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Show 1 LEGAL XOTICES Probata and Guardianship notices. no-tices. Consult Clerk of District Court, or respective signers for tnfonnatieo. ORDER Casa No. 5426 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MILLARD COUNTY STATE OF UTAH LELAND H. BOOTHE, and) CATHERINE BOOTHE, his wife,) Plaintiffs ) -vs- ) THE DELTA LAND IMPROVE-) MENT COMPANY, A Utah Corp-) oration, THEODORE J. BRITT.) KESLER J. PEHRSON, and) PEARL MILLER PEHRSON, his) wife, and any and all persons) claiming by or through the) above-named defendants and) any executors, administrators,) heirs or assigns of the above-) named defendants, ) Defendants. ) Upon reading the verified and sworn affidavit of the plaintiffs, Leland H. Boothe and Catherine Boothe, his wife. The Court being fully advised of all the premises herein, including the fact that this is an action in Rem, and that the plaintiffs are entitled to an Order serving Kesler J. Pehrson and anyone any-one who might claim any right, title or interest in the property described des-cribed as follows: The East of the Southeast Y of Section Thirty-three, Town ship Fifteen South or Range Seven West Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Said land being situated in Millard Mil-lard County, State of Utah. The Court being further advised that the plaintiffs are entitled to serve said persons including Theodore J. Britt, and anyone who might claim by or through him, be they his heirs, executors, assigns or any other person who might make claim to said property. The Court being advised of the fact that the Newspaper most likely to give Notice to said parties is the Millard Mil-lard County Chronicle, Delta, Utah, a duly authorised newspaper having hav-ing general circulation in Millard County. The Court having ascertained ascert-ained that plaintiffs are entitled to serve said defendants by publl cation, now makes the following ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the plaintiffs may serve Theodore J. Britt and Kesler J. Pehrson, and any persons who may claim any right title or interest in the following follow-ing described property: The East of the Southeast of Section thirty-three, Township Town-ship Fifteen South or Range Seven West Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Said land being situated in Millard Mil-lard County, State of Utah, and any person claiming by or through them, be they their heirs, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. 1 A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING PRO-POSING TO AMEND ARTICLE ARTI-CLE XIII, SECTION 2 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, RELATING TO AN AD VALOREM TAX EXEMPTION; PROVIDING THAT TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY WHICH IS SHIPPED SHIP-PED BEYOND THE STATE OF UTAH WITHIN A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR MAY BE EXEMPTED EX-EMPTED FROM AD VALOREM VALOR-EM TAX. Be it resolved by the Legislature Legisla-ture of the State of Utah, two-thirds of all members elected to each of the two houses voting in favor thereof: there-of: Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article XIII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read as follows: Section 2. All tangible property prop-erty in the state, not exempt under the laws of the United States, or under this constitution, constitu-tion, shall be taxed in proportion propor-tion to its value, to be ascertained ascer-tained as provided by law. The property of the state, counties, cities, towns, school districts, municipal corporations and public pub-lic libraries, lots with the buildings build-ings thereon used exclusively for either religious worship or charitable purposes, and places of burial not held or used for private or corporate benefit, shall be exempt from taxation. Tangible personal property present pre-sent in Utah on January 1, m., which is held for sale or processing pro-cessing and which is shipped to final destination outside this state within 12 months may be deemed by law to have acquired no situs in Utah for purposes of ad valorem property taxation and may be exempted by law from such taxation, whether manufactured, processed or produced pro-duced or otherwise originating within or without the state. Water rights, ditches, canals, reservoirs, power plants, pumping pump-ing plants, transmission lines, pipes and flumes owned and used by individuals or corporations corpora-tions for irrigating land within the state owned by such individuals indi-viduals or corporations, or the individual members thereof, shall not be separately taxed so long as they shall be owned and used exclusively for such purposes. Power plants, power transmission 1 ines and other property used for generating and delivering electrical power, a portion of which is used for furnishing power