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Show 1 Millard County Chronicle 4 "WJWa 1 -By INEZ RIDING THIS I BELIEVE If I understand my LDS teachings teach-ings correctly then in pre-existance our children chose us as parents. They are born to us and the way I like to think is that they are on loan to us from God. We are to guide them through this life in preparation for the hereafter. In actuality, our children aren't ours but we, as parents, have been PRIVILEGED to have been chosen to be their hosts throughout this sojourn we call LIFE. Along with any privilege goes responsibility. In this case of privilege and responsibility, re-sponsibility, responsibility lies with us in teaching our children. If we fail to recogn'ie our privilege privi-lege and fail to accept our responsibility respon-sibility to guide our OWN in the right direction, then we run into trouble. By accepting our OWN responsibilities responsi-bilities and recognizing that we are privileged to bear our children is to recognize that God created us all differently and that our children child-ren are all different, also. 'lit is not an easy matter to determine de-termine when one should conform and when one should rebel. Both are extremes and extremes are dangerous business", Obert C. Tan ANNOUHCIIIG ... OUR ANNUAL SPRING Feeder Stacker AH TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1964 Plan now to consign your calves and yearlings to this special reputation sale. Buyers from several of the Western States will be represented here. SELL WHERE COMPETITIVE BIDDING WILL BRING HIGHEST PRICES FOR YOUR CATTLE SALE STARTS AT 10:00 A.M. All singles and odd cattle will be sold last BONDED FOR YOUR PROTECTION DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION DELTA, UTAH PHONE 2361 Elwin L. Pace, Owner Phone 2291 TIRE PLUS WEEKEND SPECIALS GLASS WARE LIFE JACKETS CHEMICAL GOODS LOLLY-POPS CANDY FOR THE KIDS IVlu DELTA, Thursday, March 5, 1964 ner in "Christian Ideals for Living." (Obert C. Tanner Is Professor of Philosophy at University of Utah and the book was prepared for study stu-dy in LDS Sunday Schools.) This book is one of the best I've ever read on the subject of LIFE and throughout the book the worthiness of an individual is stressed. One of the greatest g'fts from God is individualism. Individualism Individ-ualism in how we think, how we act, in accepting our responsibilities, responsibili-ties, realizing our opportunities, recognizing re-cognizing beauty, etc. is the theme of the book. In the Bible, parents are admonished admon-ished to "train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it". In this admonition, we are not being admonished to join "groups", parents, and force all children in the way they should go. No, the admonition is to each of us individually and the emphasis is on "train". When we, as parents, lind or think we find it necessary to form "groups" to control our youth then we are admitting that we have not done all we can and should at home. What should be a beautiful time in our lives is not. It's too fear ridden to be beauL'ful. By forming for-ming into "groups" we are forcing SALE UTAH IS the responsibility of making dec! sions regarding our youth's actions onto someone else. Sometimes we, as parents, are so busy attending these "group" meet'ngs on how to bring up our children that we have little time to stay home and prac rice what we already know OURS ARE OUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY, Oftentimes, by our indecisions we force the actual mo'.diug; of our own children's character onto some one else. More than likely these will be SCHOOL TEACHERS. And teachers have enough buflt-!n prob lems with school drop-outs, child ren from broken homes and child ren from homes where the parents absolutely do no: care WITHOUT THIS ADDED RESPONSIBILITY FORCED UPON THEM. When or if our children and youth stumble from the paths which we hope they are on, it 's not the "group" who will then accept ac-cept the responsibility of their actions. ac-tions. No, at long last, the truth will out: THE HOME TEACHING HAS BEEN LACKING IN POSITIVE GUIDANCE. Tuesday I was reminded that our parents did not have the worries that we as parents have today. Per haps this is so. This is a changing world. But, the part that SHOULD NOT have changed is parental guidance and love. Our parents had their fair share of worries. But, I BELIEVE SINCERELY THAT THEY FULLY ACCEPTED THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITIES MUCH BETTER THAN WE ARE DOING TODAY. By joining "groups" and discussing