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Show THE TIMES, VOL. 14, NO. 0. NEPHI, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, 1400 COWS TESTED MAY 4TH, 1923. Erects His Own Monument BASEBALL TEAM IS ROUNDING INTO SHAPE The local ball team have been out on the diamond the alst week putting n some hard workouts in preparation for the opening game with Sprlngville next Wednesday at the above city, which will be followed, next Friday with the first game on the local field. from which The prospective line-u- p manager I. M. Petty will choose from takes in the following players: Catchers, Glen Worthington and Marcus d Burton; Pitchers, I. M. Petty, Belliston, Ole Boswell; 1st Base, Stellman Cowan, Stanford Rees; 2nd base, Lloyd Brown, Merle Lunt; Short Stop, Robert Park; 3rd base, Paul Grace, Rodger Lunt; Outfield, Orton Durham I. M. Petty and Bryan Petty. In addition to the above list of pitchers, field manger Petty expects to have either Marty Beckstead of Mid vale, or Lefty Kinney of Provo, either of whom wil give a good ac count of himself. this city With the above line-ucan look forward to a good season' of base ball, and as this city is one of the best ball towns in Utah for its size, support of the team is practically FOR TUBERCULOSIS 38 Are Found Infected And Are Condemned Sanitary Conditions of Correls Should Be Improved, Says State In- spector; Thanks People For THK NEWS, VOL. 6 Co-operati- Le-lan- Dr. E. J. Creely, of the Government Veterinary Service, and Dr. A. J. Webb, of the State Veterinary Department, completed their work of testing the miik cows of Juab Valley for tuu- Tj4losia last night. According to DK Webb's report, 1400 cows and heifers have taken the test, and out of this number 38 have reacted to the test, each animal have a pronounced case of tuberculosis and were condemned. These animals will be and shipped to Salt Lake killed under the supervision of the state. The Owners of the animals will later be at about fifty per cent of their value up to the sum of 50. A summary of the work is given below, which shows that 700 head were given the test in Nephi and vicinity, of which 14 head had the disease. 250 head were treated at Mona and vicinity, of which number 9 head were affected. In Levan, including Mills and outlying ranches, 450 head were given the test of which number 15 head had tuberculosis. According to Dr. Webb, the high of the disease found in this valley is due in a large measure to the unsanitary conditions under which many milk cows are kept. should be cleaned and proper care given to animals until this disease is stamped out, and the county put on the credited list. It may be two or three years before the state and government can inspect this county again, and in the meantime READS FOR LARGEST RADIO IN AMERICA NO. 48 AWARDS MADE AT EXERCISES Over 600 People Attend An nual Commencement of the High School Graduates. The twenty third annual commen cement exercises of the Nephi High School was held last night in the auditorium before an audience which. filled every seat in the large hall, there being over 600 present. The exercises were presided over by Lorenzo Mangeluon, vice president of the Board, and the diplomas awarded by President Jas. Garrett Jr. Little Beth Hobbs, the five year The Alumni Association honor pin old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd was awarded to Miss Helen Cowan, Hobbs, who have been living in Los member o fthe graduating class. Angeles, has been taking lessons in the presentation being made by And. oral expression with Mrs. Frank rew Latimer president of the assoc Shaw, a noted teacher of the Califiation. ornia city. Recently Mrs. Shaw gave The Times-New- s medal was award radio entertainment In which her ed to Stanford Rees, also a metmber pupils took part, and Beth was selof the graduating class, the presentected as one of the number. The peration being made by Principal Geo. formance was given at the radio stat- assured. on of the Los Angeles Times (K.H.J) Sperry. The valedictorians of the class were the largest in the United States, and man Joe" ot "Uncle uld who. b America The life, Cannon, political Miss Relia Allen, and Stanford Rees, grand was broadcasted across the country. after retiring from legislative service lasting over several generations, has SALE OF CARS BRISK the former giving a paper on "Why I The following mention is made in 111. in at own monument erected his Bloomington, SpringhlU cemetery THIS SPRING Am AnonAmerican" and the latter a the report by the Los Angeles paper: just paper "Immigration." Both, of "Beth Hobbs, reader, 5 years of were given In an ex these papers age, recited humorous selections from PIONEER OF LEGION SERVICEfSTAR cellent the subject matter manner, her juvenile radio friends including Mr. Judd of the Judd Garage Co contained in the papers showed that Cars car Ford of received another 'Naming