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Show EDITORIAL . . . CHILDREN POINT THE WAY Delta has a new crop of citizens growing up to womanhood and manhood and in the process the j youngsters are learning the bene j iits reaped irom assisting o hers a.A are test developing civic pride, j . Two examples deserve special at tention in the wake of the Marctt 5 and 6 kickoff dates of the 1965 Del .a Cleanup Campaign. Under the guidance and supervision super-vision of Jehovah Witness members, mem-bers, neighborhood youngsters with their paint brushes, converged on the home of Mrs. Mema Scolti, a widow and worked all day Saturday Satur-day in giving her home a first coat of paint. The home will receive a second and final coat this coming Sa.urday. The youngsters are justly proud of their efforts and are enthusiastic en-thusiastic about completing the projec'. Another noteworthy project was accomplished by Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, under the supervision of Carlyle Peterson, as they cleaned clean-ed he C. F. Lake lot, belonging to Mrs. Zola Frank'in, another widow lady. Undoubtedly, the same boys who cleaned the Lake lot will be out giving some other Deltan an assist wi h cleaning in the weeks to come. Cleanup Committee members have livings to make and their own property to look after. Time is as impor ant to them as it is to alL During the campaign they will need the assistance of every Delta resident and or property owner AND every Delta business to reach heir goals. CHILDREN HAVE POINTED THE WAT. WILL WE FOLLOW THEIR EX AMPLE? Tea Held Wed. for All Girls Staters Delta Junior gixls who have been selected as Girl State candidates ; are Go. da Jane Black, Linda Bohn, Beverly Bunker, Mary Lyman Ka.hy McCormick, Allison Moody, Linda Nickle, Denys Schena, Suzanne Suz-anne Shields, Kathy Stoddard Cherie Walker and Kathy Wright. : The gixls and their mothers were : guests of honor at the American Legion Auxiliary tea Wednesday night. Other honored guests included includ-ed 1964 Girl Staters Jean Eliason ' and Ktren Killpack, accompanied , by their mothers. A record number of auxiliary member were in attendance at the lovely affair. Junior auxiliary members mem-bers (under 18 years of age) assisted as-sisted Lhe senior auxiliary members - by serving and distributing pro- . grams and appearing on the pro gram. More details on the evening ; will be published next week. At a recent meeting at the post home fifteen of twenty-five junior auxiliary members were in attendance. attend-ance. Eight senior members were 1 present, also. Preliminary exercises were conducted con-ducted by Pres. Betty Kelly after which Inez Riding discussed the junior member doll-dressing con test. . " Following the meeting, party refreshments re-freshments were served to the young members and music was pro vided by a record player. This was the first meeting for the junior members. The unit is planning to actively participate in the junior member program next year. NAME THE LYNNDYL HOMECOMING CELEBRATION We need a name for our Lynndyl Celebration. A contest for the best name is being held. We have an . entry box in Roy Nielson's store. This contest is open to everyone and as many entries can be entered . as desired. The contest will run until April 1st and will be judged by out of town judges. A $15.00 prize will be given for the best entry. The money will be presented to the winner at tht Lynndyl Celebration Cele-bration to be held July 17th. The winner will be announced in the Chronicle. AIRMAN KEITH H. JOHNSON SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Airman Keith H. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward H. Johnson of Delta, has completed Air Force basic military mili-tary training at Lackland AFB, Tex. Airman Johnson has been selected select-ed for technical training as a supply sup-ply specialist at the Air Training Command (ATC) school at Amarill AFB, Texas. His new unit is part of the vast ATC system which trains airmen and officers in the diverse skills required by the nation's na-tion's aerospace force. The airman is a 1964 graduate of Delta High School. Ma Inligln) "SERVING Volume 55 Number 37 4in SlliP (iipiifl jk ! - Di si Miliiliilliiiiii ii?:sSij;:-f-V - . ' : -.