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Show V Millard County Chronicle n own vawn -By INEZ RIDING Hodge-Podge Fred Keim sometimes gets a gleam in his eyes that rivals Herman Her-man Munster. Sorta quiet Fred is. But he possesses a keen sense of humor. He handed me a magazine clipping not so long ago. It was a joke. Here it is. The employer, suspecting his secretary whose quitting time was 5:00 p.m. of leaving the office early ear-ly during his many business trips, returned unexpectedly. The following follow-ing morning when she repor'.ed for work she found this curt note on her typewriter from her peeved employer: em-ployer: "I came into the office at 5:00 p.m. yesterday and felt your seat. It wasn't even warm." Thanks, Fred. I'll tell you a joke someday! Bill Wilson of the Millard County Progress had a quote from me last Mrs. Works (Cont'nued from front page) ty organization of the DUP. Mrs. Works was a charter member mem-ber of the Widows Sunshine Group of ladies of the First Ward. She had held all the offices that the group was made up of. She died Feb. 26, 1965 at the age of 78 in the West Millard Hospital. Funeral services were held Monday, Mon-day, March 1, 11:00 a.m. in the First Ward Chapel under the direction direc-tion of Bishop Ward Killpack. Prayer Pray-er with the family was by Bishop Ned Church. Prelude and postlude music was by Margaret Gardner. Song by granddaughters, Shaun-na Shaun-na Crapo and Ann Jackson accompanied accom-panied by Rae Huff. Prayer by Quin Shepherd. Remarks and short history by Bishop Ward Killpack. Speakers wert Farrel Funk, a cousin from Sterling, Ray Western and Dr. M. E. Bird who all gave very wonderful talks, poems and advice for the family. Song, "Lay My Head Beneath the Rose" by Eldon Sorensen who was also born and raised in Manti as a friend and neighbor before coming com-ing to Delta. Response by Clara Killpack from the Sunshine ladies who read a poem composed by a member and neighbor, Emily Bunker. Response toy Irene Little from the DUP. She also read a poem that was requested to be read by Mrs. Works for her funeral. "In My Grandmother's Old Fashioned Fash-ioned Garden" was sung by Shaun-na Shaun-na Crapo. This was also a request number. Closing prayer was offered by Roy Losee. Burial was in the GManti City Cemetery where the grave was dedicated by a nephew, Randall Swensen. Pall bearers were grandsons: grand-sons: Fred Works, Craig Hardy, Sheldon Jackson, Loy Crapo, Trent Crapo and Tony Deardon. Out-of-town relatives and friends here to attend the services were: Mrs. Lee Snowden, Las Vegas; Mr. and Mrs. James E. Works, St. George; Mr. and 'Mrs. Richard Jensen, Jen-sen, Mr. and Mrs. Arvard Otterson, Mr. and Mrs. Farrel Funk, Mr. Lud-wigson, Lud-wigson, Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. Iloyd Lowry, Moab; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Larson, Mrs. George Young, Mrs. Clarence Kelsch, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swensen, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Swensen, Miss Diane Lister, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Lars Bishop, Bish-op, Springville; Mrs. LuWisa Holt, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Bartholomew, Mrs. George Rowley, Mrs. Guy Phelps, Fillmore; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens, Mrs. Josephine Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Ken-ney, Ken-ney, Mrs. Merwin Stephenson Mrs. Vera Nixon, Mrs. Jay Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hunter, Holden; Gaylord Slack, Cedar City; Mrs. Robert Farris, Spanish Fork, and all the relatives living in Hinckley and Delta were also present. It was a real large service and showed how many friends she had. Those who came Friday, Saturday and Sunday and were unable to attend the services were: Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Burke and niece, Mr. and Mrs. James Hardy and family, (Mrs. Ida Hardy and family, Milford; Mrs. Margaret Jackson of Holden, Mrs. Fred Jensen and daughter of Springville and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bauer and Jamily of Spanish Fork. MARCH IS HERE SPRING IS HEAR get your MORGRO and ORTHO FERTILIZERS HERE QUALITY MARKET HARDYARE DELTA, UTAH Thursday, March 4, 1965 week that rightly belongs to him. He said thai' I had said (Heavens, forbid. I wouldn't say such 0 thing!) that Fillmore should have won the Cleanest City Award, Delta Del-ta had cleaned them for the last six timesi Bill, you big coward. You know you said that and something else about clean morals. When I remember that bit about clean morals. 