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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 11, 1965 SECOND VARD AREA MEVS BRIEFS LUCILE EIMBER Two beautiful little girls were blessed at fas: meeting Sunday. They were: Ada Kathleen Lake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lake and blessed by her uncle, Alfred Lake; Kristen White, daughter of Merve and Barbara White, blessed by her father and assisted by grandfather Van Bishop and greatgrandfather great-grandfather A. E. Stephenson. Connie Con-nie Lee Ashby, daughter of Bryce and Geneal Ashby was confirmed a member by her father. Norma Wankier, daughter of Lee and Kath leen Wankier, was confirmed toy her father. Two boys were recommended recom-mended to advancement In the priesthood: Craig Cox, son of Dr. and Mrs. Clark Cox, to the office of a deacon and John Bassett, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bassett, advanced ad-vanced to the office of a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Garn Brown and children of Salt Lake visited with their mother, Mrs. Lemlra Bishop Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black had some of their children with them over the weekend: Mr. and Mrs. Shirl Black and small daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edwards an boys, all of Salt Lake City. Mar'.ene Bogh was home from school in Salt Lake this last weekend week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bogh, sister Julia and grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Maida Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Grorer Garvin of Provo and his grandmother, Mrs. Little of Spokane, Wash, visited with Judy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Plami rfow Ve have a good variety of all SPRING SEEDS MORRISON end COMPANY DELTA, UTAH PHONE 5691 There's a tall, handsome Bird in your future Gaze into my crystal ball j and see! oi " tin, -:;- ' IPvJP - 1 ' GLO CROW " ' -7 OLD CROW Famous. Smooth. Mellow KKTMKY 5TMUHT iOUTON MKEr H KOOF. OlSTIUtD N0 80TTUO It M FAMOUS 01D CKW WSTHUW C0..f WMfMUt ANNOUNCING . . . OUR ANNUAL SPRING Feeder & Stocker A, IL TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1965 Plan now to consign your calves and yearlings to this Special Sale . . . where competitive bidding will bring TOP prices DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION, DELTA, UTAH Located on Main ZJne Union Pacific Railroad Buyers from several states will be here -SALE STARTS AT NfcOO A.M.- All singles and odd cattle will be sold last BONDED FOR YOUR PROTECTION DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION DELTA, UTAH PHONE 2361 Elwin L. Pace, Owner Phone 2291 Duane Bishop Over the weekend. Miss Cwen Stephenson was home from school at the "Y" with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Willaxd Stephenson. Steph-enson. Lawrence and LaVina Bunker have had a pleasant week, having had as guests at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hall of Blackfoot, Idaho last Tlrursday, also, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yersen of Garrison spent Thursday and Friday. Then Saturday, Satur-day, their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Williams came to visit over night and take their daughters Joyce and Janet home. They had been with their grandparents grand-parents for the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Da' ley trot her mother, Mrs. Sarah McCullough home last Friday. She had been with Jack and Clair the past winter win-ter months at their home in Tooele. It. is nice to know she is back in the neighborhood again. Marilyn Stoddard and I spent a few pleasant minutes last week visi.lng with Athena Cook and happy hap-py to report her knee is mending fine and she gets around real good with the use of one crutch and will soon he able to be on he own. Mrs. Nell Watson has had her niece Letha Wilcox of Rexburg, Ida ho visiting with her for a few days. of Wales, Utah, a cousin of Nell's, called in for a short time. Mrs. Caryl Baldwin and son of Pangultch spent the weekend with her folks, the Van Bishops and attended at-tended church. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bishop, Jr. and children were In Salt Lake Saturday Satur-day and Sunday and visited with their parents, Wm. and Ava Star-ley. Star-ley. Marilyn reported that Ava is doing fine and she is In room 126 at the Holy Cross Hospital. We ah wish her a quick recovery and will be looking forward to seeing her home In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Warner have been kept from being lonely as they have had some of their folks with them most of last week. Helen's Hel-en's folks, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tom-kinson Tom-kinson of Fillmore were here Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Then Thursday her -brother Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tomkinson and daughter Arlene and lina, also, Mrs. Carl Verhaaren all of Fillmore, dropped in for a short visit. