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Show Thursday, March 5, 1964 Woman's Paje ocietj . . . WeHincjS . . . Club Tleios DESERET MRS. EDNA CHRISTZX2XN Millard County Chronicle Ilk u ' - , ? r- Reception Honors A wedding reception was held January 25 in Deseret Stake Center honoring Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart. The new Mrs. Stewart is the former form-er Carol McCullough. The marriage was solemnized in the St. George Temple with Pres. Rudger Atkin officiating. Bridal parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton McCullough of Delta and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stewart of Washington. Wash-ington. For her reception, the lovely bride was attired in a bouffant gown of lace tulle over satin. Tiers of net and lace formed the floor length skirt. The fitted bodice had a scalloped neckline outlined with rhinestones. The long sleeves tapered tap-ered to lily points at the wrists. A crown of rhinestones released her fingertip veil of illusion. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. Attending the bride were her sister, sis-ter, Elcie McCullough as maid of honor. She was gowned in beige brocade. Ethel Lovell, Rawlene Hales and Sandra Hughes, bridesmaids, brides-maids, were gowned iin red brocade bro-cade taffeta. Petite Louise Neilson and Connie Neilson, flower girls, were in red velvet. All carried bas SECOND WARD AREA HEWS BRIEFS ELAINE Instead of staying home this week and tending to my business and news I went to sunny St. George for the weekend. The weather wea-ther down there is beautiful just like spring! We didn't even need coats. We visited with my aunt Annie and also with Grandpa Schlappi. Had a real good time. My folks Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner went with Don and I and the kids. Visiting wi h Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mar-ion Killpack last week were their daughter, Lela of Provo and grand daughter Judy. Delta Second Ward Den No. 2. Scouts, under the direction of Lola Burraston, won the award for best window display uptown. It was of their accomplishments. The boys were: Ronald Wright, Alan Burraston, Burras-ton, Ralph McCall, Brook Pace, Jan Pace, Jerry Jenkins and Mark Lo-see Lo-see Den Chief. LaVerna Corry is up and around again after hoc operation and we are surely glad she is better. I also saw Mrs. Nell Sorenson out again. . We are so glad these gals are better bet-ter and certainly hope they stay that way. "Bir hday Greetings" th's week to: Thayne Applegate, Charles Ray Allen, Louise Lyman and Mary Louise Lyman. . Sacrament meeting Sunday was held right after Sunday School. David Da-vid Moody blessed his son and gave him the name of David Paul. Also, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Du-ane Du-ane (Judy McCall) Watts was blessed and given the name of Wayne Dean Watts. The granddaughter granddau-ghter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hof-fheins Hof-fheins was blessed and given the name of Michelle Ila. She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Pope Hudgins. BIG SALE AT MABEL'S NEARLY 200 DRESSES at $5.00 or less Must make room for SPRING MERCHANDISE plIIBi aiSSii ' -1 rx Bridal Pair . . . kets of red poinsettas and white mums tied with red and white bows. Clair Tobler filled ,best man duties. The program was as follows: Piano Pi-ano duet, Elsie McCullough and Darlene M. Neilson, "Melody of Love"; vocal solo, Sandra Hughes, "Because"; reading, Alta Ashby; organ medley, Glena Moody; tribute tri-bute to bridal couple, Elaine Dek-ker; Dek-ker; vocal duet, Susan Reeve and Spencer Ashby; Hawaiian Wedding song, Elaine Spencer.' Don Webb, uncle of the bride was master of ceremonies. In charge of the guest book was Ann Webb. Gift bearers were Bruce Neilson and Bradley Jensen, nephews. ne-phews. Eloise Johnson was at the punch bowl and in charge of gifts were Judy Shepherd, Susan Ashby and Joan Phillips. The beaut'ful wedding cake was baked by the mother of the bride and was decorated by Betty Johnson. John-son. The newlyweds are making a home in St. George where Mr. Stewart is employed at the Hawthorne Haw-thorne Co. ROBISON Confirmed members of the church were Richard Waddingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe Waddingham Wad-dingham and Debra Bohn, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bohn. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Dalley of Amer ican Fork and Myrna Lee Dalley of Orem visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Murdock and children, Kim, Robert, Kathy and Robin. I want to thank all you Second Warders for supporting our Blood Bank last Thursday. We were able to pay back Luella McAllister's and Golden Black's blood. A sincere sin-cere thanks to the following for coming: Lee Wankier, Lee McAllister, McAl-lister, Ruth Corry, Charles Allen, Wayne Sorensen, Ferrin Lovell, Wil lard Stephenson, Joe Barney, Ronald Ron-ald Wright, Paul Dewnsup, Norma Waddingham, Cecil Losee, Harlow Bingham, Nona , Chesley, Steve Stoddard, Ruth Ann Lyman and Louise Lyman. Sorry to hear Joe Snow s a little under the weather. He is one guy I really think a lot of and can really look up to (in more ways than one). We Second' Warders want you to hurry and get well, Joe. We send our best to you. Mrs. Verdella Adams received word this last week that her son, Anthony, was made Branch President Presi-dent in his mission. Congratulations to him. We