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Show THE IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL I Continental Life Insurance Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. High School News F'S to-w- it: (N) (W) (W) - Parent-Teacher- 's (S) (W) n (W) (E) twenty-8ix(26- ); ur thirty-fiv- e (35); half (SH) of Section (34); the South half IN ATHLETICS (SW) of of (SW) the South The Girls Home Economic club met Thursday noon and planned for the annual ball, also for cake sales and bazaars. The girls are arrang ing to join the State and National Home Economic club this year. Our Christmas Shipment Is In Make a Deposit and Have Us Save One for You Your Choice of these Attractive Floor Lamps "DETAILS OF JHE Newest and Designs. See them early Up-to-da- te CROSS COUNTRY RUN" The Nephi High School Athletic Association has started its action by preparing to stage a Cross Country Run. This will be held on Election Day, November 4th, at 3:00 p. m. The runners will begin at the Court House then south five Mocks, east one block, then north four blocks, then west 1 block, along main street to high school, east 1 block to city park north to south side of square, west 1 block to main street and back south to Court House. All runners must run in the street along main street. On the side streets they may choose their own path. There will be a judge at every turn to see that all runrters pass. The first to finish will receive twenty-fiv- e prizes. Prizes were donated for the contestants by the business houses as follows: - Nephi Drug Co Gold Watch - First National Bank $5 Saving Account. - Kendall Bros. Fielders Rawling Mitt. - Lunt Pharmacy No. 2 Brownie ; Camera. - Toggery Cap - Charles Foote & Sons .... $5. Hat - Central Motor Co $3 Cash - J. C. Penney Co'. Pair of Oxfords - Grace Garage Co Bicycle Tire 10- - Fashion Shop Pr basket ball Shoes 11- - City Meat Market Ham 12- - Judd's Garage $3.00 Cash 13- - Bailey Grocery & Cy's Market $3.00 in meat and groceries. 14- - Lomax Music Store Two Records 15- - City Barbers Two Hair Cuts and Two Shaves. 16- - Pyper and Burton Two Hair Cuts and Two Shaves. 17- - X. L. Bakery Best box candy in 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- buys one of these beautiful mahogany floor lamps. The mahogany base Is combined h with a beautiful Bilk shade and is offered complete for $14.95. Select one and for Christmas it Time. pay by 6- 24-inc- 7- 89- Table Lamps Bridge Lamps Junior Lamps and Floor Lamps are now unpacked and open to your selection Come Now! Don't Walt! Have First Choice! Only One Price to Everybody The Lowest Price the store. 18- - Nephl National 19- - Nephl Mercantile Bank Bell Bank with $1.00 savings. Co. Dixon-Taylor-Russ- Co. ell Shirt and Tie, "THE L. Carter Suit Sponged and pressed. 21- - Silver Maple Service $1.50 merl 20- - L. chandise. In order that the donors may be represened each drew names of the runners w'ho will run for them. Each contestant will wear the number and name of the business house he is running for. A banner or cup will be given the class winning the most points. The following is the result of the $8 .65 Beautiful Bridge Lamps SPRINGVILLE PROVO NEPHI PAYSON Paul Grace, Fred Chapman. 11- - City liston, Vincent Ord. Foote & Sons Grant Gardner, Jack Winn, Carl Ostler. - CentraI Motor Eugene Wilkey, Glen Worthington, Loyle Adams. - J. C. Penney Co. Clyde Sanders, Nello Sudweeks, Jesse Bailey. - Grace Garage Co. Eugene Worthing draw: Gadd. Fred ton, No. Business house Entries 10- Fashlon Shop Paul Christison, - Nephi Drug Co. Bill Starr, Lee Claude Lomax, Earl Olpin. Bailey. - First National Bank Mac Riches, Ned Ostler, Wm. Pyper. - Kendall Bros. Karl Belliston, Claude Wilkey, Harold Belliston. - Lunts Pharmacy Clarence Burton, Roy Cooper, George Irons. - Toggery Lamont Sowby, Lester Bel- 6- HOUSE" ONE-PRIC- E Meat Market Neldon Worthington, Reo Sanders. 12- - Judd Garage Asahel Christensen, - Charles Carrol Douglas Shepard. 7- Lewis L. Bakery, 17-- Baile. Nat. Bank Kemner ott, Byron Taylor. hi Crane Eugene Beck, Raymond Phillips, Ralph Morgan. 