111 have it in this spotl The cleanup campaign is off to a good start. I hope that it will not become "bogged down" in spring-fever and 1 a i y summer daysl I have a feeling that it won't. I can't get over the work done by the committee to line up block chairmen within the last few days. With the development of the island is-land farm and prospective buyers coming to Delta to look at the lots we will probably be having a lot of visitors in our town within the next year or two. LET'S GET OUR CLEANEST FOOT FORWARD AND KEEP IT THERE. We a r e being looked at and will continue to be looked at. The film presentation Monday night was interesting and made west Millard residents in attendance attend-ance squirm. No one could be sure that his own place hadn't been seen through the camera's eye and flashed on the screen nextl I can't recall all the places shown that served as examples to us all, but included were the Delta Post Office, Community Church, residences re-sidences of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunk er and Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs and the whole presentation closed with a shot of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morris' home in Hinckley. Your place does you proud, Ev and Wes. I'm happy to report that the number of west Millard lovers of BLACK-EYED PEAS is growing! Ask Lois Maxfield or Hatch Farns-worth Farns-worth the next time you see them! Mr. Doyle Curington who will be sales manager of the Sherwood Shores development hails from Dallas, Texas. Y'ALL and he knows all about black-eyed peas and cohrn bread. We will have to keep that in mind. I'll bet he knows a-bout a-bout pecan pies. also. Wonder if he likes combread crumb'-ed in milk for a tasty dish. I'll have to remember to ask him the next time he comes to Delta. His southern accent is rather thick and mighty nice-sounding to these ol' earsl Speaking of Mr. Curington's accent ac-cent reminds me of some of the special torment dealt to YOURS TRULY years ago by one Golden Warnick and one Nels Black. Those two used to keep me in a constant turmoil and ALMOST afraid to talk when they were around! Golden used to have me say "penny" every opportunity that he could and it took me years, it seemed, to discover dis-cover why. He'd laught his head off at the way I'd pronounce that little five-letter word. I very seldom sel-dom say "penny" even today without with-out wondering if I'm saying it like an uneducated southerner or an uneducated westerner! (See Golden, Gold-en, you have given me a complex, so there.) Nels used to ask me how old I was when I began wearing wear-ing shoes! When I'd answer, "On my wedding day," he'd slap his knee and roar with laughter. Gee, that seems years ago. Truthfully, it has been a number of years. Isn't it funny how much longer a motners Hairbrush, comb, fingernail finger-nail file, hair clips, hair spray, nail clippers, nylon hose, gloves and purses last than their daughters??? Also, haven't you noticed that a mother's head scarf, wind bonnet and hair nets are more easily found than her daughter's? Bu have you noticed how mothers moth-ers always say, "This is positively the last time you can use my "things'. You just keep track of your own." And have you noticed that a mother means JUST that until approached ap-proached the NEXT TIME by one of her daughters? Also, isn't it true that the song "Daddy's Little Girl" is only half true? Daughters, bless them, are "Mother's Little Girl", too. This being a mother is a wonder ful, exciting and fulfiiling thing. Eva Whitaker to Attend Confab Mrs. Eva Whitaker, Millard County Coun-ty Recorder has been invited to attend at-tend the state-wide Women's Conference Con-ference at .he University of Utah, March 19 and 20. Millard County Commissioners & Mayors of all towns of Millard have been invited to name outstanding women citizens as delegates to the conference. Theme of the conference confer-ence is "Utah's Future Whose Responsibility?" Re-sponsibility?" Subjects to be covered cov-ered are industrial development, the growth and shifts of population, popula-tion, how to form community action ac-tion committees to receive state and federal funds and education, with emphasis on counseling for high school and college girls and continuing education for women. REMINDER Jeanne Taylor, Sec.