The Baby" and "Why Betty FRIDAY much time and thought had been PASSES AWAY MEETING Didnt Laugh." Beth is a smiling which are all of this week disposed in their preparation. little doll and a pupil of Mrs. Frank of on arrival here. Mr. Judd, has given The to graduates was given Shaw. an excellent run so far this Beason, by Prof.address T. Earl Pardoe of the B. Y. of new the meeting purchased After a long illness from the in The regular monthly following having U. The number of graduates being firmities of old age, Mrs. Mary P. Sut the Service Star Legion will be held cars: T. E. Carter, A. P. Christensen, twenty seven. next WILL MEET C rooms WITH S. W. J. Cole, Geo. D. Haymond, ton, life long resident of this city and in the Commercial Club Cor-relROAD COMMISSION one of the that noble band of pioneers Fridav afternoon, May 11th, at 4 p Chase, J. S. Ostler, T. D. Davis, Hans who came to Utah in 1847, passed m. The election of officers for the Peterson, of Scipio, J. R. Ostler, Ted PRESENTED WITH away yesterday noon at her home in coming year will be held. It is the Bowies, J. D. Pexton, and P. P GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN Mr. Judd is of the opln this city. It was only a week ago desire of the president that the living Christison. County Commissioner W. G. Orme, that this all ladies ion that the present season is going fact recorded the that and be Dlanted, aeain paper Htap Mayor T. C. Winn, J. W. Whitmore she had been granted a pension for who Eot slips of the geraniums from to be a banner year for the sale of and Geo. D .Haymond, left yesterday The members of the N. H. S. Glee during the star last year are asked to bring cars. for Salt Lake City where they will the services of her husband she cream and has hem to the meeting. Ice Hawk but entertained at the High School Black the Club, War, some local work should be done by meet with the State Road Com'miss never lived to it. Funeral ar- cake will be served, and a cordial The Central Motor Company who Building Tuesday evening in honor the city and county officials in order ion today relative to the paving pro- rangements wilenjoy be announced later. is extenedd to the ladies to handle the Overland Car, have sold of K. J. Bird, who for several years ject through this city. The matter A full acount of the life of Sister invitationThe to stamp out the disease. following program will new cars this spring to Ed Ostler past has directed the musical activ attend. to be before the commission The doctors speak very highly of brought with the report of also be given: Reading, Lazelle Chase Art Gadd, and an Overland Sedan to ities of this organization. As an ex Sutton, together is the proposition the funeral services will be given in the fine given by the by this delegation Vocal Solo. Mildred Ellison; Reading I. M. Petty, Mr. Hawkins of this com pression of their appreciation of the people in this valley In getting the of adding several hundred feet of our next issue. Rnid Starr. Piano Solo Dorothy pany, is expecting to move a consid untiring efforts of Mr. Bird in their work put over here, and there is no paving to the project on the southern The funeral of Mrs. Sut Boud. erable number of this make of car behalf, the glee club members pre(Later) limits as of The the doubt in their minds that with this city. project held from the Tabernacle ton be sented him with a gold Schaefer will before the end of the season. state and government kind of a spirit manifested by the outlined by the m. 3.30 Pen and Pencil. Mr. Bird reFountain at p. afternoon Sunday citizens it would not take long to comes to the railroad track of the GAME Is BALL at the Chevrolet The FIRST very sponded moving feelingly for their kind thoroughly rid this section of tuber- D. and R. G. W. There is about 400 this rembrance and thanked them for the NEXT FRIDAY Grace Garage Co. andhavealready new feet to spare to make up the mile a- - TESTIMONIAL IS culosis. sold gift. The evening was spent in songs spring this company greeed on by the federal aid bureau, C. Winn, Dr. N. J and other social activities Including a T. cars to Mayor ATTENDED LARGELY and the idea is to get this added on Refreshments Rees, Erick Peterson of Levan, Mr, swim in the pool. to the south end of the M. I. A. CONJOINT project. The" Base Ball Association wishes Paxton of Levan, Reed Bailey of Mt. were served at the close ot the en Other matters or to the pertaining project city merchants SESSION AT LEVAN will also be discussed by the comm The testimonial given Sunday eve to request the Pleasant, Peter Hisky of Mona, Jas tertainment. Mtb. Bird, was also an for the Jacobsen of Moroni, Jack Wells, G. honored guest at the party given in ning in the North Ward meeting to close next Friday afternoon ittee from here. in house in honor of E. J. Poulsen drew opening of the base ball season for Lewis. According to Mr. Jones of this honor