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Show SECOND WARD AREA IIEYS BRIEFS LUCILE KIMBER Mi Valla Walch of Fillmore was , a house guest of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clayson Cahoon for two days' last week. I Mr. omd Mrs. Albert L. limber had all the'r children home over the weekend to attend the reception recep-tion jof their son Boyd and Ethel Lovell. Those here were Mr. and Mrs. Da Wayne Kimber and sons, Ray, James, David, Steven and; Vaughn, Price; Mr. and Mrs. Gale' Farnsworth and children Janet,! Kathleen, LuAnn and Michael, Mesquite, Nev.; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Warenski and children Carollynn, Renee and Richard, North Salt Lake and Kent. Sunday our house was busting at the seams. But it was nice to have them all home. Mrs. Brown and her daughter, Joyce of England attended Boyd and Ethel's reception. They were taught the gospel by the missionaries mission-aries and Boyd confirmed her a member of thechurch. He lived with her several months while he was on his mission. Mrs. Brown and Joyce are living at present in Provo where they .are both employed. em-ployed. Mrs, Deona Black and sons Philip and John accompanied her daughter, daugh-ter, Cheryl Roper of Oak City and sons David and Bruce to Cokeville, Wyo. for a three day visit with her daughter, Dorothy Tiechart and family. Mrs. Helen Hersleff went into Salt Lake last Monday for three days for a medical checkup. She is feeling good again for which we her friends are grateful. Mr. H. S. Mitchell and son Newel of Fillmore visited in Delta Tuesday Tues-day with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Mitchell. Mit-chell. Mr. Emery Peterson of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. George W. FARM Massey-Ferguson Tractors Combines Swathers Balers Minneapolis-Moline Heavy Duty Tractors ' POWER UNITS t New Holland Balers Swathers -HARO-BEDS Gehl Wagons Choppers MIX-ALLS DONE Equipment Co. DELTA, UTAH PHONE 2991 9 Miles North of Delta Leany of Lehi and Heber J. Mitchell Mit-chell of Fillmore visited Thursday with the Cleve Mitchells'. It Just happened to be Mr. Leany's birthday, birth-day, so everyone enjoyed dinner and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Warner of Fillmore and daughter Nadean Watts of Delta, Heber Mitchell of Filimore, lone Crristensen of Le-van Le-van and her sister Alberta from Bakersfield, Calif., A. E. Stephenson Stephen-son and Mr. and Mrs. Clayson Cahoon, Ca-hoon, all visited In Delta Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Mitchell. Mrs. Nell Sorenson spent a week visiting in Las Vegas with her sis ter, Leona Prestwich. The day she arrived, Sept. 30th, they received word that their brother, Charles had passed away at his home in Jigs Harbor, Wash. Val Bunker spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Bunker. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sorenson and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hardy of Hinckley made a tour of Parowan Canyon, Cedar Breaks, Navajo Lake and Bryce Canyon over this last weekend. The scenery was very beautiful especially this time of year. The young married class met last Thursday, Oct. 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robison. An interesting lesson was given by Robert Harris and light refreshments refresh-ments were served. Peggy Crane and daughter Julie Ann and Wendy along with Helen Barney and her daughters Marsha and Vicky spent last Monday in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Crane entertained enter-tained at a family birthday dinner Oct. 8th in honor of Grant's mother Mrs. Amelia Crane, it being her 78th birthday. Others attending were Mrs. Ella C. Porter and children child-ren Robert, Bonnie, Annette, Gail and Gordon, all of Payson and Julie Ann and Wendy Crane. David S. Moody spent three days last week at Myton, Utah on business. busi-ness. Janice has had her mother, Mrs. Roy McDaniel with her so they spent those three days visiting with Janice's sister, Mrs. Dorothy Chrislensen in Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner had a full week of many guests. Wednesday and Thursday their dau ghter Lila Ball of Gunnison and granddaughter, Mrs. Joan