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Show 4 THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, PERSONAL TANLAG THANKED THE MAN ON EASY STREET IS VERY CARE-FU- L WITH HIS FINANCIAL AFFAIRS UBThrifty rs" He stays on easy street : I by guarding' his assets one and his actions way he safeguards his bank account is to WRITE CHECKS WITH INK Pencil figures are easily changed by dishonest people or maybe dimmed through hand- ow vho Works vxherVtherc s )&i-c- wEy on As Street " ling. The safe way to write a check is to use ink every time. Nephi National Bank BY MRS BUR8ANK Health W. A. Warner and W. H. Warner, spent Sunday in 'Salt Lake. Completely Itetrtored Gains 15 Pounds. Mr. Ben Sweeney, transacted ness in Lynndyl, Monday. a hl Mine! ! nrrftr itv I thl H We I M H Snf,rrv flnd daughter Neldaj went t0 SaU Lake city Tubs- day for a few days visit in that city. . . , . bottle of Tanlac. I have gained fifteen pounds, the headaches and backaches never bother men now, I have got back all my strength, and feel better than ever in my life, Tanlac is simply grand." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- eiscts. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Worthy Belief. I believe In tht perpetual regenera- tiem of society, and in the Immortal ity of dmoeracy and in growth ever lasting. Walter nines rage. That Dear Mother Of busl- - n fSftnov. wna a Tupa(lav canine ff,ce durin hu stay here- - hYAri IVTr ",,, Tanlac was certainly a friend need m my case ana i cam say iuo i"-- IIi mucn ror u, is ine grateim - i ment or Mrs. Margarue curottiiu, woi. known and highly respected resident of 10684 Pearmain St., Oakland, Cat My strength was gone, I felt ex hausted all the time, and it was all I could do to stap on my feet a little while. I had absolutely no appetite and even the little I did manage to eat never seemed to furnish me with tins sligntest increase in sireagiu. 'I WOUld get UP in the morning with such a learrui pain in my that 1 could naraiy gei my nousewo done, ana i xeii wean m uaj. wf'u one oi iu urcauting ueaaacnes were ... i j ful tnings mat i inaai 10 couuur I was just getting worse day by day and I don't think I could have kept going much longer if it hadn't been for Tanlac. "I began to feel better on my very .... nn P. B. Cowan and Joseph Cowan, visited in Salt Lake Sunday. Esteemed Matron Declares Famous Medicine HEMS Mrs. Luther Chase, returned to her home in Salt Lake Tuesday after visiting the past week with her moth er Mrs. Orson Howarth. , Mother? Candy Boxes Carnations , f gh Vooa xWoHa Snnrinv mnrnlnir Mr and Mra- - shaW( wiu now make their hotne in this city again. Th - NeDhi High School students held tnejr annual cany0n picnic Wed- ne8day the place seiected being Jen kins' Flat. A good time was had and a dainty luncheon was served during the day. There will be a missionary dance in the Arlington next Tuesday even ing, May 8th, under the auspices of the Nephi Ward .Missionary comm ittee, given in honor of Miss Eva Winn, who leaves soon on a mission. Mr. and Mrs. Wm McSwain, return ed to Nephi Friday from Elmo, Utah, where Mr. McSwain has been teaching the past winter. They will leave the end of the week for Salt Lake City where Mr. McSwain will be employed this summer. have Mothers Day Greeting Cards. i Brunswick Records We will make our mothers happy May 13th. , Lunt Pharmacy Co. "It Pleases Us To Pleas You." FONE 43 Nephi, - - Utah Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs and family returned home Tuesday from Words of Wisdom. Norvouo Diseases Kill Many. Los Angeles where they have resided carone death in 10 is caused : ho Is not th boot waste made Ia Don't the six months. the England They past AN ORDINANCE CREATING, EST moot Chip. by aorvous disease. To be exact the DEFINING trip going and coming by auto and pontor who makes the AND ABLISHING as having no trouble what mortality from these diseases amounts STREET PAVING DISTRICT NO. reported roads to 105 In 1,000 deaths. It ranks next ever the the in making journey, That Aro Built Way. 1 IN NEPHI CITY, UTAH. Many with 11T per 1.000. looms success being fairly good the entire distance up, to heart disease When the door to sure is business Hobbs Mr. that says boforo them, some fellows eta never BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY in that section Not a Now Idoa. of the locate the keyhoU. COUNCIL OF NEPHI CITY, UTAH booming and Los Scientific work on thought transfer is growing Angeles country Section 1. That Street Paving at a was begun In England In lSSi. rapid rate. District No. 1 be, and the same is Month of Suicides. Juno, hereby created, established and de The maximum of suicides occur In POTS RICH MAN'S SON Notifying Coming Train. fined in Nephi City Utah, Jnne and the minimum In December. One lady says she Is a very careful 1 shall No. Street Paving District holds for sort this the record Germany driver because every time she comes comprise and consist of all the lots, of thing, while the Slavs are the least near the railroad and crossing she toots streets of land, public parcels predisposed to kill themselves. Fol- her horn to let the train knew she within the following situate alleys