for pumping water for irrigation purposes on lands in the state of Utah, may be exempted from taxation to the extent that such property is used for such purposes. These exemptions shall accrue to the benefit of the users of water so pumped under such regulations as the legislature may prescribe. The taxes of the indigent poor may be remitted or abated at such times and in such manner as may be provided by law. The legislature may provide for the exemption from taxation of homes, homesteads, and personal person-al property, not to exceed $2,000 in value for homes and homesteads, home-steads, and all household furnishings, furn-ishings, furniture, and equipment equip-ment used exclusively by the owner thereof at his place of abode in maintaining a home for himself and family. Property not to exceed (3.000 in value, owned by disabled persons who served in any war in the military mili-tary service of the United States or of the state of Utah and by the unmarried widows and minor min-or orphans of such disabled persons per-sons or of persons who while serving in the military service of the United States or the state of Utah were killed in action or died as a result of such service may be exempted as the legislature legis-lature may provide. The legislature shall provide by law for an annual tax sufficient, suf-ficient, with other sources of revenue, to defray the estimated ordinary expenses of the state for each fiscal year. For the purpose of paying the state debt, if any there be, the legislature legis-lature shall provide for levying a tax annually, sufficient to pay the annual interest and to pay the principal of such debt, within with-in twenty years from the final passage of the law creating the debt. Section 3. The secretary of state is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors elec-tors of the state of Utah at the next general election in the manner provided by law. Section 4. If adopted by the electors of this state, this amendment shall take effect upon January 1, 1965. I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, Secretary of State of the State of Utah. DO HEREBY CERTIFY CER-TIFY that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the constitutional amendment proposed by the regular session of the Thirty-Fifth Legislature, 1963, as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake Citv, this 29th day of August. 1964. LAMONT F. TORONTO Secretary of State (SEAL) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. 2 A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING PRO-POSING TO ADD SECTION 32 TO ARTICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, RELATING TO TEMPORARY SUCCESSION SUCCES-SION TO THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF PUBLIC OFFICES OF-FICES IN PERIODS OF EMERGE NCY RESULTING FROM DISASTER CAUSED BY ENEMY ATTACK. Be it resolved by the Legislature Legisla-ture of the State of Utah, two-thirds of all members elected to each of the two houses voting in favor thereof: there-of: Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article VI of the Constitution Con-stitution of the State of Utah by adding Section 32, to read as follows: Section 32. Notwithstanding any general or special provisions provi-sions of the Constitution, the Legislature in order to insure continuity of state and local government operations in periods per-iods of emergency resulting from disaster caused by enemy attack shall have the power and immediate duty (1) to provide for prompt and temporary succession suc-cession to the powers and duties of publie offices of whatever nature na-ture and whether filled by election elec-tion or appointment, the incumbents incum-bents of which may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties of such of fices, and (2) to adopt such measures as may be necessary and proper for insuring the continuity con-tinuity of governmental operations opera-tions including, but not limited to, the financing thereof, but subsections 1 and 2 of this section sec-tion shall not permit the public officers so appointed to act on the measures so adopted to be in contravention of the Constitution Consti-tution and applicable law. Section 2. The secretary of state is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors elec-tors of the State of Utah at the next general election in the manner provided by law. Section 3. If adopted by the electors of this state, this amendment shall take effect the first day of January, 1964. I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, Secretary of State of the State of Utah. DO HEREBY CERTIFY CER-TIFY that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the constitutional amendment proposed by the regular session of the Thirty-Fifth Legislature, 1963, as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, this 29th day of August, 1964 LAMONT T. TORONTO Secretary of State . (SEAL) executors, assigns, or any other person. Said parties may be duly served by publishing a summons in the Millard County Chronicle, Delta, Utah for four successive weeks. That thirty days after the last publication said parties will be deemed to be served with summons sum-mons according to law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the Clerk of Millard County mall a copy of the summons and complaint com-plaint of the action herein to Theodore Theo-dore J. Britt at his last known address ad-dress which is General Delivery, Delta, Utah. