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Show 3 6Z7 , sr - 7 YOUR RESERVATION TO - DELTA HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI DANQVET WHEN: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1964 WHERE: DESERET STAKE HOUSE, DELTA, UTAH TIME: 7:30 P. M. Lynn Twitchell acting as Program Emcee Hatch's City Cafe catering Swiss Steak Dinner PRICE: $1.50 Honoring Classes of '25, '35, '45, '55, '65 Name No. of Reservations'. Mail reservations to Mrs,. Grant Bishop, Delta RFD or wake reservations at Service Drug or Baker Pharmacy by Friday, noon, October 23, 1964 "SERVING THE PEOPLE OF DELTA AND THE GREAT PAHVANT VALLEY" Volume 55 , Number 16 5 y By INEZ IJIDING When I became editor of the Chronicle I decided that I would try to keep all the good things that had been established thru the years including the policy of reporting recordings of vital statistics. (I'm referring to reports of births, weddings, wed-dings, deaths.) To me, a newspaper should do this. Heaven only knows how many mistakes I've made and how many readers have wished me back in Arkansas milking cows and picking cotton!! My mistakes have been honest ones and my column has been a presentation of honest convictions on my part. I have a deep and honest convict-on that ALL should pay more attention to American politics. This s.'ems, I'm sure, from my raisin'. I've listened to many a politician's ' MISS JEANNE ELIASON wMf CowBelle" Miss Jeanne Eliason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Eliason of Delta, Del-ta, was recently named "Miss Roundup CowBelle" and will represent repre-sent the local CowBelle unit at the Utah Cattlemen's Convention in Salt Lake City, December 10, 11 and 12. She will be in competition with other girls from throughout the state for the title of Miss Utah CowBelle. Winner of the state con test will receive a $11.00 scholar ship and be officially entered in the Miss Utah pageant. Present at the meeting at the home of Mrs. Lincoln (Nora) Crop per were Mrs. Richard Ekker, president, presi-dent, Mrs. Lincoln Cropper, Mrs, Parry Taylor, Mrs. Alva Young, Mrs. Matt Cropper, Mrs. Bernell Thorn as and Mrs. Darrell Holden. Letters were read from various parts of the state on the "Steer a Year" contest being sponsored by the local cowbelles. Nov. 10, the local gals will sell the steer to the highest bidder at the Golden Spike National Livestock Show in Ogden Winner of the contest will be nam ed at that time. Livestock Show Dates At a meeting of the Board of Directors Dir-ectors and other interested individuals, individ-uals, held Sunday, Oct.ll, the dates for the 1965 Millard County Junior Livestock Show were set for May 13, 14 and 15, 1965. It was previously previous-ly announced that the 1965 Show would be held sometime in August. However, after lengthy discussion of the Board and obtaining the o-pinions o-pinions of those involved, including exhibitors and parents, the majority majori-ty vote of the group at the Sunday meeting was to continue to hold the Show in May, but to set the date earlier in the month in order to avoid conflict with the end of the school year activities. Other business discussed at the meeting pertained to working out plans to obtain the funds to build a Stockshow building on the property pro-perty now owned by the Millard County Junior Livestock Show. This has been a much needed and desired de-sired objective of the Show Committee Com-mittee for many years. Plans are now being made to meet with an Extension Service specialist on building planning and draw up some definite plans for making the best use of our property and the proposed building. A meeting will be held at a later date with the Millard County Commissioners to solicit their aid in this project. A discussion was also held on the place to hold the 1965 Show. It was suggested that the Show again be held at the Stockshow Barn which Is now leased to North- Thursday, October 15, 196 7i v. own wauMCe (and I'm using that word complimentary) compli-mentary) oratory when I was knee-high knee-high to a duck. My Papa Pyland and Mama Pyland instilled in a'l their brood of 13 this same conviction convic-tion by attending political meetings, meet-ings, rallies, speeches by visiting dignatories and taking us along. We knew we were there to hear. So we listened. Papa Pyland would brook no nonsense or tolerate