Beck and her daughter Julie of Beaver were here; Friday Mr. and Mrs. Wood-row Wood-row Beck and daughter Marilyn of Gunn'son were here; then Mr. and Mrs. Don Adamson and daughter Aura Lee of Salt Lake visited over the weekend. Some of these guests spent time out hunting pinenuts. Golden and Loa Black spent a few days last week in Salt Lake. Goiden had his regular medical checkup and they visited with their daughter Loabelle and family. Roger Stephenson, son of Willard and ..Clair ..Stephenson, ..had ..the tough luck to break his leg ttVp. , last week. It seems he was on the back of his father's truck holding cans of honey and he stepped off the back of the moving truck. His father didn't miss him until he got to the warehouse. It's been painful and more so cause he can't play football. Too bad, Roger. Let's hope you will soon be up and around. Mrs. Ruth Steele is in Evanston, Wyo. visiting with her daughter, Sherlene Heyborne and family. She On her way up she stopped off in Salt Lake and attended the funeral fun-eral of Janice W. Gerstner. ' The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western wish to extend to them the'r deepest sympathy for the recent loss of their daughter, Janice. May they know we share their loss with them. Mrs. Lucy Harris and children. Lucille and Earl of Salt Lake City came last Thursday bringing her mother, Mrs. Nellie Workman to visit over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bunker. Charles Allen, spent the weekend with his father, Charles R. Allen. The Del a Second Ward Relief Society held their opening social Oct. 6th. The program was interesting interest-ing and entertaining. A lighted go. den tree was a point of interest on the stage. The tree showered Relief Society Magazines and pine cones to the floor. Melba W. Jacob- son sang "Trees". A preview of the lessons for the coming year were given: visiting teacher, Vera Hilton; Hil-ton; theology, Barbara Black; work lessons, Emma Hunsaker; literature, literat-ure, Adrian Hansen; social science, Merlene Callister. Verna Walch gave a beautiful original poem introducing in-troducing the Relief Society officers and teachers. The Singing Mothers sang two numbers. A delicious luncheon was served. Decorations of autumn flowers added to the occasion. Thanks to those who called and brot in their news. SUTHERLAND Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Larsen have had Cora's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Malstrom of Riverside, River-side, Calif, visiting them. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bennett had Jay's sister, Mrs. Reva Watts of Flagstaff, Ariz, visiting them. She brot grandma Bennett from Tooele with her. Then Jay and Mavis went to Teachers institute and took her back to Tooele. Jay and Mavis at tended Institute then went into Lo gan to see Mrs. Karen Hansen, Mavis's mother. Rhea and Sterling Church and children and Ray Erickson of Provo visited Mr. and Mrs. Golden Erickson. Erick-son. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Beagley and family of Cedar City visited Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker. Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Owens and Janet went to Ely Sunday to visit David and Jenlel Young and Gloria and Steven Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Sorensen visited vis-ited Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Christen-sen Christen-sen and family and their many-friends many-friends over the weekend. Zelda Ogden visited in Salt Lake and Provo with her children last week. Mrs. Joey Bennett and Joelyn took advantage of no school and went to San Bernardino, Calif, to visit Joey's sister Trudy Law. They also visited Dean Mackelprang and; new bride. Mr. and Mrs. John DeLapp and family also took advantage of ho school and went to Los' Angeles to visit some aunts and uncles of John's that are getting up in age that he wanted his children to see. Maxlne Owens went to Salt Lake to visit her mother,-Mrs. Rhoda Jackson. She reports her feeling fine. Elaine Turner is spending the week at Logan. Ciark McAllister of Las Vegas, visited in Delta with his brother Lee and wife Luella Sunday and friends. Clark used to live