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Show DESERET ARPRILLA SCOW The Primary Lihoma Daddy-Daughter party was held Monday even ing, March 1st at the church house. Dinner was served after which the Daddies and daughters enjoyed games, and dancing. The teachers were Carol Cropper and Elaine Moo dy. Deseret Rook Club met Thursday evening at the home of Bessie Webb. Luncheon was served. One High Rook was played. All members mem-bers were present. Prizes were won by MarGenne Rowley, Elaine Moody Moo-dy and Delores Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup visited vi-sited Friday at Flowell with Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Mace. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner left this past week- for San Francisco where they will visit with their son Jay and his family. Mis9 Loa Rose Hansen of Ogden and Mai la Dewsnup of Bountiful spent the weekend with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dewsnup. Dew-snup. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett spent Thursday at Richfield with their son LaMont and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Black spent several days m Salt Lake City. Miss Janice Peterson of Salt Lake and Paul Peterson of Cedar City were home over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ray-mond Peterson and also attended funeral services on Saturday for their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Taylor. Tay-lor. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ver-land Ver-land WiUden and family of Granger. Grang-er. And on Monday they were visited vis-ited by Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wood of Salt Lake and on Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood of Provo. Mrs. Vernell Humphries and children of Salt Lake spent Saturday Satur-day and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Rowley. Ver-nell's Ver-nell's husband, Grant is in the hospital hos-pital in Salt Lake recovering from a recent operation. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jensen and family spent the weekend in Salt Lake with Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chynoweth and daughters of Orem visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dewsnup. Dew-snup. Max Jensen of Salt Lake City was home over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jensen. Jen-sen. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western left Tuesday for a ten day visit in Phoenix, Pho-enix, Ariz, with their son Harold and family. Gary D. Dutson of Logan was home over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dutson. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Cropper is spending a few days in Las Vega3. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood of Provo visited Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Bertrice Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Erickson spent Saturday and Sunday at Provo Pro-vo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood. On Saturday evening Eldon and Lee attended the basket ball game at BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Knight and son of Provo visited Sunday with Bryce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newell New-ell Knight. They also attended the testimonial at Delta for Stanley Robison. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Allred spent a few days in Las Vegas. They made the trip with their son Darrei of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Myrle Bennett returned home Monday from a ten day visit in Las Vegas with son Blaine Ca-hoon Ca-hoon and family. She accompanied her son Blaine and wife and son on a tour of Death Valley and while there they visited Scotty's Castle, Furnace Creek Inn and Twenty Mule Team Borax Museum. Myrle reported a very outstanding trip and she saw so many wonderful wonder-ful places. She has pictures of her tour which are really "beautiful all in color. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clive Black and Mr. and Mrs. James Sampson, Shelia and Lori Kay surprised Mrs. Nora Cropper on her birthday. A very enjoyable evening ev-ening was enjoyed. Mrs. Cropper served ice cream and cake. Myrle Bennett spent Tuesday in Orem where she visited her husband hus-band Dell. She made the trip witn Mr. and Mrs. R. Swensen of Hinckley Hinck-ley who visited with T. George Theobald. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Black spent Wednesday at Bountiful where they visited with Dora's father, Mr. Williams. Mr. Wallace Nielson of Logan 1-sited 1-sited Saturday with Dee and Eunice Eu-nice Black and Lester Cropper. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Bennett who are spending the winter months in Las Vegas sends "Greetings" to all friends and relatives. They are enjoying the warm weather and they are both in good health. Myrle Bennett visited with them while she was in Las Vegas. Mrs. Lucile Hales attended a special meeting in Cedar City Friday Fri-day and Saturday in connec'.ion with school material. THIRD WARE) Aim a xi;vs EEA WILLDEN Spring is surely in the oir today. I hope it lasts. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moody attended attend-ed the ball game in Provo Saturday night. Mrs. Neil Forster and children, Mrs. Jeannine Hart and sons and Mrs. Paul Carter and baby spent the weekend in Delta at the Al Willdens. A bridal shower was given at the home of Bea WLlden for Jeannine Hart. Hostesses for the event were Ila Stanworth, Bea Willden and Gloria Hare. Many useful and lovely love-ly gifts were received. Mr. and Mrs. Eb Stapley had their children home over the week end: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edwards and sons of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Edwards and family fam-ily of Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Petty were in Las Vegas where they met with all their family, sons, grandchildren grandchild-ren and great-grandchildren. They were entertained at one of the big clubs in honor of their Golden Wed ding Anniversary. A very enjoyable time was had by all the family. . Mr. and Mrs. Jay Atkinson made , a trip to Cedar City over the week-I week-I end and visited with Mr. and Mrs. jweivin Koper ana iamny. I Mrs. Richard (Judy Draper) At-, At-, kinson and young son Shauna vis- ited in Delta last Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pearson made a trip to Nevada over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S eve Pearson visited vis-ited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pearson and Karen this week. Mrs. Eulalla Riding had visiting her, her daughter and family, Mr. FIRST YARD AREA HEWS BRIEFS LEONA WORKS SAVE mJl irrr T I - ' Announcing... a service to taxpayers Ever wish, at income tax time, that you had a com plete record of every cent you spent for drugs and drug products throughout the year and how much of it was" Jegally deductible? That kind of a record could save you money. And that kind of a record can now be yours, every year, absolutely abso-lutely free of charge. This new service is called DrugTax. We are making it available to all of our customers immediately, free of charge, as another way of saying "thank you" for their patronage. You w:ould be surprised at the number of drug and medical supplies that can be of a deductible nature items such as antiseptics, aspirin, cough and cold preparations, prepa-rations, and hundreds of others. Indeed, the American taxpayer has been losing millions mil-lions of dollars annually because he hasn't been aware of how many drug items are legally deductible. , But you must be able to offer proof of purchase in order to claim such items in preparing your federal income tax return. And when you buy from us, you get that proof in the form of an annual record, mailed in February. Come in today and let us tell you more about DrugTax. And from now on, buy all of your drug and medical supplies from the store that gives you the free DrugTax record. SERVICE DRUG ffiffi&QajOiB I. liUr f3 -3 ,W life fflraSfA vf if" W ( Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sappington and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sappington ot Idaho. They were on their way home from California. Mrs. Phil Sappington is a sister to Ray, Ber-neice Ber-neice and Gertrude. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Gardner returned re-turned recently from a two week's visit in California. They visited with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Forman in Downey, a son Lynn at Los Angeles, witn Dr. and Mrs. David Gardner at Santa San-ta Barbara and with Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Murphy at Escondido. We offer sympathy to lie members mem-bers of Mary Ann Wright Taylor family. Family members who visited visit-ed with Mrs. Norma Wright and attended at-tended the funeral were Dr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Wright of Salt Lake, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ianthus Wright and some members of their family of Cedar City and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wright of Mapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenney Schnieder and family of New Jersey visited with Mrs. Norma Wright. Kenney is the son of Amanda and the late Bert Schnieder who used to live in Oasis. He was here and showed slides and gave a lecture on Africa and Jordan at the school. He was working for "Care" when he was traveling in Africa and Jordan. Saw a piece in Sunday's paper where Scott A. Taggart is president of a new Real Estate Brokerage Firm in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs Scott and Ida Taggart lived in Delta Del-ta years ago and Mr. Taggart was Cashier of the bank. Scott A, is their son. He also has a twin bro ther, Tom. I think they lived in the house where Mrs. Underhill now lives. Our sympathy goes to the Mor ris Hopkins family on the loss of Betty Hopkins. I've known Betty ever since she and Morris came to Delta to live.' Morris met her while he was in the service. I have enjoy ed visiting with her when we met at the store doing our grocery shop ping. I will miss her. Would a'so like to extend our sympatny to Lee McAllister ana his son LeRay and family. We certainly cer-tainly have had a lot of sadness in our communities these past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Crapo and Mrs. Grant Stevens visited with us and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy Sunday tfternoon. Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 11, 196S and Mrs. Louis Ashby and daughters daugh-ters from Ely, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Finlinson had their baby daughter blessed in Sacrament meeting last Sunday. She was given the name of Becky and blessed by her father. Here for the happy occasion were grandparents, grandpar-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Welby Finlinson of Leamington, also, Mrs. Nell Williams Wil-liams Shauna and Clint, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Sumpter, Mr. and Mrs. Rush Sumpter and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gurr, all of Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Forster and children came to Delta Monday from Roy to attend the funeral services ser-vices for Mrs. Luella McAllister. Mrs. Clara KU'pack was in Manti from Thursday until Sa'.urday visiting visit-ing with her brother, Mr. and Mis. Wilford Wintch and sisters Mrs. Jessie Jensen and Mrs. Nettie Dy-reng. Dy-reng. Friday night they all attended attend-ed a wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. George Edgar Johnson. Mrs. Johnson was a granddaughter of the Wilford Wintch's. Mrs. Perry Windsor recently returned re-turned from a two weeks stay in Twin Falls, Idaho where she took care of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart's children while the Stewarts were in Seattle, Wash, on a business trip. