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Show SUTHERLAND Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Owens and Janet went to Salt Lake and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. David Young and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Morrison and they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Wright and Lori of Ogden. They enjoyed a good visit. Mr. and Mrs. Oz Johnson, Paul and Sally went to Salt Lake Saturday Satur-day where La Veil was at the University Uni-versity of Utah to take a history examination for a class she is taking. tak-ing. They drove home by the old Pony Express route and enjoyed the ride. Marland Steele was home for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Steele. They went to Salt Lake where they were joined by Sherrie Steele and all went to Pleasant Grove to visit with the Wesley Hardy family.- Mr. and Mrs. Elnathan Abbott visited in Salt Lake last week with Arlene and family. Mr. and Mrs. Brose Roberts went to Logan Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Roberts and small son. Mrs. Delilah Ogden was here last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones are enjoying en-joying themselves in Mesa, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. William Erickson and Roma Anderson of Smithfield visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Jones and family. We are sorry to report that Mr. Lawrence Abbott suffered a heart attack Sunday. At this writing he is improving but will be in West Millard Hospital" until recovery. Martha Johns of Salt Lake is here to be with her mother and father. Mark Abbott of American Fork was here Monday. We all wish him a speedy recovery. We all wish to extend our sympathy sym-pathy to Beth Day at the death of her brother in Orem. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen are in Kingston with their daughter, Ruth DeLapp Coates. Are all very sorry to hear of the death of Ruth's husband and send her our love and sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. John De-Lapp De-Lapp went to the funeral Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jensen and Mrs. LaVell Johnson went to Richfield Sunday to the mortuary to see Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walker went to Logan to a meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rose went to Ogden to the funeral of Heber's foster mother who passed away. Visiting at the Max Johnson home over the weekend were their son Elwin, Kent Freeman, Judy Campbell, Grant Lee and Janet Dean and small daughter Diana. Little Diana stayed to visit the rest of the week. Mrs. Hettie Johnson is visiting in Los Angeles with her daughters and families. Mrs. Ivo Ogden visited in Provo last week with Dana Kay and in Orem with the Ron Mecham family. Mrs. Paige Hawley and small son are visiting with her parents, the Bud Bassetts. Linda Walker and her fiancee, Bill Twitchell visited Linda's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Walker. Ken Mortensen visited his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mortensen. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashby were here for the weekend. Pam Robison was home from college to visit the Ben Robisons. '1 V Let us lighten your burden with an . . . AUTOMATIC BALE VAGOII CALL US. GET IN THE LINE UP ! !- Herald Petersen & Sons PHONE 793S A tfJi Dining CoinrDlbinaftion! 1. YOUR FERTILIZER DEALER 2. SOIL ANALYSIS 3. ANCHOR FERTILIZERS Your bulk blending fertilizer dealer . . . soil analysis . . . and Anchor Brand Fertilizers are a winning combination com-bination when it comes to greater crop yields. "Actual field testing'.' has proved that a balanced fertility program boosts yields . . . that soil sampling and testing are necessary for balanced soil fertility ... and that for best yield results, fertilizer, like medicine, must be properly blended. See your Anchor Fertilizer dealer soon for the fertilizer combination best suited to YOUR soil and YOUR crop requirements. &kisixisk Fertilizers SOLD BY STAUfFEfi CHEMICAL CO'tr.-FERTILIZER CO'tr.-FERTILIZER UIVI&ON Those being baptized and con firmed members of the church Sun day were Debby and Shauna Full mer, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fullmer; LuAnn Lyman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyman; Tamera Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Jones; Dane Rawlinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rawlin son. Judy and Dian Turner of Salt Lake visited their family, the Fred Turners. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boothe and daughter of Salt Lake City are at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zen Boothe, where Mr. Boothe (Dale) is convalescing from surgery, surg-ery, which he underwent last week at West Millard Hospital. FIRST WARD AREA KEVS BRIEFS LEONA WORKS Recent visi org at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Searle were the r daughter, Mrs. Douglas Hendricks Hend-ricks and son from Provo and Sid Searle from Orem. Mrs. Bud Huff is home after having hav-ing surgery iin the Holy Cross Hospital Hos-pital in Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Crapo visited visit-ed in Delta last Wednesday with their mother, Blanch Works. Mr. and Mrs. Dav'd Jacobs have DELTA THIRD WARD AREA IIEYS BRIEFS BEA WILLDEN March surely came in like a lion. Maybe we'll get a little moisture mois-ture this month. I hope we get a lot, but will try not to be piggish. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Christensen spent the weekend in Brigham City visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vance West and two children. They report Karen Kar-en is feeling fine now which - is real good news. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zuefelt visited Mrs. Eulalla Riding Saturday. Mrs. Zuefelt s the former Peggie Riding, a granddaughter of Mrs. Riding's. Mr. and . Mrs. Leland Sanderson are rejoc'ng over a new granddaughter granddau-ghter born March 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon (Karen) Talbot in Orem. LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to 24-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, the Delta City Board of Adjustment has set Thursday, March 12, 1964, at 8:00 p.m. as the time, and the Delta City Offices as the place, of a public hearing of appeal proceed ings; said appeal having been taken by Floyd Hardy of Delta, Utah, from a decision of the Delta City Building Inspector, denying a building permit. The decision of the Delta City BuilcLng Inspector, as hereinbefore referred to, was based on the fact that the plans of Floyd Hardy did not comply with Delta City Planning Plan-ning Ordinances Number 24-26-D-l. All interested individuals andor their attorneys or agents are in vited to attend the aforereferred to hearing and register any protests pro-tests which they might have to appellant's proposed building plan to allow him a building permit on the following property: Beg. at the NW. Cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 35, Plat A, Delta Town Survey, Sur-vey, Th. S. 123 Ft., Th. E. 82 Ft., Th. N. 123 Ft., Th. W. 82 Ft. to Beg. BY ORDER OF DELTA CITY - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT by Leland J. Roper, Chairman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce (Margaret) Taylor spent Saturday and Sunday visiting in Delta with their families and attended the wedding reception recep-tion of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mullen-nox Mullen-nox (Diane Lovell). Mr. and Mrs. Lee (Carol McCu1.-lough) McCu1.-lough) Stewart and Miss Elsie Me-Cullough Me-Cullough visited Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Ham-ilton McCullough over the weekend. week-end. The wedding reception for the new couple held Saturday night in the Stake House was a very lovely one and a large crowd attended. Those attending from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mul-lennox, Mul-lennox, parents of the groom from Rapilje, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bradshaw and daughter Nadean, Cedar City; Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Bishop, Cedar City; Mr. and Mrs. George Ipson and daughter Ann, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Carl-son, Cedar City; Mr. and Mrs. Dahl Powell, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Max Lovell, Riverton; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carpenter, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Brinkerhoff and daughter Ginger, Holden; and Miss Judy Bankhead, Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Atkinson had their baby blessed in Sacrament meeting Sunday and gave him the name of Tracy Roper Atkinson. The young son (Mi.che'l) of Mr. and Mrs. Max Terrell was baptized a member of the church and confirmed con-firmed Sunday. Also baptized a member of the church was Mrs. Dale Willie. She was baptized by her husband, Mr. Dale Willie. Mr. and Mrs. Al Willden and Corkey and Mrs. Richard Hare and children, Shauna, Bart and Lori Ann, went to Spanish Fork Sunday and attended Sacrament meeting, where they saw the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carter receive re-ceive her name. She was blessed by her grandfather, Eldon Carter and given the name of Stacy Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Forster and child ren Cindy and Greg of Bountiful were there.also. We had a lovely visit with the family. We stopped in Payson and visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mayer. Mrs. Mayer is an aunt of Mrs, Al Willden's. It was auntie's birthday yesterday and two' of her daughters were there with their children one I hadn't seen in 17 years so it was a real thrill for us. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate water in Millard County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. All locations are in SLB&M. TO CHANGE: a-4403 Jack M. Nelson,' Lynndyl, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion and place of use of 5 sec.-ft. of water initiated by Application Ap-plication No. 28445. The water was to have been diverted from a well at a point N. 375 ft. and W. 1320 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 2, T15S, R5W, and used from Apr., 1 to Oct. 31, as a supplemental supply, for the rrigation of 323 aores in SSE, NWSE',4, ESW, WNEV4, NENE said Sec. 2, and for year- round stock-watering purposes. Hereafter, 5 sec.-ft. is to be di-verled di-verled from a 16-in. well, 303 ft. I deep at a point S. 5132.3 ft. and E. 412.5 ft. from Si Cor. Sec. 35, T14S, R5W, and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31, as a supplemental supply, sup-ply, for the irrigation of 323 acres in Lots 1, 2, SWNE, SENE, SEVaSW'A, NESE, NWttSEyi, SW'iSE1, SEKSE'A Sec. 2, T15S, R5W, and for year-round watering of 250 cattle. TO APPROPRIATE: 35S12 United States of America, Bureau of Land Management, P.O. Box 777, Salt Lake C.ty.UL .05 sec.-ft. sec.-ft. from a 6-in. well, 300 ft. deep at a point S. 6800'E. 1440 ft. from S Cor. Sec. 33, T14S, R6W. The water is to be used for the water-ng water-ng of 500 cattle in NWNE14 Sec. 4, T15S, R6W. 3S72I Garold D. Moody, Deseret, Ut .015 sec.-ft. from a 2-in. well, bet. 200 and 800 ft. deep at a point N. 75 ft. and W. 4160 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 36, T16S, R8W. The water is to be used for the domestic domes-tic requirements of one family, for the watering of 100 cattle, 3 horses, and 25 hogs, ail uses in SWViSWtt said Sec. 36. 35789 H nckley Town Corpora-Hinckley, Corpora-Hinckley, Ut. 2 sec.-ft. from a 12-in. well, 1000 ft. deep at a point N. 1750 ft. and E. 870 ft. from W'i Cor. Sec. 20, T17S, R7W. The water is to be used for the municipal purposes of the Town of Hinckley. Protests resisting the granting of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must be f.led in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before April 18, 1964. Wayne D. Criddle STATE ENGINEER Published in the Millard County Chronicle, Delta, Utah, from March SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS returned to Delta to make their home after living for many years in Torrence, Calif. They have property pro-perty here and well keep busy taking tak-ing care of it. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Sparks of Nampa, Idaho, are here visiting with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gardner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner and fa;, mily. . Mrs. Sparks slipped on ice and fell and broke her ankle in three places. I see where Jerry Huff and Sterling Ster-ling Church were both on the high honor roll. This requires a 4. average aver-age and is straight a's. We are real proud of the students going away to school. I'm sure there are many others that are on the honor rolls that we don't know about. Mr. and Mrs. Max Robison were in Provo Saturday to visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Gardner, who have been living in Vernal, have moved to Provo where Kay is wdrking in the new Skaggs Drug Store. Mrs. Grant Snow was in Salt Lake last weekend and brot their two grandchildren, children of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Estes, down for a week's v'sit while their parents are vacationing in San Francisco for a week. Students home for the weekend that I saw were Bob Riding, Lynn Bunker, Harold Knight, Delene Ash-by, Ash-by, Stephen Allred, Larry Odean and Jerry Huff. Mr. Ed Bunker who has spent the winter in Cedar City with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Varley Dutson, is back in Delta whore he intends to spend the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Dutson, Kathern and Jim, and Mrs. Odell (Trena) Thompson and two children brot Mr. Bunker home., Jhey all had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hales. Mr. Bunker feels real good after his sick spell last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tripp and Delora visited for two days last week with their mother, Mrs. Ada-line Ada-line Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Swensen of ITnckley brot