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Show THE Atttemitioini Fa.rmers All Farm Bureau Members in Juab County can get Farm Implements of every description, Burlap sacks, Binding twine, Auto Tires, and other Farm Supplies at wholesale prices a saving of 20 to 30 per cent By pooling orders with the purchasing committee of the Farm Bureau. Join the Farm Bureau and save several times the price of your membership,' besides helping the great National novement to better the farmers. All progressive Farmers everywhere are joining the Farm Bureauthe big efficient organization. J. W. Pazman, : : President : A. F. Bracken, : Secretary Thos. Bailey, Chairman Purchasing Committee 15 THE BEST FOOD EAT MORE OF IT. And buy only the best, made right here in Nephi, from Nephi Flour, For Sale by CITY MEAT MKT CARTER'S MEAT MARKET, & NEPHI MER. CO. ANOTHER REDUCTION IN PRICE, Pound Loaves for 15c. 2 1 pound loaves for 25c. Our bread and cakes are made in a clean and Sanitary Bakeshop. 21 u BAKERY GONFEGT ONERY Restaurant In Connection. III UTAH '5 TIMES-NEW- UNDEVELOP LOCAL ED RESOURCES (Continued from page one) for the purpose of iron making has passed the test of the by products ovens at Chicago and was passed perfect for this purpose. Our largest market naturally will be the coast states. The coast consumption now per day is 1400 tons of pig iron. All of this is not supplied from the eastern fields but has been met up to date by the melting up of scrap iron. This source is practically exhausted and then the coast will look to Utah for pig iron. We are equipped by nature to take care of them. Quiet workers have been attempt ing to Interest capital in this field for years and this capital is going to come. Why are they coming? It is a matter of business. During the war it cost Los Angeles $72 a ton for iron ?26 of this was freight from Penn sylvania fields. Freight from Iron County points would be $1.57. The difference of $24.43 in freight is a good invitation to the capitalist. I have time only to mention othe great state resources. At Marysvale are the greatest potash deposits in the world. There are millions of tons of potach carrying from 9 to 10 per cent recoverable potash. , Our phosphate deposits in northern Utah are some of the largest in the world New Jersey produces thirty million dollars worth of clay products with clay no better and in a large measure inferior to our clay beds. We don't consider our clay beds as a latent resource. Many of us don't knov they are here. While I can't class oil as one of Utah's resources because it is as yet in the experimental stage but every indication points to Utah as some day possessing a great oil field. Utah's scenic beauty alone is not a resource but the fact that it att racts people from all parts of the world makes it a valuable asset. It stands as a silent but yet one of the most effective advertisements for Utah and her resources. A generation ago a great people settled these valleys, a people with a vision of what this great state should be. This state and these people were the first Anglo-Saxon- s to artificially divert water and put it on land. These same sturdy people thereby became the fathers of irrigation and laid the ground work of our present irrigation system. The world looks to Utah as the teachers of irrigation What is more fitting than that we tae sons and daughters of those real men and women should complete the work begun by those hai-dpioneers and have the world look to Utah as a state where all the water is put to beneficial use and where every resource is utilized. This work is the real kind of a monument to erect to the pioneers who settled this state To take up the tools laid down by those weary old hands and as their sons and daughters see to it that their vision becomes a reality. WILLIAM ANDREWS ' I to of Nephi and the surrounding towns early date I shall open an HAPPENINGS County, State of Utah, for four full weeks prior to said election, the same to be published in each of said newspapers during said period iu each ergular and seccessive Issue there- of; Lunt Pharmacy Co. have installed The first publication of said notice, s a fine Brunswick Phonograph in their in the to be made on the 6lh day of May 19 21 and the last to ice cream parlor this week. be made on the 3rd day of June, 1921 Miss Geneva Booth, came down the first publication of said notice in Reporter to be made on from Salt Lake City Wednesday on the Eureka 6th day of May, 1921, aud the account of the illness of her mother. the last publication to be made on the 3rd day of June, 1921; the first pubiMrs. Wm. Morgan, Frank Morgan, lication of said notice in the Mamand Mrs. Joseph