- - THE WEATHERMAN cooperated cooperat-ed beautifully with Deltans Friday Fri-day and Saturday, March 5 and 6. kickoff dates for the 1965 C'eanup and Beautifica ion Drive. Remarkable results can be seen in any section of town of the many manhours of work. One of the more noticable accomplishments accomplish-ments can be seen at the "Y" ease of Delta Main Street. This piece of property, privately own-td own-td by a California man, was completely com-pletely "swept" clean of debris and p ans are being considered to place a picnic table or two to make a roadside slop for ihe convenience con-venience of townspeople and tourists alike. Overseeing the project pro-ject was Mr. David Jacobs, Chairman Chair-man of the Delta Main Street Comrri.tee. Mr. Jacobs, who serves ser-ves on the central or general cleanup committee, stimulates a lot of energy and enthusiasm. The cleanup committee met a-gain a-gain Wednesday night to complete com-plete plans for this coming Saturday. Sat-urday. Arrangements have been made wi'.h the city street dept. to change Saturday their day off for Monday of next week. This will enable more cleaning to be accomplished Saturday. Plans are not completed lor the big general cleanup date of Saturday. Sat-urday. April 3. These will be announced. an-nounced. All residents are encouraged en-couraged to take steps on their own to clean up their own property. pro-perty. The committee is contacting contact-ing out-of-town property owners making arrangements to clean vacant lots. Every resident and property owner in Delta will be pmasim IDT- UMbtts Only Undefeated Basketball Team Dn the State of 'Utah THE PEOPLE OF DELTA AND THE GREAT PAHVANT Thursday, March 11, 1965 - . : contacted personally before the campaign is completed. The s ory of the cleanup is depicted de-picted in the accompanying pictures. pic-tures. At the top left we see old friends, Mr. Dell Ross (1) and Mr. David Jacobs (r) as Mr. Ross was going off "duty" and Mr. Jacobs coming on at the "Y". They were two of several men who worked Friday at the "Y". Mr. Ross' property pro-perty abuts the "Y". Second picture shows a wide expanse of ground cleaned in Saturday's work. This is located west of Spor Bros. Garage and across the s'reet from Rod Shield's residence. Cameraman Tony Callister arrived too late to get a picture of the workers. Fera Little was in charge of this project. pro-ject. Heavy equipment moves in on a vacant lot east of the Ha'sey residence in the vicinity of -the Conoco Bulk Plant. Committee members would like to see more heavy equipment such as this in the weeks to come! Opera' ors are Arch Barben, practically hidden from view and Dan Hansen. Fourth picture shows the work CTew busily mopping up at Uie "Y". Sherm Perkins and Wells Wood are operating city equipment equip-ment Other workers are Marven Ogden, David Jacobs, Perry Win-sor. Win-sor. Not shown are Torvel Broder-ick Broder-ick and V. S. Barney. Mr. Barney is section chairman in that part of town. Top right shows Mel MitchelL Richard Hare, Carlyle Peterson. Eb S .apley and Erwin Farnsworth Delta, Utah 84624 10c copy $4.00 a year in advance isi A mmmmmmmmmm tfmm iMss' i Illiliiilil as they concentrate their efforts of cleaning; up the lot of Mrs. Zola Franklin, widow lady. This property is north of the Phil Raw-linson Raw-linson home and south of Mr. Le-Grande Le-Grande Law's property. Second picture down on right hand column shows Mrs. Elda Wheeler standing, Mrs. Mema Stoltz and neighborhood children as they paint the home of Mrs. Stol s. The work crew was enlarged en-larged later in the day and the complete home received its first coat of paint. A second coat will bt put on this coming Saturday. Another project involving youngsters is shown in the third picture down. These are Cub Scouts of Delta First and Third Wards as they clean the lot of Mrs. Ealalia Riding. This group of youngsters worked on property belonging to three widow ladies Saturday, Mrs. Riding's, Mrs. Ev-va Ev-va Wilkins and Mrs. Franklin's. Carlyle Peterson, section