of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. a capacity house there being 700 this city. The game is scheduled the outlook for the sale of Bird expect to leave here soon for A conjoint session of the Mutual be the op company their new location In American Fork, cars this season looks very good. people present according to the count 4 p. m. Springville will ex Improvement Association of the Juab DONATES $100 TO is where Mr. Bird wll have charge of the taken. The services throughout were posing team and a good game Stake will be held at Levan Sunday IMPROVE CEMETERY interesting and in keeping with the pected. music in the high school in the above evening to commence at 8 p. m. The occasion. PRESIDES OVER city next season. M. program will be furnished by the I. A. of the South Ward of Nephi and IMPORTANT MEETING J. H. Lunt, shipped a car of beef A Bhort time ago Stake.Supt. T. H. will consist of the following numbers to the Salt Lake market Satur bus cattle McCune S. B. transacted Mrs. ROWDYISM AT BALL Burton, wrote A. W. McCune, at his iness in Salt Lake this week return- day. Mr. Lunt accompanied the ship Opening Song by Congregation New York address and told him what GAMES TABOO ment. Prayer. Wilford Cole, a Nephi student at ing home yesterday. Selection by Quartette K. J. Bird, was done in the way of Cemetery the Agricultural College of Utah, who Arthur V. Pyper, Clarence Warner improvement work and also sent him is in the Junior class at this institut a copy of The Times-New- s giving the and Paul E. Booth. At the last meeting of the direct ion, presided on April 27th, over one Rex Christensen account of the big clean up at Vine Cornet Solo of the most important Ag. Club meet ors of the Central Utah League speccitiover 400 Bluff when Cemetery Vocal Solo Mrs. Allie Belliston by ings of this year, during the absence ial instructions wer laid down Talk Bishop A. H. Belliston zens turned out on Arbor Day to help President Watson relative to the of the president. in the work. Mr. Burton then told of Heading "At the Waters of Minneton Mr. Cole as well as several other treatment of visiting teams and also Miss Leeta McCune, returned home Sergeant James M. Powers, went ka Thelma Warner, Violin and the plans now being made for a gen the umpire. Mr. Watson insisted for a students is fitting one of the College Lake to Salt Wednesday she has City where from last the at eral clean Boston, Cemetery City up night Piano Accompaniment, Helen Cow team extend every that the home will be which shown the at heifers visit. few advanced new been days a and there. the need of fence the past year taking and Viola an, Verda Batchelor reasonable and Rich White Black and Show at courtesy prlvelege. to Day art. This week Mr. Burton received a re work in dramatic Worthington. Holstein the visiting club and that he would Mrs. Frances Groneman of Provo, mond Utah, on May 3rd. his to him draw letter for ply thaklng Foote Margaret rianologue Miss Thelma Sldwell who has been is visiting with relatives in Nephi cattle from all over the western stat hold the local board member respTalk Stake Supt. T. H. Burton ing his attention to the matter and onsible for same. He also stated that es will be shown. asa enclosed for .check to $100.00 employed in Los Angeles for several this week. Piano Solo Gordon Wood he would not stand for spectators in is Cole Mr. majoring dairying Mr. is her parents visiting Vocal Duet, Mildred Ellison and John sist in the work of cleaning up the months other place than In automobiles any a been the has of and member and Ag Mrs. Cole, Mr. Wllford and City Cemetery in his old home town. and Mrs. Gideon Sldwell this week. Christison. or in the grandstand oi bleachers, family, motored to Logan today for a Club while attending the Agricultural Benediction. College. He has been very active in and asked the umpires and board Mr. and Mrs. Otis Horton received few days visit. Ag club affairs and is one of the out members to enforce same, even if it a from AID NEPHI the stork Wednesday visit WILL Mr. and A. Mrs. J. and Dr. Booth, standing men for an Ag. Club execu were necessary to call on the local EXTENSION SPECIALIST morning leaving a fine baby boy at BASE BALL TEAM their to tive next year. (Agricultural Colleg peace officers. motored E. Mrs. Paul Booth, and home. COMING TO NEPHI President Watson received a hearty Ephraim Wednesday evening to at News. ) reception for the above instructions. E. J. Poulsen, will speak next tend the opera given at the Snow His aim is Jo do away with all rowdy Dr. W. L. Ellcrbcrk, general mnn Sunday morning to the North Waru Normal College given under the dir NEPHI WOOL SELLS ism at all games played in the Cen Mrs. Christine B. Clayton, district ngfT of the Nephi Planter Mill, nt Parents Clans to commence at 11 a. ection of Prof. Ralph Booth. home demonstration agent and food tended the baseball meeting