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Show s THE TIMES-NEW- S CIRCULATES THROUGHOUT KAST JUAU County and i, a valuable : ADVERTISING MEDIUM. : THE TIMES, VOI TlfR it ' NETHI, JUAU COUNTY, UTAH, VOLUNTARY HEALTH Fill 1AY, MAY 27TH, 1021 Mexico Modernizes Her Navy SERVICE ASSOCIATION OUTLINE WORK -'- The Voluntary Health Service association is now fully organized and IN FAVOR at a meeting held Monday night, one of the projects outlined is a war on flys and their breeding places. Dr. OF ROAD BOND ISSUE N. J. Rees, addressed the meeting ' gave many valuable suggestions to the members on the work they are undertaking. The placing of garbage "Tintic will be for the roaa bond can In various parts of this city was issue" this is the word brought bask also taken up, and as soon as these the Nephi Boosters who attended arrive the association expect all waste by the meeting of the Eureka Commer paper to be placed in them and not cial Club Monday evening which was thrown on the sidewalks as at present held in the interest of the coming The following is an outline of the bond election on June 7th, when aims and plans of the association road the taxpayers of Juab County, will re We hereby resolve ourselves Into their verdict for or against the gister a voluntary civic organization and proposition of paving certain portions subscribe and agree to the following: of the county roads, or let them re Name: The name of this organization main dirt roads with their expensive shall be the Nephl City Voluntary and costly upkeep. Health Service association. Those who attended from here Officers The officers of this org- were W. C. Andrews, Dr. T. D. Rees, anization shall consist of a President Wm. O. Orme, George Francom, T. H. a Vice President, Secretary Treasurer Burton, J W. Whitmore, J. W. Boud, who with five other members shall E. R. Forrest, P. N. . Anderson, and comprise the Executive Committee. A. A. Allen. The purpose of this organization Commissioner W. G. Orme, explain shall be: To promote the general ed to the meeting the need of the health conditions in the city: To bond issue to raise money to complete institue and carry forward campaig- the present road work in the county, to ns create public opinion in favor and to build other sections of road of wholesome sanitation, the oblit- - in the county that were needing it. eration of the house fly, lo exting- A. H. Cravens President of the Tin- uish disease breeding places, to pro- tic Commercial Club, responded and perly take care of all garbage, to stated that the majority of the people have placed on main street and other of Tintic were in favor of the road necessary places garbage cans, to en construction and would vote for the courage the business places to have issue. clean and tidy back yards, to provide Rousing addresses were made by proper camping grounds for the tour- those present from both sides of the ists, etc. and a spirit of get together To inaugurate and prosecute var- county, was manifest on all sides, and the ious projects looking to the control idea of an East and West side of the of epidemics and the spread of discounty was taboo the sense of the ease; to establish proper health regbeing that Juab County ulations by City ordinances and other meeting should stand united for progress and as have To nusiances declared wise; advancement. neglected property and delapldated During the evening a banquet was places, which become a menace to tendered the visitors from here and health and life, to the strict enforce the best of good feeling prevailed. ment of the City Ordinances relating to corrals, outhouses, back yards etc. To cooperate with, suggest, and direct attention to, the City Board of LOCAL HAPPENINGS Health, City Council, and other civic authorities, in dealing with matters pertaining to the health conditions of the community; also to solicit the Joseph Golden, Ed. Kendall and cooperation of the public schools, religious and civic organizations, clubs Bert Greenhalgh, soldCo.a car of wheat Tuesday. and faternity organizatons; to aid us to the Globe Mills in any particular word this associatBernard Bale, left for Huntsville, ion may project from time to time. We stand for health, cleanliness Tuesday, where he will be employed and sanitation, through the institut- during the summer. ion of campaigns and a hearty coopForest Itangcr Christensen, went eration with the city board of health to Provo Tuesday on business per and other helpful agencies ' Term The members of this org- taining to the local reserve. anization will give vigorous and free Mr. Louis Burton, of Parowan, service for one year, and then call a is In Nephi this week visiting L'tah, for of the citizens meeting report his mother Mrs. Herbert Burton. and their action whether or not the TWENTY lAir-k,- - WILL ERECT UP TO SERVICE STATION The Bella McCune building on Main and First North Streets, Is be-- '' lng torn down this week, the Central Motor Company having purchased the property from the county on a tax J. sale. This company contemplate the I erection of a modern and up to date service station on the location now occupied by