Warr, motored to moth Record to be made on the 7 th Salt Lake City Saturday where they day of May, 1921 and the last to be made on the 4ih day of visited for a few days with relatives. June, 1921, each of said publications Miss Ethel Wright, came down from being for a period of four full weeks Salt Lake city yesterday and will prior to the said 7th day of June, 1921, the date hereinbefore designatspend a few days with relatives in ed for the holding of said special elethis city. ction, which said notice shall be substantially as follows, Mr and Mrs. Clifford Times-New- To The People At an NEPHI, UTAH. S, up-to-da- te meat shop in the Forrest Bldg. on South Main Street Nephi, Utah. A full line of Fresh and Cured Meats will be carried Service and Satisfaction will be guaranteed. Watch for the opening date. pub-licat- to-wi- J. W. Adams, Prop. miA 3&sBsY Yw Gtt u turn nw mm Ship and Sail un- der the Stars and Stripes to all parts of the world You can travel, or ship your goods to any part of the world on American owned and American operated ships, flying the American Flag American ships are modern and preferable for passenger and cargo. Bale and family, came over from Payson yesNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai terday and will spend a few days in this city with relatives and friends a special election has been oidered and called by the Board of County before returning home President Harding aaysi Commissioners of Juab County, Utah, will be held in said Juab County, "Wo know full well wo cannot sell J. W. Adams, will open a meat and where wo do not buy and wo con-nUtah, on the 7th day of June, 1921, toll successfully atawv mm as in the on Forrest South building shop to determine the question whether or Main street in the near future. The not bonds of said Juab Couuly, Utah, inside of the building is being painted in the sum of Two liuudred Twenty-liv- e Operators of Passenger Servioa Thousand Dollars ($225,000. uo ) Admiral Lino, 17 SUto and iixtures arranged ths week. Now York. 14. V. Seattle to Yoko bearing interest at the rate of not to Kobo. hama, Honukong. Shang"Mr Farmer We have a large exceed six (6) pur cent per annum, hai, Singapore, and occasionally suid bonds to Manila and Hawaii. stock of Mc Corniick and Osborn payable exceed in to made not twenty payable Matson K Navigation Co, mower parts where we can save you kct St., San Francisco.lit BaltiIrom the date of this issuance, from 5 to 25 per cent. Come look years more to Havana, Panama CanaL shall be issued and sold by the Board Loa Angolas. Ban Francisco, and at our stock ,get prices and decide of County Coiuunsbioiiers ul' said Juab Hawaii. for yourself J. W. Summerhays & County, Utah, for the purpose of deMunsan Steam Skip Uas, Sons Co. Beaver St, New York. N. It Y. fraying the expense of laying out, New York to Rio da Janeiro, aud erecting, constructing, improving and Baenoo Airos. Montevideo, the following speoilic-all- y MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING maintaining New York and Porta Rico S. S. described public roads and highNow OP THE BOARD OF COUNTY ways within said York. Co, U Broadway. Juab Couuly, State N. Y. New York to Porto Rico. COMMISSION ERS OF JUAB CO ot Utah, outside of incorporated citBroad-wa- r. Paclflc Mall S. S. TO KEALATINO UTAH. Co, it UNTY, ies and including the expense of ereNew York, N. Y. 8 rattle BOND ELECTION to Yokohama, Kobe, Hongkong, cting all necessary culverts and bridShanghai, Singapore, Tientsin, ges tlierein and thureou, which said and occasionally to Manila and Hawaii. The Board of County Commission- public roads and highways are desers of Juab County, State of Utah, cribed as follows U. S. Mail S. S. Co, ( Broadway. The public road known as the "SilNew York, N. Y. New York to met in special session on Saturday, and London. Now Boulogne ver Road" ruuning south the 30th day of April, 1921, at the York to Bremen and Dennis. Uthour of 8 o'clock p. m. due, legal and from Silver City, iu Juab County, Emigrant Serviec to Genoa, and Millard County lino. Naplaa. timely notice of the time, place and ah, to the Also, the public road ruuning west Ward Una (New York and Cuba purpose of said special session having from Mall 8. S. Co.), Foot of Wall the Town of Levua, to Levan been given to all members as requirNew York. N. Y. New YorkSt, to Switch; ed by law. Havana and Spanish ports La Corona, Bantander. Also, the public road known as the Vigo, The meeting was called to order by Gijon. Bilbao. Road" running north Chairman W. G. Orine presiding. On "Nephi-Uta- h For Sale Steel and Wood Ships roll call the following members were from Nephi to the L'tan Couuty line. and