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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October IS, 1964 FIRST WARD AREA IIEYS BRIEFS LEONA WORKS Mrs. Ferry Robinette, Mrs. Jack Westerman, Mrs. Andy Katsos and son Rex and Mrs. Mary Sue West erman of Salt Lake were in Delta last Tuesday at the home of Mf and Mrs. Rex Sperry. It was Helen Sperry Katsos's birthday and Mrs. Sperry had prepared a birthday dinner for the family. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sperry from here joined with them for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snow went to Salt Lake last Wednesday. Mrs. Carrie Black made the trip with them. Mrs. Brog Hopkins was in Payson last Wednesday to attend funeral services for a cousin, Walter D. Kenison who was killed Monday when pinned beneath a truck he was jrepairing. Mrs. Grant Stevens, Mrs. Helen Stevens of Holden and Mrs. Del-bert Del-bert Crapo of Fillmore spent last Thursday in Delta with Mrs. Blanche Works. George Jackson of Salt Lake was down a week ago to go pinenut hunting with his brother, Seth. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Jackson and Sheldon spent the weekend in Salt Lake visiting with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerl Jackson and family. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rick. They were on their way to Milford to go deer hunting. Marlene Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Allen of Salt Lake, spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brog Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stoneking and daughter Barbara returned to Delta after spending a year in California Cali-fornia where Ralph has been working. work-ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrill Erickson and family were in Logan for two days last week where they visited with Mrs. Ericksons parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Little and two boys of Orem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fera Little. Mr. and Mrs. Mario Sogers of Provo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sagers. Dan Iverson and daughter Shannon Shan-non spent the weekend at the Brog Hopkins home. Jack Killpack of Reno, Nevada is visiting in Delta with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Killpack and Mrs. Cla-t& Cla-t& Killpack. i Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munson of Ely, Nevada came to Delta last Tuesday to get their children who had been visiting with grandparents, grandpar-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western. It was after they arrived here that the word came of Janice's death. They stayed the week and Richard returned to Ely Sunday and Myrna will stay for another week. Donald Western spent the weekend here and returned Sunday to Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huff are going go-ing to school at Utah State University Uni-versity in Logan, McKay Church is enrolled at the BYU in Provo. . Craig Hardy spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy. He is going to school at the University of Utah. DESERET MRS. EDNA CHBISTENSEN Our town was shocked and saddened sad-dened last Wednesday when we heard of the death of Janice Western West-ern -Gerstner. Janice lived in Des-eret Des-eret from the time of her birth until she was quite a young lady, so we feel she was one of us. She was always such a beautiful girl with' such a lovely singing voice. Our sympathy goes out to her husband hus-band Phil, her parents Ray and Ethel Western, her brother Donald, sister Myrna and aunts Gertrude and Berniece Western. We can't understand why one so young and talented should be called away, but we can oly believe that her work on this earth had been accomplished ac-complished and she has gone to do greater work. Many of our towns people went to Salt Lake to attend the funeral services. Denise Palmer spent some time in Denver recently on business per taining to her work. - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett spent Tuesday in Provo. Myrle Bennett returned home Tuesday from her visit in Magna and Vilate Maxfield returned home from Clearfield where she helped take care of her great-grand children while her granddaughter Sydney was in the hospital with a new baby son. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Warner and family arrived Thursday afternoon to spend the school vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner. DUP meeting was held Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon at the h o m e 'of Georgetta Peterson. Fourteen ladies were in attendance. A history of her grandmother Helen Marr Cal-lister Cal-lister McCullough was read by Myrtle Western and the lesson was given by Arlean Bennett. Delicious banana cream pie was served by the hostesses Georgetta Peterson and Eva Robison; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erickson and family brot Bertrice Erickson home Thursday night. Bertrice had spent the past week visiting with them in Tabonia. She also had her eyes checked in Provo Thursday. La Voy Erickson was down from Salt Lake for the weekend and El-don El-don Erickson was home too, so they almost had a family reunion. Eva Alice Robison spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Robison. Ines Damron and son Ralph re turned home Friday night from their trip to Montana. They visited Ln0,,,u.,R--:W Ul0 mm ..jr . yy.-m M UL 1 U O fftrv SAl OCT. 24 PRESCRIPTIONS r. t courteous .-f'. "."t, assured when you brlnn you' prescription to our Rexall Pharmacy. REXAll RUBBING ALCOHOL mtains glycerin i Rexall AEROSOL SHAVE CREAM lavender or Red)-Shave, Red)-Shave, regular or mentnoi. 1 Cc 1 1 fTl help prevent . l--l J, J 1 p 2 for 80c jrn BOXED STATIONERY Smart new styles. Ktg. 2.00 2 for 201 REXAll ASPIRIN None imer... faster acting. 100 5-or. Rt. 69t A2hr70c It c2:9' "N.0VITE MULTI VITAMINS ncAdU 1UU S M9 SACCHARIN Kexau 1000 Vtgr. 2 for 2.99 9 fnr 1 tn no. p.IMI .... i ui f ,y b runu-litx For Athlete's Foot.. 2 for .99 .50 COMPACT POWDER Radlanc. 2 for 1.51 4.95 SUPPORT NYLONS Sheer Comfort, seamed or seamless . 2 pair 4 96 98c REXALL SHAMPOOS . V Choice of 4 Of. o0 IUI 98c HAND LOTION. Cara Nome, 8 (I. oi 2.69 CHEWABLE VITAMINS ncon mmuieMan, 100 s 3.89 POLYMULSION liquid Multi-vitamins, pint 25c ADHESIVE TAPE nean, w 5 yds. 25c TABLETS, ENVELOPES rue iinen , 1.39 DICAirillM TABLETS Rexall ioo's for 1.40 ..2 for .99 2 for 2.70 2 for 3.90 2 for .26. 2 for .26 59c M.C0-UX RUBBING ALCOHOL 2 for . Re'xali Regular Rexall pint ::-r.v-n'nf'iTriBirs. . ''.. tl 53c ClYCtRIn Mrru." for ?Vl C WBlS'sjiiu'' M0NACET . fQ 1 2Q nr oain relief, 100 .-." zior.ai .....2 for 2.01 . 2 for 2.51 ;.2 for 1.76 ' 2 for .65 - 2 for .50 ,:.2 for 1.70 lor fm -i - TnniM pill t 3jV . ... . - - or Fiuonoe, f " " yit 2 00 AEROSOL COLOGNE, . 1 75 OUSTING POWDIR, lavender, 5-oz. box 49C TOOTHBRUSH, T tVrmomeurs, n7,i rectal, stub or baby ... ...-., JJ. BLUE Amber color Pint, -Reg. V" Ruhv-red. cnirv flavor. ?Efi.l R.9. 79c 2 r 80C ORAL Cool, refreshing refresh-ing taste. OF 98c BODY MASSAGE LOTION, Rexall, , . medicated, 8 fl. oz ...... 2 for .99 98c ETEL0 EYE 10TI0N, Rexall, 8 fl. oz 2 for .99 98c AIR REFRESHER, Rexall, 7 01. aerosol... 2 lor .99 69c BEL RUBBING ALCOHOL Rexall 8 fl. oz . 2 for.70 39c QUIK-SWABS, Rexall, 100 single-tip or 54 double-tip 2 tOf.40 1.00 HAIR BRUSHES, Nylon. , . Pink, blue, clear 2 for 1.01 25c HAIR NETS ('' Bob and regular. Pack of 3. ..... 2 packs .26 1.19 BATH OIL, lorie Bouquet ' or Sequoia Pine, 6 fl. oz 2 for 1 20 39c NAIL POLISH REMOVER. Rexall. 4 fl.OZ. 2 for 40 69c AFTER SHAVE LOTION, Lavender or Redi-Shave, 5 fl. oz 2 for .70 3.59 WATER BOTTLE Victoria red or white 2 for 3 60 3.89 FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, Victoria, rea or wmte, guaranteed I Tor J.3U 3.19 CHEWABLE VITAMIN C. Fruit flavored Rexall 100 mg., 2S0' 1.00 CARDS. Bridge, Poker or Pinochle 25c GIFT WRAP, Cascade Deluxe, 4 sheets. 