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Show "Millard County Chronicle Millard County School District Minutes Of Special Meeting Following are the minutes of the Board of Education meeting held : March 3. 1965 at the district office. All members, the superintendent , and clerk were present except for member Gerald Huff. i Meeting convened at 10:00 a.m., with President Clifton Beckstrand conducting. Mr. Golden Wright, Dell Ash worth, architect and Bill Wilson of . the Progress, were present lor the presentation of the remodeling projects pro-jects to be completed at the Millard Mil-lard High School. Discussion was held concerning the structure of the girl's gym, and the soundness of the auditorium. It was discussed as to the possibility of separating the boys' gym with a mechanized folding door to accomodate both boys and girls gym 'classes. Dell Ashworth, architect, presented present-ed a proposed plan to remodel the Millard High School over a period of time which would cover the life , of the present high school building. In this plan it was discussed of the possibility of closing the street between the Millard High School and the Millard Junior High School. Bill Wilson was called upon to com-fnent com-fnent on the closing of the street and leaving the ends open for parking area and bus loading zone which he felt would be a favorable plan. Dell Ashworth requested a plot plan of the Millard High School in order to present to the board at the next meeting a further fur-ther study of this proposed plan. Principal Wright stated that the Region 8 basketball tournament will be held in the Millard High Gym on March 12-1,3. Mr. Wright stated that he felt that to improve the reception on Channel 7, from the Levan transmitter trans-mitter it would be necessary to have a television change. The Soil Analysis Tests for the new Delta Jr.-Sr. High School were 7i CUM MdWWO&l By INEZ RIDING The "Stuff" below was left over from last week. We ran out of room. Sometime ago I heard Prin. C. L. Bennett read these "truths". 1 never nev-er got a copy at the time but very recently Lynette brought home a copy. I like them. I hope you will, ' also. - There are two persons in Millard County that I really like to hear .speak. Both are at ease before an audience, both have an easy de livery and both make unexpected humorous remarks. I'm referring to Attorney Eldon Eliason and Supt. ' Vermon Btrney. I still chuckle at Eldon's jokes and remarks that he made about the difficulty he has keeping up with progress when he spoke at the dedicatory program of the Delta Post Office. Several years ago, I made a most determined resolution not to weep tears, wail and show other signs of pain when our children began to graduate from high school and make plans to live away from home. I ABSOLUTELY kept that resolution up until the very moment mo-ment Bob, Jr. received his diploma. I'VE BEEN BROKEN UP EVER SINCE. I seem to cry at the drop of a hat. I keep telling myself that this is exactly what life is all a-bout. a-bout. But, MYSELF has deaf ears and can't hear. I cry when we receive a letter from Bob, Jr. I cry when we don't. I cry when I realize this is- Lyn-' Lyn-' ette's last year in high school. I cried right along with some of the senior pep club members last Friday Fri-day night when they were recognized recog-nized at the Delta-Milford basketball basket-ball game. I continued to "Bawl" when Cathy Callister was recognized recog-nized because she is moving to Fillmore. Fill-more. Our loss is their gain, I think because Cathy is a lovely young lady. I continued to cry when two senior boys, Ron Bailey and Kent Turner, couldn't suit out for their last home basketball game! I'M a real ROCK. Life whips me some'.imes terribly. terri-bly. TO PARENTS: CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVe If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive. If a child lire with pi.y, he learns to feel sorry for himself. " If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. If a child lives with Jealousy, he learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, encourage-ment, he learns to be confident. If a child lives with praise, he learns to be appreciative. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with recognition, he learns to have a goal. If a child lives with honesty, he learns what truth is. If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and others. If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a lovely place In which to live. - Thursday, March 11, 196$ Held March 3, 1965 presented to the board members. Mrs. Alta Ashby's letter of February Feb-ruary 23, 1965, requesting a correction correc-tion to the minutes was presented to the board and it was the decision deci-sion of the board that the minutes should remain as recorded and any further comments should be referred re-ferred to the President of the Board. Mr. Wright, Mr. Bertelson and Miss Shields were present in the board meeting to view their teach ing program. Miss Shields reported that in a teaching situation where they had folding doors it was very difficult to present the gym program. pro-gram. Mr. Bertelson reported on t h e size of the floor and the storage space would be inadequate for the gym program where the boy's gym would be separated by folding doors. Mr. Wright recommended that the gym program remain as is and replace the seats needed In the auditorium. However, he felt that the long range remodeling program would be very satisfactory- Mrs. Delma Jean Galli made a motion that we sign the specifications specifica-tions for the Mechanical Design Criterions for the Delta Jr.-Sr. Hign School dated February 26, 19C5 from Young and Fowler Associates and Utah Power and Light Company Comp-any with a stipulation that the board receives an alternate bid for the insulation based on the thickness thick-ness of 2" and 4" In wall sections and was seconded by Mr. Jack Nelson. Nel-son. It was carried by the board unanimously. Superintendent Barney advised the board that he was preparing a salary schedule based on the new school finance bill and will contact the policy committee with a salary schedule. The Board members will be sent a salary schedule. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. . If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love. With what is your child living? Better Driver Class Sponsored The Delta Lions Club will sponsor a driver Improvement class, designed design-ed to make already licensed people better drivers. The course was designed by the National Safety Council and consists con-sists of eight hours and will be taught in four separate night sessions ses-sions of two hours each. It is designed de-signed to improve driving of people who have their license and want to become better drivers. It deals with methods of driving skills rather rath-er than traffic laws. It will be taught by Mr. Bob Hor- lacher and he will have films, charts, classroom demonstrations as well as handout materials for each student. We encourage everyone to avail themselves of this wonderful opportunity. op-portunity. There will be a small charge of $3.00 to cover expense of materials. The date set for the first class will be March 22, in the Delta High School at 7:30 p.m. Red Cross Month March is American Red Cross Month and the fund drive Is get ting underway according to Norma Waddingham, Chairman of the West Millard Chapter. Under the sponsorship of the A-mtrican A-mtrican Red Cross the Gray Ladies was organized to do volunteer work at West Millard Hospital. The Gray Ladies do such things as answering ans-wering telephones, writing letters, for patients, reading to patients and assisting in any other way they are asked. The Gray Ladies purchase their own uniforms. Their pins are presented by the American Ameri-can Red Cross. American Red Cross furnishes aid to the sick and wounded of the Armed Forces and acts in matters of voluntary relief and as a medium med-ium of communications between the people of the United States and their Armed Forces. The local chapter has assisted families whose homes have been destroyed by fire. More Red Cross services will be published next week. LIVESTOCK QUOTES By Win Walker March 9, 196S Cattle salable, 550. The market was steadv to stron? on all classes of cattle. Most advance ad-vance was on cows and light steer calves. Standard cows $14. to sis. Com mercial $12. to $14. Utility cows $11. to $13. M. J. Moody had the top fat heifer at $22.30. John Chachas had the top steer at $23.60. Both animals ani-mals were purchased by Joe Doct-orman Doct-orman Packing. Fat heifers, choice, $21. to $22.30. Fat steers, choice, $21. to $23.60. Light steer calves up to $26.; heavier steers $20. to $22. One lot of 12 head of steers, 800 lbs., $21.-50. $21.-50. 