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Show OAK CITY MAE H. SHIPLEY A dance was given Saturday nite honoring Eiders Crandall Nielson and Quayle Nielson, recently returned re-turned missionaries and Steven Nielson who recently completed his 4-year tour of duty with the U. S. Navy. All present seemed to enjoy this dance. The honored boys gave short talks. Music was furnished by the Oak City String Orchestra. WHEN YOU IUY A SERVING CART Enamel finish. 24" stool. 58 Serving cart WA" hi 16V," x 231," too nc shelves; 3" castersColors. Fastest IrtarMtrtuI SilW PW CLIP-IN SPONGE HOP REG. $2.98 SPECIAL 249 WITH EXTRA REFILL i Chrome finish head; 48" handle. Thorough squeezing action lever. Extra sponge mop head will fit any standard mop. VACUUM WHEN OUR Strong bags; fit all p o p u I a cleaners upright or tank- UFKiN 6 FT. PEE WHEN YOU BUY A IlFKIN 12 FT. TAPE 36C Standard replacement length. Removable belt clip. and long end hook. First six justment and rip fence. Cutt;r.j " a.-bor hola. MIV COVERS MOO SO. L 0$ J hp CRABQRASS PREVENTER ' i J rro MYERS 2S00 Kills crafcgrass ieds and up to tha 2-laa( stage whan applied after germination. Fer. tiliier is clean, odorless, free-flowing. Nan-burning. MASTER TIRE J 29 GET ANOTHER FOR ONLT ( DC LTfl'S Miss Bertha Jacobson Is home from her mission labors In California. Cali-fornia. She was released because of her health. We hope she will recover rapidly and enjoy good health. Miss' Arlene Anderson and her girl friend were visitors at her parents par-ents home, the LeRoy Andersons over the weekend. Mrs. Zel.a Lovell spent last week in Salt Lake visiting and doing genealogy work at the library. Mrs. Lornt Lovell spent the pas week In Salt Lake. She returned KITCHEN STOOL Ha CHROME FRAMES! If 4-PC. STAINLESS STEEL HOSTESS SET WHEN YOU IUY A JJ PC. STAINLESS STEEL SERVICE FOR 8 90 Gravy ladle, pastry server, serving serv-ing fork and pierced vegetable server. Service for 8: stainless dinner knives and forks, soup spoons and teaspoons. y IBS' GLEANER DAGS FOR A PACKAQC OF 3 TO I IADS (FITS OVER IM MODELS) YOU PURCHASE A PACK AT REGULAR LOW PRICE OF r WEE TAPE RULE blade; holds position at any Pocket size tape has 'V' blade inches marked to 32ds. J DELUXE 10 AMP. 7' 4 CIRCULAR SAW SPECIAL $P)Q0 S'e! gmtn operate at 4400 RPM. ' Aluminum housing; sawdust ejee. for; telescoping blade guard; re Iff'" tm hp) movable outboard shoa; front handle; depth adjustment; calibrated anal ad depth: min. 90. 2"; 4S. 1"! FT. SQ. FT. SEALERI RFLATER Seals and inflates tube fna! beleu tires instantly. Wea't gum or unbalance wheals. home Saturday. A lovely wedding reception was held at the Wert Jordan Chape! Friday .night for S.anley Nielson and Frankie Shipley, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shipley. They were married In the Salt Lake LDS Temple Friday, Feb. 26. Those attending at-tending the reception from Oak City were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finlin-son Finlin-son and son Garth, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shipley, Mrs. Mae Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Flnlinson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finlinson Finlin-son and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dutson and little son, Mrs. Loma Lovell and Mrs. Ann Flnlinson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nielson will make their home in Salt Lake City. A large crowd of relatives at tended the reception. Congratula tions and best wishes to this happy young couple. Mrs. Ann Finlinson spent a week in Coalville arid Salt Lake with her children. She returned home Sat urday. Congratulations to Michael Scott Nielson who won the Slate 97-lb. wrestling championship. Michael .s he son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wielson of Oak City. A very interesting program was given at Sacrament meeting Sunday Sun-day evening. Speakers were Rex Flnlinson, a dc-acon; Clyde Pratt, a eacher; Ellis Anderson, a high priest, and Bishop Lyman Finlinson. Finlin-son. A song by Bryce and Edith Flnlinson and their young family, accompanied by their son Jay. The choir sang two numbers, led toy El-donna El-donna Anderson and Edith Finlinson Finlin-son at the organ. This program was enjoyed "by the many present. Af.er