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ferral Warner, Warn-er, Carl's brother of Nephi, came to see them. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Killpack were entertained Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stephenson In Fillmore. A special dinner was served In honor of Lillian's birthday. , Bishop George Stoddard of Salmon, Sal-mon, Idaho spent five days of last week with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Oran Stoddard. He was very much surprised to see the picture of his wife, Selma on the write-up on the method being used o huild up Immunity to bee venom in the Sunday Tribune. Very good information and nice to know. Want to congratulate our high school basketball team in winning the game at Beaver Friday night and being undefeated in league pay. Those that I know of that went to Beaver to cheer the team '.o victory were Prin. and Mrs. C. L. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rob-ison Rob-ison and children, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Callister and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bunker, Beryl Soren-son, Soren-son, .Marilyn and Ka.herine Stoddard, Stod-dard, Ann Webb and Paul Theobald. Theo-bald. May have missed a few Sorry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Bassett returned re-turned home Tuesday, March 2nd from Cirtus Heights (near Sacramento), Sacra-mento), Calif, where they had been visiting for two weeks with their son Lynn and family. Mary report-d report-d that the weather was grand. It was spring there wi.h so many lowers In bloom and Die grass so Teen. They visited some interest-ng interest-ng places, such as: the Oakland LDS Temple Grounds, Sutters Fort. The at. ended all church meetings and the Quartet Festival. They visited with many former residents of our Delta area. Those she mentioned were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Theobald, formerly of Hinckley Hinck-ley and Delia. They now live in Cirtus Heights and he and Lynn Bassett are counselors to the president pre-sident of the stake Sunday School board toge.hex; Mr. and Mrs. Ro land Van Winkle and sons Eddie and Steven at Richmond, Calif. These boys stayed a summer or two with the Bassetts and played ball for our ward. Reed and Hazel Van Winkle who have just returned from Iran. They were there three AK CITY MAE H. SHIPLEY Bishop and Mrs. Lyman Finlinson and children Robyn, Joe and Melo-die Melo-die were in Cedar City from Friday to Sunday night visiting and attending at-tending a school convention. Eloise Christensen, daughter of Ralph and Eda Christensen was baptized Saturday evening and con firmed a member of the church at fast day services Sunday following Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Aildredge visited in Salt Lake Saturday and Sunday with her sister and celebrated cele-brated her sister's birthday, also, Mrs. Alldredge's birthday while there. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Anderson and Paul were in Sait Lake Sunday for the blessing of another grandson, James Paul, son of Avis and Malcolm Mal-colm Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Talbot came to Oak City Saturday afternoon to visit with their mother, Mrs. Mae Shipley and other relatives. They had spent a few days with their son George and family at the BYU. Saturday night they attended the BYU opera "Camelot", also the ball game. They returned to their home In St. George Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Sheriff were at Ogden and Sunset Saturday and Sunday. They brought their little grandson David for a visit. Saturday, Mr. Don Anderson, Mr. Ivan Shipley and Mr. Fred Anderson Ander-son and Mr. Thomas Pratt took 36 young people to the Mantl LDS Temple for baptisms. They report a very pleasant trip. Ave Anderson and Paul Anderson furnished transportation trans-portation for the young people. Mr. "and Mrs. Meldon Anderson and children and Mr. LaMar Anderson Ander-son were home Saturday and Sunday Sun-day visiting and celebrating their mother's birthday. Birthday greetings, greet-ings, Donna, from all. Thursday night the Oak City Cub Scouts meeting was held in Delta. Dinner was served at Hatch's City Cafe for the boys and their parents. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Willis Lyman at a hospital In Arizona. Hope and trust for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Lovell and children were at Cedar City Sunday also, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lovell and children. They helped at the blessing of the little new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lovell who was named Yvette. At this meeting Steven was sustained president of an Indian branch of the LDS Church. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson visited visit-ed his mother, Eliza Anderson on Sunday. Sngarville VENICE DAVIS years. They had dinner and spent an evening at the home of Shirl and Lilia Mae Sampson Debanham at Sacramento. While in Sacramento Sacramen-to they saw Dr. Harold Snow and wife Sandra. They had a wonderful wonder-ful time but was nice to get back home. But they were off again the next day (Wednesday) as Bill had to make a trip to Provo and Mary stopped off at Nephi and spent the day with her daughter, Eioise Larson Lar-son and family. Kay and Diana Bassett and Michele of Provo cam and spent Sunday with his folks which rounded out the week. Wan: to remind all the Young Manrieds of the ward about the skating party being held at Hinckley Hinck-ley Thursday (tonight), March 11. The many friends of Mrs. Luella McAllister ex.end our deepest sympathy sym-pathy to Lee and son LeeRay and family in their recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis from Sait Lake visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis over the weekend. week-end. Mrs. Gerry Hill has been on the sick list this last week. Lois Greene and Venice Davis took her place in the hot lunch at Sutherland. We hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Curtis and small son of Las Vegas visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. June Hinckley Hinck-ley over the weekend. Mrs. Linda Boothe and daughter visited in Kanosh for a week with her mother and family. Mrs. Stella Shurtz had a quilting party on Wednesday. About ten women attended. LaRene Davis and Donna Greene and small son of Idaho visited with their families, the Leo Davis and Lois Greene and Chuck on Tuesday, Tues-day, returning Wednesday. 'Mr. and Mrs. LeAur Shields made a trip to American Fork on Thursday Thurs-day to enter Carol Barben In school there, but were unable to enter her as there wasn't room for her at the present time. She will be called at a later day. Mr. and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz and Mr. and Mrs. Curt Shields made a trip last Tuesday to St. George and back around by Kanosh for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Shields and family. They had a very nice trip but they said it was cold. Sunday night was the testimonial testimon-ial for Elder Dean Losee and the Nifsnsimiinaiii MIXING DELIVERING SPREADING at lowest costs featuring . . . (USS) Fertilizers V. See your INTERMOUNTAIN FARMERS ASSN. Branch Manapr REX chapel was filled to capacity with his class mates, teachers, friends and neighbors. Talks were given by Jim Porter, Gary Neiderhauser and Bishop Roy Losee. Also, his parents Mr. and Mrs. Glen Losee and Dean talked. A quar.et, Choral Clark, Sharon Clark, Verla Jenson and Shirlee Shields sang a song. Another An-other quartet, Linda Losee, Donna Losee, Barbara Losee and Bever.y Shurtz sang. It was a very good program. Those of the family attending at-tending from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Losee and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Losee of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family of Dugway came from St. George after visiting over the weekend there. Mrs. Lillie Memmo'.t also attended at-tended and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Losee. .'Mr. and .Mrs. Russell Clark and family of Bountiful visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark. Tuesday the Relief Society met with Linda Boothe as theology leader with nine members present. Mrs. Irma Cropper from the Stake visited our meeting the last Tuesday, Tues-day, a week ago. Sorry to hear our good friend LueLa McAllister passed away. Our sympathy goes to Lee and family. Mrs. Naomi Boss visited in Salt Lake with her daughter and family. fam-ily. Also, with her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Bennett who is recovering recover-ing after surgery at the St. Marks Hospital. mm CLEAN UP FIX UP ALL OUTSIDE MATERIALS Fencing Materials, Storm Doors, etc ffff o 2 WEEKS ONLY Qteud Gluiteit & Son Buick LeSabre with Wildcat power. Its quiet voice delivers a most persuasive message. UICK MOTOR DIVItlON SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER. AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER IN THIS AREA: PACE MOTOR COMPANY, 324 7. Main, Delta, Utah -TUNE IN "LOWELL THOMAS AND THE NEWS"-CBS RADIO , 4 V :W1 Pre-plant fertilization pays... Early fertilization gets crops off to a fast start . . promotes rapid and heavier growth of cover crops and other vegetation . . .increases water-holding capacity of the soil. Fertilize early with fertilizers by United States Steel. (USS) Fertilizers ff |