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Show THE The- The First National Bank Nephi, Utah This Institution will be closed on Memorial Day. May 30th v reme Master. The last taps for him have sounded and if each for whom he did a kindly deed or to whom he spoke a kindly word while in life, were to bring one twig, or petal to his bier, he would sleep tonight beneath a wilderness of flowers. And whereas an allwise and mere! ful master of the universe has called our once beloved and respec ted brother home, and he having been at one time a true and faithful mem ber of our beloved order, therefore be it resolved that Nephi Lodge No. 16 I. O. O. F. of Nephi, Utah, In test! mony of our loss, tender the family of our brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction and thai a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes, and also sent to the family. L'SSSn & - .v.. s&f' - -- , n So let him sleep that dreamless sleep Our sorrows clustering round his nead. Be comforted ye beloved who weep He lives with God he is not dead. There's music in the air at the Gozy Parlor. When you feel like resting and recruiting call in and hear our new Oddfellowship; Working in manhoods prime and ar dent youth. In that sublimest, most enobling - strife. To show for man, best friendship love and truth. Green be his memory in the orders heart. We have He loved so well through all his true Iifes span. Bless't be! his rest, who acted well all the late records. his part. Who honored God in doing good to man. LUNT PHARMACY CO. J. H. McKnight, A. W. Clyde, II. E. Black, Committee. IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS Cleon Meramott,' is home again after spending the winter in Monroe. Utah, where he taught in the local High school at that place. EE Mrs. Etta Park Cowan, of Mam moth, presented her husband with a fine baby girl Saturday. Miss Ruby Park went over to .Mammoth Tues day, and will visit with her sister Mrs. Cowan for a short time. We Are Overstocked With Fine nm Tfcw5 EveYwece OPMeATCUT IMTMl , AS PKI1H AND AS VCT AS A NUT which we are selling at pre-w- ar WO I ft, ARDOR BUT Mattresses at I Use UUT Beautifiers. hours each week spent in your own room using our beautifiers is all that is necessary for any girl or woman to have a clear healthy skin, a good complexion and glossy hair A few . substantial land. I Times-New- s nee-nou- s Every day is Memorial Day for those who have caught the real spirit of patriotism and are help ing to make this a nation of independent, prosperous and thrifty people substantial citizens of a . NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT - .... reminds us all that we share the responsibility for finishing the work for which America's heroes laid down their lives. ft NEPHI, UTAH. S, Globe Grain and Milling Company, organized and existing Published every Friday by The Times a corporation, under and by virtue of the laws of News Publishing Company the State of California, and having its principal place of business in the DENNIS WOOD, . Editor City of and County of Los Angeles, . . Manager in the State of California. A. B. GIBSON, . . Notice is hereby eiven that at a BDecial meeting of the Board of Dir Rates Subscription ectors of said corporation, held on A. D. 1921, an assessment, One Year $2.00 May 4th,assessment No. 1) of ten Six Months $1.00 (being (the same Dollars, per share, beine ten Der cent (10 per cent) up SCO! Alt liKETS TO I'llE FKOXT. on the par value thereof J, was levied nnon all the Issued and outstanding common capital stock of said corpor xutn Reports from the sugar beet grow ation, payable on or before JuneSecre indicate exceptionally A. D. 1921. to A. D. Buckley. ing and Treasurer of said corporat bright crop prospects, with farmers tary at 907 East Third Street, in tne ion, tor all the that acreage signing up Los Angeles, companies can handle. Labor being City of and County of of California. Any stock upon plentiful and reduced operating ex- State remain penses are shown on both the farm which this assessment shall unpaid at 5.00 o'clock p. m. on the and in the factories. The sugar market is more or less 10th day of June. A. D. 1921, will be and advertised for sale at uncertain, and the companies conte- delinquent and unless payment auction, public on business nar a very doing mplate is made before, will be sold on the row margin of profit. 5th day of July. A. D. 1921, at 2.00 Apparently the farmers have realiz o'clock p .in. to pay the delinquent ed that a crop with a guaranteed price with costs of adset in advance, such as sugar beets. assessment,andtogether expenses of sale. is a safe proposition to tie to when vertising Dated at Los California, market for crops generally is uncer this May 4th, A. Angeles, D. 1921. tain and falling. Seal) Wise action on the part of growers (Corporate A. D. BUCKLEY and manufacturers has saved the Secretary and Treasurer of Globe sugar beet industry of the West from Grain and Milling Company demoralization during a critical period Location of office. 