14- - Robert Lomax Clarence Ockey, 13 Bailey and 19- - Nephi Mer. Co. 9- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- (S) of (NE4) and Robert LaFollette, Jr. .J,UIIH.1 one-thir- w : I J:, TUe ILog&cal CSaoace g the CasreSM Biayeir ; la of ancient origin. Honemead win drunk by the better order of Teutonic peoples for a period of 30 days following th marriage cere- Altlla the Hun drank inonjr. no freely of wine mixed with honey that he had a marriage and funeral ceremony all In one. The custom of Jonnneylng to Nl- ftgara fall, or like spot. Is a modern addition end Intertre- "honeymoon" ration. ' ' ; '. So many thing can haprunning. pen In the course of a season that early season predictions of seemingly the surest type: are often oast Into the waste heap as false guesses, before the seasons schedule is complet- The Ford car delivers more useful, care-freeconomical service per dollar invested than any other car. Its sturdy, rigid construction is striking evidence of enduring materials. Every minute operation is scientifically tested and accurately checked. Control of natural resources and complete manufacture in large volume have made possible value that is the one standard by which every motor car must necessarily be judged. The Ford car is the logical and necessary e, The Touring Car n Htmatom ... .... (' 9up MOT 5fl All m Robert Lat'Oiieite, Jr., Is taking mi active pfirt in the campaign for the Presidency carried on by hl father, the senator from Wisconsin. ncM . . 1, m. . $US $121 (? Vrtruil emn few mny mtdmt bp mnd arranrHtf mf 9ft tkt J4r. Or I 'i ms ftiw jhi c frwr 7hl rmtd MlHM.hod UI1U11 both Vm4 tkm Mill f In ynmt U4f mi iff dtL choice of the buyer who wants to get the utmost from every motoring dollar. NOTICK ii ed. With a nucleus or such stand-by- s as Worthfngton, Grace, Starr, and Adams, of last years squad, and with choice selection of new material to fill up the gaps that team graduates hare left, the outlook Is exceptionally encouraging. There are a number of rlty water Ucr who Bre delinquent In the payment of water taxen. Cnles the same Is paid at once the water will be shut off. By Order City Water Department. THE tmiVUMAl Beagley, Memm- - Wayne Sidwell, Rulon Cowan. 20- - L. L. Carter Vaughn Garrett, Boyd Sorenson, Gordon Wood. 15- - City Barbers Ivan Bailey, Delos Henry Orme, Douglas Cowan. 21- - Silver Maple Service Boyd Lunt, Garrett, Nephi Chase. 16- - Pyper and Burton Kenneth Judd, James Phillips, Howard Tanner. 8- r The athletic season of the Nephi the High School will begin on election the day Nov. 4th. About fifty boys of Northeast quarter of the the school are out training Southeast quarter (SE14) for a two Northwest quarter NW4) of Section and a half mile cross country run, thirty-fou- r (34); the Northeast scheduled for the above date. The quarter (NE'-- i ) of the Southeast event gives promise ot beinga thrilquarter (SE 14 ) of Section thirty-thre- e ler from the standpoint ot keen (33), all In Township fifteen competition, as there are several (15) South of Range one (1) West long distance veterans entered, beof the Salt Lake Meridian, contain sides a large number of probable In addition to a ing a total acreage of seventeen "dark horses." hundred and sixty (1760) acres of class banner, to be given to the whiland. ning team, there are twenty valuable d of all the individual prizes to be awarded. Together with waters of Little Salt Creek, appurt- These are all merchandise prizes enant to said land, and together donated by 20 of the leading busi with all other water and ditch rights, ness houses In town, and range In and rights to the use of water for value from $3.00 to $15.00. After the cross country run! basket Irrigating said premises or for domestic use thereon, to which Joseph F. ball work will begin. As basket ball Wright and Mercy C. Wright, or the is the major athletic activity of the aid premises, were on December 6, school, and about the only one in and which scheduled competition 1917, or thereafter entitled, with which were then or thereafter used other schools is had, the school and on said premises, however evidenced, town fans are already beginning to and together with all and singular speculate, as to the possibilities of the tenements, hereditament!, and ap- a championship team this year. If purtenances thereunto belonging or the success of a basket ball season In any wise appertaining. Is to bo measured by championships, DAN MARTIN, the dope this year, favors Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. no team in the league. Five comBy P. P. Chrlstison. matched teams paratively evenly First publication October 17th, 1924 finished the season last year, and all Last pub. Nov. 7th. 1924. must be conceded a chance In the . year's battle. Yar Coarntloii Banking on an even braek with old man luck, in his part of the seasHoneymoon on's scrimmage, the N. H. S. should The tradition ot keeping a have a team that will be well In the thirty-fou- Make Your Selection Now 4 Joseph F. Wright, Mercy C. Wright Assembly was held Wednesday John F. Wright, Lilly Wright, Harry morning with following program renA. Sor Rose Ephraim Bews, Bews, dered: Two selections by the Levan M JuniuB enaen, Emily Sorensen, A. Mel school band, directed by Earl Sorensen, Mary O. Sorenseu-,- ' Vocal Lee Beck; Bailey; prayer, vllle Irrigation Company, a corpor