the ills of today's youth and trying to legislate more rules and regulations regula-tions to govern them by is a poor substitute for home guidance. What we're aiming at, through "groups" as parents, is reassurance through conformity of our youth because we fear our own capabilities. capabili-ties. What we'll be getting is widespread wide-spread rebellion and utter disrespect disre-spect for any authority. Survey after survey of young people's classes point up that these same young people want parents to make firm decisions, INDIVIDUALLY INDIVID-UALLY not COLLECTIVELY. Collectively Collec-tively we only add to their burden of trying to grow up in a "rules and regulations" world. Not onlv are wi mishincr nur PV. SPONSIBILITY aside in forming groups' to make our youth conform, con-form, we're also stifling them. IF OUR YOUTH ARE NOT LET TO GROW UP (with proper home guidance) guid-ance) WHERE WILL OUR THINK- LIVESTOCK QUOTES By Win Walker March 3. 1964 Cattle salable, 375. The" market was strong on feeders, feed-ers, calves and bulls. Choice fat cat tie were off cent. 90 head choice and high good fat steers and heifers. heif-ers. 200 head of feeder calves and large feeders; the quality was good as the price reflects. 40 head of high good cows mostly dairy type. 50 head baby calves. The top for today was a 800 lb. heifer fed by M. J. Moody and purchased pur-chased by Cudahy Packing Co. for $21.30. Choice steers brot $19.85 to $20.-25; $20.-25; good $18. to $19. Holstein feeders feed-ers $15.10 to $16.; fat $17.20. Crossbreeds Cross-breeds $17.10 to $19.30. Feeders, $20. to $24.20. Choice heifers 20.80 to $21.30; good $19. to $20.25. Feeders Feed-ers $18.85 to $20.50. Cows, standard, $15. to $15.70. Commercial $13. to $14.50. Springers, Spring-ers, by head, $152.50 to $175. Can-ners Can-ners $10. to $12. Dairy kind $13. to $14.20. Bulls $16.20 to $18.80. Veal $25. Calves under 400 lbs., steers, $25. to $26.75; heifers $23. to $23.85. Baby calves, large ones, $59. to $70.; small ones, $21. to $43. AUCTION NEWS Starting at 10:00 a.m. on March 31 the Auction will hold the first of it's Feeder Sales. A large bunch of buyers have been lined up for the sale and good prices are expected. ex-pected. FARM MACHINERY Massey-Ferguson Tractors Combines Swathers Balers Minneapolis-Moline Minneapolis-Moline Heavy Duty Tractors POWER UNITS Hew Holland Balers Swathers HARO-BEDS Gehl Wagons Choppers MIX-ALLS DO HE Equipment Co. Delta, Utah Phone 5125 9 Miles North of Delta ERS AND LEADERS COME FROM TOMORROW? Our nation was formed on rugged rug-ged individualism. We thrived as a nation on it for nearly 200 years. But, if the home gives up its RE SPONSIBILITY, and we FORCE our youth to conform to group thinking think-ing and ac.ions then our nation w 11 no longer be a republic but a socialistic nation. TH-S I BELIEVE May I direct your attention to Judy Jeffery's art cle "The Litera-tor"? Litera-tor"? Lack of space has prevented our publishing it heretofore. West Desert ROUNDUP VELMA TIMM Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lloyd, from Auburn, Calif., spent a week here on business. Recent visitors at the home of Inez Tripp were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tripp and family from Lehi. Inez went back with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Garff Maxfield and family, from Salt Lake City, spent a few days at the home of his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Maxfield. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Parker are the proud owners of a new Rambler Ramb-ler station wagon. Eudeene Parker, Leila Maxfield and Velma Timm attended Relief Society Leadership meeting in Delta, Feb. 23. The Relief Society is having a bazaar and free picture show Sat., March 21. Everyone is invited to attend. Chili beans and cake and items of handwork will be on sale. The Callao School is having a program March 14, for St. Patrick's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner visited Oliver and Zerma Tripp. II. R. llinton Throws Hat In Ring for Secretary of State Harvard R. Hinton, 42 year old attorney from Lehi, Saturday announced an-nounced his candidacy for the Democratic nominatioin for Secretary Secre-tary of State. He was one of his party's nominees for that office in the 1960 primary election. He is also a former State Senator having served in the 1959 and the 1961 legislative sessions. He was chairman of the Senate Education Committee during the 1961 session. He represented the State of U-taah U-taah for two years as a member of the Committee on Suggested