place for all qualified ods to be employed in gaining what electors of voting District No. 1 of Dut we consider our party objectives, said City shall be at Odd Fellows for any American to employ slander Hall, Main Street In said District, and and untruthful assertions against the judges of Election at said place and shall be people of opposite political faith;methClarence Warner, W. F to low down despicable stoop and John Belliston. Brough, Everybody expects to pay some taxes, ods to gain their ends is something The polling place for all qualified but why impose unnecessary taxes on to be deplored in our campaigns. electors of District No. 2 the people of our of said City Voting shall be at Commission yourself? the of favor in country today are not er's Room County Court House in Do you realize that every time you kind of politics that were in vokub said District and the judges of elefin- - or thirtv years ago. The ction at said drive your car on an unpaved highway place shall be Robert public trend now, is to lift the poli Winn, H. C. Crane, and Lysle Bigler. a are one to to you actually taxing yourself nisu' The polling place for all qualified tical life of the country In order to bring this about electors of Voting District No. r.inn four cents a mile? 3 of Let the voters said Pimness is needed. at shall be Ward North City This is the cost of increased repair, study the questions for themselves Amusement Hall In said District am being the Judges of Election at said plac without undue influences tire and gasoline bills. men them by upon to bear shall be Mat Howard, Louis Garrett brought rain-iii.- n own advantage, their seek who and N. A. Neilson. Highway research has definitely that of the people as a whole. Dated at Nephl City thig 2nd da, established these facts. we that facilities With the wonderful day of October, A. D. 1924. Each year you tax yourself in this way possess in the United States toaay By order of, the transmission oi new, THE CITY COUNCIL OF NEPH for a good many dollars. to be , voter anv ig for nppd i. CITY. JUAB COUNTY. UTAH norant of the political situation and Instead of spending this money for By THOMAS BAILEY, unable to choose the party or h Mayor increased transportation costs, why not to Attest: principles to which he wishes invest it in Concrete Highways and affiliate. Martha E. Vlckers, City Recorder. pay yourself some dividends? Ktatemcnt of Ownership, Management. (Seal) Published First pub. October 3rd, 1924 Concrete Roads and Streets pay for Etc, of the Times-NeWeekly at Nephl, Utah, for October Last pub. Oct. 31, 1924. themselves in the saving they effect on 1924, State of Utah County or the cost of motoring. As reguired by ss. Juab, NOTICE TO CREDITORS of 24th, 1912. August Congress. Their maintenance cost is so low that Before me County Clerk of Juab this saving alone returns good dividends County, personally appeared Dennis Estate of Isaac Brown, deceased. on the investment, year after year.. Wood, who, having been duly sworn Creditors will present claims with deposes and says that he is the editor vouchers to the undersigned at 404-40- 8 You are imposing an unnecessary tax and that the fol of the Times-NewBoston Building, Salt Lake City. know his of best lowing Is, to the on yourself from which you get no return, Utah, on of before the 2Stb day of ledge and belief, a true statement of December, A. D. 1924. for work to by failing more Concrete the ownership, management, etc., of ALLEN T. SANFORD. the aforesaid publication for October, AdmlniKtrator of the Estate Highways. of Isaac of Act 1924 required by the Congress Brown, Deceased. Not in a long time have general conof Auguftt 24th, 1912. First pub. Sept. 26th, 1924. That the names of the editor, pun-- Last pub. ditions been so favorable for carrying on Oct. 17th, 1924 and business editor liBher, Managing such public works as permanent high TlmesPubllnher: managers are: way building. Npws Pub. Co. Editor, Dennis Wood, Business Manager A. B. Gibson. Your highway authorities are ready 2. That the owners are: If a "Ha tlnliri Wiwtr Who Balld to carry on their share of this great corporation the name of the corporat