chairman, chair-man, was in charge. The young scouts also raked the utility strip in front of the C M. Pace property pro-perty on Main Street. Family members get together the bottom picture for a day of tearing down two old houses and sorting the material. Mr. and Mrs. Hale Jeffery and their two sons receive an assist from Ken-nard Ken-nard Riding. The two old houses were loca ed on the Homer Petersen Peter-sen property across the street from the hay milL The property was formerly owned by Martin Knox and the houses were once occupied by Indian laborers. VALLEY" mmmm Services Held for Elizabeth Hopkins Funeral services for Elizabeth (Betty) Arturo Hopkins, 43, were held Monday at Oasis Ward Chapel. Chap-el. Mrs. Hopkins died Friday, 11:30 a.m. at the West Millard Hospital of natural causes. She was born Aug. 11, 921 in Yonkers, Ntw York to Anthony and Constance Arturo. She was married to Morris L. Hopkins Aug. 11, 1943 in Yonkers. They moved to Delta in 1944. She was a member of the Catholic Church. Surviving are her husband, four sons and one daughter, Thomas W. with the armed services in Portland, Port-land, Ore., Richard with the armed services in Memphis, Tenn., Karl, Cecelia Ann, all of Delta RFD; one grandchild; three sisters, one brother, broth-er, Lucy Markowski, Margaret De Gardio, Rose Marino, Frank Arturo, all of Yonkers. Burial was in the Delta City Cemetery. NOTICE. DEMOCRATS The annual Democratic Jefferson-Jackson Dinner has been set for Friday. March 26. Details on the spea ker and place and time will be published next week. All Democrats are urged to circle that date and make plans to attend at-tend the dinner. Councilman Lem Lovell Tenders Resignation Councilman Lem Lovell resigned as Delta City Councilman at Monday Mon-day night's regular meeting of the council. Councilman Lovell gave as reasons for his resignation his position posi-tion as Bishop of Delta Third Ward, which is time-consuming. Councilman Lovell has servel capably as Delta City Councilman for 14 months and headed the parka, swimming pool, rose garden, weed control, planning and zoning depts. of city government. He, also, served on the Executive Committee of the annual Fourth of July Celebration. Cele-bration. Following his resignation, ali present paid tribute to Mr. Lovell for his conscientiousness, high in tegrity, dependability and ready wit. Mr. Lovell recommended that the council consider Bob Price as his replacement. He said that he had been especially impressed with the way Mr. Price has conducted the cleanup campaign to date and his willingness to work and his ability to organize and work with people The council unanimously accepted Mr. Lovell s recommendation. May or uiurch telephoned Mr. Price. who came to the council meeting. He accepted the appointment. The oath of office will be administered to Mr. Price at tht next regular meeting. Ronald Wright appeared before the council as spokesman for six persons living in the vicinity of Mr. 80th Ilirthday... Mrs. Mlna Steoie will celebrate her 80th birthday Sunday, Marcn 14 at her home, 227 West 2nd So. and would enjoy having her friends and relatives call between the hours of 2:00 end 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Steele was born March 11, 1885 to George and Minnie Yeakley Wiltshire at Circleville. She married James A. Steele Dec. 23, 1905 and they were the parents of one son and four daughters. Mr. Steele died Feb. 22, 1944 and their son Ray was killed June 7, 1954. Her daugh ters are Velta White, Boulder City, Nevada; Freida Whicker and Pearl Hawley, Delta and Gwen Carroll of Provo. She has 15 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Steele owned and operated a general store and hotel at Circleville for ten years before moving to Ogden where they lived nine years before moving to Delta in 1928. They owned and operated the MiKard Hotel fcr about 15 years. Mrs. Steele has always been an active member of the LDS Church where she served as a visiting teacher, tea-cher, counselor and president of the Relief Society. She was president during the building of the new First Ward. She was a charter mem ber of the Sunshine Club and