this dwelling, which will be a decided Improvement to this . section of town as the present build lng bad become a very unsightly aff -- air ANNOUNCE ENGAGE MENT OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Ord, announce the engagement of their daughter Alice to Arch J. Crapo, the marriage to take place June 8th, In the Salt Lake Temple. The bride e Is one ot the popular young ladies of this city being prominent n social circles, with a host of friends who will wish her the best of luck and happiness The young man has ben the superior In the manual art department of the local high ncbool the past winter fc J friends here. and haa his city again next He will tA " winter. Buy your wall paper cleaner at to-b- r' Kendall Bros. Wm. Foote and Chester Foote, came In from their ranch In Snake valley the early part of the week. MIXIXO' INTKHESTS OK COUNTY : : : i HIGH SCHOOL .STUDENTS ONE DIPLOMAS WEDNESDAY RECEIVED C Miss Luella Winn, Awarded The Honor Pin By Alumni Wm. Andrews and MissZelma Young Valedictorians Of Class. Prof. Reynolds Delivers Address To Graduates. Association. 1IIC organization shall continue. S THE NEWS, VOL. 5, NO. 4S i Pu'jpose 0! Organization To Promote Good Health Con- ditions In The City To Encourage the Maintaining . Orrlian RoxIrVamlo Ta Cn nnanita Wiili CHT Off icials in All Work Pertaining to Health of the People DATE I AM .;i'.U 12, NO 81. IS A BOOST-- l Oil THE AUICl'IrURAL TIMES-NEW- BASE BALL NEWS OF THE WEEK The High school commencement exercises were held in the Venice Theatre, Wednesday evening, and twenty one stuueuls who had completed tno prescribed course successfully wore uwurded diplomas from the local institution Jas. Garrett Jr, president of the j3oard of Education presided, and the a won and lost game during address to Nephi graduates was given by the past week. Friday afternoon the l'rof. Reynoldsof the University of team from Provo met the local ag- gregation on the home diamond and lost the game by a score oi 6 io 4 in our favor. The Nephi team out-batt- ed submarine chasers pin Crew of the Mayo, one of the 35 standard 110-foThe vessels titling' clutseil l.y Mi'xTcu from l lie IJuiteii States government. and the crew's uniforms are ull American-made- . MRS. WM. BAILEY FARMERS LISTEN TO TALKS ON DAIRYING ANSWERS FINAL CALL As we go to press we learn that Mrs. Wm. Bailey passed away this morning following several days illness from pneumonia. Her death comes as a great shock to the com munity, although it was known that she was very seriously ill, fervent hopes were entertained that her life would be spared. The deceased was born in Nephi 42 years ago, the youngest daughter of the late Bishop David and Eliza beth Udall. She was educated in the public schools of this city being one of the earlier graduates from the Ne phi High School She watfjnarrled to Wm. Bailey over twenty years ago and leaves besides her husband, six children, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her departure. She was a splendid wife and moth er and found the greatest joy in at tending to the wants of her husband and children. The whole community mourns her death and extend their sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives in the great sorrow that has come to their home. About forty members of the farm bureau organization met In the Commercial CJub rooms Saturday evening to listen to addresses, given by J. E. Dorman and Ben Eldridge, on the advantages of the dairy business. Both of the gentlemen put forth able and convincing arguments why farm ers should take up; dairying along with. other farm work, stating that with the advantage the silo now offered, it was much easier to have cows maintain an even flow of milk during the winter months than for merly. They urged the farmers here to give the matter thoughtful consid- - Tie local farm bureau are making an effort to bring in 1 or 2 car loads or dairy cattle and dispose of them to the farmers who wish to take up dairying on a larger scale. the Provoites, aided by the brilliant pitching of Keough, who out guessed the visiting team on several occasions. tor tte Battery was Boshard and Nelson, and for the locals Keough and Wankior. Wednesday the Neiihitea journey ed to American Fork and met the hampions of the league,, losing to the tune of 12 to 5. Neplii pitched two young recruits Ditnny Mortensen and Mont Sperry, the joungters holding the veterans of the league in fair Miller and Bennett ly good style. divided the pitching between them for American Fork, the local team garner ng nine hits from them which turned into five runs, while the American Fork batters secured eighteen .hits, which resulted in twelve runs. The features of the .game as far as the local team was concerned, was a brilliant catch in the left field by Brtant Petty, and a three base bit b I. M. Petty. The home team have not yet rounded into form but with a little more practice the team work will begin to show greater improve ment, The return game with Springville wilj be played on the. local,ball park this afternoon and the fans expect to see the tables turned on tne boys from Utah County irrigation. I