State Legislation of the National Council of State Governments and served four years on Utah Legislative Legisla-tive Council subcommittees dealing with education and air polution. Mr. Hinton served as temporary chairman of the 1962 State Democratic Demo-cratic Nonrnating convention and has been otherwise active in Democratic Demo-cratic party circles for many years. He has a political science degree de-gree from the BYU and an LLB degree de-gree from the University of Utah School of Law. Although a native of Southern Utah, he has practiced law in Lehi since 1951 and serves as Lehi City Attorney. He served one term as President of the Utah County Lawyers Association. He is an active church member and served for nine years as bishop of his LDS Ward. He is also a veteran of World War II with overseas over-seas duty in the Pacific. In his statement of candidacy, Mr. Hinton declared that "In response re-sponse to a great number of encouraging en-couraging offers of help and support sup-port both from Salt Lake County and throughout the remainder of the State, I have decided to again seek the office of Secretary of State. This office was established by our State Constitution as second only to the Governorship in importance. impor-tance. This elected officer sits on the powerful State Board of Examiners, Ex-aminers, is on the governing boards of the University of Utah, Utah State University and Weber State College, is superintendent of the capitol building and grounds and among other duties has daily contact con-tact in his office with lawyers in dealing with problems of a legal nature associated with corporations issuing land patents, etc. These duties du-ties touch heavily into the field of Is this the greatest name in bourbon? r w-j S J OlBCRO'i oolite CROW America's preferred bourbon lUTvcc jtuot mum nam m x ustuis ut wtiui n i fins tu cm ktuui ,f ihmm.it. CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word. ads, 75c column inch. Will not be insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE For Sale SORRY Sal is now a merry gal. She used Blue Lustre rug and upholstery uphol-stery cleaner. Rent electric sham-pooer sham-pooer $1. Workman's Home Furnishings. Furn-ishings. SHOP NOW AT OUR LADIES' Dept. for New Spring Dresses, New Spring Hats, New Spring Hand Bags. See our New Spring Merchandise now at D. Stevens Co., Delta's Department Depart-ment Store. FOR SALE: 3 -bedroom home. Must be moved from present site. House has new roof, asbestos siding and coal furnace. See Al Willden. Ph. 4961. ll14tf FOR SALE: Purebred Brittany Spaniel. Spa-niel. Call 884J2. GENTLEMEN: see our new stocks John B. Stetson Hats, new stocks Samsonite Luggage, new stocks Men's and Boys' Spring Sport Shirts new stocks Men's bpring hurts. Buy now at D. Stevens Co., Men's Dept. SUPER stuff, sure nuff ! That's Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs and upholstery. up-holstery. Rent electric shampooer $1. Workman's Home Furnishings. WE HAVE SEVERAL good quality trade-in TV sets. Priced low and guaranteed. Many are equipped with built in UHF. Delta Auto Supply. Sup-ply. l2tf SANDRAN FLOOR COVERING $1.00 sq. yd. Workman's Home Furnishings. Fur-nishings. BATTERIES All sues on hand-Group hand-Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE, Phone 3791, Delta, Utah. 323tf FOR SALE: Case 61 IB tractor; T-24 plow; 191 loader. See Reed Turner. 216-27 FULL STOCK Electric Motors All size light horse-power, to . Also, electric drills And electrical parts. Delta Auto Supply, Phone 4251. 88tf LADIES: shop now at D. Stevens Co. Dry Goods Dept for new 1964 Spring Fabrics. See our excellent stocks. FEEDER and STOCKER SALE at Delta Livestock Auction, Tuesday, March 31, starting at 10:00 a.m. COME to QUALITY MARKET Hardware Hard-ware Sale for your lucky number gift. Hurry in now! 7 AND 5 PIECE DINNETTE SETS 10 discounts on all at Workman's Home Furnishings. CHESTS Finished and unpointed Assorted sizes 10 off. Workman's Home Furnishings. BALDWIN PIANO. Take over payment pay-ment of $10.00 per month on Baldwin Bald-win Spinet or will sell for cash. Also electric organ. Write Adjuster, PO Box 2033, Salt Lake City 10, Utah. 2127 LADIES BLOUSES Values to $5.98, Now only .96 and $1.77 at The Del-mart. Del-mart. law, making a legal background an added qualification of noteworthy note-worthy proportions." He is married to the former Rose Marie Brokaw of Roosevelt and they are the parents of seven children. child-ren. loVortfelnq yjorfcs for uou I 1 minimum ad 50c. Ads over S lines responsible for errors on phone-in CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE C FOR SALE: 1955 Foid 4-door sedan. M. H. Workman.. 