are sure he will make a real good one. I guess that's all the news this week. AIIRAI1AM MRS. AFTON FULLMER True to tradition, March came in like a' lion (windy and cloudy).! Our neighbors who have been' gone for the cold weather have returned; re-turned; Floyd and Cleone Tolbert, 1 Carl and Eleanor Murray and Clif- ferd Petersen. I don't know for sure if Erma s here or not. Carl Stoneking and wife Ferrol and baby came down from Salt Lake last weekend to take Lola Stoneking up for a checkup with her doctor. Shauna and Debra Fullmer were baptized into the church Saturday night and confirmed Sunday. Robert Taylor returned to Grand Junction, Colo., this week after a visit with his folks here. Mrs. Jessie Neville stayed a few day9 with Clark and Reva Bliss this week then returned to Boulder, Colo, where she lives. We've enjoyed a few nice days and one Robin Red Breast is hopping hop-ping around our yard. Looks like spr'ng is near. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald (Ann Cor- Oak City News MAE H. Over the weekend the weather was so nice and brot many visitors to Oak City: M. J. Roper and family, fam-ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Dutson and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lovell Cedar C ty; Kenneth and Garth Fin linson, David Lovell, Nola Nielson and some friends, Karen Olsen and Marsha Alldredge, Keith Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Nielson and family fam-ily and Dale Melville. Likely I have missed some, hope not too many. We were glad to report Reece Finlinson, teaching at Delta High and Roger Anderson could attend the science convention at Salt Lake for several days last week. Congratulations, Con-gratulations, Reece and Roger. Miss Claudia Jacobson went back to Murray Sunday to resume her teaching after surgery about six weeks ago. We are happy she is better and able to go to her school work again. At Relief Society meeting last week Mrs. Erma Cropper was a stake visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finl'nson, also Burnis Finiinson were in California a few days last week. Mrs. Amy Faust visited in Oak City a few days. She is recovering from an ear operation at a Salt Lake hospital. We were sorry to hear she had sprained her ankle while here and hope she will soon be her happy self again. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Alldredge and two daughters were visitors for a few days from Sunset. Sun-set. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lovell had their daughter Bonnie and family spend the weekend with them from Salt Lake. March is American Red Cross Month and the fund drive is under way, announces Mrs. Thorpe Wad dingham, Chairman of West Millard County. Following is information regarding regard-ing the services of the American Red. Cross to Millard County: During 1963 126 pints of blood was sent to the hospital. 54 pints were used to replace blood used by county residents hospitalized in Salt Lake City. 120 CC's of Gamma Globulin was sent to doctors in the county. 170 pints of blood was collected col-lected on Mobile visits to Millard County. Under the sponsorship of the A-merlcan A-merlcan Red Cross the Gray Ladies have been organized to work as volunteers at West Millard Hospital. Hospi-tal. The Gray Ladies do such things as answering telephones, writing letters, reading to patients and assisting as-sisting in any other way they are asked. The Gray Ladies purchase their own uniforms. Their pins are presented by the American Red Cross. Members of the group are: Dana Bishop, Ella Christensen, Vi-late Vi-late Maxfield, Mina Steele, LaPriel Mortensen, LaRae Peterson, Norma Pearson, Pearl Hawley and Evelyn bett) Thomas visited with us Sun day. 1 Miss Marilee Young was home over the weekend from BYU and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Young of Ely visited with the Young families, Alva and Eugene, Sunday. Their daughter Millie also goes to the BYU in Provo. Latest news here in Abraham We have about 2-in. of snow and it is still snowing this Monday morning. THE "MORMON" PAVILION at the New York World's Fair is n earing completion. The building features a 127-foot-talI repl'ca of in 'Si m- (4- -r .- w mm ,p tl ril. 1 1 1,1 ? SHIPLEY M;s. Twiss Nielson has been in Salt Lake with her son Delynn and family the past three weeks. They brot her home and visited Saturday Satur-day and Sunday in Oak City. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Finlinson and children RaNae, Robert and Douglas Doug-las were in Salt Lake Sunday with the'r children, David and Janet and families. At the Wilford Sheriff home for two or three days were Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sheriff and Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Olsen and children. At Sacrament meeting many were out to the services. Tex Alldredge All-dredge and Jerry Anderson were confirmed members of the church. They were baptized Saturday evening even-ing at the Stake House in Delta. Edgar Lovell was advanced to the teacher quorum. The theme of the Gold and Green Bail last Saturday night was blue Hawaii . All report a very nice affair. Much effort was spent on the beautiful decorations and the good program was enjoyed by the many dancers and folks present pre-sent Congratulations to our young people and the MIA officers and teachers. Mr. Earl Harris is home from the Veterans Hospital in Salt Lake. He reports he is yet to feel in good health. We