shall take up first the latent acreage at our very doors and in the most dense population. This All farmers should read the dis- land falls under the four rivers large play add of the Farm Bureau In this Weber, Odgen, Provo and Jordan and issue of this paper. many smaller streams such as Span ish Fork river, Hobble creek. Salt Jacob Coleman of Provo, creek, American Fork creek and Mill Attorney formerly of this city, was here Tues creek. day shaking hands with old friends. It has been the dream of many Mr. Coleman had been over to Manti that this land would be covered by some to legal business. one great government Drolect. hut attending if the government fails this reclaim-abl- e binding Burlap grain bags and acreage will be reclaimed by twine at a great saving in price if small irrigation projects as in the Farm with Bur orders are places the chr.? of the Bonneville project In the eau. Thomas Committeeman south end or Davis County. In the Ponneville project the water is raised The Alumni Banquet and dance 300 feet In two 150 foot lifts at an given last night by the alumni as annual acreage cost of between 11 sociation was a complete success In and 15 dollars. The acreage I am every way. diKcussIng can be brought undor gravity canals not raised 150 to 300 feet. " placed in the canyon Countr Clerk Hovt. Issued a mar- - wnr! l:le ,l 811,1 th "anals installed a small an- riage license Monday to Geo. Victor Roberts of Delta, and Arble Blanch nual PKeep is the total cost of oper- i me present time the water Talbot of Oak City. Bishop C. H, I Grace performed the ceremony that ,nftl w "noma be applying to these acres is running off In swollen spring made them man and wife. tot rents doing damage every year where Ctoil Intended It to do good. ci:mkti:uv (XKAm p postpov- - The da miii?" done In Weber and In l;l OX ACCOUNT OF It.UN l'tah Counties during the past ten years from this uncontrolled spring runoff would have built dams to for- The Cemetery clean up which was ever prevent this damage and would have put the water to the use He to have taken place Wednesday wa The amount of water postponed on account of the rain intended. which fell during the forenoon mak nnnually by thes streams ing the ground too muddy to accom amounts to 1.491,795 acre feet. This plish the de'sirefl result. In view of amount of wafer would supply the these conditions the committee who above serfage with more than two had the matter In rhj.rge depnied f eet- annually whkh in arnp1 for crop It best to postpone the cleanup until pt owt h. You will ask if it Is possible to re- more favorable conditions prevail Bailey, - the alumni association. The following is the program given at the exercises. Prayer T. D. Rees, selection by Glee Club, reading by Luella Wiun, paper "Immigration" Zelma Young, paper by Wm Andrews Resources" "Utah's Undeveloped piano solo, Elma Jones, address to graduates Prof. Reynolds, vocal solo Arvilla, Lunt, presentation of Diplomas by Supt Ray Stewart, Benediction by A. H. Belliston. List of graduates who received diplomas. Luella Winn, Ludean Lunt" Taelma Grant, Iris Brough, Eme Young, Blanche Bigler, Aletha Booth Lucile Mcpherson, Rheta Kay, Elma Jones, Zelma Y'oung, Arvilla Lunt, Lil Evelyn- - fcailey,, Leora-BlUstolian Lunt, Flora Parkes, Naomi Bailey, Ada Gibson, Wm. Andrews, Ralph Cole, and Rulon S Parkes. n, STANDING OF THE LEAGUE The following is the standing of the teaniB in the Central Utah Base Earl Claridge, of the Venice Cafe left yesterday for Twin Bridges, Mont una. He will return in about ten days with his family to make their home in this city. ball League to May 25th. Team Utah's Undeveloped Resources Many of us on starting our career have a tendancy to seek success In other fields rather than the ones nearest to us. We feel that Utah's resources are exhausted and to gain a livelihood we must ea elsewhere. But this Is not true Many of Utah's future industries ere not yet in their infancy. One ot the largest of our undevel oped resources Is our latent agricult ural resources. This is undeveloped at this time because of the lack of Utah. The class valedictorians were Wm. Andrews, and Miss Zelma Young, the former giving a paper on "Utah's Undeveloped Kesources" and the latier a paper on '.'Immigration" both articles were well written and showed careful preapartion. They are reproduced in full in this issue. . The honor pin which is given annually by the alumni association to the student that is the most active In school affairs, and community work was this year awarded to Miss Luella Winn, the presentation being made by Mr. Andrew Latimer, president ot claim this vast acreage I say yes or the major porton of It. It calls for capital, for feasible dam sites, for canal Bites and for initiative on the part of the people of Utah. We have the sites for the dams, the cana sites, the water and Uncle Sam has the money, and we should have the initative to put these projects over Wednesday COMING BACK TO THE COW night. Many farmers of this valley and Pet. other parts of the State, who during 0 3 Am. Fork 1,000 the period of high prices for wheat, 0 3 1,000 Springville and