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Show I 'Milterd Count? ' Chronicle Second Yard Hews LUCOE KIMBER ,, Th 'program in Sacrament meeting meet-ing Sunday evening was under the direction of the bishopric. Those - giving talks were John Bassett, Ro-" Ro-" bert Callister, Ruby Bishop, Fondd " Henrie and Bishop Willard Steph-' Steph-' enson. The music was by the youth - choir with a special humber by the Lovell girls iConnie, Peggy, Bar- .' bara and "Janet and Donna, their : mother. Clair Stephenson spent last m CHEVROLET These great perfonners are the lowest priced models at our One-Stop Shopping Center P Each of these beauties is the lowest priced in its line. But the ride doesn't show it. Or the interior. Or the performance. That luxurious Biscayne is as roomy as many expensive cars, has color-keyed interiors, plush vinyls, fine fabrics, full deep-twist carpeting. Chevelle, America's favorite intermediate-size car, has clean new styling, wide doors, roomy, tasteful interiors and Chevrolet easy-care features. Chevy II got a lot smarter for '65 but stayed sensible! Still family-size, easy to handle, economical, and the lowest priced Chevrolet you can buy. Drive something really new -discover the difference at your Chevrolet dealer's Chevrolet CheveUe Chevy II Corvair Corvette 324 WEST MAIN A great many extra profit Thursday, March 4, 1965 Thursday in Provo on business and pleasure. Mrs. Margaret Edwards is re-joicing re-joicing over the news that her grandson, Danny Whiteley has been accepted at the Jndiana State Medical School. Danny graduated from Delta High School in 1961 and he is now attending college at Tus-con, Tus-con, Ariz, where he will graduate this spring and then enter medical school this fall. Owen and Eva Holt attended the funeral of Eva's brother-in-law, Nel don C. Olson at Ferron Saturday. He died Feb. 24 in the Price hospital. hos-pital. They spent Sunday visiting Top to bottom: Chevy II 100, Corvair 500, Chevelle S00, Chevrolet Biscayne. All 2-door models. Or get a sporty rear-engine hardtop in a Corvair Sport Coupe or Sport Sedan for fun in the months ahead. Chevrolet, Chevelle and Chevy II are available with the Turbo-Thrift Six for fuel economy, quick warmups, quiet idling. It's light, efficient, smooth and spirited. Corvair's air-cooled rear-mounted Turbo-Air Six delivers the best balance and traction this size car. So be practical. Only you will know. Because it sure won't show! PACE MOTOR COMPANY Is ail of your farm working for you? farmers and rancherj have found through major improvements such better irrigation system, or investments in new equipment and additional acreage. How about your operation? The manager of your nearby First Security Bank can help you plan such an improvement or major purchase. It's his business to know your problems, so he's well qualified t- tackle your individual problems. He talks your language and can show you how to achieve bigger profits . . . with efficient use of your resources and proper use of credit. Ask him, too, about our helpful planning forms for estimating your income and expenses. These services are available without cost or obligation. Come in, anytime. FIRST SECURITY with relatives and friends' Including Includ-ing her brother Gerald Nielson of Anaconda, Mont, whom she hasn't seen for three years. . Roy and Chlora Twitchell attended attend-ed the basketball game at the BYU Saturday night. James Jarvis left Monday for Kansas City where he will be attending at-tending school for two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Haro'd Jamison and children Saundra and Kenneth of Salt Lake visited with their mother, Mrs. Nell Watson Saturday. Sunday Sun-day Nell and the Jamison's along with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barney and family went to Desexet and had a family dinner with Mr. and (Mrs. James Sampson and daughters in honor of Alta and Luciile, as they for discover the difference 43 2224 DELTA, UTAH or ranch they can make as land leveling, aV u BANK Member Federal Depoeit both had birthdays recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stephenson of Las Vegas visited with his sister and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. N. S. Bassett Bas-sett and children Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robison went to Richfield Monday, Feb. 22 to see the Harlem Globetrotters play a basketball game. Then, Thursday Thurs-day they went to Salt Lake where they had a family get-together with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Robison of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Robison, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Robison and Paul Robison, all of Salt Lake. That evening after dinner they went to the Mill Creek Gym to watch a basketball game in which Paul was playing. He plays on the Salt Lake Trade Tech team. Paul, along with Brent Wad-dingham Wad-dingham came home with his folks for the weekend. LeeRcry McAllister and children of Orem spent Saturday with his folks, Lee and Luella McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. C L. Bennett have had some of their children home visiting this past week. Phil and Betty Moody and son, also their two grandsons, Randy and Steve, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bennett, all