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that upon the plaintiffs complying with thlr Order, said parties will be deemed served according to law. Done in open Court this 22nd day of September, 1964. BY THE COURT s Nelson Day District Judge SUMMONS Civil No, 5426 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MILLARD COUNTY STATE OF UTAH LELAND H. BOOTHE and) CATHERINE, BOOTHE, his wife.) Plaintiffs, ) -vs- ) THE DELTA LAND IMPROVE-) MENT COMPANY, A Utah Corp-) oration, THEODORE J. BRITT,) . KESLER J. PEHRSON, and) PEARL MILLER PEHRSON, his) wife, and any and all persons) claiming by or through the) above named defendants and) any executors, administrators,) heirs or assigns of the above) named defendants Defendants ) Dated this 13th day of October, A. D. 1964. ELDON A ELIASON . Attorney for Plaintiff, Delta, Utah Plaintiff's Address: Oak City, Utah First Publication: Oct. 15, 1964. Final Publication: Nov. 5, 1964. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Rose Carol Clements, de ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned Ad ministrator at his office at the First Security Bank, at Delta, Utah, on or before the 10th day of Decern ber, A D., 1964. Ferrln A Lovell Administrator of the Estate of Rose Carol Clements, deceased THORPE WADDINGHAM Attorney for Administrator Delta, Utah Date of First Publication: October 8, 1964. Date of Final Publication: October 29, 1964. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: You axe hereby summoned and required to serve upon or mail to Mark S. Miner, plaintiff's attorney, at 816 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah an answer in writ Ing to the complaint and file a copy of said answer with the clerk of the above entitled court within 20 days after service of this summons sum-mons upon you. If you fall so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court, and a copy of which is hereto annexed and herewith served upon you. If your address Is unknown to plaintiff or his attorney, and the complaint is not attached to this summons, it will be filed within said 10 days with the clerk of the above court, and you may there obtain a copy. This is an action to quiet title to the following described property: prop-erty: The East of the Southeast of Section Thirty-three Township Town-ship Fifteen South, Range Seven West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Meri-dian. Defendants are required to answer ans-wer or otherwise plead within 30 days of the last date of publication. publica-tion. Dated September 22, 1964. Mark S. Miner Attorney for Plaintiff 816 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah Address First Publication: Sept. 24, 1964 Final Publication: Oct, 15, 1964 SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MILLARD, STATE OF UTAH JTEWART TAYLOR, ) Plaintiff, ) -vs- ) JACOB C. NIELSON and MRS.) JACOB C. NIELSON, his wife,) whose true and correct name is) itherwise unknown; FREDERIC) R. LYMAN and MRS. FREDERIC) . R. LYMAN, his wife, whose true) and correct name is otherwise) unknown; OLE H. JACOBSEN) and MRS. OLE H. JACOBSEN, his) wife, whose true and correct) name is otherwise unknown;) EDGAR NIELSON and MRS. ED-) GAR NIELSON, his wife, whose) true and correct name is other-) wise unknown; the heirs, credi-) tors, devisees, legatees and) personal representatives of the) personal defendants who might) be deceased; the stockholders,) creditors, assigns and successors) in interest of any of the above) named corporate defendants) that might have ceased to ex-), ist; and all named or other per-) sons unknown claiming any) right, title, estate thereon or in-) terest in the real property des-) cribed in the complaint adverse) to the plaintiff's ownership or) any cloud upon the title thereto.) Defendants. ) THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address Is Delta, Utah, an answer to the complaint within 20 days after service of this summons sum-mons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for relief demanded de-manded in said complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court, a copy of which is hereto here-to annexed and herewith served upon you. This action is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiff to certain property