the services many were encouraged en-couraged to write to their Senators about the passing of Bill 105 regarding re-garding ' the sale of llkuors, etc. Blanks were signed "yes" or "no" by most all present on this bill. Mr. and 'Mrs. Arnold Talbot anil Mr. and Mrs. Clarence East were visitors. Many others perhaps we have missed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson have I I 3 n i - -i Tl "-fr2". First Ward News 1EONA WORKS Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wood spent the weekend a week ago with their paren.s in Delta. Mrs. Norma Wright returned home from Salt Lake a week ago. Mrs. Earl (Ruth) Dorius came with her and stayed until last Thursday night when she left for her home In California. Weekend visitors at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Brog Hopkins were Mr. and Mrs. James Ashton and son Todd of Salt Lake City. Saturday, Feb. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffery entertained at a party commemorating the bir.hday of Abel M. Roper, the father of the following children and their families: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roper, Miiford; Margaret Roper, 'Mr. and Mrs. Emery Dutson and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dutson, Oak City; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Morris, Hinckley; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Matthews, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Painter, Nephl; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jeffery, Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Riding Rid-ing and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jeffery, Jef-fery, Delta, and Mrs. Etta Roper of Leamington who was a cousin their baby home from the hospital and reported Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Reece Finlinson took their baby to West Millard Hospital with respiratory trouble. Many colds In Oak City and some cases of measles. A near tragedy happened this morning as the DHS students were going to board the "bus. A car driven dri-ven .by Lin Finlinson knocked Nola Nielson to the ground, injuring her hip and hand. Seems like a frost covered windshield may have caused the accident. Who knows what the weatherman may cause yet. proved. im a Quietness is an earmark of quality Sensational tests-by independent consultants-have proved the '65 Fords quieter than Rolls-Royce. Quietness in a car is a mark of quality a sign the car has been built with care, patience, and pride. Built solid to last. We Ford Dealers have SOUND LEVEL (all reading in decibels) such a car. We ask you to come in and test-drive one of these new Fords. Quiet-test the quietest! DELTA MOTOR COMPANY, Delta, Utah ONLY YOUR FORD DEALER SELLS 4V USBD CARS AND TRUCKS and also a sister-in-law of Henry Roper. They had lunch and played games, took movie pictures, visited and looked over family pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffery went to Provo Thursday and visited with Mrs. Auline Jeffery and family and with Carol Ann. They spent Thursday night until Saturday morning mor-ning with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis New bold. Mr. Jeffery had a meeting Lo attend in Salt Lake. They visited Saturday in Tooele with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferrin. Mrs. Ferrin was in a car roil-over when she came to Delta to attend the services of an uncle, Arthur Jensen. Her sister, E-laine E-laine Eggleston is staying with her. Mrs. Ferrin is recovering nicely and is able to put some weight on her feet. Sunday evening, Corel Ann Jeffery Jef-fery and five other girls who are going to school at the BYU stopped at the Wallace Jeffery home on their way back from St. George where they had at ended a musical by the name of "The Sound of Music". Mu-sic". They also attended an art exhibit which Carol Ann had a painting entered. I read in the paper of he doath of Dr. Deta Neeley of Tremonton. Dr. Neeley and her husband N. Glen Neeley lived and taught school in Delta before moving to Tremonton. They were living in the home where Mr. and Mrs. Proser Ashby live. They were living there when it burned down. Our sympa.hy goes to Mr. Neeley who has certainly been an inspiration to Mrs. Neeley and all who knew them. Mrs. John Pratt returned