-Treas. of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 135 reminds all members to turn in the money from the sale of the Auxiliary Cook Books. Thanks, in advance! HOSPITAL NOTES Marcia Finlinson, 4-mos.-old daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Reece Finlinson, Finlin-son, medical, admitted Feb. 28. Released March 3rd. Frank Wood, medical, admitted Feb. 28th. Jeanine Abbott, medical, admitted net). UYtn. Marjorie Moody, surgical, admitted Feb. 28. Released March 3rd. Luella McAllister, medical, admitted admit-ted March 2nd. Leroy Stephenson, surgical, admitted admit-ted Feb. 25. Released March 2nd. Alton Theobald, medical, admitted March 1st. Earl Baldwin, medical, admitted March 3rd. LaVoy Brunson, surgical, admitted Feb. 25th. Virginia Theobald, medical, admi ted March 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pearson enjoyed en-joyed a visit with their son, Daryl, from Stanford, California. Sunday, there was a Pearson family get-together.-All were present except Lu Juana, who lives in Columbus, O-hio. O-hio. All had a very enjoyable time. LIVESTOCK QUOTES By Win Walker March 2, 1965 Cattle salable, 450. Fifty per cent of today's run were feeders, most of them over 400 lbs. Feeders were in demand and the price was strong with a cent gain. Stock calves were also up 1 cent with extra quality offered. 30 cows, showed a 1 cent gain over last week. Bal. of run was fat steers and heifers with 10 bulls and 12 springers. The top for today was a 900 'b. heifer fed by M. J. Moody and purchased pur-chased by Joe Doctorman for $22.35. Choice steers $20.10 to $22.20. Feeders sold in lots, 20 or better bringing, $20.70 to $22.75. Holstem crossbreeds $15.30 to $17.85. Choice heifers $21. to $22.35. Feeders $17.-85 $17.-85 to $19.30. Heifferettes $16.75 to $19.30. Springers, by head, $150. to $170. Cows, standard, $13.35 to $14.40. Commercial $12. to $13.10. Canners $8.50 to $11. Dairy kind $12.20 to $13.85; pairs $149. to $152.50. Bulls, $15.25 to $16.80. Calves under 400 lbs., steers in lots of 10 to 20 head, $24. to $26.; heifers same way, $19.20 to $21.25. AUCTION NEWS Three things contribute to the sale of livestock: First, you must have quality. Second, you must do a good job of feeding. Third, you must market them where there is competitive bidding. Last week Jack Nelson, Ken Nielson, Frank Lyman and Fred Turner purchased a choice bull at the Denver Stock- show. Cleo Chrislensen purchased six heifers at the same show. OAK CITY MAE H. SHIPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Clark Prisbrey and children Gene, Debra and Dale of Nephi visited their parents, Mr. Cloyd Talbot last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Talbot came from Ogden to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mra Cloyd Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Doug (Margaret) CLEAN UP FIJI UP ALL OUTSIDE MATERIALS Fencing Materials, Storm Doors, etc. MM mm mm m 2 WEEKS ONLY Qnant Qkundi & Ban CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. D splay ads. 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE C'IRONICLE EACH WtEX. For Sale FOR SALE: 2-bedroom home. 333 West 1st South. Ph. 375J1, Shirley Peterson. 10j29-tf CARPET SPECIALS Deep Pi'e, 100 wool lace. $12.95 value, now only $8.49 sq. yd. Workman's Home Furnishings. THE amazing Blue Lustre will leave your upholstery beautifully soft and clean. Rent electric sham-pooer sham-pooer $1. Workman's Home Furnishings. Furn-ishings. FOR RENT or SALE: Two-bedroom home, newly carpeted. Ideal location. loca-tion. Call 3901. 225-tf LET'S KEEP OUR MONEY in DeVa. We keep fresh flowers and blooming bloom-ing plants for all your floral needs. Free delivery. Delta Floral, phone 2272. ' np-34 JUST ARRIVED- - New Spring Hats, $3.00 to $8.00. D. Stevens Co. FOR SALE: 1956 Cadillac, in good condition. Air-conditioning, all power. pow-er. See Irvin Jeffery or call 5712. 218-tf LADIES See our new stocks of better quality cotton dresses for Spring: $6.98, $7.98, $8.98, $12.98 each. D. Stevens Co. Ladies Dept. New house dresses $2.98 each. FOR SALE: 1953 Ford a-ton pickup. pick-up. Good condition. Howard Dutson, ph. 32 Oak City. np-34jl8 IN A HURRY? Then discover the "quick-as-a-wink" economy at the B-Kitten Klean coin-operated self-service self-service CAR WASH. Five minutes for only 25 cents. 