solo, Ellen Cole; cornet duet, Mr. atlon, Deseret Savings Bank of Sal Earl A. Beck, and Ivo Gardner; readLake City, Utah,, a corporation, ing, Miss Geneva Langlois; and the Arthur P. Voorhees, Christine Voor closing selection by the Levan band. Defendants-SHERIFSALE hees, To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 10th day of November, 1924, at the The Senior class gave a matinee front door of the Court House in dance Wednesday at the close of Nephl, Juab County, Utah, at the school. A large majority of the stuhour of 11 o'clock a. m., the follow dents attended and enjoyed themIng described property situated ii selves throughout the dance. The the County of Juab, State of Utah proceeds received from the dance will help defray the expenses of the class. of th The North half Northwest quarter (NW) of Sec Three (3), Township Sixteen (16. PARENT'S DAY AT South, Range one (1) West of the Salt Lake Meridian. The Southwest THE HIGH SCHOOL quarter (SW) of the Northwest quarter (NW14); the West half of the Southwest quarter (SW14); the Southeast quarter Last afternoon was Parent's of the Southwest quarter Day at Friday school. They met for the (SE) (SW!4) of Section fifteen (IB); the purpose of becoming better acquainof the Northeast ted with the nature and the purpose West half quarter (NE) of Section Twenty of the work being done in our local two (22); the Southwest quarter High School. Parents of out of town (SW4) of the Northwest quarter students were especially invited. (NWJ4) of Section twenty thre From 1:15 to 3:30 o'clock the par(23). Also, commencing at th ents attended classes of their choice, Northeast corner of the Southeast doing regular class work. A general quarter of the Northwest quarter assembly was held in the High (NWU) of Section twenty-thre- e School Auditorium at 3:30. The orAs (23), Township fifteen (15) South, ganization of Range one (1) West of the Salt sociation and a general discussion of Lake Meridian; thence West eighty school problems was carried out (80) rods; thence South seventy (70) here. rods; thence East eighty (80) rods; The following officers were elected thence North (70) rods to beginning; Mrs. L. A. Bailey Jr President of the North- Mr. E. R. Davis ...... Vice President the South half Norththe east quarter (NE4), Mrs. J. E. Reid Sec. & Treas. east quarter (NEi4) of the South- Mr. W. J. Cole, Mr. John Richardson east quarter (SE1); the West half executive committee. of the Southeast quarter In the evening a was of the given in the Auditorium,program the East Half followed by ,(SE4) Sect-IoSouthwest quarter (SW) of a social in the gymnasium. Old time twenty three (23); the South- dances and stunts were the features. west quarter (SW'i) of the Northwest quarter (NW V ) ; the Northwest quarter (NW4) of the Southwest PROGRAM OF EVENTS NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL quarter (SW4) of Section twenty of four (24); the West half the Northeast quarter (NE14 ) ; the of the Northwest Nov. 14 As. Club Ball. East half quarter (NW14) of Section twenty Dec. 5th Freshie Frolic. six (26); also, commencing at the Dec. 19 Opera. Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter (SWV4) of Section twenty Jan. 9 Sopohomore Hop. six (26); thence West ninety (90) Jan. 30 Operetta Junior High. rods; thence South eighty (80) rods; Feb. 13 Home Economics. thence East Ninety (90) rods thence Feb. 27 School Play. North eighty (80) rods to place of March 20 Junior Prom. beginning. Also, commencing at the April 10 Senior Ball. Northwest corner of the Southeast April 24 H. S. Play. quarter (SE&) of Section May 8 Canyon Trip. thence East fifty four (54) May 15 Field Day. rods; thence South two hundred and May 21 Commencement Program. seven (207) rods; thence West fifty-fo- May 22 Alumni Dance. After three weeks of keen com(54) rods; thence North two hundred and seven (207 rods to place petition between the classes for the of beginning. Also, commencing at highest average in the subscription the Southeast corner of the North- contest the following Is the result: east quarter (NE M ) of Section thirty Clas8 No. Per Cent five (35); thence North forty six Seniors 35 55.5 37 63.6 (46) rods; thence West one hundred Juniors 11 and sixty (160) rods; thence South Sophomores 18.6 11 15.4 forty six (46) rods thence East Freshman one hundred and sixty (160) rods to the place of beginning. The South half (SV4) of the Northwest quarter POSSIBILITIES (NW); the North half (NV4) of the Southwest quarter (SWV1), and Section NEPHI, UTAH S, DIST- RICT COURT IS AND FOR JUA1J COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. the Southwest quarter the Southwest quarter TIMES-NEW- CA IS TH Detroit & NEAREST AUTHORIZED rORD DEALER |