of Salt Lake Ci y. Dean is moving mov-ing his family next week to live in Boston, Mass. Ve'a Hilton is back home after spending almost a week with her daughter Lae; and Merton I.ovell and family at S . George. While there she attended the Dixie College Col-lege opera. Keith and Pauline Tolbert spent Sunday, Feb. 21 in Price visiting with his brother, Clark and family and my son DaWayne and Beji Kimber. Keith has found employment employ-ment and a home in Price and will be moving his wife Pauline there next week. Pauline has been here with her mother, Deona Black for the past two months while she has been recuperating from her accident acci-dent last December. The Young Married Cass me' last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Claude Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cutler and son Keith spent three days in Salt Lake last week visiting with Paul's folks, Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Doral Cutler who had just arrived home last week from Australia where they havt been for the past two years serving a mission for the L-DS L-DS Church. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner returned home last Thursday from a trip to Idaho Falls, Idaho where 7- SAVE Farm Chief Specially engineered (or Maximum Traction, Trac-tion, long service and cista -d'r.q ' or-formance or-formance on today'! high-powered t. actor. ac-tor. Wider, deeper, heavily reinforced ihoulder cleati give greater pulling power In all typei of toil. Sharper, angled cleati are scientifically curved and tapered to penetrate sod and hard ground. , 910 South 2nd West Salt Lake City, Utah Phone DA 2-1043 lnsurtnct Corporal they visited for six days' With their son Kenneth and family. On their return home they stopped in Twin Falls to see Norman's brother, Theodore The-odore Gardner and again- In Brig-ham Brig-ham City and visited with Vema's brother, Lloyd and Carol Schlappl. I received a cute birth announcement announce-ment from LaVoy and Janice Tolbert Tol-bert telling of the arrival of their new baby boy born Feb. 19th. He weighed 8 lbs. and was named James Floyd Tolbert. LaVoy and Janice moved from our ward some months ago and are now living in Torrey, Wayne County, just a short distance from Capitol Reef National Nation-al Monument I'm sure many of their friends will enjoy knowing where they are. Thanks, Janice for letting us all know. Mrs. Lemira Bishop has returned home again Friday from another of her many trips. She spent last week with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Richard May in Fredonia, Arizona. Ari-zona. She reports she had a nice' visit with hex sister Mrs. Nina Hin-ton Hin-ton In St. George last Thursday and also attended the opera at Dixie College. Richard and Ora Mae and their family accompanied her home Friday and visited with her and his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Mor-gan May until Sunday. Some ot the 2nd Ward. Reliet Society ladies learned that Hazel Cahoon had a quilt on. .Tuesday afternoon they met and besides quilting, I picked up some news that didn't get in'.o the paper last week: Ne.l Sorenson told us her daughter Ethelyn and family, of Draper had been to see her and Bert. Iva Mitchell said her daughter daugh-ter Bessie and husband and Cleve's brother Hyrum of Fillmore had been visiting them. ; Of course, there were some spicy stories told which I couldn't put in to print. No gossip, but some of our experiences of by-gone days when we were all a bit younger. Those attending were Adrian Hansen, Han-sen, Leatha Bennett, Nell Sorenson, Olive Barney, Lucile Kimber, Helen Warner, Iva Mitchell, Clair Steph-ensen, Steph-ensen, Louise M. Lyman, Beryl Sorenson Sor-enson and Luella Maxfield. Our hosless Hazel rewarded us with cherry pie and ice cream. Mrs. Karen Hacking has been here helping her daughter, Maurine Jeffery. Marion Jeffery, son of Irvin Jeffery was released to his home Monday. Albert and I receied a nice note from .'Elder Bruce Jeffery. He is Oil NYLON Ileai Tires SAMPLE SAVINGS SIZE 9- 24 f (9.5-241 10- 28 . (11.2-28) 12-28 (13.6-28) 12-38 (13.6-38) SALE PRICE $33.33 (Tax 2.63) 39.32 (Tax 3.621 49.63 (Tax 5.131 57.73 (Tax 6.44) All prices plus fed. and state taxes. F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah. $10.00 Deposit Required on all C.O.D. Mail Orders. Please send the following! QUAN. SIZE Prices only on Rear Tractor size ............. Nam St. No. City ABRAHAM MRS. AFTOM FULLMEP Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fullmer and Geniel and Wanda Lee Tolbert went to Vdrnal to the State Wrestling Wrest-ling Tournament. We watched the paper and were really proud to have the Delta team come out in first place. I believe this has happened hap-pened three years in a row. Rodney Rod-ney came home with a badge for 3rd place and a black eye. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoelzle took son Joe up to Salt Lake to check with Dr. Perkins on his recent ear operation. While in Dr. Perkins office of-fice it was also discovered he also had measles and was immediately hurried out post haste. The Hoelzles have purchased tho Knox farm out here in Abraham (the old Parker place). Verl Tolbert is home from CSU this week. Also, Tracy Fuilmer came home from Trade Tech. Verl spoke at the Garn Turner testimonial Sunday night. The rain that came Saturday evening ev-ening was full of salt or dirt the windows are all spots. We have cared for Jay and Luena family while they went to the wrestling wre-stling matches. I bet we had the most fun! Its hard to be.leve that March Is here. Such a lovely mild winter, where has it gone? '.'m already thinking what I would like to do on Easter, altho its way down to the 18. h of ApriL Feb. 23rd was Rodney Fullmer's 16th birthday. He was born that bad winter of 1949 when the snow was so deep we had to detour way around Hinckley to get into town. Many cities across the U.S. have had that kind of grief this winter. Nell Lake called on us Saturday evening. We are happy his little girl that was shot Is doing so well. It could easily have been so different. dif-ferent. Our sympathy goes to the Works family at the death of their mother moth-er and grandmother, Blanch Works, who died last Friday. She will be burled by her husband in Manti. serving our church well and enjoy' Ing his mission and sends greetings to all the ward members. ..Want to thank the following ward members for donating their blood to the Blood Bank last Thurs day: Belle Bohn, Van Bishop. Don Robison, Wayne Sorenson, Ronald Wright, Loa Black, Ruth Hansen, Joe Barney, Harold Maxwell, Dan Hansen, Beity Turner, Cecil Losee Willard Stephenson, Lee Wankicf and Kendall Bnnkerhoff. A'bert and I were pleasantly our prised this last weekend when some of our family came home. Kent arrived on Friday from Cedar City. Saturday morning Boyd came with our dear friends Dick and Marie Talbot and small baby dau ghter of Bountiful. Then Saturday afternoon our son DaWayne and Beth and sons arrived. DaWayne and family spent Saturday night with Beth's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunker at Sutherland, while our grandsons, Ray, James and David Kimber spent the night with us. What a joy! They returned to Price Sunday. Kent returned to school at Cedar City after attending the mission mis-sion farewell for Garn Turner. Now all is quiet at home. ....Some of our ward members traveled tra-veled to Vernal to the State Wrestling Wrest-ling Finals and they were rewarded by watching the Delta High boys take another Sstate Championship. Those that I heard of that were there to cheer on the team were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robison and children child-ren Mike and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bunker, Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb and daughters Ann and Rita, and Anita McCall, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Losee, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lyman and Leo and Pxin. and Mrs. C. L. Bennett. There could have been others. We surely want to congratulate con-gratulate the team for their outstanding out-standing performance. In closing would like the family of Mrs. Blanch Works to know that her many friends of this area extend ex-tend their deepest sympathy for their great loss. Her smiling face will be missed at our DUP meetings and elsewhere. LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERIC OR HESPECTIVE PABTIES FOR FUHTHEH DETAILS NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Millard County, S.ate of Utah, throughout the entire year. All locations are In SLB&M. 36497 United States of America, Bureau of Land Management, Flil- more, Utah. .015 sec.-ft. of water from a 6 in. well 110 ft. deep at a point N. 10,711.5 ft. and W. 9,033.6 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 1, T17S, R5W. The water is to be used for the s'ockwatexing of 500 head of cattle. All uses In NEVi NWtt Sec. 35, T163, R5W. 36567 Evart J. Jensen, Ephrahn, Utah. 10 ac.-ft. of water from Runoff Run-off at a point S. 1135 ft. and W. 1920 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 15, T183, RIVjW. The water will be s:ored by means of a pond 8 ft. deep, 140 ft. long and 70 ft. wide and "used supplementally to water 1,500 head of sheep, 200 head of cattle and 3 horses. Ah uses In NW'aSEV Sec. 13, T13S, R2W. . . Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefore must be filed In duplicate with the Sta.e Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, U'.ah, on or before April 3, 1965. Wayne D. Criddle STATE ENGINEER Published in the Millard County Chronicle, Delta, Utah, from February Febru-ary 18 to March 4, 1965. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the joint estates of William Isaac Alldrerls- and Martha L. Alldredge, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers, to the undersigned on or oeicct tne I3.li day of April, 1965. Adrian L. Alldredge, Administrator Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney First Publication: Feb. 18, 1965 Final Publication: March 11, 1965 She told me just recently that she and her husband ran the first and cleaners and laundry in Delta. I for one will miss her very much. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hal Young welcomed a new baby boy into their home this week at the West Millard Hospital. This makes one girl and two boys. Congratulations to them. Get the jump on SPRING! It's Painting Time ALL PAINTS REDUCED 10 DEUHCTT'S Close Out, 1"x2"x6' Hand Split Grape Stakes YALLEY BUILDERS |