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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, MO JACK THAT ' We WORKS QUICKLY still have all kinds of DAY" AT PROVD Prolongs Life of Tires by Taking Off Heavy Load While Car Is in Garage. Soap for 4 cents a bar We WILL ATTEND "JERSEY CONSTRUCTION VERY SIMPLE Once Made and Put to Use Set Will " More Than Pay for Themselvee In Few Months Illustration Shows Operation. still have the best and It Is possible to prolong the life of automobile tires If the car Is Jacked up as often as possible when not In use. During the night, and at other times when the car la In the garage, which usually represents more than half of the time, the car might Just as well be raised from the floor, saving that much weight on the tires. Extra load Is not only removed from the tires, but any tendency toward flattening of the shoe and making Its wearing qualities uneven Is lessened considerably. Pay for Themselves. A set of home-mad- e Jacks will not take long to make, and once made and put to use, will much more than pay for themselves In a few months. The construction of the Jacks is simple. A length of strap s Iron Inch In thickness and one inch wide is required for each jack. This is bent nearly double In the center, and each end provided turn and four with a right-angl- e inches turned to slightly more than right angles with the length of the A block of wood, preferably Jack. cheapest line of groceiies in the city Call and see for yourself P. S. We close Monday Decoration Day six-fo- ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. three-fourth- 31 North Main Street a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Go-car- ts Lawn Mowers KENDALL BROS. 601 i U Department of the Interior S. Land Office, at Salt Lake .City, Utah, May 21st, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Roy R, Betz of Tintic, Utah, who, on June 25th, 1914, made Homestead entry Section 25, No. 012789, for Township 15 South, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice Proof, of Intention to make five-yeto establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, on the 9th day of July, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: James A Kelley, John Kelley, William Emmit all of "Mills, Utah, and Harry Aller of Delta Utah N, ar GOULD B BLAKELY, Register First Pub May 27, Last pub June IjT I Jl I 'He Builds Wisely Who Bui Well." WELL HAS JfO KQCAL 'roe Largest and Pbtmi Natural Deposit of Gypsum la the World. NEPHI PASTER AND COMPANY JVIFG. 24, an position These Four Jacks Will Relieve the Tires of the Weight of the Automo- ;X ! GLASSES bration of Car May Cause Loose-teaof Lens and Allow It to Creep Out of Position. SAFETY PLUMBERS. The Scientific American Illustrates and describes a signal lamp, Invented by II. II. Andreas of Manila, P. U as follows : The object of the Invention" Is to provide a device whereby an automobile driver may easily signify from the rear of his car to following automobiles or other vehicles his Intention to slow down and stop, or of changing direction by turning either to the right all Kendall Bros. Front View and Section of the Device. 1 CAB Produced JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 29,883 35,306 61,886 They show you Just how many 1921 and how many have been sold Delivered to Retail Customers 57,208 63,603 87,221 Total Retail Sales 208,032 DEVICE IS INVENTED 8lgnal Lamp on Rear of Automobile Enables Driver to Signify His Intentions. t AI Here are authentic figures from the Ford factory at Detroit. Ford cars and trucks have been built each month since January 1, to retail customers, in the United States. Total Production 127,074 Buckets Barbed Wire Kalsomine Sporting Goods Electrical Goods Some FACTS About Many of the light diffusing devices round nnd the diffusing properties Some of these glasses have them firmly In i means of anchoring .lace, but others have not, and It Is ip to the car owner to see that the are properly In place. Screws may be used for fastening them and a lock washer should be inserted under each of them. Boilers Bolts Nails Your sales letter in the United Stale mail has the right of way straight to you! customer's desk. Strengthen your appeal by using s Hammermil! of known quantity gaper and good printing which wit attract your customer's attention, and sell your goods. That's the kind of printing we dp anr the paper we use. Utm Mora Print J Salmanhip. Ath aw THE ins lost. Tubs Oils Printing It the Salesman Who Has the Right of Way s n when in need of Mower in said matter are directed to appear before this court on. the 20th day of June, 1921, at 2 o'clock p .m. of said day, "at the County Court House, at Nephi City, Juab County, State of Utah, to show cause, if any they have, the application for change of IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE why name should not be granted; and it FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, is hereby ordered