other products had broke 1 2 .667 hay from Payson away dairying are beginning to 1 2 .333 turn Nephi back to the faiththeir attention 1 2 .333 Sp Fork cow old as a source of ful dairy 1 2 .3.13 I,ehi revenue which comes along during 1 2 .333 Provo month of" the year. With the 3 . .000 every 0 Heber big drop In farm products last fall, many farmers found that after they had paid of their indebtedness they TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION had scarcely enough money to carry them through the winter, and many AWAITS EQUIPMENT of these same farmers are turning their attention to dairying so that they will have an income right that will take care of the needs The telephone construction work of the home and furnish the everywhich has been going on in Ibis city day necessities that are needed. for several weeks is halted for a short In going through the country you time awaiting equipment. The switch will find that the communities where board and heavy cable has not yet there is extensive dairying and the not could work and further arrived class of dairy breeds are kept better new bo done until these arrive. The the people appear to be more prosper quarters In the upstairs room of the ous looking than the communities Bailey Furniture Company building which have gone in for general farmhas been painted and renovated and ing. The movement among the farthe plumbing and lighting fixtures mers of Nephi, stimulated by th,e all adjusted, and with the arrival of work of the farm bureau to bring the equipment named above it will into this valley a few car loads ot only be a matter of a short time until good dairy cows Is a step in the the new service is Installed. direction. It means more proOne big advantage of the new sys right for those who engage in it. sperity tem according to the local manager Mr. Clyde, wiil be the fact that no ringing will be necessary to attract KXCl'RSION TO MANTI TEMPLE NEXT THURSDAY central, merely take down the receiver. Another Important Improvement will be the service on party The South Ward of Nephl, and the lines. Under the new system there Levan Ward will join in an excursion will be no one, two and three rings to Mantl Temple, next Thursday, In each home as at present, the phone June 2nd. A cordial invitation is will only ring In the home that is extended to the members of the othcalled, and the disadvantage of hav er wards of the stake to Join them. ing some other customers number. ring In your home on a party line ATTRACTION AT THK will be eliminated. ARLINGTON Won Lost al-lo- I have no time to go into the mat ter of the latent acreage adjacent to Green River, Utah. I can say that under that great river at the pre sent time being permitted to go to waste, there are over two hundred thousand reclaimable acres The pro ject is feasible and at the present Is being Investigated by federal and state engineers. This project put means the through to completion building of an agricultural empire in southern Utah. A recent study of the lumber I Utah reveals the fact that we have not yet reached our full capacity i the manufacture of lumber. Accor ding to a report by the United States forestry service there are 10,000,00 0.000 feet of lumber In Utah Thl if managed on an average rotation of 150 years would give an annual cut of 67 million feet Utah can Increase Its cut 2 times by opening up Inaccessible timber No doubt the greatest Industrial resource iying within the boundrles of our state Is that related to our possible production of Iron and steel Four fundamental pillars are called for on which to build (his great steel Industry, Iron ore, coking coal, water and capifal. We have the Hrst threS here In our state and the fourth Is Our largest knocking for admission. iron deposits are In Iron County. It Is estimated that in this field there Is 400,000,000 tons of Iron ore. Cache valley iron while smaller Is of better quality. It is safe to say that Ht Mineral Point Cache Valley 1,500-00ton of exceptionally pure Iron ore can bo found. We have the coal to go with this Iron. Sunnyside has been furnishing (he slate and our neighboring states with coal for years and ran go on Indefinitely. Our coal (Continued on page S) 0 Shubert's Original Jaz Band direct from Chicuge, on their second annual tour lo the Pacific Coast, will be at the Arlington, Decoration Next Monday. May 3t0h, being Day, .Monday, May 3t0h. Tickets 1 Memorial Day all the business houses Extra Lady 25c. A revelation in of this city will close and the day be Jazz music. Don't forget the date. NEXT MONDAY A HOLIDAY The Nephl observed as a holiday. post of the American Legion will decorate the graves of service men who are buried in the local cemeteries and accord such other military honors befitting the occasion. Citizens In general will observe the day as in the past. In decorating the graves of their loved ones who have passed to the great beyond. NOTIOJ There will be a meeting of the Tax Payers League at the Court house.3 Wednesday evening, June 1st, at p. in. for tbo purpose ot discussing the Road Bond Issue. All Invited Come OHt and take part, let's hear both sides. |