disturbing dis-turbing actions from any of us. So the elan grew up and as far as I know all of us are trying to bring his own brood up in the same manner. man-ner. Being interested in candidates and their views is as natural to me as breathing. I've tried to attend every meeting in this area where candidates are speaking and to the best of my ability give a fair and accurate report in the . Chronicle. More often than not, I'll read my story of a meeting to some other person, who has been in attendance, attend-ance, to make sure that I've got it right before taking it back to the backshop to be set in type. Many persons who do not attend meetings for var'ous reasons call me or get in touch with me to get my impressions of "this" or "that" Candida's. I take this seriously. perhaps too much so, but it's part of being "controversial" Ines R'd- ing. If I've attended a Democratic meeting and if a Democrat asks me how I feel about a certain Candida Can-dida le, I tell them. Same is true of Republicans. If I like a candidate, I say so. Tuesday our telephone rang quite often by persons who did not attend Monday's meeting with Mr. Calvin Rampton. Callers have been from both parties. Questions asked range from "What did he say a-bout a-bout the school issue?" to "Are you going to vote for him?" - - I did not l'ke it when Mr. Rampton Ramp-ton told his large audience that "no one could have been angler at me than Ines and we have buried the hatchet". I did not like to be singled out, for if I've been or it I'm st 11 angry so have a lot of other Democrats in the west Millard Mil-lard area. I disliked the remark so much that I rudely interrupted him to say that he, too, had been -angry with me and that the hatchet was Just barely covered. I do not agree with his statement that at the time he took the case he didn't know that he was going to be a candidate candi-date for governor. By this I mean, I don't see how this is possible. Surely a person seeking such a high public office knows well ;n advance that he is going to be a candidate! I'm reminded of an instance following fol-lowing the last election when N. S. Bassett was defeated by LaMar Monroe. Almost immediately, a good friend approached me with the idea of grooming myself to become be-come the next opponent of Mr. Monroe's. (That would have been Continued on bock page) rup King & Co. The matter was left open for further discussion. The final business to come before be-fore the meeting was the nominating nominat-ing of persons to be elected to the Board of Directors for the 1965 year. The 1965 Board of Directors will be elected at a meeting to be held on Sunday, Nov. 1, 1965, at the Millard County Offices in Delta at 3:00 p.m. The following named persons were nominated and are candidates candi-dates for election: Fred Turner, Sutherland; Boyd Schena, Abraham; Abra-ham; John DeLapp, Sutherland; Glade Johnson, Flowell; Bud Pro-bert, Pro-bert, Scipio; Dean Harder, Leamington; Leam-ington; Joe Stott, Meadow; Ervin Allred, Delta; Don Evans. Delta: Clarence Anderson, Oasis; Blaine Cropper, Deseret; Don Cummings, Fillmore; Willis Morrison, Delta; John Stephenson, Holden; Cleo Christensen, Sutherland; Ben Stott, Meadow; Wilford Munster, Sutherland; Suther-land; Alan Nielson, Lynndyl; Esd-ras Esd-ras Finlinson, Oak City; Clayton Jeffery, Delta; Cluff Talbot, Hinckley; Hinck-ley; Boyd Bunker, Sutherland; Cecil Ce-cil Losee, Delta; Mario (Howard, Fillmore; Frank Baker, Delta; Gene Walker, Sutherland. Nominations will still be open at the meeting scheduled for election, and the Committee welcomes the addition of candidates. The Committee urges attendance at the election meeting and stresses the fact that absence from the meeting will not delete any name from the list of candidates candi-dates for office. Delta, Utah 84624 10c .copy NOTICE PTA President, Harriet Eliason announces that the political discussion dis-cussion of state and county candidates can-didates of both major political par ies is set for 6:00 p.m., Friday, Fri-day, Oct. 23 at the high school auditorium. Letters of Invitation have been mailed to all candidates to spend the day in Del a at the D.H. S. Homecoming, from parade time until time of the meeting.. Planned events of Oct. 23 include in-clude a variety of activities appealing ap-pealing to old and young alike. Local residents are encouraged to invite family members from other areas to spend the day in Delta and enjoy the assembly, parade, pep rally, football game, class reunions, political discussion, discus-sion, Alumni Banquet and dance. 