181 East Main. pd-3425 FOR SALE: 1961 Tote Goat. Engine just overhauled. Contact Leland Roper, ph. 6901. pd-34ll Thanhs, Donors A "thank you" is being extended to everyone who contributed to the blood bank last Thursday at Des-eret Des-eret Stake Center. 87 persons presented pre-sented themselves at the drawing and 76 pints of blood were drawn. Delta Lady Lions furnished cookies to all donors. The following were presented with pins: Belle Bohn, 1 gallon; Lionel Taylor, 1 gallon; Albert Win-son, Win-son, 2 gallons; Norma Pearson, 3 gallons; Carole Warnick, 1 gallon; Bradford Hatch, 1 gallon; Loa Black, 1 gallon; Dan Hansen, 1 gallon; and Robert Horlacher, 1 gallon. Committee recruiting blood don ors were Donna Anderson, Oak City; Phyllis Nelson, Lynndyl; Wan da Nielson and Lorna Mclntyre, Leamington; Velda Pace and Zoe Fowles, Sutherland; Sharon Clark, Sugarville; Kelly Talbot and Beth Brown, Hinckley; Rae Jensen; Des- eret; Leona Anderson, Oasis; Mina Steele, Delta First Ward area; E-laine E-laine Robison, Delta Second Ward area; and Norma Pearson, Delta Third Ward area. Community Church Church will oe held on Sunday, March 7, with Rev. Wicher from Mt. Pleasant conducting services. This is the first Sunday in Lent and the sermon will be "Temptation" based on the scriptures as found in St. Luke 4:1-13. Funshop will not be held again until further notice. Children having hav-ing finished items at the church may pick them up at Sunday School on March 7 or by calling Mrs. Morrison at 5692. Ladies Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Fern Crafts in Deseret Des-eret on Wednesday, March 10. Youth Fellowship will meet with Rev. Wicher after church on Sun day, March 7, for their discussion group. Alldredge) Sears of Las Vegas, Nev. were here to visit friends and re latives last Saturday. s o FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO this area. Take over small monthly payments. For more details write, Credit Manager, Box 6179, Sugar House Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. 3418 FOR SALE: Single, metal covered horse trailer. Ph. 8995 or see Bill Taibot, Deseret. pd-34ll BUY NEW SPRING HATS at D. Stevens Ste-vens & Co. Ladies Dept. $3.00 to $8.00 each. WE HAVE Excellent Used TV's IN STOCK PRICED RIGHT Service Guaranteed See at . . Delta Auto Supply ADMIRAL DEALER SHOP NOW for New Spring Keds for all the family. D. Stevens Co. Shoe Dept. KELVINATOR WASHER & DRYER Golden Jubilee Reg. $495.00, now, both only $389.95. Workman's Home Furnishings. USE MORGRO Crab Grass Control Fertilizer to control weeds in your lawn. Quality Market Hdwe. TWEED DEEP PILE At only $6.59 sq. yd. Workman's Home Furnishings. Fur-nishings. FOR SALE: 1960 Mobile Home. Size 8 ft. by 36 ft. Good condition. See Button Bennett. 2125-314 BUY NEW SPRING FABRICS at D. Stevens Co. Dry Goods Dept. FANCY OUTING, 3 yards $1.00, at D. Stevens Co. Dry Goods Dept. VINYL FLOOR COVERING $1.U0 sq. yd. 9-foot widths. Workman's Home Furnishings. Phone 391J1 RADIO and T-V APPLIANCE REPAIR ELECTRONIC SERVICE Jensen Electronic Service FOR SALE: 80 tons of baled hay Ph. 512Y after 2:30 p.m. 225-3ll MEN'S and BOYS' SITCTS and Sport Coats. Yellow Tag Sale. The DEL-MART. DEL-MART. SAVE Big! Do your own rug and upholstery cleaning with Blue Lustre. Lus-tre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Workman's Home Furnishings. IP COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Vaccum Service to Each Customer's Car COME GET AQUAINTED . . . LET VS BE OF SERVICE TO YOU ! FOR SALE: 100 shares of stock in Abraham Irrigation Company. Will sell in smaller units if desired. Price $100 per share plus this year's as sessment which has been paid. E. W. Clyde, 351 S. State, Salt Lake City. Tel. 322-2516. np-3j425 BATTERIES All sues on hand Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE, Phone 3791, Delta. Utah. 323tl FOR SALE: I good heavy duty automatic washer and 1 apartment size refrigerator. Delta Auto Supply. Sup-ply. Ph. 4251. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom home, 80 N 100 W. Partial basement. Excellent location. Call 4112 or see Dick Nielson Niel-son at The Delmart. FOR SALE: 30" green electric stove Speed Heat unit and automatic timer. Mrs. Lyle Bunker. Ph. 2281. 3j4 FOR SALE: 160 acre farm. 120 acres under cultivation in alfalfa and wheat. Melville Water. Instrument leveled. See M. H. Workman, phone 4431 or 3261. PURCHASE OF BEDROOM SU-TE. Box springs and matlrtss at halt price. See today at Workman's Home Furnishings. For Rent FOR RENT: 3-bedroom home. Call 3641. l21-tf FOR RENT: Furnished opts. Utilities Utili-ties paid. $37.50 up. Some newly decorated. Linens furnished or unfurnished. un-furnished. Daily, weekly or monthly month-ly rates. Delta Apts., 235 West Main or call Mrs. Abbott, 2931. 