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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, i r ur Everybody is going to iu. rle Dance at the Arlington, Friday, October 24th. Tickets 50c. Extra Lady 15c. I have a complete line ot electric material. See me for any electrical work you may have. C. J. Pyper 96 West Center Street. Bargains Bifr line of Women's Fur Scarfs. at FOUND a horse collar in the south nart of town. Owner can have same by paying for this adv. Apply to J. E. Mernmott. Come and choose One Third Off J. N. C. See mo for your winter J. N. C. Pexton, Phone 38. 29c Yard 19c Yard 24c Yard Best Grade Jap Crepe all colors Reg. 25c Grade Outing Flannel Reg. 30c Wide Outing Flannel Reg. 45c Crepe Ginghams 3 yards for 36 inch Bleached Muslin 81 in wide Bleached Sheeting your winter potatoes Pexton, Phone 38. See mo for Women's Wool Jackets and Sweaters. Come and choose at One Fourth Off. Big lot to choose from. $1.00 Yard 49c Yard 14c FOR SALE FREE. I GROCERIES 10 Bars Flake White hars Jap Rose Soap and shop49c ping Bag all for 25c 2 5c. for Milk Small Milk . ...... Large 2 Peas 15c. Corn 15c. Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c String Beans . . 15c. Save 10 to 20 Per Cent All and Get Our Prices GHAS. FOOTE & SONS C. Melody condition. Darrall Chase. Come and get the Designer Magazine and Standard Designer Quarterly potatoes The assessment of the Nephi IrriAll gation Co., is now delinquent. stock upon which assessment is not paid by Nov. 1st will be advertised for sale. Good FREE KEEPING THE HAT ON CLASSIFIED ADS t i : Saxap-hon- e. Cheap Dandruff, falling hair and scalp die orders are quickly cured with a few applications of the old reliable Ask Lucky Tiger Hair Remedy. your barber or druggist today money back guarantee, The South Ward Primary will give a Hallowe'en dance next Friday afternoon at the Armory Hall. Admission 10c. All invited. Refreshments PBEVENTS INFECTION i The greatest discovery in flesh healing is the marvelous Borozonc, a preparation that comes in liquid and powder form. It is a combination treatment that not only purifies the wound of germs thst cause infection lut it heals the flesh with .pccd. Bad wounds or extraordinary cuts which tike weeks to heal with the mcr.d ouickly under ordinary li' imor-tthe powerful influence rf this wonderful remedv. Price (liquid) 30c, 60c and $1.20. Powder 30c and 60c. Sold by LUXT PHARMACY CO. LADI ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois. By THOMAS XXTE WERE visitors in Rome and " were crowded In one of the open courts of the Vatican waiting expectantly for a public audience of the pope. It was a bizarre, motley group composed of peoples of all nations and of all walks of life. Priests and millionaires and beggars laymen, the elect and the outcast touched elbows and Jostled each other as they moved about Impatiently until the appointed hour. The center of interest was a little balcony at one end of the court draped with a banner bearing the Insignia of the cross ; It was here that the pope was to appear. As the bells ceased chiming the hour he stepped upon the balcony an old man, whlte-hnireerect, with a rare dignity of bearing that commanded respect and reverence even - from those of a different faith or of no faith at all. out his eloquent hands, and Instinctively everyone uncovered and knelt upon the stones of the pavement to receive his blessing everyone but one, for beside me unabashed was one of my countrymen standing disrespectful and irreverent, his hands In his pockets, a cigar in his teeth, his hat on his head, gazing with curiosity at the great head of a great 'church. There are many conventions which in themselves mean little and which sometimes, perhaps, are best honored In the breach, excepting as they may show onr breeding or reveal the spirit that Is within us. Taking the hat off Is a symbol only, sometimes of reverence, sometimes of respect for home, or womankind, or old age, or place, or position, or authority. Every time we raise our hats to a woman or stand uncovered as the Stars and Stripes pass by we make an unspoken utterance of our creed. A man who comes Into a public meeting where there are men and women, and who keeps his hat on until he Is seated looks crude, even If he Is the big man of town. We gain In and dignity and reverence by regarding these conventions. It Is a good" thing for our souls ; It is a developer of our character. The American at Rome would have been a better, more refined man If he had taken off his hat, tinj a better citizen. He would have shown respect for authority, reverence for religion and a regard for the feelings and opinions of others. 