in Sutherland Suth-erland and this was the first time he had been back for nearly thirty years. We all join in sympathy with Ray and Ethel Western at the loss of their daughter, Janice. Many peo ple from our area attended the lovely services held in Salt Lake for her on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Benson of California visited their parents, Mr and Mrs. Owen Benson. Mr. and Mrs Wallace Holman spent two days last week in Salt Lake, Their son Howard came down Saturday and spent the night with them. Howard and family live In Salt Lake and their son Stewart Is enrolled at the U. of U. this year. Mr. and Mrs. Max Johnson and family took a Family Hour program to the Midgley Manor at Murray Sunday. Their mother, Rhoda Jackson Jack-son is living there. They were joined join-ed by Elwin and Judy Johnson of Provo. They all went into Salt Lake Sunday evening and had dinner and. attended church with Kathy and Kent Freeman. Did everyone see in the Salt Lake Tribune Monday where Dan Valentine Valen-tine gave the Valentine of the day .to our good friend W. R. Walker. This is a very much deserved valentine. val-entine. Mr. Walker's garden is a delight to. all who pass by and can see it. Never any weeds, just healthy looking vegetable plants. He loves to tempt the kids with the good looking mellons. The story was told when our kids were that mellon swapping age, that W. R. bought the biggest melion he could buy and would put it on the ground by the vine. Most likely to be seen spot it and hunt the patch over af ter dark, but W..R. would take it In at night. The kids would go by Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 15, 1964 the next morning and there it would as big as life. Is this the truth, Winn, or is It just a good story the grown-up kids reminisce about when they get together? Recently Annette Moody, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Moody Moo-dy and Karen Moody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Moody, had the privilege of being on a BYU program pro-gram that traveled thru six states. The program was mainly an Indian program and was given to the Indian In-dian schools throughout the six states. It was also given before other groups. They were gone for ten days and stayed at night with LDS Church families. They went as far as Independence, Mo. One of the attractions was a visit to Mt. Ruston. Sarah. Fowles . returned after spending two weeks with Jeanette and Fawn Sampson, She went down on the train then El drove down to get her Saturday. 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE TAXPAYERS . . . are you satisfied with the way your property tax has continued to go up, up and up the last 16 yaers . . . if so vote REPUBLICAN. RE-PUBLICAN. If you want a change, VOTE DEMOCRAT. DEMO-CRAT. (Paid Political Adv.) J. IIARLAII BUMS DEMOCRATIC . CANDIDATE for DISTRICT ATTORNEY (Fifth Judicial District) it EXPERIENCE INTEGRITY AMBITION Qualified to Serve the People of This District NATIVE OF SOUTHERN UTAH Marine Corps Veteran of World War II Graduate of the University of Utah Law School CITY ATTORNEY, Cedar City, Utah, 2 Years (Paid Political Advertisement) ;" if 11 plBiW Iff flfgf Ipl To make Sunny Crook a bigger favorite than ever V4 we've made it an even greater value than evtrl OLD SUNWY BROOK Kentucky HANDED VVHKC5? Absolutely no chsnio in quty! Enjoy it tcnit! WHLPOWE - - Strongest, quietest Fords ever! Above, '65 Ford GaUxie 300 Hardtop. IF YOU CAN TEST-DRIVE THIS '65 FORD AND STILL SAY NO . BROTHER-YOU HAVE WILL POWER! (OR ELSE YOU WORK FOR GM!) ; The moment you twist the new key (goes in either way) . . . step on the new gas pedal that adjusts to your foot . . roll down the new curved side glass . . . your will power goes out the window. You surge away behind America's biggest new Six so smooth and powerful you'd swear it's a V-8. You ride in luxurious silence: Ford's new stronger body and tough new frame "tune out" noise and road shock. New coil springs cushion you at all four wheels. Come dnveit discover for yourself the most changed Ford in 15 years! . .. !2S0A"t?. 6S...1bet yeaur yet to boy from yow Delta Motor Company, Delta, Utah ONLY YOUR FORD DEALER SELLS USED CARS AND TRUCKS |