lowing Germany In number of sui U coming. Slloam Springs Herald. described districts: Beginning at a cides come France ind Enslnnd. point east 60.0 feet from the north west corner of Lot 3, Blook 36, Plat "A" Nephi survey of building lots thence south along a line parellel with and 60.0 feet east of the east prop V; erty line of Main Street 958.0 feet to the north property line of First South Street; thence west 252.0 feet; thence north along a line parellel with and 60.0 feet west of the west property line of Main Street 958.0 fust to the south property line of First North Street; thence east 252.0 AN ORDINANCE - Saturday Only 10c per lb. 15 and 17 2 c lb Boiling Meat Pot Roasts 1-- lcb. Good Steak Loin Round Steak Pork Sausage 20c b 20c lb 20c lb. '. New Potatoes Spinach Tomatoes Strawberries Asparagus New Cabbage HOME GROCERY MARKET-BAILE- Y 'm 371 DEPAR'l t.'tiM I STORES to-w- it: f feet to place of begining. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Adopted and passed by the City Council of Nephi City, Utah, this 27th day of April, 1823. JESSE PAY, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: W. H. Warner, City Recorder. (Corporate Seal) State of Utah ss. County of Juab I, W. H.' Warner, Recorder of ne phi City, Utah, hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance en titled, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING DEFINING AND ESTABLISHING PAVING DISTRICTS NO. I" adopted and passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor Pro Tem of Nephi City, Utah, on the 27th day of April 1923. W. H. WARNER City Recorder (Corporate Seal) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of May, 1923. NEPHI ANDERSON Notary Public residing at Nephi, Utah My Commission expires April 17th 1927. I MAI IT EiLIY YYIHlEi Wear and Fabrics! New Stocks! Excellent Values. We have prepared for this occasion with admirable stocks oTthings in White for personal wear and home. Enjoy a shopping expedition to our store now. ALSO NEW DRESSES AND COATS Attractive Styles and Values HvV Cecil Hopkins, aged J twenty-two- , Union Pacific to Talk to Patrons Through Newspaper Advertisements sob of a wealthy real estate operator at Toilet, 111., was shot twice by Edward McCarthy when. It la alleged, be was found In company with McCarthy's wife. He Is not expected to live. Mc Carthy Is shown la the picture. 0 Lawn Mowers, Hose and Hose Nozzels. THE GRASS IS GROWING Better look you lawn mower, and hose over and see what you need. We can supply you with the best. for six We have sold the same brand of Hose and Mowers yearn. ALL GUARANTEED We repair and sharpen Mowers. KENDALL BROS BALK Notice is hereby given to the own ers of the animals nereinauer oet- crlbed and to whom soever it may concern: That there are Impounded at the present time in the city pound thefollowtng described animals: Kind and number: One Mare. Full descrip tion, by color, age, marks, brands, etc. Bay Seven or Eight years old. Spot on forehead. White strip on nose. Branded J G and V on the right thigh Cost of Impounding and expense of sale and advertising up to date I9.S0. Amount required to redeem $13.80. If said animal or animals are not claimed and all amounts due thereon paid, and said animal or animals taken away within ten days from th date of the first publication of this notice, they will be sold by the city pound keeper at public sale at his Correl In this city, at the hour of J.JO p. m. to the highest bidder. May 14th 1923. Date of first pub May 4 19 2.1 W. T. OSTER, City Pound Keeper ll The Union Pacific wants Its patrons to feel that the railway Is Intimately Interested in their welfare and that to the road is built, equipped and operated especially serve their transportation needs. The railway, like any other business, has Its problems, some of which are not always thoroughly understood by the public. For that reason, the Union Pacific will present certain of these problems from time to time, and endeavor to explain them, using only such statistics as are readily understood. Some of the topics suggested are: (Seal) NOTKK OF CITY POUND KEKPKIV8 of Its The Union Pacific realizes that the good-wiIt also believes that a patrons U Its greatest asset. successful railway is the greatest asset of any region or community which It serves. FLORSHEIM SHOE Classed among the finer things in life Brighton Ti Slyl Slum L. Frank NepHi, Utah The Misunderstood Railroad Earning Guaranty. New Equipment and Capital Improvements for the Union Pacific. What the Union Pacific Pays In Taxes. Prevent Accidents at Grade Crossings. Who Owns the Union Pacific. The Railroad and the Farm. Expediting the Movement of Freight Cars. The Facts About Freight Rates. Where the Union Pacific Dollar Goes. Railroads Safe to Ride on, Unsafe to Walk On. In It is planned to publish one of thene short talks of eacn the form of an advertisement about the firstLines. U month in newspapers along the Union Pacific Is hoped that this method will tend to clarify some of the mtoronceptlons about railway operation, and that it will serve to inform the public of the constructive things the Union Pacific is doing. Constructive suggestions will be welcomed. C. R. GRAY, President. |