1964 DHS Homecoming Queen candidates are as follows: Jean-nie Jean-nie Kae Ashby, Leslie Diehl, Lorraine Lor-raine Johnson, Mary Jo Finlinson, Karen Killpack, Anita McCall, Gayle Nieson, Kara Lee Owens, Lynette Rid'ng and Patti Hobi-son. Hobi-son. The studentbody will vote for a queen and two attendants from the candidates next week. Want to Vote? Better Register Voters are reminded that proper registration is necessary before voting in the coming November 3rd Election. Two dates remain before the election for registration, Oct. 27 and 28. The registration list for Delta Precinct 18 is posted in the Delta City Library. Residents of the precinct are urged to check the list and if their names are not listed, list-ed, to register with Mrs. Alice Hof-heins. Hof-heins. The list for precinct 18 is posted at the County Office and registration re-gistration agent for the precinct is LaRae Peterson. Motorcycle Hill rr Climb at Ely The Ely, Nevada motorcycle club is holding a hill climb in Ely next Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Cyclists from this area are invited to join the Ely Club in the event. A small fee will be charged to the participating riders, but spectators will be admitted ad-mitted free. . The event is strictly an amateur event and there will be two classes 200cc and down and 250cc and up. Trophies will be presented to the winners of both classes. -J 1st Solo Flight PENSACOLA, FLA. (FHTNC) Marine Aviation Cadet Paul W. Dewsnup, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ashby of Delta, took a giant stride toward winning his coveted "Wings of Gold" at Pensacola, Fla., recently when he flew his first solo flight in the "Mentor" trainer. During primary flight training, he is receiving academic training in communications, navigation, engineering, en-gineering, athletics, aerology and civil air regulations. Upon completion of this instruction, instruc-tion, he will advance to another stage of aviation training. Dock Contest Interest Mounts Rules of the American Legion Deer Spread Contest are as follows: 1. Widest spread will be measured meas-ured by Zinik's rules. Z Narrowest spread two closest opposite points. 3. Most points measuring at least an inch above the horn. Must be submitted by 6:00 p.m. Oct 31 to Bill's Radiator Shop, Kelly's Sinclair Service or Northrup King & Co. 5. A charge of $1.00 will be made of each registrant. Prizes include a .284 Winchester rifle (widest spread), 4-power com-pac com-pac scope (most points) and a sleeping bag (narrowest spread). - I $4.00 a year in advance I s mm I VERDELL R. BISHOP Candidate for State Representative Verdell R. Bishop, Democratic candidate for Representative of the Utah State Legislature was born in Delta in 1915. He married the former for-mer Dana Wood of Holden and they have six children, four sons and two daughters. Mr. Bishop is a graduate of Delta High School, attended Snow College Col-lege for one year and obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Brigham Young University. He has been a farmer and ranch er for 25 years in M'llard County and a teacher at Hinckley High School for five vears. He is present ly serving in Deseret Stake Presidency, Presi-dency, a position he has filled for 14 years. He filled an LDS Mission to Czechoslovakia and has been a ward bishop for five years. He is a member of the West Millard Hospital Hos-pital Board and has served in this capacity for six years. Mr. Bishop is interested in bettering better-ing Utah education on the elementary elemen-tary and secondary school level. He feels that far too many college freshmen are required to take courses that should have' been a-vailable a-vailable at the high school level. Coupled with the educational problems of Utah, Mr. Bishop is concerned with area problems, mainly agriculture. Services Held for Janice V. Gerstner Funeral services for Janice Kaye Western Gerstner were held at the chapel of the McDougal Funeral Home, Thursday, Oct. 8, 8:00 p.m. under the direction of the bishop of her ward. Prelude and postlude music was by Ardythe Twitchell Harlow. Open ing prayer was offered by a brother-in-law John Gerstner. Speakers