their sister, Geneva Chapman of Sterling, to visit with their aunt Blanch Works last Sunday. Sun-day. Mr. and Mrs. LeMar axe now living liv-ing in Delta. LeMar has been here since October. He went to Reno last week and returned Saturday with Erma and their belongings. We are glad to have them back. Their son Edwin is in the Air Force. Mrs. Fay Walker visited in Salt Lake last week with their children, Mr., and Mrs. Renn Goulding and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Walker Walk-er and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leif Alldredge and family. She made the trip with Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Alidredge who went up to do some research work at the Genealogy Gen-ealogy Archives. Mr. Robert Olsen spent the week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fay Walker while his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Olsen visited out to Garrison with their mother, Mrs. Josie Works. Mrs. Works lived here several years ago. She has had the misfortune of falling and hurting herself. She isn't feeling too good Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 5, 1964 at present. Warren Jensen who is in the Air Force Reserve returned home last week after a 9-day trip into Alas ka where he piloted a plane dropping drop-ping paratroops, heavy equipment and supplies. This was a practice flight. He has recently spent time at Kentucky where there is a para-troop para-troop school. Warren has been in the Air Force Reserve for a year and has a Senior Pilot rating which requires 7 years as a pilot plus 2,000 hours or more of fiying time. A lot of paratroop and heavy equipment and supply droppings is done all over the western states; some at Wendover, Indian Springs in Nevada and into Idaho. It was a real thri'.l to see Cher i 9 Morris's picture in the paper pinning pin-ning a medal on young Eddie Lee Theobald for the brave act he did Jan. 30. h when he was involved in the train-car wreck which claimed the life of LaRell Draper. Cherie is the president of the American Legion Auxiliary, the wife of Don Morris and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bishop. Visitors a: the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Workman were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashby and two children, Deanne and William Scott of Sunset. Sun-set. They went to Fillmore Saturday Satur-day to visit wi;h Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tru-man Ashby. They had their young son named in meeting Sunday in a Fillmore LDS Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Workman of Granger spent Sunday with the M. H. Workmans. It is really snowing this morning and has a real lot of water in it. I'm sure .it will help our thirsty ground. Maybe it will help things to look brighter for all of us. Please call your news to mell SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE warn Wttxm, diur There is nothing to buy with a Pitvate Outdoor Light. You rent, for a modtst monthly fee, completely automatic service. Some of the many uses and benefits: Safer parking areas Guards against theft Extends working hours Prevents accidents Adds nighttime beauty Attracts customers For more information on Private Outdoor Light, phone or write your nearest Utah Power & Light Co. office. There is no obligation. If it's electric, it's better! CHEVELLE! by CHEVROLET-a great highway performer Malibu Jioor Sedan " '-" Maibu SuperQvp 7-T-iJL. . Malibu Super Sport Convertible CheveUe 300 6-Passenger Station Wagon Chevelle balanced performance is best! Passing, cornering, threading through traffic, sudden stops Chevelle excels all around! Chevrolet's new surprise package has what it takes to meet any driving challenge: Six or V8 engines, hefty brakes, Full Coil suspension and a trim size that makes the most of them! Chevelle means performance aplenty standard 120-hp Six or 195-hp V8 and optional at extra cost, a 155-hp Six, a 220-hp 220-hp V8, a new 327-cu.-in. V8! But Chevelle's performance means more. Chevelle's a foot shorter than the big cars. And the space Chevelle saves in size comes off the ends, not the middle. So it rides like you want a car to ride. Chevelle lets you choose Power-glide, Power-glide, 4-speed manual or 3-speed manual transmission. Knowing how people like the custom touch, we wrote out a long list of extra-cost options. Knowing all this, what's keep-ing keep-ing you from a test drive? Certainly not your Chev- JNTIZ-J rolet dealer! Optional at extra cott THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS Chevrolet Chevete Chevy H Corva-r Corvette See them at your Chevrolet Showroom PACE MOTOR COMPANY 324 WEST MAIN DELTA, UTAH 5 to March 19, 1964. |