20" I 20" each 2 for 3.20 2 for 1.01 . 2 for 2 heatpad I 1 f-"" washable cover. Ut,; ItXJi 7Zsi$ L d ii MILK MAGNESIA A.PIain or mint flavored. ft-A 12 H. ot.R9 1e 2 for 70c ..nil BRITE SET HAIR SPRAY Regular or for Hard to MOIO nan 11-01. otrotol R9. I M I W-BAIL No mess . just rolls on! . 69t 2 70c COOL - BLUE CREAM DEODORANT Fights perspiration ...u uuur t qay f 2for70( Mc Cool Blue ,. ' w 2 Inr u 2 for 151 RED!. SPRAY AEROCAI i A man' A brant, 24.fwuri I protection. 99c "XRArVAPORfZfP. BABY DOLL 11" tall, soft vinyl doll. Rooted hair, sleeping eyes. Am. I.M 2 for .66 2 rolls .56 r vapoii. , '7 . t for 1.01 C UBBR GLOVFC V.?. 2 for 9.96 "C COTTON BALIS, 130. te n. 1 T 2 ?c AEROSOL ? (Of .70 0XES STATIONERY 1(, ..V"" 1 l Z for .99 f 7 bnvn. 1 ni LAZY SUZAN 14" diameter, spins on oase, lovely por-celain por-celain dish, with embossed oesign. glazed. "cascade" CHRISTMAS Cn CARDS tl 25 boxed cards 99and envelopes. mrtmm New designs. 4" I 1 It 6". Rta. 1.M saii or Businesi size. nam, airmail or return address. 2Wt 299 JUMBO SITTING POODLE Plush with whit satin earlining. cVTRANSISTOK RADIO With earphone, case and bat- au ter. Guaran- www teed. BUTANE GAS Cigarette LIGHTER 2.88 TAPE RECORDER, 4 transistor 13 95 INTAGLIO STATIONERY, 115 sheets, 55 envelopes. 1.59 PLAYING CARDS, 100 Plastic. Single deck 1 66 SNUGF0LB FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, Reg. 3 98, colors. 2 59 GOOSENECK MIKROR. 5" plain t magoifying 99 SHAGGY CUDDLE BEAR, ttmost 3 ft. tall, plusl... 3.99 REX WRIST WATCHES, Me.Ts and Ladies' 8 88 PEPPC LI r0CC, life-size, lifelike, plush 2 M BABY SOU, 20" UP, . - mbroiderei dress, gift-boxed 3.99 TRANSISTOR BATTEI 9 vet Reg. 39c J9 FACIAL TISSUES, Rexall 4O0'S. four colors. 3 bOXCS .79 MIRROR, lits 'round the neck . .39 MIXING BOWLS, colors , ., Set of 3 .57 WASTE BIN K HAMPER, 44uart Size 1.99 HAIR DRYER, Dominion, Portable , LSI KITCHEN KNIVES, 7-piere. stainless steel , COLOR MOVIE FILM, Rex S T.m. 25 ft. COLOR FILM, Rex 35 mm. 20 expettir SPRAY BE-ICER, Kingswiy 16-OZ aerosol ELECTRIC BLANKET. Rex Ray, 72" X 8" , MUSIML JEWEL BOX, Black Uccntf, mother ol-peari xlay . Ines' other children on the way home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cropper spent Saturday in Clearfield visit ing with the Clayton Stratton la mily. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larsen were their son Lynn and wife and children. child-ren. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hales had Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roper of Milford as their guests. Wells Robison took our Scouts for an overnight trip to Clay Springs on Friday, Henry Larsen has bought the former for-mer Hyde Cahoon home and is fixing fix-ing it up preparatory to moving in. The doctor had to be called for George Fisher, Sr. Sunday when he suffered a slight heart attack. Shawna Beauregard of Dugway visited her grandmother Ines Damron. Dam-ron. On Sunday she fell off a buck-1 buck-1 n g horse and suffered a slight brain concussion. We are happy these two cases weren't more serious. ser-ious. - Georgetta Peterson spent several days in Salt Lake where she went to keep a doctor's appointment on Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allred, Mr. and Mrs. Grin Allred and Mr. and Mrs. Faun Western attended the wedding reception in Midvale Saturday Sat-urday night for Mr. and Mrs. Steven Love. - During the week Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner have had Fern's brothers bro-thers Lee and Vivian Deardon as visitors. , ' . FOSTER PAPER IN COLORS now available at the Millard County Chronicle. Colors In stock are red. white, yellow, emerald green, blue, and salmon. Size 22 x 28; 15 cents a aheet or 2 for 25 cents. OASIS RUBY SCEEM Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blackleson