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Show THIS The An Account With us Gives Prestige To be able to say, "I have an account in in the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEPHI" gives you an identity in business that you cannot afford to be without. The proper banking connection as been the turning point in many a successful man's career. The handling of that banking connection is the "Bradstreet and once started Dunn" of your business future. Today's the day. 11 Utah HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it cure Oarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure anv other disease. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blond upon the mucous surfaces r f the system, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All Druerffists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. and give your stomach a lift. 0 wt D8 mthm hit ! la Official Helps to cleanse teeth and keep th .A WILL L. HOYT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Notary Public LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OP TITLES Utah Nphl Office at County Court House TVLf Announcement!! We are pleased to announce to our many friends and patrons that we have recently installed the well known line of W. P. FULLER & CO. Paints and Varnishes We accepted this line only after careful consideration and the marked preference which their enjoy assures a product which we can recommendpoods to our natrons. When you are ready for your Spring painting" we would be glad to have you get in touch with our service Department. We will tell you the most desirable color schemes, color harmony and aid you in your selection of materials. This service is free. BAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. Phone 4. mi Agents i in LOCAL HAPPENINGS tublished every Friday by The Time News Publishing Company PLAN NOW R T Cowan left Monday for a weeks Editor trip to Southern Utah and Nevada. Manager Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Adams of Eureka, were week-en- d guests at the (subscription Ha tea home of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Cazier. DENNIS WOOD A.. B. GIBSON, One rear Six Months $2.00 1.00 LOCAL AUTUOIUXIKS SHOULD Attorney T. H. Burton, transacted business in Moroni and Wales ior ASSLSX. In another part of this issue will be found the report of the test given the past week to about 14oo milk cows The in this valey for tuberculosis. doctors who made the test suggest that local attention should be given this matter both by the city authorities and also by the county commissThis paper thinks the sugioners. gestion is timely and should be heeded by those in power. If there is one thing that should be guarded it is the health of the people, and the milk supply of a community is of vital im- Mrs. Sarah Painter, returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit with relatives in Salt Lake and Eureka. Mothers Day Ole Christiansen of Payson, a former resident of this city is visiting in Nephi this week. Jane JMcPherson, spent the week end in this city returning to American Fork Sunday afternoon. Sunday May 13th, 1923. Mrs. Harry B. Walker, came down from Salt Lake yesterday morning and will visit with relatives for some time. portance. If this disease can be stamped out of this county by the expediture of a few hundred dollars it will be money well spent and will be approved by every right thinking citizen. Helen Gadd., was pleasantly surprised by a number of her young friends Monday evening at her home. Games were played and refreshments served to the following: Majorie Harris, Vera Dean Parkea, Louise Bowers, Fay Allred, Alice Jackson, ErnA COMMUNITY ASSET. estine Foote, Mildred Bean, Eva Pay, Lenora Bowles, Roy Gibson, Othel Pay, Ray Hall, Boyd Goble, Jack The boys band of this city is a real Boud, Allan Tolley, Ralph Garrett, community asset and the progress Douglas Gadd, and Helen Gadd. they are making considering that Mr, and Mrs. Malta Brough, took they were all new material reflects son Max to Salt Lake Sunday great credit on the leader Mr. Bar- their nes, and also on the committee who afternoon In order to have an have labored so well to keep the or- taken of his skull which was fractured several weeks ago in an acciganization on its feet. The time will dent. Dr. T. D. Rees accompanied come again when the people as a whole must rally to the support of them. They returned home Wednesthe band, and when that time ar- day an operation not being necessary as were told by the doctors at rives, let the response be generous the they hospital that their son would enfor the investment in this boys band tirely recover in the course of time. will bring returns to our city The play given Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stanley and by the N. H. S. Dramatic Club entitled of Hearts Content" family, moved to Mammoth Wednes- was the "Kingdom in a most creditable manplayed will in the where reside they day, ner and reflects credit o nthe dramfuture. atic talent of the school. As a specialty between acts two very fine numbers were rendered by the Cole Sist1'OLICY TO BE TOLD IN SERIES OF ADVERTISEMENTS ers, accompanied by