7 calfy Hereford stock cows sold at $179. per head. BuUs, top, $17.70. Lambs, $23.75. Hogs, top, $17. IpT"',,, ifi CALENDAR Of EVENTS March 11 & 13 Delta First Ward Scout Benefit Film" March 11 Fine Arts Program (4:C0 p. m.) March 12 Science Club Dance March 15 M. I. A. Leadership Meeting March 17-18-19-20 State Class "B" Basketball Tourney (BYU)- ' McAllister- (Cont'nued from front page) leen Wankier, Donna Lovell, Leatha Bennett, Betty Turner, Lucille Thomas, sang "Sometime We'il Understand". Bishop Norman Gardner offered the opening prayer. Van Bishop was first speaker. Ray and Ethel Western sang "Whispering Hope" followed . by speaker Bill Bassett : Bishop Stephenson spoke ioiiow- ed by the double trio singing "Jesus Lover of My Soul". Dr. M. A. Lyman Ly-man offered the closing prayer. Burial was in Delta City Ceme tery where the grave was dedicated by Ferrin Lovell. Pall bearers were Clark. Glen, Kay . McAllister, Alvin and Jack Gray and Angus Jones. Relatives from out of town thai were here to attend the services were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gray, Alvin Gray, Simms, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray, Sun River, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. Kay McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Brent McAllister, Miss Ne va McAllister, Salem, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAllister, Mr. Marvin Jones, St. George; Mr. and Mrs. Glen McAllister, Marsha and Russell McAllister, Gunlock, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McAllister, Kanab; Mr. and Mrs. Tim Whit-more, Whit-more, Ely, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Clayon Jensen, Ruth, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Clark McAllister, Las Vegas, Ve-gas, Nevada; Mrs. Vieva McKinney, Scotsdale, Ariz.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Emery, Vernal; Mr., and Mrs. Lyman Ly-man Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Magleby, Mrs. Harold Hawkinson, Richfield; Mrs. Maurice Daniels and Effie Barney, Annabelle, Utah. 4 Escape Serious Accident Injuries April Ann Davis, 25, and Judy Miller, 19, both of Provo were taken tak-en to the West Millard Hospital for treatment of injuries and observation observa-tion Sunday evening following a one-car accident 16 '4 miles south of Deseret on Utah 257. The accident acci-dent occured at 5:30 p.m., according accord-ing to Tom Rynearson, Utah Highway High-way patrolman.. Mrs. Davis, driver of the car, Miss Miller and the two young daughters daugh-ters of Mrs. Davis, Richelle Lynn, 1-year-old and Lori Lynn, 3 years old, were northbound in a 1964 Volkswagon., Mrs. Davis was driving driv-ing and Miss Miller was holding the one-year-old on her lap when the baby made a sudden move. Mrs, Davis took a quick look and the vehicle left the road on the right side, careened back across the road to the left and rolled over 1V4 times. It came to rest on its left side. The foursome were gjven first aid at the scene and taken to the hospital hos-pital fox further treatment. Neither of the two youngsters were hurt Mrs. Miller was released Tuesday and Miss Davis was released Monday. Mon-day. 1939 Film To Be Presented What did Delta look like in 1939? What did You look like? Remember? Remem-ber? Whether you remember or not, a film made in the area in 1939 will prove highly interesting and entertaining enter-taining and will be shown at Delta First Ward Thursday, March 11 (to day) and Saturday, March 13, 7:30 p.m. both nights. The price of admission is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. child-ren. According to those who have seen the film the price is small in comparison to the delightful entertainment- nmnHH nv tho film Tin- 1 - - - - r - UJ v..w ...... . irate fint AirnilnHla ftt tho Hnni A lively and authentic commentary commen-tary by Bill Bassett will accompany the film. Included in the film are pictures of many local residents who are still in the area and many who have moved away. Also Included will be shots of the schools, churches, church-es, businesses, farming practices and ranching of that date. For different entertainment, guaranteed to be enjoyable, plan to attend tonight or Saturday. College Students On Honor Roll College of Southern Utah Registrar, Regis-trar, Ward Robb, recently announced announc-ed students on the Fall Quarter Honor Roll. Those receiving a 4.0 average included David Paul Henrie of Delta and Ndreen Reeve, Hinckley. Hinck-ley. Included in the list of students with a 3.6 grade average were Gloria Glo-ria Jean Taylor, Delta, and Gill H. Dutson, Deseret. Fall quarter honor roll for Utah State University was announced by Dr. Claude J. Burtenshaw, dean of students. Among the 478 students who achieved the honor list by completing at least 14 credit hours of work and attaining a grade point average of 35 or better was Gerald Keith Huff of Delta. HOSPITAL NOTES Virginia Theobald, surgical, admitted admit-ted March 3. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Black of A- merican Fork were in Delta over the weekend visiting with Mrs. Carrie Car-rie Black, other relatives and friends. CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over S lines 15e a line thereafter. D'splay ads. 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEK. For Sale FOR SALE: The Oren Bliss farm with water. Would like to sell the lYinrhinprv with farm: Large trac tor Allis Chalmers WD-45; loader for larze tractor: new baler; corn chopper; windrower; manure sprea der; corn planter; plows tor large trac'.or; sprlngtooth Tract Farm; Disc; harrow; wagon; horse trailer; sprayer; old grader; old marker, nld nlow. Also, for sale: one eood electric milking machine. If inter ested contact Mrs. Alice Bliss or call 696J1. COST and BELOWSALE on merch andise at Nona's Fashions. FOR SALE: 2 -bedroom home. 333 West 1st South. Ph. 375J1, Shirley Peterson. 10129-tf FOR RENT or SALE: Two-bedroom home, newly carpeted. Ideal loca tion. Call 3901. . 2125-tf JUST ARRIVED- New Soring Hats, $3.00 to $8.00. D. Stevens Co. FOR SALE: 1956 Cadillac. In good condition. Air-conditioning, all pow er. See Irvin Jeffery or call 5712. . v 218-tf FOR SALE: 1953 Ford A -ton pick up. Good condition. Howard Dutson, ph. 32 Oak City. , . np-3418 IN A HURRY? Then discover the "quick-as-a-wlnk" economy at the B-Kltten Klean coin-operated self-service self-service CAR WASH. Five minutes for only 25 cents. 181 East Main. Watch for Grand Opening 1 pd-34j25 FOR SALE: 1961 Tote Goai. Engine just overhauled. Contact Lei and Roper, ph. 690L pd-34ll Lem Lovell Continued from front page) has already placed its stamp of approval on the Old Mud Fort as a community project, if federal-approval federal-approval is granted on the program. pro-gram. This brought on' more discussion discus-sion from Councilman Moody on the NYC program. He and Councilman Council-man Ashby have been representing Delta City at the meetings held recently re-cently on the NYC program. Work-training Work-training programs outlined by Councilman Moody for Delta City include weed control of irrigation ditches, landscaping on city parks, new sidewalks, information booth, street improvements, assistance at Delta library, etc. If the project re-ceiven re-ceiven federal approval an estimated estimat-ed total of seventeen Delta youths will receive employment on the Delta phase of the NYC program. Applications are not being accepted until the approval is granted. At the request of Inez Riding permission per-mission was granted for the American Amer-ican Legion Auxiliary to be in charge of the patriotic program fo-the fo-the annual Fourth of July Celebration, Celebra-tion, hereafter. The Legion is in charge of the fireworks display. A lot of discussion at Monday's meeting centered on the remarkable remark-able progress made Friday and Sat urday in the initial beginning of the Cleanup Campaign. . Council members and Mayor Church have selected the Delta rose garden as their special cleanup clean-up project Councilmen will begin Thursday, March 11 (today), 4:30 p.m. on the rose garden angwill spend as many hours as necessary to give it a thorough cleaning. Councilman Lovell announced that the cleanup committee has re quested that Saturday, March 13 be considered as another cleanup day, weather permitting. He requested re-quested that city street employees be allowed to change Saturday, their day off duty, for Monday of next week. The request was granted. grant-ed. The Cleanup Committee has designated de-signated Saturday, April 3 as the General Cleanup date. Plans for the day are not completed but will be announced shortly, according to Councilman Lovell. Present for the meeting were Mayor Church, Councilmen Ashby, Moody, Hardy and Lovell. City Treasurer Wayne Sorenson, City Supt Wells Wood, City Recorder Caroline C. Bennett and Mrs. Madge Johnson. CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts towards friends and neighbors. Your many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings received during the illness ill-ness and passing of our beloved wife and mother will always be remembered. re-membered. Lee, LeRay McAllister '"' : and family.-' ' LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the joint estates of William Isaac Alldredge and Martha L. Alldredge, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers, to the undersigned on or befort the 15th day of April, 1965. Adrian L. Alldredge, Administrator Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney First Publication: Feb. 18, 1965 Final Publication: March 11, 1965 COME IN AND SEE the new styles JUST ARRIVED! New Spring Hats and types of spring shoes at The for Ladies, $3.00 to $8.00. D. S.ev- DELMART ens and Co., Ladies' Dept. FOR SALE: 100-acre farm 22 mile3 FOR SALE or TRADE: 350 Interna- sou;h of Delta. 40 shares of Mel- tional tractor, power steering, front ville water. 80 acres under cultiva- end loader and blade, excellent tion. If interested see Brog Hop- condition, or 35 Ferguson tractor, kins or call 3681. 318 four new tires, front end loader, recently overhauled. E. L. Pace, LADIES See our new stocks of Ph. 2291. 3ll-t belter quality cotton dresses for . : . Spring: $6.98, $7.98, $8.98, $12.98 FR SALf aCTes of fgrouncd; 8 each. D. Stevens Co. Ladies Dept. hares bham wa Sma11 New house dresses $2.98 each. " "tb u'ldmgs, machinery, etc. Max Holbrook, Kaysville, Utah. Ph. FOR SALE: Used Stokermcrtic. Good 376-4332, Kaysville or write P. O. condition; also, used panel wall Box 134, Kaysville. 3jll-4jl heaters. See Alfred Lake, Phone vno cmr- - ltJ. 7 oQ7 3I25D SALE: Building lot across ' : ' p from new high school grounds. Con- CANVAS SHOES, assorted colors. tact Dick Nielson. Phone 4111. ntp'n8; Pohnt8 ?2'98-" BUY NEW SPRING FABRICS a; D. Stcvens Co" Shoe P' Stevens Co. Dry Goods Dept. FOR SALE: 1 acre of ground; a'so, j - - approx. 18 ton of real good leafy mi w ' baled hay. See Cloy Broderick or fftOlT? Jifld 1 phone 3931. . 325np RADIO and T-V FOR SALE: 1953 Pontiac, in good rN10 BEPAIH condition. Boat and 40 hp. motor. ELECTRONIC SERVICE Keith Ross. 325np Jensen Electronic Service The DELMART has jus received a new shipment of ladies' hand bags FOR SALE: 80 tons of baled hay for Spring and Summer. Come in Ph. 512Y after 2:30 p.m. 225-311 while stock is complete and choose Pn eitr. inn -.-.i, yours. The DELMART. F HJ 5ALET :, l0.8h 8 of BtOC . 1 Abraham Irrigation Company. Will HANNAH'S husband Hector hates sell in smaller units if desired. Price hard work so he cleans the rugs $100 per share plus this year's as- with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sessment which has been paid. E. shampooer $1. Workman's Home W. Clyde, 351 S. State, Salt Lake Furnishings. City. Tel. 322-2516. - np-3425 JUST ARRIVEDI New Spring Hand- SEE OUR NEW JANTZENS for bags. $3.00 and $4.00 each. D. Ste- Spring! D. Stevens Co., Delta's De- vens and Co. partment Store. v. mmammm BATTERIES All sues on hand ;; : , . . ' , Group 1, exchange, from $9,93. WF UAW !' Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KEL- WC tlAVSL LY SERVICE. Phone 3791, Delta, . j! Utah. 3j23tf EXC6lIdlt FOR SALE: 1 good heavy duty J ; automatic washer and 1 apartment ' . !' slze refrigerator. Delta Auto Sup- Used TV s : piy-ph-4251- n FOR SALE: 160 acre farm. 120 acres rit vrnrir '' under cultivation in alfalfa, and , i iJJWtA ;: wheat Melville Water. Instrument 1 ! leveled. See M. H. Workman, phone ; PRICED RIGHT i 4431 or 3261. . . Service Guaranteed j! For Rent ! V m " ! FOR BENT: 3-bedroom hom. Call De ta Auto Supply; -. ' . 1 1 FOR RENT: Furnished opts. UtUi- A rtMTP A T nFA T TTR " Uos M-- 537 80 UP' BeWly i, AUmiKAL, utAL.HjK. , deocrated. Linens furnished or uu- 1 furnished. Daily, weekly or month- ly rates. Delta Apts., 235 West Main SHOP NOW for New Spring Keds or call Mrs. Abbott, 2931. 227-ti IhVn? fam"y- ' Stevens Co. r0R RENT: 0ne two4edroom apt. snoe iept. Furnished. Newly decorated. Elec- FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO this trie range, refrigerator, garbage area. Take over small monthly disposal, $50.00 a month; 1 one-payments. one-payments. For more details write, bedroom apt Gas range, garbage Credit Manager, Box 6179, Sugar disposal, water heater, $40.00 a House Station, Salt Lake City, Utah, month; one deluxe single apt 3418 Lights and water paid. $50.00 a month. All these apts. are carpeted. FOR SALE: Single, metal covered David Jacobs, ph. 385J1. 