pro-perty described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot Eight (8), in Block Three (3), Plat "A", Town of Oak City Survey, and running thence West 9 rods; thence North 6 rods; thence East 3 rods; thence North 54 feet; thence East 99 feet; thence South 153 feet to the place of beginning. ' V W 9 W THIRD WARD AREA NEWS SEA' WILLDEN Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October IS, 1964 SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MILLARD, . STATE OF UTAH ANNETTE BUNKER, ' ) Plaintiffs, ) ' -vs- ) WILLIAM W. SALMON and) MARGARET H. SALMON, his) wife; JOHN K. NICHOLSON and) MRS. JOHN K. NICHOLSON, his) wife, whose true and correct) name is otherwise unknown;) LIZZIE S. CASTLETON; ALICE) M. COPE; ANGUS K. NICHOL-) SON and MRS. ANGUS K. NICH-) OLSON, his wife, whose true and) correct name is otherwise un-) known; LEE K. NICHOLSON, al-) so known as Leo K. Nicholson,) and MRS. LEE K. NICHOLSON,) his wife, whose true and correct) name is otherwise unknown;) : LUTTIE S. ELDRIDGE; LILLY S.) ' WEILER; NELLIE NICHOLSON;) ! BRUCE NICHOLSON and MRS.) BRUCE NICHOLSON, his wife,) whose true and correct name is) otherwise unknown; J. HEBER) STALLINGS and Mrs. J. HEBER) STALLINGS, his wife, whose) true and correct name is other-) wise unknown; JOHN T. HOD-) SON and MRS. JOHN T. HOD-) SON, his wife, whose true and) correct name is otherwise un-) known; D. P. RISENER and MRS.) D. P. RISENER, his wife, whose) true and correct name is other-) wise unknown; A W. MacARTH-) UR and CARRIE E. MacARTHUR,) his wife; J. FRANK WARD and) E. LUELLA WARD, his wife;) WILLIAM H. WEST and NET-) T.E WEST, his wife; J. B.) PRATT and MRS. J. B. PRATT,) h's wife, whose true and correct) name is otherwise unknown;) FAIR VIEW CO-OP of Fairview.) Utah; PETER REED and DIANA) REED, his wife; the heirs execu-) tors, administrators, and per-) sonal representatives of any of) the above-named Defendants) who might be deceased, and all) other persons unknown, ) Defendants. ) THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon or mail to Thorpe Waddingham, Attorney for the Plaintiff, at Delta, Utah, an answer in writing to the Complaint and file a copy of said answer with - the Clerk of the above-entitled Court within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment judg-ment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded demand-ed in said Complaint, which has been filed withahe Cierk of said Court, and a copy of which is hereto here-to annexed and herewith served upon you. This action Is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiff to the following described lands situated sit-uated in the County of (Millard, State of Utah; to-wit: The West One-half (W), the West half (W) of the Southeast South-east quarter (SEW), and the Southeast quarter (SEW) of the Southeast quarter (SEW) of Section Sec-tion Six (6), Township Seventeen Seven-teen (17) South, Range Eight (8) West, Salt Lake Base and Median. Med-ian. Subject to any and all easements ease-ments or rights of way of record, or now existing. DATED this 22nd day of August, A. D., 1964. - s Thorpe Waddingham Attorney for Plaintiff Address: Delta, Utah Plaintiffs Address: 743 East Fourth South Salt Lake City, Utah First Publication: October 15, 1964 Final Publication: Nov. 5, 1964 It's time to writ a little newt and I have a little. Mr. Jo Moody went to Boise. Idaho on business for the Moody Bros. Seed Co. Mrs. Joe Moody and children went to Orem to spend the weekend week-end with her parents and other re latives. Homo to visit the Hamilton Mc Cullough's were Miss Elsie McCul lough of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Lee (Carol) Stewart of Washington, Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Tony (Joyce) Ivans and three children of Blackfoot, Idaho. They also went one day to Lund, Nevada to visit the Ivans family before returning home. The whole town was shocked and saddened by the sudden death of Mrs. Janice Western Gerstner. And we all extend our deepest sympathy sympa-thy to the family. Those attending the funeral from our ward were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skldmore, Mrs. Robert Dalton, Mrs. Darrell Taylor, Mrs. Richard Hare, Mrs. Al Willden and Mrs. Zola Lambrlght. There were so many of Janice's classmates class-mates and friends from this area it would take pages to mention them all. ....Zola and I stayed over night in Granger with Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Allen and had a lovely visit with them. Glona and Irene stayed with Irene's sister Mrs. Jim Ashton In Salt Lake. Also visited Mrs. Gary Winkle in the city. Mr. II airy Allen, Marleen Allen and a friend spent the weekend In Delta visiting friends and rela tives. Visiting over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Al Willden and family fami-ly and Mrs. Ila Forster was Mr. and Mrs. Nell Forster and family of Roy. Sunday Mr. Eldon Carter and son Craig of Spanish Fork flew to Del ta and brot Mr. and Mrs. Paul Car ter and baby Stacey. We met them at the airport and all had the thrill of an airplane ride. Cindy and Greg Forster, Lori Ann and Bart Hare, Clareen and Nell, Al, Carl and I all had a ride. Mr. Carter took the men folks and flew out over the mine What a beautiful day for seeing the sights from the air. Mrs. Susie Sampson is leaving Delta for the winter. She will be living in Salt Lake with Mrs. Jennie Miller. She will also spend time with her other children up there. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gordon and children, Mrs. Gordon's parents Mr. and Mrs. Les Gogel and Mrs. Gordon's Gor-don's great-aunt, who is 89 years old spent Sunday in Delta visiting Tom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gordon. Tom ar.d family are from Sandy. Miss Lora Rote Hansen, daughter of Mrs. Norma Blake, spent several days in Delta visiting the family. Lora has completed her nurse's training and has spent the past two years in the east studying. She is now employed at the St. Benedict Hospital In Ogden. Mrs. Max Stanworth and children of South Jordan visited la Delta with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blake and returned home taking Brenda Blake with her to care for while Mrs. Blake recovers from surgery. Mrs. Ewa Wilkin and son Tim and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher spent Sunday in Delta visiting with the family. 7,500 Read It In The CHRONICLE r at a point N. 4620' E. 150 ft. from WW Cor. Sec. 28, T18S, R19W. The water is to be used as a supple mental supply, for the irrigation of 320 acres in NV4 said Sec. 28. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must be filed in duplicate with the State Engi neer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before November 28, 1964. Wayne D. Criddle STATE ENGINEER Published in the Millard County Chronicle, Delta, Utah, from Octo ber 15 to October 29, 1964. mm mm DISCOUNTS on Fall Phosphate Until Dm. tS, 19M irk State-wide custom spreading service direct from factory to the farm at Terrific Savings. irk Discounts on SULFUR (12) SUPERPHOSPHATE SUPERPHOS-PHATE (19 APA) as follows: CASH 5 from list price FALL APPLICATION 2 from list price 20 TONS OR MORE 5 from list price EXAMPLE: Instead of $3921 per ton you pay only $34.67 per ton delivered in bulk f.o.b. farm plus $1.50 per acre for custom spreading in lots of 20 tons or more. irk Discounts apply also to phosphate contained in mixed fertilizers as follows: 20-10-0 10-13-0 13-11-0 krk Remember most crops require more Sulfur than Phosphorous while alfalfa requires 2 times as much Sulfur. irk Call collect today for a custom spreading date. MINERAL FERTILIZER COMPANY -- Midvale, Utah Phone 255-2721 or 255-6505 Contact our local fieldmen, Derral Christensen or Orrin Alfred in Delta A Flameless 3oehi Ipr EMos Doof ! NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Millard County, State cf Utah, throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. All locations are in SLB&M. 36394 Dean Anderson, et aL Oak City, Ut. .015 sec.-ft. from a 6-in. well, bet. 300 and 600 ft, deep at a point N. 210 ft. and W. 1110 ft. from EVi Cor. Sec. 18, T16S, R4W. The water is to be used for the watering of 1500 cattle and 12 horses in Sees. 7, 17, 18, T16S, R4W Sees. 1, 2, 12, T16S, R5W. 36402 J. D. Hill, P.O. Box 694, Ely, Nev., .02 sec.-ft from an 8-ln. well, 600 ft. deep at a point N. 5925 'E. 550 ft from SW Cor. Sec. 21, T18S, R19W. The water is to be used from Oct. 1 to Apr. 30, for the watering of 100 cattle in WSW said Sec. 21. 36403-J. D. HilL P.O. Box 694, Ely, Nev, 5.4 sec.-ft and 1280 sett, se-tt, from a 20-in. well 600 ft deep Your savings with an electric dryer begin the day you purchase your flameless dryer. You save up to $40 on the purchase price of an electric dryer enough to operate your electric dryer for several years. With your electric dryer there is but one connection electric. And there are no pipes. Electricity does your whole laundry ... and does it better. An electric dryer is odorless for the life of the dryer. Drying clothes flamelessly is safer there is no combustion, no flame. Waltz through washday smoother with a total electric home laundry: FREE BULBS Over a Year's Supply of Electric Light Bulbs with your purchase of an Electric Clothes Dryer from your dealer. Gift packet of bulbs includes: Two 60-watt bulbs Four 75-watt bulbs Four 100-watt bulbs Two 3-way bulbs, 50-, 200-, 250-watt These bulbs will be presented only to electric customers served directly by Utah Power and Light Company or The Western Colorado Power Company who purchase a new electric clothes dryer between Oct. 12 and Dec 10, 1964. UTAH POWER A LIGHT CO. S3 YOU CIAUTS tOtt NOV |