were Thelma Seegmiller and the bishop. A violin solo was given by a friend of the Gerstner's. Ardythe Harlow sang "The Lord's Prayer". Closing prayer was offered by Bill Allen. Burial was Friday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Elysian Burial Gardens. Mrs. Gerstner was born in Delta, March 21, 1939 to S. Ray and Ethel Allen Western. She was married to Phillip Leon Gerstner Aug. 15, 1960. Mrs. Gerstner received her education edu-cation in Delta schools. She was highly talented and had a wonderful wonder-ful voice. At an early age, she sang as guest soloist with the Deseret Sentinels, when Ladd Cropper was the director. She played the organ for Delta First Ward Choir before going to Salt Lake where she attended at-tended college for a year. She was a member of the famed LDS Tabernacle Tab-ernacle Choir for three years. She had studied voice under Ladd Cropper, Crop-per, Richard P. Condie, Margaret Summerhays and at the time of her death was studying under Maranne Robison. THANK YOU CARD Cub Scouts of the three Delta LDS Wards would like to thank the Delta Fire Dept. for the excellent demonstration Friday night. Reed Wood and several other firemen were present. They showed the boys various ways to extinguish different types of fire. The scouts and their den mothers truly appreciate ap-preciate the cooperation the Fire Dept. has given the Cub Scouts over the past three years. Highlight or Jrnday s demonstration was each boy operating the fire hose. Each was impressed with the water pressure. pres-sure. Mrs. Eva C Moody was in Delta Tuesday enroute to St George, U- tah, where she 11 be located thru the winter months. Mrs. Moody has just returned to Utah from Long Beach, Lalif. where she has been visiting with her daughter and fa mily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rule. Approximately 100 Democrats with a generous sprinkling of Re publicans and declared independents, independ-ents, converged on Hatch's City Cafe Monday night to hear Calvin L. Rampton, Democratic candidate for Governor speak. The dining rooms were filled to capacity and the crowd overflowed Into the main room of the cafe. Several persons left because of the crowdedness. Mr. Rampton was introduced by State Senator Thorpe Waddingham. Senator Waddingham said that the next governor of Utah will be faced with bare financial cupboards and rich appetites. He said that bold ness and aggressiveness will be needed to get the state govern ment off dead center. Calvin Ramp ton possesses the necessary ingre dients that will be required of the governor to perform the task, he concluded. In his opening remarks, Mr. Rampton explained that at the time he was hired by the east Mil lard citizens group in the case of S. G. Ricker and others vs. the Mil ELDER GARY T. WILEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurlo Wiley, has been called to serve in the Northern North-ern Argentine Mission. He is a graduate of Delta High School and has attended Brigham Young University for one year. Elder Wiley w 11 be honored at a farewell testimonial Sunday, Oct. 25, 3:00 p.nu at Granger 8th Ward, 3270 West 3650 South. His home address is 3325 West 4060 South, Granger. - - - Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Former Deltan Dies In Wash. Charles H. Daly, 61, a former Del-tan Del-tan passed away at his home in Gigs Harbor, Wash. Sept. 30. He is survived by his wife, Carol, two sons, a daughter, grandchildren and brothers and sisters: Jack Daly, Tooele; Leona Prestwich, Las Vegas; Veg-as; Nell Sorensen, Delta; Rex Daly, Washington, D. C and Mary Warn-ick Warn-ick of American Fork. Services and burial were held Saturday, Oct. 3. Members of the family who attended were: Jack Daly, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warnick and sons Merrill Warnick and Bishop Bish-op Bill Warnick of Salt Lake City. Rebekahs Plan Doc Party Husband going hunting for the weekend? Why not join the local Rebekahs for a DOE party Satur day night at the Lodge HalL The funfilled evening gets underway at 8:00 p.m. Admission of 50 cents wil be charged to each member and her guest or guests. Luncheon will be served. A beautiful door prize awaits some lucky gal. On tap for entertainment will be games of action plus card games for ladies who prefer. Deer hunting clothes will be in style for the night. Don your most comfortable jeans and join in the fun at the Rebekah DOE party, Saturday night. HOSPITAL NOTES Margaret Taylor admitted Oct. 13. Mildred Church, surgical, admitted Oct 13. LaVerne Terry, medical, admitted Oct. 13. Norma Blake, surgical, admitted Oct. 12. Lydia Bottomfield, Fillmore, surgical, surgi-cal, admitted Oct 9. Earl Baldwin, medical, admitted Oct. 1Z Released Oct 14. Barry Bishop, surgical, admitted Oct 7. Dismissed Oct 14. Inga Peterson and LaRue Rowley still hospitalized. si! Cj l Z lard School Board, that he did not know that he was going to be a candidate for the office of governor govern-or of Utah. "Once involved in the politically explosive issue, I had to represent my clients to the best of my ability", he said. "To with draw from the case because of my candidacy, would be taking the coward's way out", he continued. He asked his audience to be appreciative ap-preciative of his position and added that he was not in Delta to argue the merits of the case, and stated that he would continue to represent repre-sent his clients in the matter to the best of his ability. He received a loud round of applause at this statement led by west Millard Democrats. De-mocrats. Mr. Rampton continued by re viewing Governor George D. Clyde's (R) record. He said that the Clyde administration had inherited approximately ap-proximately forty million dollars in surplus from the J. Bracken Lee administration but through poor ad ministration, the next governor will inherit a deficit. This deficit will have to be made up. Mr. Rampton said that Utah property is bearing too much of the taxation of the state and if elected and if a tax increase becomes necessary he will recommend to the State Legislature that it look to the personal income and corporate income tax for more revenue. He said that he is of the opinion that the sales tax is the least equitable tax of all. To maintain the state's economy and to meet the present growth of population Mr. Rampton said that from 7500 to 10,000 new jobs need to be created each year. He pointed out that to provide a sound economy forty per cent of the labor force should be engaged in the basic industry of.manufacturing. Presently, less than 10 is engaged in industry other than defense, he said. He emphasized that Goveror Clyde should have taken steps six or seven years ago to provide for industry. He pointed out that the Clyde administration should have been aware that the defense bubble bub-ble would not last indefhvtely. "Industry", "In-dustry", Mr. Rampton said, "must be able to operate profitably and we must encourage Utah capitol to develop locally owned and managed manag-ed industry." In speaking of his opponent, Mr. Mitch Melich, Mr. Rampton said that Mr. Melich is a fine man and a personal friend and that he would not attack him personally but ad-ed ad-ed that he (Mr. Melich) would be saddled with an inherited toD- heavy administration created by uovernor Clyde. He said that the next governor would have to be free of any political party pressure to weed out the hangers-on in the state government. When asked to explain his stand on the Freeport Amendment, Mr. Rampton said that although such legislation has some drawbacks, it was necessary to create a favorable tax climate for new industries. Other speakers of the evening included J. Harlan Burns, candidate candi-date for Dist. Attorney of the Fifth Judicial Dist; Sharp Larsen, State Treasurer seeking the office ot State Auditor; Clyde Miller, candidate candi-date for Secretary of State; Verdell Bishop, candidate for State Representative; Repre-sentative; Cutler Henrie and Noel T. Robins, candidates for Millard County Commission. Mr. Burns said that his background back-ground and legal experience eq-quiped eq-quiped him for the office of district dist-rict attorney. There are three basic goals that he wants to accomplish if elected. These are (1) Proscecu-tion Proscecu-tion of offenders, (2) protection of individual rights and (3) promotion of economic growth of the five counties encompassed in the Fifth District. If elected, Mr. Burns promised prom-ised to devote his best efforts to public office as he has in his private pri-vate practice. Mr. Larsen urged his listeners to "get out the vote" and stated that he was proud to be an American and a Democrat He said that state government provides a big challenge