34-tf horse trailer. Ph. 8995 or see Bid Talbot Deseret. pd-3!4ll FOR RENT: Furnished apt. Washer and dryer furnished, heat and hot BUY NEW SPRING HATS at D. Ste- water. See Rex Harris or call 38TL. vens & Co. Ladies Dept. $3.00 to pd-2;i825 $8.00 each. FOR RENT: Modern, furnished USE MORGRO Crab Gross Control homes. Call 4431 or 3261. Fertilizer to control weeds in your lawn. Quality Market Hdwe. FO RENT: One-bedroom modern brick home. Furnished. Choice loca- FOR SALE: 1960 Mobile Home. Size tion. See at 237 West 1st South or 8 ft. by 36 ft Good condition. See call 5791. np-225-3)ll Button Bennett. 2125-314 '- I L FOR RENT: Apartments. Furnished STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE Cost or unfurnished. See Owen George and below sale. Nona's Fashions, or call 572J1. 34-tf SPECIAL 2 weeks only. Men's 3" FOR RENT: Modem, furn'shed apt work shoes, were 10.98: now, 8.98. Call 3662 or see at 295 South Fourth D. Stevens Co., Shoe Dept. West. np-S3-tf (ARJAAN DEKKER) COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE WHITIE HAS JUST COMPLETED TWO WEEKS TECHNICAL TRAINING IN SALT LAKE CITY FOR AMERICAN OIL WHITIE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL HIS FORMER CUSTOMERS CUSTOM-ERS AND INVITE THEM TO HIS NEW PLACE OF BUSINESS . . . AND WILL WELCOME ALL NEW PATRONS. You expect more from American ... and you get it -ANNOUNCES- KEY MANAGEMENT 'mm Miscellaneous SPECIAL PRICES on children's Can- vas Oxfords. Sizes 5 to 3. $1.98 a pair. Shop for new Spring shews for all the family at D. Stevens Co. CUSTOM PLOWING: Deep plowing (up to 19 inches, Contract by acre or hour. Also land leveling. See Paul Theobald, ph. 3531. pd-34U PRECSION SAW FILING, hand, or circular. Also, saw gumming and grinding of all kinds of cutOng tools: rotary blades, axes, hatchets, plane and chisel bits, cleavers, shears, etc. Can pick up at lumber yards. Louis Schoenberger, Deseret, ph. 8994. np-3418 FASHION FROCKS REPRESENTA- tive. See new line of clothes and fabric samples at my home days or evenings. Or will visit your home at your convenience. Call Shirley Jeffery 8834. 325pd SEE THE NEW FABRICS (Seranno, Majorette, Dream Whip, Whip Cream and many others). Now is the time to do your Easter sewing with materials from The DELMART ROLLER SKATING Every Saturday Sat-urday night Beg., 6:00 to 8:00 pjn., Regulars, 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Hinckley Hinck-ley Gym. Contact Ray Brown for special parties. 24-tf SEND FOR FREE Electrical and Plumbing Supply catalog. Wholesale Whole-sale to you. Pay 'n Pak, Box 176, Longview, Washington. 325-p WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT selection selec-tion of Spring Fabrics at The DEL-MART. DEL-MART. CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING AND SLAUGHTERING: Let us process your meat Beef, pork and Iamb. Cutting, curing and freezing. We'll do our best to satisfy you. We slaughter every Monday. MARION & DEAN'S PACKING 00. FARMERS NEEDING FILL MATERIAL MATER-IAL for headgates: help yourself at Oasis where the UP cement block bufid trigs were torn down. Floyd Hardy. 3111 WE WILL AUCTION Fct and Feeder Feed-er Hogs every other Tuesday at U o'clock, Feb. 9, 23, March 9, 23. Being them in early as our regular regu-lar cattle sale will follow the bog auction. Delta Livestock Auction Phone 28Gi. 5)18- AVAILABLE far Income Tax week. See or eall Ladd Black. &fl W. 100 No. or oall 332J1. np!-lfl4-4J8 ELECTS OLUZ Authorized Sales & Service. Lowell Edwards, Ph. 79932. 42-tf BJKOWHING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will deiivei sand, gravel sewer rock, top soli fill dirt, redimlx. Call 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tf BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP: Complete radiator service, rodding, boil out repairs. New radiator and heater ooes. Used and new radiators. 228tf Business Opportunities: EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE Amazing new liquid plastic coating used on all types of surfaces interior in-terior or exterior. Eliminates waxing wax-ing when applied to Asphalt Tile, Vinyl Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, Hard Wood, and Furniture. Completely Com-pletely eliminates painting when applied to Wood, MetaL or Concrete Con-crete surfaces. This finish is also recommended for boats and automobiles. auto-mobiles. NO COMPETITION As these are exclusive formulas in demand by all businesses, industry and homes. No franchise fee. Min-imam Min-imam investment $300. Maximum Investment $7,000. Investment is secured by Inventory. Factory trained train-ed personnel will help set up your business. For complete details and descriptive descrip-tive literature write: CHEM-PLASTICS & PAINT CORP. 1828 Locust St Louis 3, Mo. |