held Fri m. A cordial invitation extended to AT GOOD FIGURE tral Utah League. Mrs. R. E. Grover, went to Salt specialist from the extension depart day evening in the Commercial Club all. ment of the Agricultural College wll rooms. He said he was interested in Lake yesterday where she will attend CITY IS MAKING Wild visit Juab County, May 10, 11th and Hccing Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote, came the performance of "Rollo's have a good ball team, Practically all of the Nephi wool Nephi Class 12th. Meetings will be held in Mona and stated IMPROVEMENTS clip was sold Monday to Hallowell the committee eould In from Snake Valley, In Western Oat" given by, the Sophomore at 2 p. m. on the 10th, Nephi at 10 call on him that Utah, Tuesday morning, where they ot the University of Utah, In which Jones and Donald of Boston, with th to were when ready they a. m., and 2 p. m. on the 11th. and at her son Roscoe has an Important exception of the J. E. Ostler, and resided the past winter. Levan 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. on the accept financial help. He also offercl Geo. O. Ostler clips, which went to . The city authorities have commenpart. 12th. All the ladles are Invited to to buy one set of an indirect lighting The grade teachers of the local Mr. McOee, representing another ced an active campaign the past week, attend these meetings and demonHt system for the Commercial Club room schools enjoyed a picnic party to JenD. P. Flrmage, manager of the J firm. 48 cents per pound was the for the improvement of Main Street if the club would purchase the other kins Flat yesterday afternoon. A good C. Penney Company store, returned rations. paid by the Hallowell Jones In preparation for the contemplated price one needed. A vote of thanks was ac time was had and a cdmpany, while Mr. Geo. Oslter, an paving of the street. The work" of dainty luncheon home yesterday after a two weeks corded In. Lllerbeck for his gencroua served. business trip to Salt Lake and other Mr. J. E. Ostler, received 49 cent removing the electric light poles has WILL RECEIVE PENSION offers. places in the northern part of the for their clip. This Is a good ad bene going forward this week and Mrs. W. J. Allen, entertained the state. vance over the price paid laet year several blocks of the new pole line Mrs. J. R. Mcpherson, was notl members of the Woodbine Club at and although it is not as high as has been erected on the side of the fled a few days ago that she will STAKE CONFERENCE her home Wednesday evening. The some of the wools that have been dls street in the North end of Main The R. P. Club met at the horn receive a pension of $12 per month time was pleasantly epent, and refre of Hortense and Geneal Carter's Fri posed of In other parts of the state Street. The work of removing the MAY 12TH AND 13TH shments were served to the follow day evening. The time was spent In yet is a good figure' and will be dating from March 4th, 1920. This poles from the center of the street pension Is given for the services per ing: Mrs. Harry Black, Mrs. Claren- games and music and the election o big factor in aiding the financial con will be done as soon as the new polo formed by her late husband during ce Ingram, Mrs. Willis Bryan, Mrs. officers, after which dainty refresh line is completed. dltlon of this community. the early Indian troubles in this The quarterly stake conference of Fred Kendall, Mrs. Edgar Park, Mrs. ments were served to the followln The ordinance creating the paying state. the Juab Stake of Zion will be held George Belliston, Mrs. 8tanley Jar members: Mrs. Norma Sweeney, visited district for the city portion of the Norma Andrews, May In this city May 12th and 13th. The rett. Mrs. Ronald Jarrett, Miss Fan Francom, Winona Miller. Alice Bar Salt Lake for a few days this wee project waa passed last Friday evenMrs. Gkn Sykes, and baby, re'urn first session of the conference will nla Read, Special guewts. Mrs. J. M nes, Arvllla Bracken, Elolse Ord returning home yesterday. ing by the City Council and will be found in another part of this paper. ed to their home In American Fork convene In the Tabernacle, Saturday, Christensen, Mrs. Lester Belliston. Melba Anderson. Katherlne Starr Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Blgler Sunday after visiting the past ten May 12th at 2 p. m. It Is Dot known Mrs. W, H. Belliston, Mrs. Thomas Norma Sparks. Virginia Clyde, an Miss Hay dee Patten of Salt Lake days with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Dig who the out of town speakers will Alleman of Provo. Miss Lavetta Allen the hostesses Hortense and Geneal Salt Lake visited with relatives i be at this date. la Visiting relatives here this week. and the hostess Mrs. W. J. Allen. this city Sunday. ler, parents of Mrs. Fykes. Carter. p, 1847 NET per-centa- ls HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST |