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Show I BILL BOOSTER SAYS v SEE OUR NEW SPRING LINE OF ICLASSIFIED ADS- -- AR Curlee uits v TOAOa AviO HOWV6 tcEKEKS Attractive eu&iwes A Want Ad Will Sell The Things You Do Not Need You Need the Money T STREetfS, COXM VOKAGA, UVC LOOG6S, HOSPITABLE CHUft.CHB9, GOOO WELL-kCP- When the purse strings are schools, fweuoim PsoPue WE A ALLTHEie.eeCAV)S6 VJGRE ALL OOtua OOA BT pulled rather Dr. J. E. Harrison, will be at the Nephi Drug next Monday and Tuesday, May 7th and 8th. FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Quality, Style and Fit satisfaction , at a saving Guaranteed to give entire of $5 to $10.00 a suit. Get your fishing tackle at the Nephi Implement and Hardware Store. SHOE SPECIALS Dr. J. E. Harrison, will be at the Nephi Drug next Monday and Tuesday, May 7th and 8th. Shoes and Slippers up to $8.50 $1.69 See our window. GROCERIES 10c. No. 1 Pork and Beans No. 2 Pork and 1 leans 2 Early June Peas Sweet Corn Cream of Wheat Shredded Wheat for 25c 15c 2 for 25c 25c, 3 for 69c 3 for 35c . Saturday Specials Plantation Milk Large 5 for 25c Mab . 5 for 23c . 3 for 57c National Oats 6 for 25c Matches Fresh Royal Bread, Lettuce and Tomatoes. S. FOOTE 5 - SONS -. We are Attention Farmers! the authorized agents for the John Deere line of implements and repairs, also everything handled formerly by the State Supt. Dr. C. N. Jensen, State (Jon Wagon and Machine Co. J. W. Architect Jos. Monson, and Assistant Sunnnerhays Co. State Supt. H. E. Matthison, visited the schools of this district WednesFOR SALE JVIy home on 5th East day. They expressed thamselves as and 1st South St., Nephi, For parbeing well pleased with, the school ticulars write E. V. Ellison Garfield, accomodations found here. Utah. Mr. and Mrs. David Cazier, entertained Tuesday evening at a family dinner party at their home, the occasion being the 89th birthday anniversary of Mr. Cazier. After dinner a very enjoyable evening was Brother Cazier, related all spent. the important points in his ilife from boyhood to the present time. Several other talks were given during the evening. Those present were: Bishop Thomas Bailey, W. D. Cazier, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Cazier, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cazier, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cazier, Mrs. Ed. Cazier, Mrs. Nettie Moh- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warner, Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson, W. A. C. Bryan, Miss Thelma Goble, and Mr. and Mrs. David Cazier. FOR SALE Cedar Posts and wood also Surrey and harness. See Stan Jarrett. House To Rent Phone 105-- I will have a good supply of ice for sale this season E. Tanner. Tailor, is in room over the post office. G. W. Booth, 2, H. E. C. ctive lines is still keen, we warmly recommend r For C. Sale A cow and calf. See N. Lund. We have a good stock of garden hose. Now is the time to start watering your lawns. What about a lawn mower) Before you buy call and see us. The Nephi Implement and Hard ware Store. Our 12th Annual ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS in either Back Lace of Front Lace.. They symbolize econ- omy plus durability and authentic fashion, without lavish-ness- .. The new models we are now At featuring are snappy. small cost you can get a charming corset that accentuates your beauty and gives a smooth base for the newest frocks. Health Economy This you get by keeping Your Shoes in Repair. To lease or on shares, my 107 acre Cnfort. Only the best leather used farm on the ridge. Good land. See C. O. Loniax one door So Nephi Drug. W. L. Hoyt. My farm and home for sale. Reasonable terms Mrs. Peter Neilson. IT HAPPENS EVERY MAY Nephi Mer. Co. " Where Good Merchandise Is Cheaper " MONEY PRODUCERS pay 1 dollar for 6 months old pullets hatched from our hatchery. Agent Baby Chicks from one of the most East Side Farm, 1st South, 8th East WANTED Live Women and Girls reliable hatcheries in California. Will Phone 168, E. L. Guyld, Nephi, Utah. to take orders for Royal Hosiery. Line unequalled for quality and variety. Good money and your pay every day. Dont keep wishing for presper- ity; get started before some one gets your territory. Write Royal Hosiery Mills, 208 Kearns Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah. Good enough Potatoes for sale The Sir Walter Raleigh kind. 50 cents per bushel Jas. lor seed. STORE FOR W. Schofield. Starts SATURDAY MAY 5th This year stronger than ever On account of the late season The entire stock must be converted into cash. The low prices will do the work. WE ARE AFTER THE BUSINESS See our Bargain Tables for Prices. ' WATCH FOR LARGE BILLS L' FRANK, Proprietor. sto:RE R. Q. DORIUS, Manager MEN Plow time is here. We just received a car of the "Famous Oliver Plows and Harrows.'' These we bought before the advance in price, therefore we can save you money. J. W. Sum-uieYha- Co. The logical place to get your linoleums is where you get your Muresuo and paints. Our prices are right, and remember this in making the right price we maintain a good quality. Nephi Implement and Hardware Store. THE SALE PEOPLE ARE WAITING FOR GOLDEN RU de- See J. R. Barnes, Good Potatoes for Sr'e at 50c per Orson Cazier. bushel number but the se Kendall Bros, have a large stock of Barbed Wire. all are strictly High Class. , sire for smart style and distin- Electric Light Fixtures and Mazda Lamp Globes. Our prices are right, come in and be convinced Nephi Implement and Hardware Store. West-highou- snug-- GOOD CLOTHES AND HATS Buy your Barbed Wire at Kendall Bros. WANTED: Industrious, capable man 25 to 50 years. In Juab County Handle local trade delivrlng Rawleigh's Good Health Products direct to home. Largest, best, fastest selling line. Products on time, lowest wholesale, no advance in prices. No experience, prac tically no capital needed. We teach you to manage your own permanent. profitable business. Largest, strongest Company, give most Write age, occupation, reference. W. T. Rawleigb Co.. Dept. 1943. Freeport 111. FOR SALE Edison Phonograph. also SlngtT Sewing Machine chea- pMrs. M. Skeem. Remember that we carry base ball supplies, Nephi Implement and Hard ware Store. Fqr Sale Single seated Buggy, and two young marim-- J, D. Pexlon. WANTED: Miners, slngh jacks and muckers to work at small mine In Utah. conditions good. Working Pleasant summer ramp. Rate of wages, machlnemen fiva dollars; sln- muckers glejackers four ;venty-flvand trammers four fifty. Fares ad vances but deducted from first wages. Call or write Poard one twenty-fivII. Cutler. 600 Dooly lildg. Salt I.ake City. e; e. Pride of Possession Applies to to motor cars, to many things homes, to reputations, to friends. it also applies to good clothes and which are' made with pride, sold with pride, and worn with pride. hats A coat that hangs right on each particular man is just as essential as the right oil for each part of your motor. All new Spring merchandise. course you are welcome. Of The Toggery |