Wood Hulls and g At said election the form of ballot present: Tugs (To American Citizens Only). shall be as follows: Chairman: W. G. Orme, Btsel steamers oil sra both and BONl ELECTION BALLOT Commissioner: John O. Bunnell coal bnrnera. Further InformaTo vote for the issuance of bonds, Commissioner: George Francom tion may ha obtained on requests. Also present: Earl S. Hoyt, County piace an X. in the space alter the Free use of Shipping word 'Yes" Clerk. Board Films Fear To voto against the issuance of roots, free on roqooet Commissioner George Francom .inof any mayor, pa tor. troduced and moved the adoption of bonds, piace an X in the space after poatmaatar, or organithe word "No". the following resolution: sation. RESOLUTION For sailings of freight I Yes A resolution calling, providing tor ships to all parts of tht and ordering a special election in For the issue of Bonds Juab County, State of Utah, for the world, and all other inforpurpose of submitting to the quail mation writs to NO bed electors of said County who have U. S. Shipping Board a in paid property tax therein the pre That on the reverse side thereof WASHINGTON. D. C. ceeding year, the question of incur be printed the following: ring a bonded indebtedness in the shall OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR sum of Two Hundred Twenty-fiv- e Thousand (225,000.00) Dollars, for U1ST1CT NO. well. 1 the purpose of raising funds to defray Juab County Utah, Special Bond Mrt Vntinlr "Preiinrt T.pvnn 1921. June Election, 7th, the expense of laying out, erecting, known as the Polling Place, Building (Fac-simil- e Signature) constructing, improving and main "Court House'" Judges of Election, L. II. Mortensen, It. H. Gardner, J. L. taining public roads and highways, in County Clerk Francom. cluding culverts and bridges, within said County, outside of incorporate Said election shall be held as nearVoting Precinct, Mills No. 1, Polcities. ly as possible in conformity with the ling Place, Building known as the WHEREAS, there is an immediate election laws of the Slate ot "School House". Judges of Election, and pressing need of raising funds general Utah, except as otherwise provided by John Williams O. Dunyon, S.N. Fileds to the amount of (225,000.00) to be Section 1414; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVLaws of Utah used in the laying out, erecting, con 1917, and atCompiiey such election every ED, that the County Clerk be and he structing, improving and maintain qualified voter of said County who is hereby authorized and Instructed to ing public roads and highways in shall have paid a property lax iu the notify said persons of their' appointJuab County, Utah, outside of incor in the year 19 20 shall be en ment to serve as Judges of said eleated cities, including the building of County ction and to furnish instructions and' titled to vote. culverts and bridges therein and The polls will remain open during directions, deliver ballots and station-fr- y and artd procure and take such other thereon; the time from seven o'clock a. m. unWHEREAS, in order to raise said til seven o'clock p. m. steps zz may be neccessary in carryit will funds be necessary for said BY ORDER OF lliE BUARD OF ing out these resolutions to the end Juab County to issue and sell its COUNT i COMMISSIONERS OF JU that suid election m:.y be held in acbonds to the amount of $225,000.00 AB COUNTY, UTAH. cordance with law. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLas, if and when the issuance of said Commiboioner, V. G. Orme Chairman bonds is approved and a legally called ED, that the Board of County ComCommissioner George luncum. and held election by the qualified vot Commissioner John G. Bunnell. missioners meet as a Board of canvasers of Juab County, who shall have Attest: Eail S. lioyt, Couuly Clerk sers at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the 13th day of June, A. paid a property tax in said Juab (bual) D. 1921, for tile pupose ot canvassing County in the year 1920, and the returns of said election and of o faWHEREAS, the interests of Juab AND BE IT FUU'i'il Js.lt RESOL- cially declaring the result thereof." Commissioner John Bunnell seconCounty require it and the Board of VED, that the voiing or polling places County Commissioners of said County for each special bond election be and ded the adoption of the foregoing rethe same are hereby established at, solution and the same on being put deems it to be expedient and at this time and for the pub and the Judges of such election in the to a vote was unanimously carried lic good, to issue the bonds of said various precincts in said Couuty ahull by the affirmative vote of all County in the