chal-lenge and said that state money should be invested within the state. The office of the Secretary of State is an integral part of the State government, Mr. Miller said. A false impression is being presented present-ed to the public by the Clyde administration ad-ministration on the state operating on a cash basis, he charged. Cash basis, he explained, would mean that more money is spent than collected col-lected each bienium. One Legislature Legisla-ture obligates the next legislature to expenditures, he pointed out He urged full support of Mr. Rampton. Verdell Bishop named re-apportionment, Utah elementary and secondary se-condary educational needs, juvenile court system and the problems con fronting Utah agriculture resulting from the use of insecticides the big problems facing the next legislature. legisla-ture. "Smaller high schools, such as Delta and Millard High, aren't financially able to provide more classes that are increasingly need ed to gain entrance into colleges", he said. "Far too many high school graduates from smaller high schools are being required to take courses during their first college year that should have been available avail-able during their high school careers". ca-reers". Mr. Bishop said that the juvenile court system Is too lax in many instances on youthful offenders of-fenders and said there should be a "tightening" up. Cutler Henrie said that he would do everything possible as county commissioner to help secure Central Cent-ral Utah Water for Millard County. There is direct connection with the empty farm homes in the county and the need for more water to keep land in production, he added. He asked for support in the November No-vember election. Noel Robins said that he would work for all of Millard County and felt there was no such thing as east Millard and west Millard. He urged his audience to work for the election of the complete Democratic Democrat-ic ticket. Commissioner Leigh Maxfield acted as master of ceremonies at the event. Delta High School cheer leaders. Cathy Callister, Mary Lyman and LoRalne Johnson gave a chant and sang a song urging everyone to study the issues, learn the candidates, candi-dates, register and vote. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ruby Bishop. Fourth cheer leader, Lynette Riding was excused because of illness. NOTICE! Spectators have been creating quite a problem to the Delta Fire Dept by sometimes reaching the fire station, following a fire signal, sig-nal, before the firemen making it difficult for the firemen to reach the truck or to receive directions. A few minutes at such a time can make the difference between saving a building and losing it. Oftentimes, spectators crowd the firemen while they are in the process of extinguishing a fire, thus hampering their efforts. Cars following the fire truck to fires can increase the liklihood of an accident Sometimes firemen, driving their own cars to a fire, are unable to get to the fire truck at the scene because of milling spectators. Cooperate with the Fire Dept The next call could be to your home or premises. pre-mises. WEATHER A high of 80 was registered on Oct. 13th with a low of 33 on the 11th. No precipitation. Helen Mar McCullough Camp, DUP, will meet Thursday, Oct. 22, 2:00 p.m. at the home of Ava Star-ley. Star-ley. Hostesses will be Jean Harris, Nell Watson and Ava Starley. Ann E. Melville B shop Camp, DUP, will meet Friday. Oct. 16, 2:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. R. Walker in Sutherland. Oct W Deer Season Oct 21 Primary Preparation Oct 23 Delta High School Football Foot-ball Game, Richfield at Delta Homecoming Oct. 23 Alumni Banquet Oct 29 House Talk Practice, Oct 30 Football Game Emery at Delta F.H.A. Record Hop Nov. 2 House Talk Practice Nov. 3 Deseret Stake Youth Con-Nov. Con-Nov. 4 Delta Elementary PTA ference Nov. 6 Hootennany Day at High School School Dance Nov. 6 Sugarville Ward Bazaar Nov. 7 Pheasant Seasons Opens Breakfast for Hunters at Community Commu-nity Church Nov. 13 Delta High School Play Nov. 14 Delta Third Ward Bazaar Nov. 18 First Ward Bazaar Nov. 19 Sutherland Ward Bazaar Nov. 20 Delta Second Ward Bazaar Ba-zaar Yearbook Dance Nov. 25 Senior Hop Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Day and Delta Second Ward Gold ft Green Ball Nov. 28 Second Ward Gold and Green Ball JUeoHHuniir gi7 CALENDAR |