are glad to have him home again and hope he will en-prove en-prove faster now at home. Say did we have a wonderful snow storm Saturday night and most of the day Monday. Six in. of wet snow will surely add to our moisture this spr'ng for which we are grateful. I think March came in like a "lion" the way the wind blew before the storm arrived. Robison who has been taking Mrs Maxfield's place while she is in California visiting her daughter. Under federal statute and regulations regu-lations of the Army, Air Force and Navy, the American Red Cross furnishes furn-ishes aid to the sick and wounded of the Armed Forces and acts in matters of voluntary relief and as a medium of communications between be-tween the people of the United States and their Armed Forces. Home Service is a program of family service to members of the Armed Forces and their families which includes the specific functions func-tions of counseling in personal and family problems, reporting and communications service, assistance in applying for government benefits bene-fits referral service and financial assistance. In addition to the program for service men, veterans and their dependents, de-pendents, chapters may undertake emergency civilian relief programs. Another service for civilians involves in-volves the handling inquiries from persons in the United States about the location of civilians in foreign countries. Red Cross Societies in foreign countries help locate civilians civil-ians in the United States. Locally the American Red Cross has assisted families who have had their homes destroyed by fires. Another An-other service of great benefit are the swimming classes held at Delta Del-ta each summer for young swimmers. swim-mers. Coach Bob Horlacher was sent to school of instruction for swimming coaches last summer by the local chapter. Dorothy Killpack, in charge of the blood program in West Millard, expresses thanks to the American Legion Auxiliary for furnishing the east spires of the Sal'; Lake Temple, capped by a gilded statue of the Angel Moroni. The building includes two large ex MISS NANCY PECK Engagement Made Known Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Peck of Delta are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Nancy to Rex Stone his week. Mr. Stone is the son of Mr. and Mrsl Harlan Stone of Sutherland. The young couple is making plans for a mid-summer wedding. Ruth Steele visited in Evans'on. Wyo. the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Niel Heyborne went to a Lumberman's Lumber-man's Convention in Salt Lake City while Mrs. Steele visited with the boys, Bruce and Kevin. Sharon Steele also visited in Evanston over ov-er the weekend. They celebrated Sherlene Heyborne's birthday Sunday. Sun-day. SHOP , AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS 0 0 0 cookies at the recent blood drawing. draw-ing. 97 pints were drawn. Four deferrals de-ferrals were made, making a total of 101 persons willing to donate blood for this program, one of the best services offered by the A-mericanmerican A-mericanmerican Red Cross. West Millard Chapter reached its quota. Following are names of some remarkable re-markable people of this area: one gallon donors and two gallon donors. don-ors. All are to be congratulated. ONE GALLON DONORS Sterling Bennion, Richard 3. Mor- American Legion Auxiliary News The American Legion Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting Thursday, Thurs-day, March 5 (tonight). All members mem-bers are urged to be present. The evening will be spent in painting new crosses and planning a community service report. All members are urged to be prepared to turn in their community service record this month. Included in this information could be hours spent in all church and civic activities, office held in church and civic organization or-ganization which donate to community com-munity service and whether members mem-bers in the above. Old clothes should be worn to the meeting to paint in. Members are asked to bring old clothes, books, coffee bands, and eyeglass frames to meetings. Frames and bands can be handed to Jeanne Taylor at Valley Builders. Build-ers. An ideal gift for the college student stu-dent Is the Millard Countv Chron icle. Order today. hibit hal's. a spacious gallery, and two morie thea'res. The grounds are attractively landscaped, land-scaped, highlighted by a reOect-'ng reOect-'ng pool at the foot of the tower. In Sacrament meeting Sunday Dixon Eliason, son of B shop and Mrs. Lincoln Eliason was graduated graduat-ed from Primary and later ordained a deacon. Sunday was Dixon's 12th birthday and that was a nice way to celebrate it. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup accompanied Ormus Dutson Dut-son to California. Ormus took them to Compton to visit a week or so with Mollie's sister, Mrs. Ada Williams, Wil-liams, while he takes care of his bees in the San Bernardino area. Raymond Curtis and family were over-night gues'.s Wednesday nite at the home of his mother, Ines Damron. Ralph Curtis returned home Monday Mon-day from his visit in Phoenix, Ariz. LaMar Dewsnup and sons Darwin and Alan went to California last C . . J . . 1 I. ... 1 1 n. ounuay anu ne reiuriieu nume iuesi j... : . t- i j a i uay wun a ioaa ui caives. un rn-day rn-day LaMar and Aletha and children, child-ren, Maria and Kendall went to California for another load of calves. Mr. and Mrs. Varlo Cahoon have been visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Randell Cahoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Wood of Las Vegas visited Thursday at the homes of John Henry Western,, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western and Mr. and Mrs. Milden Scow. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Deardon of Garrison were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner. Clarence Wade and Sam Wade were other visitors the Warners War-ners have had recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stanworth and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jensen went to Las Vegas Saturday and returned return-ed home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Skeem of Oasis accompanied them. uGawille Mr. and Mrs. Harlon Stone spent Saturday in Spanish Fork and Salem. Sa-lem. They visited with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz and Ireta Shurtz made a trip to Provo on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis have gone for a week's vacation. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Jay Terry and family in Ely, go to China Lake where they first met and visit in Las Vegas with their sister, Evelyn Eve-lyn Hardy and family on their way rison, Marie Barben, Venice B. Davis, Da-vis, Glen S. Swalbefg, Dorthy Shel-ton, Shel-ton, Ruth Hansen, William Van Bishop, Marvin Osguthorpe, Amelia Cole, Ivy Allred, Clifford Adams, Robert Ashby, Edna Christensen, Carolyn Christensen, Cecil Losee, Albert Winsor, Walter Wright, Er-vin Er-vin Allred, Parley Hales, Kennard Riding, Cecil Baker, Velma Adams, Harold Taylor, Frank Bishop, Del-ma Del-ma Watts, Boyd Bunker, Bruce Lovell, Jack Fowles, Tekela Dekker, Ward Killpack, Waldo Black, Mary Jeffery, Seth Jackson, Larry Ashby, Ray Brown, Arlo Y. Taylor Betty D. Beaulieu, Ava Anderson, Nona Chesley, Leigh Maxfield, Lyman Finlinson. TWO GALLON DONORS Ferrin Lovell, Belva W. Morris, Wayne Sorenson, Norma Pearson, Ralph "Bud" Bassett, Floyd Hardy. When you install nameless electric heat in your new or remodeled home, you put more joy into living, because you put more house into your home . . . with less cost. Some of the ways you can get more house with electric heat: Clean Lines. No bulky furnace, vents, ductwork. Easy to Add On. You can expand your home easily without costly heating modifications. Cleaner Home. Because fiameless electric heating keeps walls, draperies, furniture cleaner. More Comfortable. A home built for electric heating is better insulated no drafts, cold spots on walls. You can't beat electric heat! UTAH POWER Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bennett spent Monday at Richfield visiting with their son LaMont and family. They spent Wednesday and Thursday Thurs-day with Mr. and Mrs. Verland (LaRue Bennett) Willden and family. fa-mily. Verland was released from the hospital on Wednesday after a stay of five days. Students home for the weekend were Delene Black, Francis Cropper, Crop-per, Darrel Scow, Gary and Gill Dutson, John Western and Fern and Arlan Crafts. Layne Eliason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Eliason, suffered a badly spra'ned ankle at school on Thursday Thurs-day and has had to go on crutches since. Max Jensen came down from Pro vo and spent Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jensen and other relatives. He brot four boy friends down with him and they really enjoyed the day in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jensen, Bonnie Bon-nie and Dale spent the weekend in Salt Lake visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Roberts. While there, their daughter Diane came down from Logan to visit with her parents par-ents and grandparents. The Jensens Jen-sens went to Salt Lake Friday and came home Sunday. LaPreal Justesen was down to spend the weekend with her mother moth-er Myrle Bennett. When she returned re-turned to her home in Magna Monday Mon-day she took her mother with her to spend the next ten days. While She is gone Myrle will spend a great deal of her time visiting her husband in the rest home in Orem. We certainly had a nice snow storm this morning. Who says prayers aren't answered? We are in hopes we will get many more storms. Hews VENICE DAVIS home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McBride and family of Salt Lake visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis and attended church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and fanvly of Dugway visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Losee. Mr. and Mrs. LaRay Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greene and small son of Salt Lake visited Sunday with their mother, Lois Greene and Chuck and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rom Shields has re turned from a trip to Jerome, Idaho Ida-ho and a visit with their daughters and families. Tuesday in Relief Society Mrs. Ruth Bishop, Stake Relief Society President, met with us. Bob Jenson is home this week visiting with his family. Bob Clark, Bill Clark and Bus Thomas made a trip to New Mexic to move some machinery down for a company.. They, were gone for two or three days. Tressa Jenson made a trip to the Manti Temple during the week. Sunday was Sacrament and testimony tes-timony meeting, conducted by Le-Aur Le-Aur Shields. A large crowd attended. attend-ed. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Walker of Oak City visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis. & LIGHT CO. |