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Show . V Millard Couniy Chronicle Promote (Utah . (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an other in a series of "See Utah" articles designed to better acquaint ac-quaint Utahns with their home state. This week Utahns are urged urg-ed to become familiar with and promote home grown products.) "Everybody should be a salesman sales-man for Utah agricultural products." pro-ducts." This was the admonition of D. James Cannon, director of the Utah Tourist and Publicity Council, as part of a current campaign to Improve Im-prove tourist relations in the Beehive Bee-hive State. "Utah is famous for its delicious good-flavored fruit and produce," Mr. Cannon said. "Every sector of the state has one or more products it is proud of and wants to promote to the world." As examples, the tourist bureau chief cited Green River water PRETTY WENDY PLATT 1 Salt Lake City and D. James Cannon, Weather Station "Distress" Signal Brings In MP's A worried Salt Laker called military mili-tary police one evening recently to tell them that someone was flashing flash-ing a red distress signal from the area east of Fort" Douglas. The MP's of course Immediately proceeded to Investigate, but found only a meteorological station located lo-cated only a few yards from the post pistol range. Atop the 110-foot tower was the flashing red "distress" "dis-tress" signal. "I don't know whether or not the MP's ever convinced their caller that no one was in distress," said Don R. Dickson, Assistant Professor - ' f 4 ' ' ! r v 1 - ' ? i ' v jIX -';M ' ' IpJJcD I f ill v ' I rST"' ' f 11 ii ' . ; I TTT) IP TH SWEAT SHIRTS M 1 (Three of a kind) I iTlCaJIJBoys 1.79 to 1.98 $ (Two of a kind) I Men's 1.59 Men's Hooded 2.49 (TWO OF CAPS (SIX OF INSULATED UIIDERYEAR 9.98 set 2-pc QUILTED NYLON and DACRON ! THEMAL Thursday, October 4, 1962, melons, Vernal and Duchesne honey, hon-ey, Bryce Canyon potatoes, Cache Valley Swiss cheese, choice Utah beef and delictus fruit and vegetables vege-tables from every corner of the state. "There Is no reason in the world why restaurants should feature 'New York Cut steaks' Or 'Idaho potatoes'," Mr. Cannon added. "Those steaks should come from choice beef raised on Utah ranges and the potatoes from Piute or Garfield Gar-field Counties or another potato growing area of the state. If they don't then they certainly should." Utah products have always been popular with famous people. For! instance, newscaster Lowell Thom as, crooners Bing Crosfoy and Pat Boone and many other well-known people have Utah fruits specially shipped to them each year from Z. C. M. I. in Salt Lake C.ty, one of Utah tourist director, adm're some gigantic peaches grown in of Meteorology at the University of Utah. Jt was Mr. Dickson who installed the tower and its necessary equipment equip-ment on the Ft. Douglas range during dur-ing the spring quarter of 1962. Prior to that time, the tower had been standing at Saltair resort where it was initially Installed in 1959. Vandals at the abandoned resort and the corrosive action of salt on the delicate instruments finally necessitated removal of the equipment. The complete weather station consists of the tower and a converted con-verted house trailer which houses the recording devices and U valued at more than $25,000. The station Is equipped to record wind speed, direction turbulence and made a temperature profile. Data from the tower Is transmitted through a cable to the trailer where the impulses are fed into a series of relay stations. The Information is recorded by an automatic elec- A KIND) .93 to 1.98 A KIND) Utah's export outlets. One Tulsa uh jiuiuunuire actually seal nis private plane to Utah to pick up a load of Utah peaches. Export outlets ship choice pack-! ages of Utah products to buyers in all states of the union who are will ng to pay premium prices for quality. In July cherries are ship- pea in August camaioupes, in September peaches; October, ap- pies and .November, celery Ltan farmers this year have had exceptionally good crops. According to the U. S. Department of Agri