1M. Western Newspaper Oaloa.) d, self-respe- (, Call and See Our New Line of PALMER COATS AND DRESSES Just Received at the Nephi Merc. Go. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Cut dowif your Shoe Bill. It can be done by having your Shoes Repaired. A run down heel ruin your Shoes months before their time. Let me fix them up. Low prices Prompt Mail Order Service C. O. LOMAX One door South of Nephi Drug ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR SICKLY, PEEVISH CHILDREN Office at County Court House Children suffering from intestinal worms are cross, restless and unhealthy. There are other symptoms, however. If the child is pale, has dark rings under the eyes, bad breath and takes no interest in play, it is almost a certainty that worms are eating away its vitality. The surest remedy for worms is White's Cream Vermifuge. It is positive destruction to the worms but harmless to the child. Price 35s. Sold by LUNT PHARMACY CO. High Class Jewelry FOR OVER 40 YEARS Catarrh. a tool-egggot tired f iivln', an' decided to end it all. So ha drank some of hi 571 DEPARTMENT STORES olivia Goats N ew er UeceiHiy own stuff. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE consist of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus reducing the Inflammation. Bold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE 160 "acre farm, well fenced and under cultivation, located 10 miles west of Nephl. For parti culars communicate with I. C. Gadd, 489 South 2nd East, Provo, Utah- - At an Amazingly Low Price! IS CHKAI'KK EE HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE: has been used successfully in the treatment of Incorporated fT 32 WILL L. HOYT Notary Public LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OF TITLES Utah Nephi Diamonds Wedding Rings Watches Cuff Links s When you want anything in the line of Jewelry see J. Earl Reid at J The l op-p-er- g 1 y l!!!llll!llllll!l!!!!l!lli!l!!i:illillllill!ll!llll!ll!;!lllllil!li:il!ii!lll!!!llllin!!llll!ll" Scissors sharpened, gaws filed, and knives ground. All work guaranteed Jas. R. Black, 39 East, 4th South. flu Will trade a good wagon 'or a milk cow. Apply to Mans E3. Jennings, Levan, Utab, FOR SALE three brood sows, one young pig and a freshened milk cow Jack Greenland. to the Pie Dance at the October 24th. Tickets Extra Lady 15c. Come Arlington, 60c. Good winter cabbage for sale rhone 702 U 4. Pigs for sale Rarton Brough. six weeks old A SPLENDID 1EELING discouraged feelliiut tin J, hrif-icing rmiBed by a torpid liver and consti-putc- d lwwcl.1 can l gotten rid of with surprising promjtnfs hv u?ing llerbine. You feel ilH beneiicial effect, with the first dose as its pnnfving a id rcgulatii.fr, effect is thorough and rctnplete. It rot only drives out bi and impurit'os hut it imof exhilaration, parts a splendid feeling etrength, vim, and buoyancy of spirits. k, Price 60c. What's What In Men's Styles? fcold bv LUXT PHARMACY CO :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin,iiifflraii!inii:3iiiii:!!iiii.iirjniiiini.ni!!niiii:!niiiiniii!iiiia zes GOOD SERVICE GOOD S MERCHANDISE AND CORRECT PRICES SHOULD MERIT ' YCUR But yon Junt think of bu)in g a beautiful, now, fur triinnud Coat at Midi a low price- - a tliHt! r will be that fortuimte If )ou take advantage of IhU offer which our buying power make Tliew roata enmprNe our share of an nnuxnal purrhafe minle by our New York buyer for poaxlhlc. the hunrtrrd of J. C I'rnney Company. Store. We nr' rare nowhere elw will you find urh stunning ctmtm at u h a low price! ux-riou- BUSINESS Made of Fine, Lustrous Bolivias In All the Season's New Styles rtv ration. A A A i a "- - The new puffed and gathered aleeve point out the newtie of these style, while trimming of . button and fancy pitching adili to thetr All nre full ilk lined. And they are fur trim . with ........ ................. . . -- . t i ..!....--Bn t iIMiritMl miff, ffil i i a," n f' 'M . . u .' i ..' ...... ...... .".-r.,.,- ( ..p.., ....II,. .'tll and caff of Moufflon. mai-tn- - - 1 11 SILVER MAPLE SERVICE e 1 I . 1 II JHF Generally speaking, the coats are a little freer fitting; so are the trousers. Lapels are wider, buttons and pockets placed lower. But what's more they are well tailored they fit. And the high quality of tailoring insures that the fit as well as the style will last. Come in and see how a good tailored suit and overcoat fits. The Toggery SERVICE AND SATISFACTION v.- - |