that a copy of this OF order be STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY published in the Times-New- s JUAB IN THE MATTER OF THE a of general circualtion, newspaper APPLICATION OF CLEONE HUMand published at Nephi City, BLE FOR A CHANGE OF NAME printed in said Juab County, for thirty days ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE next preceding the day of hearing. AND FOR PUBLICATION THERE Witness the clerk of said court, OF. with the seal thereof affixed, this 13th day of May, 1921. Whereas, Cleone Humble has filed EARL S. HOYT, her application with the Clerk of this Clerk Court to have her name changed to (Seal) Cleone Owens, all persons interested First pub. May 20, Last pub June 17. An Osborn ON HEADLIGHTS w popular are designed to operate .hen lu a certain fixed position. may loosen the glasses in their ims so that the whole lens creeps We are enlarging our stock of Hardware every day. Call and see our goods and prices Nephi National Bank FOR SALE ac-io- Ranges, Garden Tools Lawn Hose Paints, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McSwain were up from Oak City the first "part of the week visiting relatives in this city Mr. McSwain Is going into the poultry business quite extensively In the former town, having now a flock of two thousand chicks. and Hay Rake in first class conditAlso a P & Q four row beet ion. culivator. All to go at half price J. W. Paxman. hard wood, is cut from a about 10 inches in length, and a notch cut in one end as shown to fit the This under side of the wheel-hub- . Is then bored for a bolt an inch from the other end and holes to match drilled through each side of the Jack at a height which will place the bottom of the notch on a level with a point about the center of the wheel-hub- . How Jack Is Used. ' The Illustration shows how the Jack .s used. The first position shows the Vet of the Jack placed tight against he tire with the notch of the wood dock agnlnst the under side of the vheel. When the top of the Jack is n mshed In toward the wheel, the raises the wheel about two inches md transfers the weight from the tire o the huh. The feet afford sufficient earinp to enable the car to stand gldl.v when four Jacks have been ppl led and remove nil possibility of s (iliii'tlng to or.e side and back to "ie flix.r. Pale Van Horn In Popular cleni'e Monthly. Nephi Plaster AT THE NEPHI NATIONAL BANK AND THEY'VE JUST PAID ME 4 PER CENT INTEREST FOR THE LAST SIX MONTHS. WE ARE THROGETTING INDEPENDENT UGH OUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT THIS BANK. AND WE NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ITS SAFETY. The Right of Way bile. TO BUILD See What I've Saved G. M. Whitmore, was over to Fountain Green Monday attending to some banking business there. Srcono First Position 2 -- BwtHWHaeaaeaBieaaiaiBaMBaaBaeaai Successful dairying depends large That Is ly on getting the cream. why 98 per cent of all the Creameries use and advocate the De Laval Separator. Don't be mislead in buying any other make. We give you a year to pay for one. J. W. Summerhays and Sons Co. d. sharpened. (Publisher) NOTCH The local farm bureau committee, met Tuesday evening, May 4th, to consider plans for bringing blooded About thirty Jerseys into Nephi. cows were ordered. It is the plan of the bureau to have all of these pros pective purchasers visit Provo on June 4th, to see what Utah County has to offer on "Jersey Day." We need more and better cows in Nephi and this is an unusual opportun ity to satisfy this ned. All farmers desiring to buy dairy cows make pre parations with the dairy farm bureau committee to visit Provo on this day. It is important that facilities for transportation and other accomoda tions be made at an early date. The following men will be glad to render Seth any assistance possible. W. H. Brown, Jos. W. Bar nes and A. F. Bracken. or left, without diverting his attention from the prcijwr management of his own cur,' thereby materially contributing to the safety of his car mt those of others following la crowded traffic. cars showing tat actual sales for the first three months of 1921 exceeded production by 80,958 Ford and trucks. out. April requisitions already specify 107,719 additional cars and trucks and the estimated April put of the factory and assembly plants combined calls for only 90,000! These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products Is growing much faster than tnanfact-urin- g facilities to produce and were it not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now being rap-Id- ly depleated, many more customers would hare been compelled to wait for their cars. It will be only a matter of weeks, therefore, until a big surplus or orders will prevent anything like prompt deliveries. If you would be sure of having your Ford car or truck when you want It, you should place ur order now. Don't delay. Phone ua or drop us a card. JUDD'S GARAGE O K. iVTV, HANAGKr. Nephi, Vtmh. yo t |