culture, apples, cherries, tomatoes, potatoes, and pears have produced bumper crops throughout the state. "There is a lot the average U-tahns U-tahns can do to promote Utah products," pro-ducts," Mr. Cannon said. "First of all he can buy and enjoy them himself. him-self. Second, he can talk about their goodness to visitors with whom he comes in contact. Third, he can promote them on a community com-munity scale. . . .like one Utah town did recently, giving a small bag of home-grown cherries to each tourist who stopped for information. in-formation. That's real Utah hospi- tality." Mapleton, Utah, typical of the fine agricultural products raised in the Beehive State. ric typewriter every ten minutes. Data recorded at the weather station is then analyzed and correlated cor-related and reports are prepared cm the findings. The studies being made by the University are under terms of a contract with the U. S. Public Health Service. Mr. Dickson said the purpose of .he studies is to provide measure-nents measure-nents determining the air flow and urbulence in the Salt Lake Valley. The result will be information on which to base forecasts to air pollution pol-lution densities based on the different dif-ferent types of air masses which move into the area. LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC OR THE BASEMENT YOU MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS WORTHLESS WORTH-LESS TO YOU, BUT SOMEONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE. A 50c CLASSIFIED MAY KILL 2 BIRDS WITH ONE STONE . . . . SHIRTS and DRAWERS 1.98 to 198 SOCKS .39 to .69 LIKED HORSEIIIDE GLOYES 119 Law On Voting i To Be Enforced Xne law requir;ng voters to vote ln the distriet in which regiStered will be str;cUy enforeed at the gen. t.ral elect:on according to Guy L. Robins County clerk Some deviation from this rule has been permitted in tn e past ,b ut this lwiU not be. done heneforth. Such ; cases could u , j the yote wefe close . Mr. Robins advises those who have moved in the county to ask their old registration agent for a transfer to the district where they now reside. Take the transfer to the agent in your new district and ask that your name "be properly entered on the roll there. MILLARD (Delta) Feeder cattle purchases active. Livestock coming through the auction auc-tion in good flesh. Range dry-feed dry-feed not as good as earlier expected. expect-ed. Frost on August 2-lth and September Sep-tember 9th decreased production on late second crop alfalfa seed an estimated 60 in comparison to a year ago. Threshing under way on second crop. Some fields ( still standing. 80 first crop i threshed. Seed prices are strengthen strength-en ng. Good honey production this past season prices slightly above average. Bee build-up still affected by chemical spray program. Some spotted alfalfa aphid appeared ln third crop hay. INSTRUMENT TOWER collects data for pollution study. DON R. DICKSON, University of Utah meteorologist, adjusts weather wea-ther data recording device. SHOP AT HOME SHOP THE ADVERTISERS WITH 1 If . : r i ft I U'fr yT"! ' 1 fTS.ll ljUKMJ LijH CLASSIFIED AD CLASSIFIED HATES: 2c per word, minimum ad SOc. Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. D splay ads, 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WtEK. For Sale ANNOUNCING Annual Fall Feeder and Stocker Sale, Tuesday, Oct. 16. Sale starts at 10:00 a.m. Plan now to consign your calves and yearlings year-lings to this sale, Delta Livestock Auction. FOR SALE: Coleman Oil Stove; good condition. $30.00. Phone 263J1 920-10!4 FOR SALE: Fertlizers, Nitrogen, phosphate, ammonium phosphates in stock. Bulk spreading. Morrison & Co. 913-1018 LODE LOCATION BOOKS at The Chronicle, padded with heavy back. USED Workable, good T.V.'s, $25. up to $100. Late models. New Admirals, Ad-mirals, $199.95 up. Also Color. Delta Del-ta Auto Supply, Delta, Utah. 419tf POTATOES FOR SALE: Place your order now for your winter supply. Keith Black, ph. 580J2 tf FOR SALE: Alpine and Winter Club seed barley; Cache, Columbia and Itana seed wheat. Morrison & Co. 913-1018 Carpets clean easier with the Blue Lustre Electric Shampooer only $1 per