sum of $225,000.00 tor be as follows: present, the vote being as the purpose aforesaid, Voting precinct. Eureka No. 1. follows: Place, The building known as the Commissioner W. O. Orme, Chairman NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED by the Board of County Comm "Court House" Juuge of Election, "Aye" issioners of the County of Juab, State Alleu lvey, Frank Bacon, John O. Commissioner George Francom "Aye" Frecklelon. of Utah, as follow: Commissioner John Bunnell, "Aye" 1. That a special election be, and W. G. Oil ME, Chairman Voting Precinct, Eureka No. 2. Pol the same is hereby called and ordered ling place. Eureka City Hall, Judges Board of County Commissioners to be held in Juab County. State of of Election, T. L. Sullivan, Edward of Juab County, Utah, Utah, on Tuesday, the 7th day of June Fox, Edward McCormick. Earl S. Hoyt, County Clerk. Attasl, A. D. 1921 for the purpose of sub Voting Precinct, Eureka No. 3. State of Utah, S3. Place, Eureka High School Build County of Juab mitting to such qualified voters of said County as shall have paid a ing. Judges of Elecliou, Edward ft, I, Earl S. Hoyt, tho duly chosen, properly tax therein In the year next Redmond, Jospeh Ferguson, lrs. qualified and acting County Clerk, Clerk of the Board of and proceeding such election, the follow Agues Knight. Voting Precinct, Mammoth, No. 1, County Commissioners of Juab, State ing proposition, Shall bonds of Juab County, State Polling Piace, The Building known as of Utah, do hereby certify that the of Utah, In the sum of $225,000.00 be the "Court House" Judges of Electiou and foregoing Is a full, true and issued and sold by tho Board of Earl Dunn, Martin Uundersou, Lynn correct copy ot the minutes of a County Commissioners for the partic Andrus. special meeting of the Board of Coun ular purposo of defraying the expen Voting Precinct, Calloa, Polling ty Commissioners of said County, held as Tbe se of laying out, erecting, construct Place, the pursuant to due, logul nd timely notbuilding known ion, improving and maintaining the residence of E. W. Tripp. Judges of ice served upon all members at the following roads and highways within Election, O. W. Morehouse, Roy Ran- regular meeting place ot said Board the County of Juab, State of Utah, kin, W. A. Tripp. at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, said outside of incorporated cities, inclu Voting Precinct, Silver City, No. 1. Board being convened In session at ding the expense of erecting all nec- Polling Place, Building known as the said meeting the 30th day ot April, cessary culverts and bridges therein, "Court House" Judges of Election, 1921, at which said date said resolu and thereon, Lyman Baker, W. E. Potts, Abner T. tion was adopted, Insofar as said minutes refer to or concern the issThe public road known as the "Sil Blgler. ver Road" running Voting Precinct, --Moaa District No. uance of Two Hundred Twenty-nv- e South from Silver City, Juab County, 1. Polling Place, Bunding known as Thousand ( $26,000.00 ) road bonds the "Court House" Judges ot Election of said County, as the same appears Utah to the Millard County line. Also the public road running west LeRoy Ellertson, Reuben Kay, Earl of record in my ofllce In Volume 8 from the town of Levan to the Levan Newton. at pages 460 to 464 both Inclusive; Switch. Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 1, Pol that 1 personally attended at said Also the public road known as the ling Place, Odd Fellows Building, meeting and that tbe foregoing pro Nephl-Uta- h Road." running north Judges of Election, Wm. Burton, Geo- ceedings were in fact held as in said minutes specified. from Nephi to the Utah County line. rge O. Ostler, Robert Lomax. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 2. That notice of such special Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 2. Polling bond election shall be prepared and Place, County Court House. Judges hereunto set my hand and affixed the given by the County Clerk of said of Election, VV. A. Starr, James And- Beal of said County this 2nd day of May, A. it. 1921. Juab County, by publishing the same rews, Lisle Blgler. Earl 8. Hoyt, In the Nephi Times-Newthe Eureka Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 3. Pol (Seal) Clerk "County Clerk and Reporter and the Mammoth Record, ling Place, North Ward Amusement newspapers of general circulation, Hall. Judges of Election, Mat. T.- of the Board of County Commissionin said Juab and Howard, N. A. Neilson, Stephen Bos- ers of Juab County Utah, ot semi-annuall- y, to-w- it: City-Chapl- in Occam-goin- nec-cessa- ry to-w- it: ve to-w- it: THE HOME MARKET t: in Oid in s, printed published |