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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March S, 1964 LAURA BHADFIELD 0 00 Last Tuesday night our Beehive went to Sait Lake last Tuesday. girls and Boy Scouts went to Nephi j Small world isn't it? Jim Nielson, bowling. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nielson and Dale Tolbert. They had a wonderful wonder-ful time. The M A Maids and Explorers in our ward held their "Kitchen Carnival" Car-nival" last Tuesday evening. They had a pancake party. Jean Tolbert Katherine Jones and Keith Nielson were in charge. Shirley Grygla Snider from St. George visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Lucille Overson last Thursday. She was on her way to Salt Lake to attend the wedding of her sister, Joyce Grygla. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stephenson USED Tractors & Plows 720 D Tractor 720 D Tractor 530 Tractor JOHN DEERE A Tractor JOHN DEERE A Tractor MOLINE 1 Model Tractor M 1.11. Tractor 1.11. Plow 2-bottom tumble bug FARMER'S SUPPLY, IIIC who left recently for Aus ralia on an LDS mission, reports he is enjoying en-joying his work and who is h's firs missionary companion? Neuman Callister of Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elliot of Pay-son Pay-son visited with their granddaugh-ted, granddaugh-ted, Katherine Jones and family last Friday. Mrs. Clead Nielson and Mrs. Earl Greathouse entertained their relatives rela-tives and friends at a birthday party par-ty last Thursday night in honor of their husbands, Clead's and Earl's birthdays. Lucille Johnson went to Cedar City Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. Frank Cason and other relatives. rela-tives. She returned home Sunday. Tom Best was admitted to the Payson hospital last Saturday. He hasn't been well for quite some time. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benson and children of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Donald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Benson. Don Greathouse from Hill Field spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greathouse. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tolbert made a business trip 'o Provo last Fr'day. Dee and Renae Nielson and Donna Don-na Nielson Haycock and children of Salt Lake visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielson. Renae is staying here this week. Cheryl Mortensen of Delta spent the weekend with her g'rl friend Paula Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Aralda Jones visited In Tooele Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins spent the weekend inl Salt Lake with their son Ray and family. The'r main purpose for going to the city was to be in sacrament meeting and see their new granddaughter grand-daughter named. The baby was given gi-ven the name of Michelle. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nielson took their daughter Debra to Salt Lake .ast week for medical care. Lanny Wiley of Provo spent Sunday Sun-day in iLynndyl visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Benson. Ben-son. Margaret Bradfield of Leamington Leaming-ton returned home by traain Sunday Sun-day from a week's visit in Los Angeles An-geles and Las Vegas. She celebrated celebrat-ed her birthday in Las Vegas at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Liela Por'.er. There were 20 members mem-bers of her family present. She was met at the train iin Delta by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradfield. The ones that attended Oak City Gold and Green Ball had a wonderful wonder-ful time. ' BuiCt application pays! Bulk application, using USS Ammonium Nitrate or USS Ammonium Sulfate, has many advantages. It's economical, efficient, and convenient. There's a bulk outlet near you. Call now to schedule bulk fertilizer for your farm. For a new field record booklet, "The Program That Pays," see your USS Nitrogen Fertilizer dealer. It will help you increase profits on your farm. Insist on USS Nitrogen Fertilizers, made by United States Steel. Nitrogen Fertilizer n 0 Everyone remember Lynndyl's Gold and Green Ball on March 14. The theme Is centered around St. Patrick's Day. Their will be decorations decora-tions and a floor show, so let's all go "Irish" and remember the date March 14th. Come on out and have a good time. The school kids home from school th's weekend were Kathlynn Nielson, Salt Lake; Janet Nielson and Don Bradfield from Provo. Testimony meeting was very inspiring in-spiring Sunday. We were all so happy to see Cristal Nielson Sagers out. It is the first time she has been out since her experience with Jack Frost on Jan. 12th. She still has a long way to go before her hands and feet are all right, but with the determination and will power, she will be ail right in time. Everyone loves Cristal and misses her presence in public so much. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson received re-ceived a phone call from their daughter dau-ghter Janet Schwab in Ely telling them that her husband, Nephi, had been put in as counselor in the Stake Presidency of the LDS Church. RUBY SKEEM Lake and went to the temple with her granddaughter, Dian, when she was married. We finaly have winter on this fine Monday morning. It's snowing and blowing and the ground is cov ered. This is the best storm we have had this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roundy entertained en-tertained Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hon Cropper's wedding anniversary. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Cropper and daughters daugh-ters of Milf ord and Mary Ellen Cropper. There were 18 present for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Skeem spent the weekend in Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Skeem and children spent Sunday with her family fa-mily at Delta. Others visiting with Mrs. Rhea McCormick, recently released re-leased from the hospital, were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Justensen and Md. and Mrs. Stanley Bradfield and Ev-alvnn Ev-alvnn of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Skeem spent the weekend ini Las Vegas v siting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Berdell Memmott and children, Vin, Marilee, Penny and Shelly spent Saturday in Salt Lake visiting his family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Memmo.t and other relatives. Glor'a Martin and daughter, Pen ny and Voy Stewart visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Salt Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nichols last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nichols visit ed in Salt Lake over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Wiley of Granger spent the day with Mrs. Wiley's mother, Mrs. Betsy Skeem. Annie Bnnkerhoff of Beaver spent a week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Howell. Faye drove her mother to Fillmore to take the bus back to her home. M. and Mrs. Charles Sledge of Salt Lake spent a few days with their folks this week. Mr. Edwin Skeem spent the week end in Roy and Tooele visiting with his children and grandchildren. Stella Hawley returned home Sunday after spending three weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Max Lovell and children and his little grandson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Deon Gillen. Mrs. La Veda Bishop went to Salt Ella Christensen came home after spending a week in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Verta Stanworth visited with her children at Roy Thursday. We send our sympathy to Beth Day on the death of he brother. WANDA NIELSON J gas. While in Los Angeles she visited vis-ited with sisters and brother, Mr. Mrs. Clara Grygla attended the wedding of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (Joyce) Rushton. The young couple were married at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Rushton in Hunter, Utah. There will be a reception re-ception for them this Friday evening, even-ing, March 6, in Hunter. On Saturday, Satur-day, March 14 a reception will be held for them in Leamington. Sunday afternoon our family attended at-tended a dinner given by Mrs. Don (Joan) Bird for Mrs. Dorothy K.ll-pack, K.ll-pack, Miss Karen Killpack and Don Bird and grandson Richard Bird. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ward Killpack and family, Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nielsen Niel-sen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Nielson, Niel-son, Inez, Gayl and Wade. Mrs. Margaret Bradfield is home again after spending two weeks visiting vi-siting in Los Angeles and Las Ve- and Mrs. Jesse Nielson and fam ly, Mrs. Florence Andrews and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ritchie. While in Las Vegas Ve-gas she visited with children, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters and family. For Maggie's 71st birthday a lovely dinner was served by LaVern to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bradfield and family, fa-mily, Mr. and Mrs. Jud White and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Peters of Nipton, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porter and family. These are grand children and great-grandchildren of Maggie's. Maggie also attended the Gold and Green Ball while in Las Vegas and danced many times. Congratulations and many happy returns. Mrs. Jule Prochko, sister of Ruth Nielson, has been visiting here for a few days with Ruth, Ken and family, also, brother, Oral and Ella Nielson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nel son of Lynndyl. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Nielson were dinner guests of Mrs. Marge Great-house Great-house and family last night (Monday) (Mon-day) in Lynndyl. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Nielsdn, Claudine Nieison and I were guests from Leamington for a birthday party given by Mrs. Earl Great-house,, Great-house,, Mrs. Clead Nielson and Mrs. Lile Johnson for their husbands. Many more from Lynndyl were there but Laura will probably have them listed in the Lyn. News. Mrs. Lorin (Norma) Wiley who was seriously injured in a bathtub fall, is feeling much better. She is up and around now but still in a cast. Her address is 4552 West 5255 South, Kearns, Utah, if anyone wants to write her. I know she would love to hear from her many friends. Mr. Bus Nielson visited Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barben were in Logan last week visiting with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barben and family, their daughter Linda, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barben in Ogden. ii I rtfhttrri traewpark Community Church Our thanks to Rev. Wlcher for being with us for Communion services ser-vices last Sunday. Services will be held on March 15, and again on Easier Sunday, March 29. Keep these dates in mind. We are happy to see Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hauman back from Ore gon. Welcome to Fred Hauman, Jr., home from his labors in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen are In Kingston at the present time vhere they have gone to be with Mrs. Jensen's daughter, Ruth De- Lapp Coates. Mrs. Coates' husband passed away quite suddenly Feb. !7. Our sympathy and sincere pray-;rs pray-;rs go with this family in their lours of grief. We have one more to add to our shut-in list. Miss Karen Morrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Morr son, had her tonsils removed last Saturday. Karen is recovering and we are looking forward to hav ing her back in Sunday School. Our Monday afternoon Bible Masses are doing real well. The handicraf.s are being enjoyed by all. '.500 Reud It In The CHRONICLE Miftll V mf' Nitrogen Fertilizers Branch Mgr. REX WOOD Inter mountain Farmers Association tfjll WHEN YOU BUY A MT if 1 iWJ e ffASM I I fMfe UTILITY CART JL II W-KJ ANI1lC& ! I NHn ith RTiV I W,TH THE fURCHASE ' VKy" ' I ff U MM ELECTRIC OUTLET MlB1-- nr. H. 5E I 1 Ml95 pi J FA PORTABLE yVj.' I Chrome frames stool is 24" high with enamel finished backrest end I t MIXER IISI teat. 29'2" high cart has enameled shelves, U.L. approved twin ap- I 14..95 Tw j I pliance outlet. II x&s I I I Sr7m fiIV'' yO I rSfcA., QUALITY ELECTRICAL TAPE I speeds to mh'VhfB moiV3 fiL I SPRAY PAINT jgAHD DISPENSER jjgff beaV. I JpL QUART 1i49 ff (-$) JHUV I IWJtl MM FOR ONLY J U V S V? TYCI IYIVT TgsgK&r U " ' Rea, $1.49 V JS u indoor or out. I twn" " Absorbs water & times faster than cot- IrSTi?? I I ton mops, dries taster. Removable mop I i . .. 11 ii 1 ... a&--ei Ws5 resistant, durable. I plastic case witn instanr cuner. neaa on metal trame. With handle. f' I 14 colors and line chromite undercoat; use indoors or out. Quick-dry; rust, heat resistant, durable. BIG 20 GAL. PLASTIC TRASH m (795 GET A SECOND TRASH CAN Strong polyethylene; water tight, never rusts; molded side handles. Snug cover. LIMIT " 2;09 T" DAIklT PRQJpEN roller set Quality set; strong WR metal tray and mohair "LT covered roller PLUS txtra cover for Ic. a 30-FT. AQ AND ROLL 93 C FOR MORE GET A SECOND ROLL -inch plastic tape in permanent plastic case with instant cutter. rffefr FLASHLIGHT BATTERY my WHEN YOU BUY ONE T THE LOW ISe PRICE OF , Two regular sixe flash, light batteries for less than the usual price of one! Fit all standard flashlights. Limit 8 to customer1 no dealers. head on metal frame. With handle. PURCHASE A FAMOUS 1-HfiHl C"TSSSAW WW I $5.95 A1 aV?iJ ANO GET A SECOND DISSTON RIP SAW 26" length 8 point fgpj cross cut. 5'j point JULY rip. Limit two. 9 BUY ONE PLASTIC RUST DISSOLVE!! 51.00 f3! asm 3 i-oz. AND GET A SECOND ONE FOR 9 Removes rust from metal surfaces and prevents further rusting. rust-ing. Non-inflammable. PURCHASE A FAMOUS NATIONAL I RAND "JURF0RM" PLANE tffCHCH! SHOP-CRAFT i r in m i rf- a mtj fan VI Low Prict Drills Va ip te!, '! hardwood; gear-type 1 chuck iti key. Oouble reduction gears. U.L approved. 1k V2 AT 3.D AMI ItT A "tURPORM" FILC HI. tl.M FOR 0W.Y a Exclusive new all around tools, developed through Stanley research. LIMIT TWO. MM I IIC If i JRUglrr ADJUSTABLE ANVIL LOPPER - lardened tempered steel blade takes big bites. Adjustable en- at II III . L I ..J Vll allows Diaae TO De resnarpsnsu. 22" fire-hardened ash handle. $$kH SABRE SAW list Price JM.JS SOCIAL 8.99 '2300 strokes per 1 minute. U.L ap-proved ap-proved motor cuts full I" stroke- thru yi" mild steel, I" non-ferrous metals, 44 wood, 'j H.P. motor. V 1 GET A 2 CELL FLASHLIGHT WW PREVENTER COVERS J5H SO. PT. 8 IUY A LAKE 4J-0T. KITCHEN FOR AND FOR ONLY Pfflh n WASTE BASKET $1.99 1 if TALI POR ANO SET A 14-O.T. DECORATED IASKET POR r.tr 99 1 rc ftp SVLAVM fertilizer COVERS MM SO. FT. The crabgrass preventer kills crabgrass seeds as they germinate, germ-inate, end aided by the fertilizer, only the strong healthy desirable grass comes through. Completely safe. 9 Sturdy polyethylene plastic. Large siie is ideal for kitchen, M-qt. site for bath or bedroom. Yellow or turquoise. VALUABLE COUPON FOR Ch OKLYjljJ "re focused bulb, 3- a y safety switch, removable end cap. T i . . ..B.i u m 1 biiw Akir rt MAGNETIC FLASHLIGHT FOR I 1 m pr6k. WW 090 w. 1 1 w liSSSESSEir Alnico magnet holds to eny stee! surface. Red glowing head, chrome plated case. 3-way 3-way switch; flash burton. N PRO PAN t GAS CYLINDER F.ts Most Popular Makes Of Torches, Stoves, Etc. A 99c yr WITN COUPON DC LTO'S CEPflRTmcnT STORE j Ne iiiii ei 1 aW ' l |