Mrs. Diane G. Booth. The small number attending the play was a disappointment, but With an announcement that "The those who came were well repaid for on 3T Vf We Are Here To Serve Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Boy Hypnotizes Schoolmates , READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS WR1GLEV5 s Times-New- NEPHI, UTAfl. S, X-R- The First National Bank Nephi, TIMKU-NEW- Nephi, Utah irarws public be informed" is its out. policy in coming matters affecting both the railway and the public, President Cari K. Gray of the Union 1'acifiu has la unfiled a program of newspaper adverthe first tising iu the installment of wliicn has just appeared. Others will follow on the first Times-ISew- s, oi each month. "The Union Pacific realizes" said Air. Gray, 'that the good will of its patrons is its greatest asset. It also believes that a sucessful railway is the greatest asset of any community which it serves." With this statement every thoroughtful citizen must be in complete accord. Originally the sole function of a railway was to move persons and property from place to place. Today it is generally recognized that to explain to the public the how and why of the railway business is almost as es sential as the doing of that business, The Union Pacific has for many years encouraged its authorized re presentatives to discuss railway pro blema frankly with the public, but not until now has it undertaken to reach its patrons, employes and tne public on the entire system at one time. The Union Pacific serves a mighty empire extending from Council Bluffs Omaha, St. Joseph and Kansas City on the East to Los Angeles, Portland Tacoma, Seattle, Spokance and Butte on the Went. One out of every six persons In the country lives in a state reached by the Union Pacific, More than fify thousand persons receive a Union Pacific pay check each month. EsUmating four persons to a family 200,000 persons are directly dependent on the Union Pacific for support. If to this be added persons engaged In producing supplies and materials purchased by the Union Pacific, the grand total would run into millions. The railway employes their familites, patrons of the road and the general public in the thirteen Union Pacific states are vitally con cerned in maintaining the railway plant at a state of highest effective' ness. Everyone who has the welfare of the community at heart will find In terest and profit In this serlee of art icles. NOTICE TO X)NTRACTOIW The S. S. Club entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Airs. A. P. Christensen, In compliment to Prof, and Mrs. K. J. Bird. The evening was spent with galmes and music. At eleven o'clock were served to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brough, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. James Ellison, Air. and Mrs. E. L. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Si Wllliuiu Starr of Smith ki Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cazier, om "choolb..,-I' )eur "": 77 been uZLT Disced on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paxman, Mr. h.M, . " oi eouennon arter havlnir and Mrs. Ray Stewart and the honor penaea ,ror nypnotlzlng half the pupils In the seventh iind elhtb horn the public school. Physicians say Willi. . HIV Vr guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bird. .... ... ...., i, ,i uvtUll rpfre-shmen- WW "xu The Best Range Investment You Can Ever Make is a lifetime of perfect cookine and with a saving of 13 to 12 in fuel. This splendid range is built to give service and satisfaction through the years. And it has the famous Cole's Hot Blast Draft-t- he scientific moth-o- d of burning fuel which getsevery particle of heat HERE "Cole's Saves Coal" value out of it It burns the fuel gases which other stoves and ranges allow to go to waste up the chimney. These witn the smoke and soot, are completely consumed' 3 hottercleanernre r cooking and baking11 Cole's Hot Blast p ' Dovn Draft Range The entire inner construction, the Q .w m mm I " " of Armco If flhs Kraft- Charles H. D unn , h. Bids will be received for the con truction of three miles of fence In Four Mile Creek and Gardners Can yon. District Number 9, at the office of A. P. Chrlstenwn forest ranger up to .May 12th, 1823. ts mi ID' rust-resistin- g fire box is except iron of heavy gauRe, enn'm-eleof the strongest and most d, making this one durable ranges ever built The oven is heavily braced and the bottom is corrugated. It is just as quick as a gas oven and does wonderful baking. Cole's accurate compensatine oven thermometer always shows the exact temperature. The grat es are duplex combination, for coal or sticks of wood may be used. Three feeds wood; long pouch, l,ft key plate and end door. The quick heating cooking top ha3 six sensitive heating lids Keservoir is of heavy copper, tinned inside Large double warming closet affords ample room for dishes and utensils. Come in and let us show you all the fine points of this beautiful range. Nevermind whether you are ready to buy now or not come anyhow. DENTIST S21-S1- nyjn;w.tjtflwid!iVMihi-j.i.-tJ- H 4 CUft Building Salt Lake City Scientific flatework. rnwtlce Inrluxlr y Cooper Pyper Co. of :i3 I |