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Perry Win- sor were in Provo on business. Due to my poor memory I left out some of the people who attended attend-ed Grandma Works' services. There were three of her girlhood friends, Esther Chesley, Agusta Metur and Jessie Poulson. Also, Mrs. Wilford Bennett of Holden, Mrs. Lydia Ev ans and Mrs. Will Whiting of Mapleton, Map-leton, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Wltbeck of Granger. I hope no one else has been missed because we certainly appreciated everybody who came. Home from school for the weekend week-end that I saw were Vaughn Man-kin, Man-kin, Bob Bennett, Craig Hardy and Larry Odean. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Li. tie and son Tom and daughter Rosalee of Provo visited with Mr. and Mrs. F e r a Little last Thursday. Mrs. Donna Sorenson recently spent a wetk in Woodland Park, Calif., near Los Angeles, visiting with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kendricks and their small son, Douglas. Mrs. Robert Farris and two children child-ren returned to Spanish Fork Monday Mon-day after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Jensen and Elbert and Dan. At the Brog Hopkins home to attend at-tend funeral services for Mrs. Mor-. ris Hopkins were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ashton, Mrs. Gary Winkle and Sharon Hopkins. I also saw Morris' brothers and sisters, Brog, Don, Glenn, Elaine Arietta, Barbara and their husbands and wives and families, fa-milies, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Humphries Hum-phries and Dan Iverson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snow and their two youngest children were in Provo Sunday to visit with Mrs. Snow's brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom James. Young J. Grant stayed with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snow. Out of town visitors to ai'end the farewell testimonial for Elder Stanley Robison who is going to the Argentine mission were: Mr. and Mrs. Kay Gardner, Bishop and Mrs. Vernon L. Scott and family. Mrs. Albert Robison, Helen Robison, Robi-son, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Knight and son, Judy White, Margaret McEuen, Marie Nelson, Dixie Peterson, Susan Su-san Ashby and Joan Bishop of Provo, Pro-vo, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Forman, Cathy Forman, Frank and Margaret Wilde of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs Phil Robison and family, Nandeane LeFevre, Gary LeFevre and Manon Beesley of Fillmore. West Desert ESLA ENID STOPP You can tell It is March it is wintry, springlike, windy days, and sunny ones. Sap flows in the trees and green buds begin to appear. Some early song-birds have arrived in Callao. Mr. and Mrs. George Layland have moved to their new home, which is the old Black Tripp home. Penny Ann Roselund stayed at 6-Mile Ranch on Saturday and Sun day. There was a 4-H meeting at Callao Cal-lao School House and 6-Mile Ranch. Mr. Gilbert Rosenlund and Mr. Gale Parker went to Wendover on Tuesday. The Trout Creek-Callao Branch had a work meeting and finished painting their kitchen. Sunday, Mrs. Gilbert Rosenlund and Miss Esla Enid Stopp went to Ibapah, Utah. Mr. Robert Timm and two friends came to get his horses at the Buster Bus-ter Timm home. Dr. George Rice came home from California. Mrs. Wanda Stopp and family went to see Robert Sims play at a basketball game in Nephi between Nephi Jr. Hi and Delta Jr. Hi. Visitors that were in Delta were Mr. Dorcey Sabey and Dr. and Mrs. George Rice. .500 Reao It In The CHRONICLE Recaps Tractor Tire Section Repair We Make Your Old Tires Like New Auto Glass CUT and INSTALLED L.O.F. Windshields Wheel Align., Tune Up (MUFFLERS and EXHAUST PIPES) COMPLETE SERVICE & LUBRICATION 291 EAST MAIN PHONE 3791 TIRE BALANCING I SPARK PLUGS POINTS MARCH IS HERE SPRING IS HEAR get your MORGRO and ORTHQ FERTILIZERS HERE QUALITY MARKET HARDWARE DELTA, UTAH success hasn't gone to its price! n TCt combinabon of Mwy mi economy wu can rkrinnn - v. . uDnojy CHEVROLET BEL AIR 6 It's our in-between-priced full-size Chevrolet with deep-twist carpeting; luxurious pattern cloth upholstery up-holstery trimmed in soft vinyl; and a Turbo-Thrift Six to make the most of its Jet-smooth fide. Low in cost, easy on fuel yet this spirited Six gives you quick pickups and all the smooth dependable power a car needs. Just come try it and see! You can actually buy this fine full-sized car for slightly more than many intermediate-sized models of other makes-and even for less than some of them! So why settle for a smaller car that can't begin to offer all of the value and satisfaction you get in this Chevrolet Bel Air. Come look it over. See how much Xi 1 1 ATiiI ! 1 more you get for what you pay! Drive something really new-discovcr the difference ot your Chevrolet dealer's Chevrolet Chevelle Chevy II - Corvair Corvette PACE MOTOR COMPANY 43 2224 324 WEST MAIN DELTA, UTAH |