2127-3112 FEEDER and STOCKER SALE at Delta Livestock Auction! Tuesday, March 31, starting at 10:00 a.m. FOR Sale or Rent: 3 -bedroom home with two baths. Contact Heber Curtis Cur-tis at 5400 Evergreen, Las Vegas, Nevada. ll29tf YARN 4 oz. 4 ply. Red Heart, 100 Wool only .99 Skein at The Del-mart. Del-mart. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Modem 3 bedroom home, 148 East 1st So Contact Grant Workman, 1357 Ath-erton Ath-erton Dr.. Salt Lake Citv or see M, H. Workman. Phone 4431 or 326L 2127-ti NYLON HOSIERY 1st quality. Seamless, 3 pr. only $1.49 at The Delmart. FOR these "Hard to Start" mornings morn-ings try an engine heater in your car. We s.ock all types and sizes. Delta Auto Supply. END TABLES 3-piece sets, only $24.95. Mahogany or Walnut at Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: 40 acres of land, 2i miles northwest of Hinckley. New fence, leveled, good stand of certified certi-fied Buffalo alfalfa and 40 shares of Deseret water. $5,000.; $1,000. down and $1,000. a year on unpaid balance at 5 interest. Call Mrs. Gladys Carter or write direct to Sherman Johnson, 169 East Grant St., Lebanon, Oregon. 123-312 LIMITED AMOUNT LATEX PAINT 12 price, $2.95 gal. Prefinished Mahogany Panel Board, 7ft. $3.95 8 ft. $4.95. Grant Church and Son STUDIOS While they last, only $69.95. Workman's Home Furnishings. Furnish-ings. COME to QUALITY MARKET Hardware Hard-ware Sale for your lucky number gift. Hurry in now! LIMITED AMOUNT LATEX PAINT 12 price, $2.95 gal. Prefinished Mahogany Panel Board, 7ft. $3.95 8 ft. $4.95. Grant Church and Son ESTABLISHED BUSINESS FOR SALE Western Auto Associate Store Owner, because ' of illness in the family, must sell his store in Moab, Utah. No experience is required. We train you. Minimum cash investment in-vestment of $15,000 Is needed. See, phone, or write now about this exceptional business opportunity. Western Auto Supply Company 2890 Reeves Avenue Ogden, Utah Phone EX2-7544 For Rent ZERMA TRIPP at Six-Mile Ranch near Wendover has a three bedroom bed-room home in Delta to rent. Furnished, Furn-ished, central heat, located at 309 North 2nd West. Call 5712 for information. Buy now from our . KEY STOCKS of i CURIAE LOTHES ii See our Hew Stocks of MEN'S SLACKS ... $9.53 a pair c DC LTB'S V r DtPflRTmcnT STORE J 15c a line thereafter. D'splay ads. Use of box no. SOc extra per KRONICLE EACH WtEK. FOR RENT: 1-bedroom apt. See Eleanor Murray or phone 2311. 1226tf FOR RENT: 1-bedroom apt. Furnished. Furn-ished. Lights and water paid. Call 3851, Jacob's Apts. l23tf FOR RENT: modern apartment, partially furnished. Call 3662. Mrs. Grant Snow. 315 FOR RENT: 2-bedroom house. Call Lucille Kimber at 5182. 320 FOR RENT or SALE: 3-bedroom home; modern; central heat. Ph. 5692. 829-9-25tf FOR RENT: Modern 4-room home. - LCa11 4431 or 3261. M. H. Workman. 227-tf WANTED TO RENT: One comfortable comfort-able bedroom in private home. Call 3451. FOR RENT: Furnished opts. Utilities Utili-ties paid. $37.50 up. Some newly decorated. Linens furnished or un-furn'shed. un-furn'shed. Daily, weekly or monthly month-ly rates. Delta Apts., 235 West Main ' or call Mrs. Abbott, 2931. 227-tf FOR RENT OR SALE: Two bedroom house at 357 West 100 North. Call 564J1 for information. 227-35 FOR RENT: Two. bedroom home. partly furnished. Call Lucille Kimber Kim-ber at 5182. 2127-3112 Miscellaneous WANTED: A copy of Milestones of Millard. Berniece Western, phone 3711. COME to QUALITY MARKET Hardware Hard-ware Sale for your lucky number gift. Hurry in now! GENTLEMEN: Buy New Spring Oxfords, Ox-fords, $7.98, $8.98 and $9.98, at D. Stevens Co., Shoe Dept. LIMITED AMOUNT LATEX PAINT 12 price, $2.95 gal. Prefinished Mahogany Panel Board, 7ft. $3.95 8 ft. $4.95. Grant Church and Son PART BOXER PUPPIES want a home. All male. Phone 8843. BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP: Complete radiator service, rodding, boil out, repairs. New radiator and heater cores. Used and new radiators. 228tf AVAILABLE for income tax work. See or call Ladd Black, 332J1. 1116-419 BROWNING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will delivei sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. Call 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tf WE WILL AUCTION Fat and Feeder Feed-er Hogs every other Tuesday at 11 o'clock, Feb. 11 and 25; March 10. Bring them in early as our regular regu-lar cattle sale will follow the hog auction. Delta Livestock Auction Phone 2361. 518-tf 1 7 r - VS1 V |