also a member of West Millard Fair Committee where she has won many blue ribbons for her beautiful handwork. TICKETS ON SALE FOR CLASS "B" TOURNAMENT Delta High School will have 24 season tickets to sell for the Class "B" Basketball Tournament In Provo, Pro-vo, to be held on March 17-18-19-20. Tickets will be sold on a first come first serve basis. No broken sets or refunds. Pay $15.00 to the DHS and we will send for your seats. We have no way of knowing where the seats will be. You may also purchase seats at the BYu Field house. NOTICE! Anyone in'erested in becoming a member of the Delta Volunteer Fire Dept. apply in writing to Fire Chief Leland Roper. Vacancies Vacan-cies are now open. 7 MR. AND MRS. Open House to Honor Couple . Elmer and Nora Damron Petty will observe their 50th wedding anniversary an-niversary Sunday, March 14 with open house at their home located at 61 West 100 North, Delta, between be-tween the hours of 2:00 and 6:00 p.m. They were married in Fillmore March 15, 1915. The marriage was later solemnized in Manti LDS Temple rites. Three sons were born to this union at Deseret, They are LaVell, a Union Pacific Railroad Engineer living at Las Vegas, Nevada, Ne-vada, Lionel, a construction fore Wrigh.'s home at 488 West 300 North. He approached the council with a request of the six families hooking onto the city sewer trunk line. Councilmen unanimously sup ported the plan and the project will be a cooperative effort between be-tween the property owners and Delta City. Mayor Church reported that materials are arriving at Delta Air port for the installation of a transmitter trans-mitter switch. Mayor Church read a letter from Marjorie Ekkers of Eureka urging Delta to add to the list being con sidered for work-training project3 of the Neighborhood Youth Corps the restoration of the Old Mud FORT near Deseret. It was reported to the council that Millard County (Continued on back page) mrs. McAllister Cancer Takes Life of LuElla McAllister LuElla McAllister, 56, of Delta died of cancer Saturday, March 6, 2:45 p.m. at West Millard Hospital. She was born June 11, 1908 at Ana-beila, Ana-beila, Utah to Eugene and Ellz-i Nelda May Williams Gray. She was married to Leland G. McAllister July 10, 1929 in Fillmore. The marriage was solemnized in LDS Temple rites. She was an active member of the LDS Church. She held positions of Councilor in the Relief Society, Secretary Sec-retary of the YWMIA and Era Director Dir-ector of MIA. Surviving are her husband at Delta, Del-ta, son, LeRay L., Orem; five grandchildren, grand-children, parents, brothers, Alvin, E. Gray, Simms; Jack E. Gray, Sun River, Mont.; sister, Mrs. Clayon (Aurelia) Jensen, Ruth, Nevada. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday, March 9 at Delta Second Ward Chapel. Bishop Wlllard Stephenson Steph-enson conducted. Family prayer was by Lyman Williams of Richfield. A double trio, Iris Harris, Kath-( Kath-( Continued on back page) MAX ROBISON'S BROTHER DIES IN IDAHO R. L. Robison, 50, of Jerome, Idaho, Ida-ho, died Tuesday morning of a heart attack. He Is a brother of Max Robison of Delta and Phil Robison of Fillmore. He married Esther Thompson of St. George, who is related to the Baker family. They were the parents par-ents of five daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Max Robison left Delta Wednesday for Jerome to attend at-tend funeral services, which will be held Friday. CONCERT SLATED Delta Lady Lions Club members are sponsoring a concert Saturday, March 27, 8:00 p.m. at Deseret Stake Center. Appearing will be the Wasatch Singers, all male chorus, under the direction of Ladd R. Cropper of Ogden. The concert will feature special numbers. ELMER PETTY man at Arlington, Calif, and llet DeVow, who was killed at Oro Bay, New Guinea while serving in the Armed Forces Jan. 31, 1944. They have four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mr. Petty worked for the Union Pacific Railroad for 38 years and is now retired. Everyone is invited to attend the open house. Mr. and Mrs. Petty requests re-quests no gifts, please. On Sunday, March 7 their family gave them a dinner at Las Vegas. Nevada. S ( |