Well" ion and the name and addresses of public work. But they must have your the storkholdtrs owning or holding one per cent or more of the total support TO HOLD WELL stock should be given. Times-NeTell them you are ready to invest in Pub. Co. Nephl, Utah. Dennis Woofl, more Concrete Highways, now. Nephl, Utah, and A. H. Gibson Nephl Utah. 3. That th known Bond-hol- d PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION ers, Mortgagees, and other security HAS NO EQUAL. . holders owning or holding one per McCornick Building cent or more of total amount of SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH The aad bonds, mortgages, or other securities A National Organization to Improve and are: None. Natural Deposit of Gyprasn Extend the Utet of Concrete DENNIS WOOD, Editor. la The World Sworn to and subscribed before me IN 29 C IT IBS this 22nd day of October 1924. OFFICE NKPHI PLANTER AND MFO. Earl Gadd. County Clerk COMPANY By Bulah 11. Bowers deputy. (SEAL) jtA masks, favors, Yes !6Sxsffil of For table decoration, napkins, Utah, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City a8 shall have paid a property tax therein in the year next proceeding such election the following proposlt ion, to wit: ouaii ine negotiable coupon bonds of Nephi City, Juab County Utah, in the sum of Sixteen Thousand; Five Hundred Dollars, $16,500.00) payable serially in not exceeding twenty years, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent (8 per cent) per annum, payable semi annually be Issued and sold for" the purpose of acquiring the necessary grounds and erecting and construct ing thereon a City Hall Building for the purpose of supplying said City with adequate facilities for conduc ting the public business of said City?" At said election the form of ballot shall be substantially as follows: . BOND ELECTION BALLOT m aylsig sfsn? t.ni. IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH IN AND FOR JUAB COUN TY. Chew it after every 'meal Pedro Oil Company, a corporat ionj Plaintiff, vs. J. M. Sorensen Mary G. Sorensen, Ephraim A. Sor ensen and Emily Sorensen, Defend ants. SHERIFF'S SALE. To bo sold at sheriff's sale on Saturday the 1st day of November, 1924 at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the front door of the county court house in Nephl City, Juab County, Utah, the following described real property situated in Juab County, Utah, The northwest quarter (NW4) of the northeast quarter (NE Vi ) ; the east half (E&) of the northwest (NWV4 ) ; the southwest quarter quarter (SW) of the northwest quarter (NW); and the northwest quarter (NW) of the southwest quarter (SW) of Section twenty-seve- n (27); the northeast quarter (NE4) of the southeast quarter San It stimulates and appetite aids digestion. It makes your lood do you more good. Note how It relieves that stulfy feeling alter hearty eating. mm Whitens tenth. t: of Section (SE) South, Range 1 15 , weetcn breath and it's the goody that 28, in Township West of the Salt Lake Meridian, containing two hund0 red forty and acres, more or no-10- GOODVEAIS SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM BEST MATERIAL USED Prompt Mail Order Service Prices are soon forgotton but quality long remembered J. A. Cliristensen t'rop Nephl. Utah less. DAN MARTIN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah By P. P. Chrlstison, Deputy. First publication October 10, 1924 Last publication October 31st, 1924.1 "Ait i szi trM'5!pu'M!a'"-i!!''r''yg4i.- - ' I.-- 1 oil. IT.IC1, I r s, w Nephi Plaster Lrrrt tyour Painting I! It Is Important That You Use Prepared Paint Fuller's Pure Pure ITrpared Paint is a perfect paint an. U un. Properly um-- It will retain Its brilliant finish lonwr and wear bvttcr than lead and oil imperfectly mixedindefinitely by hand. Considering tho raw of application and other superior qualities, it costa leas to apply PURE PREPARED PAI.VT than it does to apply cheap adulterate that will not cover and that will fade, 1(He lt k)hmpaint and crumble off in a short time. durpa-,- t for durability. Co. Dixon-Taylor-Fuss- ell "THE Pvnt NEPHI Wo Rc" thc ONE-PRE" HTOItE" Home Furnisher K UTAH MItqualitY Iine |