907 East Third Street. Los Angeles. California. Loc ation of works, Orange County, Sah RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Dieeo County. Imperial County, Riv erside CounJy, San Berdardino Coun Alaty, San Francisco County, In memory of Cyrus R. Foote, our meda County, Sarcramento County, brother, who died April 28th, A. D. Yolo Merced County. County, 1921. El Dorado County, Fresno CoOnce again death has summoned a unty, Santa Clara County, all in brother oddfellow, and the golden California, and King County, Wash gateway of the eternal city has open ington, Multnomah County, Oregon, ed to welcome him to his home. He Weber County, Utah, Millard county has completed his work in minister- Utah, and Juab County, Utah. First publication May 13th, 1921 ing to the wants of the afflicted, in Last publicaton JuneSrd, 1921 & into souls darkened shedding light bringing joy into the place of misery, AN ORDINANCE and as his reward he has received the plaudit "well done" from the Sup M emona IDay 2 1 North Maid TIMES-NEW- ALL INTELLIGENT, ENERGETIC MRN and women know of the strength building nourishment of wholesome meats. Taslr safetsens directs them to the santary shop whoa quality meat and courteous service encourage thalr appetites and whose punctual service does not delay their dinner. pnces y-first BAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. r. MEAT MARKET CITY Geo. W. Garrett. Prop AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PRIVY VAULTS, CESSPOLLS, PIG PENS, WITHIN FIFTY FEET OF ANY SPRING. SURFACE WELL. OR COURSE OR NATURAL WATER THE CREEK, AND PROHIBITING DRAINING OF ANY CORRAL, PIG OR CHICKEN COOP, OR ANY REFUSE OR OTHER WASTE MATERIAL INTO ANY NATURAL WAT ER COURSE OR CREEK, ETC, AND PROVIDING A PENALY FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF. Is it not worth the trouble to you? Come In the beautifiers do not cost much and are perfectly harmless. Full directions with article We are careful druggists. Nephi Drug Go. WE Hyrum Seely of Mt. Pleasant, is a guest at thd home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Goldsbrough this week. James Latimer, was down from Salt Lake Sunday spending the day with relatives in this city. Miss Ruby Park and Miss Elva Jennings, returned home the early part of the week from Richfield, Utah, where they have been engaged in teaching school the past winter. Be It Ordainted By The City Coun cil of Nephi City: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to establish, maintain, or permit to be established or maintained upon their premises any privy vault or pig-pewithin fifty feet of any spring, sur face well, or any natural water course or creek from which water is used by inhabitants of Nephi City for house hold purposes within Nephi City. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation. whether the owner of or the person, firm or corporation in charge of any privy vault, cesspoll, corral, pig-peor chicken coop, to permit or allow the water, manure, waste or drainage of or from any such privy vault, cess poll, corral, pig pen, or chicken coop o escape, run or drain into any spring surface well, or natural water course or creek, water from which is used for household purposes within Nephi City. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to or permit or allow any swill, sewage, other refuse to run or drain-- into any spring, surface well, or natural water course or creek, water from which is used for household purposes within the corporate limits of Nephi City. Section 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction there of shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than One Hundred Days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section S. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Passed by the City Council of Nephi City, this 13th day of May, 1921. Approved by the Mayor this 13th daly of May, 1921. DENNIS WOOD, Mayor of Nephi City Just Another Rig Lot of mens' womens and childrens Slippers All of the latest kinds of Straps n. including the white canvas for summer wear. Styles and Prices are Quality right. Lowest. See them. GROCERY PRICES Pound tall Salmon, Corn Flakes 10 lb Syrup 80c. 1 (Seal) Attest: Win. II. Warner, City Recorder of Nephi City. of Nehi, I, W H. Warner, city recorder In and for said Nephi City, State of Utah, hereby certify that .the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled an Ordinance Prohibiting Provy Vaults, cesspolls pig pens, within fifty feet of any spring, surface well or natural water course or creek and prohibiting the drainage of any correll, pig pen or chicken coop or any refuse or other waste material Into any nautral water water course or creek etc, and prov iding penalty for violation therefore passed by the city council of Nephi City and approved by the mayor Dennis Wood, ae the same appears on file and of record In my office. Witness my hand and the corpor ate seal of said Nephi City this 20th day of May, A. I. 1921. W. II. WARNER, City Recorder. Catarrh Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional conHALL'S ditions. CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditions and allows Nature to do its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. ';. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Receive n, State of Utah, County of Juab, City TO SERVE ARE HERE I Regular 2 lb 6 10c Crackers Hills Blue Can Coffee cans for 2 . 4 0c .45. pks 15c 35c. Regular 50c can Peaches ,25c Pork and Beans 3 cans for 25c Can Corn l$c Mustard Sardines 16c Get all our Trices and Save 25c Pancake Flour 4 , . . , 10c lb 25c 20c Cakes 16c Red Can 60c 2 kinds of 35c Jams now 26c Can Peas 2 for 25c. Oil Sardines 7V4c Toilet Soap 7bar for . . 26c All 10 to 20 PER CENT ONE PRICE TO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD ! CHAS. FOOTE & SOUS 1 |