227-U FOR RENT: One two-bedroom apt. Furnished. Newly decorated. Electric Elec-tric range, refrigerator, garbage disposal, $50.00 a month; 1 one-bedroom one-bedroom apt. Gas range, garbage disposal, water heater, $40.00 a month; one deluxe single apt. Lights and water paid. $50.00 a month. All these apts. are carpeted. David Jacobs, ph. 385J1. 34-tf FOR RENT: Furnished apt. Washer and dryer furnished, heat and hot water. See Rex Harris or call 3871. pd-21825 FOR RENT: Modern, furnished homes. Call 4431 or 3261. FOR RENT: One-bedroom modern brick home. Furnished. Choice location. loca-tion. See at 237 West 1st South or call 5791. np-225-3lll FOR RENT: Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. See Owen George or call 572J1. 34-tf FOR RENT: Modern, f urn shed apt. Call 3662 or see at 295 South Fourth West. np-913-tf Miscellaneous SPECIAL PRICES on children's Can vas Oxfords. Sizes 5 to 3. $1.98 a pair. Shop for new Spring shoes for all the family at D. Stevens Co, -ANNOUNCES- NEW MANAGEMENT (Monday, March 8) Phillip (formerly Whitie's "66" STATION HOURS: S: AM. 10: PM. Weekdays 8: AM. 8: PJf. Sundays Go First Class ... Go Phillips 66 STRAY: One pig. Owner may keve by identification. Ph. 3461.....pd-3 3 CUSTOM PLOWING: Deep plowing (up to 19 inches, Contract by acre or hour. Also land leveling. Seo Paul Theobald, ph. 3531. pd-3!4 11 PRECISION SAW FILING, hand or circular. Also, saw gumming and grinding of all kinds of cutting tools: rotary blades, axe., hatchets, plane and chisel bits, cleavers, shears, elc. Can pick up at lumber yards. Louis Schoenbergar, Deseret, ph. 8994. np-34il8 ROLLER SZATING Every Saturday Sat-urday night. Beg., 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Regulars, 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Hinckley Hinck-ley Gym. Contact Ray Brown for special parties. 24-tf WANTED: Building site of 20 acres or more or less with or without water. Call De.ta 346J1. np-2ll-34 WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT selection selec-tion of Spring Fabrics at The DEL-MART. DEL-MART. WANTED: Good used wonder horso high chair. Ph. 436J2. pd-3j4 CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING AND SLAUGHTER' NG: Let us process your meat. Beef, pork and Iamb. Cutt;ng, curing and freezing. We'll do our best to satisfy you. We slaughter every Monday. MARION & DEAN'S PACKING CO. FARMERS NEEDING FILL MATERIAL MATER-IAL for headgates: help yourself at Oasis where the UP cement block buhdings were torn down. Floyd Hardy. 311 WE WILL AUCTION Fat and Feeder Feed-er Hogs every other Tuesday at a1 o'clock, Feb. 9, 23, March 9, 23. Bring them in early as our regular regu-lar cattle sale will follow the hog auction. Delta Livestock Auction-Phone Auction-Phone 2361. 5118-ti AVAILABLE for Income Tax work. See or call Ladd Black, 661 W. 100 So. or call 332J1. np-l14-48 ELECTROLUX Authorized Sales & Service. Lowell Edwards, Ph. 799J2. 42-tf BROWNING COAL delivered er In yard north of overpass. Will delivej sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. Call 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Cream ery). 96tf BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP: Complete radiator servloe, rodding, boil out, repairs. New radiator and heater co-es. Used and new radiators. 2(28U Business Opportunities: EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE Amazing new liquid plastic coating used on all types of surfaces interior in-terior or exterior. Eliminates waxing wax-ing when applied to Asphalt Tile, Vinyl, Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, Hard Wood, and Furniture. Completely Com-pletely eliminates painting when applied to Wood, Metal, or Concrete Con-crete surfaces. This finish is also recommended for boats and automobiles. auto-mobiles. NO COMPETITION As these are exclusive formulas in demand by all businesses, industry and homes. No franchise fee. Minimum Min-imum investment $300. Maximum investment $7,000. Investment is secured by inventory. Factory trained train-ed personnel wiil help set up your business. For complete details and descriptive descrip-tive literature write: CHEM-PLASTICS & PAINT CORP. 1828 Locust St. Louis 3, Mo. Service) |