home Saturday after a week's visit in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Don Pratt and her mother, Mrs. Lynn Warnick. Mrs. Robert F arris of Spanish Fork visited in Delta with Mrs. Ru:h Jensen, Elbert and Dan and other members of the family. Gertrude and Berniece Western were Salt Lake visitors last Saturday. Satur-day. Mr. and Mrs. Rex S perry returned inly your Dealer has a can? to be qmieter MollRoyce mom I Fncn I ROLLS j FORD MKI-I l-UKU RQYCE QUIETER BY 20 MPH 67.4 72.3 4.9 40 MPH 75.9 81.4 55 6Q MPH 82.6 85.4 2jB iMdlng acoustical consuttants conducted tests in which V-8 powered pow-ered Ford nardtops and Salaxi 500 sedans rode quieter than Rolls-Royce. These tests were certified by the U.S. Auto Club. Millard County Chronicle Sugarville VENICE DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Rom Shie.ds and daughter Ilene Harris of Jerome, Idaho visited over the weekend here. Thursday night the women of the ward gave Carol Barben a birth day party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curt Shields. Thirty women attended and lovely gifts were given gi-ven to her. Bingo was played. Hostesses Hos-tesses were Eve Shields, Doris Ab-bo., Ab-bo., Stella Shurtz and Venice Davis. Carol is leaving for school in A-merican A-merican Fork for a while. We wish her success and happiness in this. Shirlee Shields made a trip to J Las Vegas to meet her husband Le-1 Auer who has been attending! school in California and came horn j with him. We are happy to have: him home again. - Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Oliver and family of Salt Lake visited their parenls, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Oliver Sunday, in Sacrament meeting. they had their little son blessed ; and given the name of LaRon Todd j He was blessed by his uncle Carl! Oliver. Those attending our meet-i lng were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oliver and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. LaRon Oliver and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clead Blackett, Randy and Cead Jr. and Betty Hill of Nephi, parents of Mrs. Norma Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClellan to Delta last Friday after spending spend-ing a week in Salt Lake visiting with their children. Mrs. Richard Munson and two children came to Delta Monday tj visit for a while while Richard is working in Caliente. They have been in Reno. They are visiting with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western. Thursday. March 4. 196S of Salt Lake visited their sisters. Choral Clark and family and Sharon Shar-on Clark and family on Sunday: Miss Virginia Jensen of Salt Lake visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen Jen-sen and family. Rex Jenson and mother, Tress Jenson made a trip to Provo for medical care on Thursday. Grace Jensen went up with them and visited vis-ited with her daughter, Maurlne McCoy and family. Tuesday the Relief Society had their social service lesson given by Eve Shields which was very good. Eleven members attended. Thursday night the Mutual and the Sunday School gave a fareweil party for Dean Losee, as he has been called on a mission to England. Eng-land. All the young people of the ward participated in a program, refreshments and dancing. We wish Dean a successful mission and the best of everything. Next Sunday evening will be his testimonial. Everyone Ev-eryone is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bid Abbott and family fa-mily from Nevada visited over the weekend with their mother, Doris Abbott. "Congratulations" to our high school wrestling team on winning the State Championship. Three years in a row is great. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Bus Thomas attended it from here and many others from Delta. BABY BOY There's a new baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carting of Murray. The little fellow was born Feb. 5th at the Cottonwood Hospital. The other Carling children, child-ren, Craig, . Karen, Kathy Jo and Kevin are happy he joined the family fa-mily group. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fon Roy Hawley of O-asis O-asis and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Brum-ley Brum-ley of Nevada. GALAXIE 500 2 00OR HARDTOP |