day. Workman's Home Furnishings. Furnish-ings. ANNOUNCING Annual Fall Feeder and Stocker Sale, Tuesday, Oct. 16. Sale starts at 10:00 a.m. Plan now io consign your calves and yearlings year-lings to this sale, Delta Livestock Auction. LADIES Buy Red shirts. Bed caps. Red parkas, Red jackets, Thermo Underwear, for the Deer Hunt. Buy now at D. Stevens, & Co. Gents Dept. . FOR SALE: Apples Delicious and Roman Beauty, $1.50 a bushel. Bring your own baskets and heap them full. You pick. Large crop. Tftllllire OprViQrrle at narn)n 104-1025 FOR SALE: Trailer and Camper. mattress and springs. Come make an offer. Mrs. Virgie Broderick, Ph. 4192, Delta. 104-1011 SHOP AT HOME SHOP THE ADVERTISERS WITH Full-Meal Soups For Dieters Announced Dieters can now trim their waistlines .and still eat a good hot meal on cool fall days either at home or ln their favorite fa-vorite restaurant-It's restaurant-It's possible, thanks to three dietary aoups being Introduced ln drug: stores, supermarkets and restaurants f cross the nation na-tion this month. The soups cream of tomato, clam, chowder and split pea with ham bear the Metrecal brand name and are said to be nutritionally comparable com-parable to the existing liquid and wafers. Prepared simply by opening the can and heating its contents, con-tents, the new dietary soups look like and taste like usual soupa complete wlta Blue Point clams and sugar cured ham but, the manufacturers point out, they differ from usual soups by beirg nutritionally complete meals with appropriate appro-priate quantities of protein, carbohydrate, car-bohydrate, fat and ail necessary vitamins aid mineraK An eight-ounce eight-ounce can Is a 223-?lcrl meaL orb for you I An ideal gift for the college student stu-dent is the Millard County Chronicle. Chron-icle. Order today. A "4 GENTLEMEN Buy for the Deer Hunt now. See our complete stocks of Wranglers, Levis, Lee Overalls, Red Ball Bib Overalls, Denim Coats, and Jackets. Shop now for Fall clothing at D. Stevens & Co. Men's Dept. LINOLEUM While it lasts. 89 cents sq. yd. at Workman's Home Furnishings. WEBCO Aluminum Siding, special price $65.00 per square, applied. We will not be undersold by outside applicators. Valley Builders, Delta. 712tf ATTENTION HUNTERS: We carry acomplete line of hunting equipment, equip-ment, from field glasses to the latest lat-est in guns. Also, the most complete com-plete line of camp equip., from sleeping bags to portable toilets-Come toilets-Come in Shop Today. D. Stevens 4 Co. Pro-Hardware. 920-1025; ELECT IW LI IX SALES & SERVICE LOVELL & ROPER Phone 2301 n;30tf 'IRRIGATION BOOTS and irrigation dams at Quality Market Hardware. 5'3tf BATTERIES All sues on hand Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KEL- I T V CVBinfr Phnna T7Q1 Fkolta Utah. 3J23tf THROW RUGS. Large size. 100 wool. Assorted colors Reg. $6.98, now $4.98. Workman's Home Furn-ishings. Furn-ishings. . FOR SALE OR RENT: 2-bedroom modern home. Phone 2401. tf TIME TO WAX YOUR CAR, COME IN FOR ALL TYPES J-Wax Si-moniz Si-moniz Car Plate Turtle DuPont Blue Coral. We are Headquarters. Delta Auto Supply. 4jl9-tf BUY RED WING SHOES for the jDeer Hunt. See our excellent stocks. Snop for shoes or aU tne family at d. Stevens & Co. Shoe Dept. SANDRAN Floor Covering, needs no ' waxine. Onlv S1.29 so. vd. at Work- man's. Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: Choice Whiskey Creek potatoes, Red Pontiacs or Russetts. Place order with Doyle Pace, Ph. 8S3. 920tf BUY RED SHIRTS, Red Parkas. Red Coats, Red Hats, Red Gloves for the Deer Hunt. Buy fall clothing at D. Stevens & Co. Men's Dept. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts accrued other than my own. LaVoy Brunson. 927-1018 FOR SALE: 4 -bedroom modern home, new carpeting and fireplace, deepfreeze and air conditioner included. in-cluded. Ph. 8803. 7 12tf FOR SALE: Silicone Waterproofing, wholesale price, Allen's Ready-Mix. Fiberglass boat with 35 hp motor; also ready mix businesa Phone 8803. 712tf SUMMERIZE your car motor with Wynns Casite Bardahl STP Rislone CD2. We stock them all. Delta Auto Supply 419-tf REPEAT of a sell-out: 12' heavy all wool carpet, installed, over 40 oz. pad Everything included! Only $6.95 per sq. yd. D. Stevens & Co. 920-104 FOR SALE: Abraham Church House and 20 acres of land west of the church. Bids may be handed in to Ward Bishopric. Bids mult be sub:' k rC. 15 v.!v. i mined by Oct. 15, and the bishop ric reserves the right to reject any or all 'bids. 927-104 WRANGLERS. SHOES, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, . Hunting Caps, and Ammunition, Sutherland Store and Leo Day Store, Oasis. 927tf WHY hunt any further. Shop Quality Market Hardware'. at FOR SALE BY OWNER: Norge Dry-cleaning Dry-cleaning Village (coin operated) Emergency forces sale. 1455 North 950 East, Provo, Utah. P. E. Felt. 927-1018 S-PIECE DINETTE SET. Regular, $129.50, Sale only $98.50. Workman's Work-man's Home Furnishings. FERTILIZER MEETING REPRESENTATIVES FROM ANCHOR BRAND FERTILIZERS WILL BE AT SYALBERG'S HALL, 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 THERE WILL BE FILMS AND DISCUSSIONS ON USES OF CORN FERTILIZERS REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Public K03RIS0.1 s satteries for Cars. Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop. Priced from $10.75. Guaranteed 2, '3 and 4 years. All adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta, ti For Rent FOR RENT: Three large rooms and service room, located at 132 S. 100 West, Delta. Call La Von Taylor at 2311 or see Eleanor Murray at Quality Market. 927tf FOR RENT OR SALE: The Stan Dewsnup home, North Center St. Unfurnished or partially furnished. Contact Stan Dewsnup Box 577, Page, Ariz., ph. 645-2757, or Vada Van, Delta, ph. 305J1. 104-1011 FOR RENT: 2-bedroom modern home, unfurnished. 1-bedroom modern mod-ern home, furnished. M. H. Workman. Work-man. FOR RENT: Abraham and Delta water, M. J. Moody. Phone 7992. 9,6-27 FOR RENT: Two 1-bedroom opts. J'tcob Ants, tall Mrs. U3iia lason- bee at 3851. 9!6tf FOR RENT: Newly decorated 2- bedroom house. $50. Phone 3851 or see at 391 South 200 West, Delta. ANNOUNCING Annual Fall Feeder and Stocker Sale, Tuesday, Oct. 16. Sale starts at 10:00 a.m. Plan now to consign your calves and yearlings year-lings to this sale, Delta Livestock Auction. PICTURES Closeout ii Price at Workman's Home Furnishings. LAND LEVELINC Contact Bob Clark, or Phone 5125. 322tf Miscellaneous LOST: 250 lb. Angus calf in South Tract area. Contact Albert Nickle or John Cahoon. tf BROWNING COAL delivered or ln yard north of overpass. Will deliver sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redirnix. Call 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tf WE WILL AUCTION Fat and Feeder Feed-er Hogs every other Tuesday at 12 o'clock Aug. 14, 28, Sept 10, 24. Bring them in early as our regular regu-lar cattle sale will follow the hog auction. Delta Livestock Auction Phone 2361. 518-tf FARMERS now is the time to have those tractor and combine radiatcrs cleaned and repaired. Or if needed, have a new copper core installed. BILL'S Radiator Shop, Just west of Phone Office. Phon-s 3371. 3jltr EXCAVATING. Backhoe and Load-er; Load-er; water, sewer lines, cisterns, Septic Tanks. Outlets, etc. K. R. Damron. Phone 6982. tf AMMO STOCK complete. Shop now for hunting supplies. MAKE Quality Market Hardware your ammo and gun headquarters. GET READY for w nter Radiate, recored, new core, complete service. ser-vice. Get it done now before winter sets In. Bill's Radiator Shop. 927tf POLE LAMPS While they last your choice, only $15.00. Workman's Home Furnishings. LL BUTh0H BT home or small farm with house. Chase Shurtz. Box 6321, Delta, Utah. Ph. 3512. Could see Mr. Shurtz at 407 South 100 W., Delta. 712tf IT'S FALL and time to fill your home freezer before the game season sea-son starts. Have it done now at Marion and Dean's, your complete processing plant. We also have pork and "beef on hand, quarters or halves, all at wholesale prices. Marion and Dean's. Call 2441 or Talbot Packing Co. 9,6tf POSTER PAPER IN COLORS now available at the Millard County Chronicle. Colors In stock are red, white, yellow, emerald green, blue, and salmon. Size 22 x 28; 15 cents a sheet or 2 for 25 cents. Invited - S COMPANY |