of Texas spent a week in Oasis visit ing menas ana relatives. Mrs. Kelly Hawley went back wan tnem ana win tiy home. Mr. and Mrs. Durb Skeem and Cassie Johnson went to Cedar Citv to their niece's wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cahnnn visit ed in Las Vegas, returned home ana went to salt Lake to visit re-latipes. re-latipes. Ardis Murray of San Luis Obispo, Calif, stopped to visit her sister. Beuiah Rowley Tuesday on her way 10 L-onierence. Friday Beuiah and her father Les Webb went to Spanish Span-ish Fork and met her at Gary's, then she returned home with them for a few days. Mandv Snider is here visitin? her sister, Biah Sjostrum and her broth er, uscar Kelly. They ail went out west for the afternoon Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lowder visit ed Sacrament meeting Sunday and had their baby dauphter blessed. ine name given was Brenda. Miss Marilee Memmott and Mr. Lee Skeem were baptized Saturday in Delta. - Irene Skeem never visited In n- asis last week as I wrote. Her visit was postponed on the account of illness in her family. Mr. Earl Stanworth underwent surgery Monday. We wish him luck ana get wen wisnes. Remember the Oasis Ward Rake Sale on the 15th. Get your baking aone the easy way this week and shop at our sale at Oualitv Market. Shop early and get your choice. 7,500 Read It In The CHRONICLE ... "J In Utah -- in at a picnic, beer is a natural When you're relaxing at your favorite outdoor beauty spot with friends or family, and your thirst's whetted by fresh air and exer-cise-that's the ideal time for a cool, refreshing glass of beer. In fact, you can name your recreation -swimming, hiking, or just watching TV and chances are nothing in the world fits it quite as well as beer. Your familiar glass of beer is also a pleasurable reminder that we live in a land of personal freedom and that our right to enjoy beer and ale, if we so desire, is just one, but an important one, of those personal freedoms. , - In Utah... beer goes with fun, with relaxation UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 366 South Fifth East, Salt Lake City, Utah , . This is what happened to you last April: . aSSS&r,.' : . - - SUN MON TUES . WED THURS FRI . SAT iWMi.iimjmu,, ...iiii.ili.i.iiuij Kijij u, i I jlmi inn, . '1 . ti'll-' -' . -X 3t - , . 6r$88 V.-l- ' ' M ... ' ffU t"'T!kJ!''"'"" ' """ '"" ""' ' ' " r'"-'" i " " ' '' J-.i :.! - ui.. -;'.. . 'if" . iii .... Rastei - '- d. ; - i$U 'Fatf&MufJtfy; Fair & Warmer Fair" v&ttvyfiilt -." -iA-v4 i iS : : - - grH;...', - - ; 12 13 1.15 16:, 17 18 Cool & Breezy Cloudy clear . CterVli Clear '. " Clear clear im m illpl IlljllS's ' ; iiillBl lllliiB IBiiiilill llSSlilt WfM , ' WiiMs5S!:: MMlmiirSf? m;SSW.' y:!Mii.mmmi.-i- -.-iiii'fe&SSifSiSaSKSi1 sssw'-'' - "liM 29 B rBi i; ;if(S ' ' tMrt-t;.ir , ,...1, ..r...--........t. ...3 t, .. - I Days in grey were not suitable for fertilizer application. So fertilize this FALL! Last spring was a bad one. Sloppy weather in February, March, and April right when you needed time .in the fields. Look at April Twenty-one days when the weather was too bad to permit fertilizer application. applica-tion. Next spring may be as bad -or worse. Why take a chance with the weather? - Fertilize this fall! There are many reasons for fall fertilization. You avoid foul spring weather, and the early season rush. Fall fertilization fertiliza-tion works for you all winter long, decaying soil residues, and crops get off to a fast start in the spring. Fall fertilization reduces soil compaction and makes plant nutrients available in the soil when they are needed need-ed by your crops. for fall fertilization, insist on USS Nitrogen Fertilizers, made" by United States Steel. And for information about fall fertilization, see the fertilizer dealer who handles USS Nitrogen Nitro-gen Fertilizers. i - f . , ; Fertilizers BAKER PHARMACY DELTA, UTAH i SJ1 |