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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 4, 1962 Woman s Pacje Society . . . llWJ(Wjf . . . Club Tlews and chldren w 11 remain with her folks and join her husband later. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Anderson, Don Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Reece Finlinson, -Mr. and Mrs. Dean An derson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson An-derson attended a scout social Thursday evening at Delta. Keith and Roma Henr.e and family fa-mily of Panguitch visited a few days with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Christensen. 111 HHii fti:ai; .. j Oak City News MAE H. SHIPLEY There were no church services here Sunday, but many enjoyed the conference at Delta of' course we enjoyed Oak City choir singing for the two sessions of conference, and the many good speakers. Four young men of Oak City were ordained or-dained Elders, getting ready to fulfill ful-fill missions. They are Newell Anderson, An-derson, Quayle Dutson, Crandall Nielson and Jess Peterson. We are happy to have our young people fill missions. I am sure these young men will make good missionaries. Teachers that went to Salt Lake for the UEA Convention were Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Finlinson, Mr. Gary Roper, Ranae Christensen, Margaret Roper, Ruth Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pratt and Reece Finlinson. Mrs. Martha Dutson spent several sev-eral days in Oak City visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mary Finlinson. Friday morning she left for Salt Lake where she took a plane for her home in California. Mrs. Maurine Anderson Widdison and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson and other relatives in Oak City. They live -at Spring-ville. Spring-ville. Mrs. Arthur Olson and children visited in Oak City from Provo. Mrs. Twiss Nielson and daughters Lorna and Leila visited at Richfield Rich-field last Friday. A little new son was born at Delta Hospital Sept. 28 to Glen and LaVon Christensen. Happy grandparents grand-parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shipley. Mrs. Esther Christensen and Laura Lau-ra were happy to have her daughter daugh-ter Verna and family from Salt Lake for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jacobson had their daughter Arvilla and family visiting from Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lovell and grandchildren visited in St. George and went pine-nut gathering with their daughter, Merlene and family and son Merton and family. They were gone several days. Tom and Gene Kennedy and three little girls visited at the Earl Harris home. They have been living liv-ing In California, but his work is taking them to Wisconsin. Gene BUY FOR THE . . . mm II 0 V ! Let us give you a PERFECT FIT in America's PERFECT DOOT SPORT BOOTS aausvt oo lussrr UArHft urnu l" It TWO' ' f II IWtAT-ftOO fi ' 1,0011 I" I COMKXawMXH ti '3 V CWWONCMH h U V HATKWAUT & !V ;i4Lov,,n"0 Alt Available In lodiat' Stylet Deer Hunter's Shoes Deer Hunter's Boots Red Shirts Red Hats Red Caps Red Gloves Red Coats Red Jackets SHOP MOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE ( DC LTO'S N . "j)CPflRTnnT STORE JJ Deseret Garden Club Reports Deseret Garden Club meeting was held Monday evening, Oct. 1, at the home of Fern Warner. Bert-rice Bert-rice Erlckson and Fern Warner were hostesses. The business part of the meeting meet-ing was conducted by President Fern Crafts. We discussed the three next meetings and quilting the Christmas quilt and other business. Afterwards, bingo was played by the group and all the- players received re-ceived prizes. Twelve ladies were served delicious refreshmnts and had an enjoyable time. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Gelora Perkins, medical, admitted ad-mitted Oct. 1, released, Oct. 3. Mrs. Ken Porter, medical, admitted admit-ted Oct. 2. Mrs. Carrie Jensen of Riverside, Calif., spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Carrie Black. Mrs. Jensen is a sister of the late Peter T. Black. Don't try for endurance records on the highway. Stop the car every so often and let the whole family get out and stretch the r legs. It's good for the circulation, the Utah Heart Association says. ( 7 '. : . Z : :; J l- X SCENE from the ritual ballet "TOTEM," unique modem dance presentation being given its only TJlch psri'ormaace Oct. 5, at Uni-vers Uni-vers ty of Utah. SUTHERLAND The Sutherland Ward Relief Society So-ciety held their opening social at the Sutherland Ward recreation hall last Wednesday night. A lovely plate lunch was served under the direction of Zelda Ogden, Farilyn Edward3 and Romania Porter. The program followed with the follow ing taking part: Loraine Young, a vocal solo, accompanied by Tenna Johnson; a skit by Mary Christen sen and Lenore Bunker; a pantomime panto-mime by Colleen Dutson, Arjanna Wood, Lorene Smith, Marie Young, with Phil Smith and Hal Young as-siting; as-siting; Hettie Johnson and Rhoda Jackson sang a duet. The program was under the direction of Betty Johnson. The new Relief Society teachers were Introduced, Mrs. Josie Walker, theology; Mrs. Eleanor Skidmore, visiting teachers; Elaine Turner, work day lessons; Mary Tippetts, literature; and Merelene Turner, social science. Trula Abbott vas Introduced as the new work leader. Mr. and Mrs. George Corry re ceived word from their youngest daughter, Daryl, who has been working In Salt Lake City, that she and Mr. Allen Bales 'of Salt Lake were married in Las Vegas on Sept. 15th. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Preston (Dorothy) Hubbs while there. Their honeymoon was spent in California and on their return are now making a home in Salt Lake City. Most of our teachers who are engaged en-gaged in the teaching profession spent part of last week in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Walker left Wednesday to go to Salt Lake City. They took Allen and Gordon Walker, Walk-er, children of Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, who have stayed for three weeks with them while Mrs. John Walker had surgery in Salt Lake. Mrs. Florice Sanford, Mrs. Eleanor Elean-or Roberts and Mrs. Bette Judd drove to Salt Lake City for U.EJV., returning on Friday. Other U.E.A. visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robison and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowles. Most of our college students have returned to school for the coming school year. Linda Walker has returned to the U. of U. for her senior year. Pamela ' Robison and Karen Roberts are .attending USU. Jay May returned to CSU. Lonnie Hales has enrolled at Dixie. Jill Tippetts, Kathy Johnson, Elwin Johnson, Allen Barney and Lewis MISS SHARON LAW Engagement Is Announced ... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Law, of Delta, Del-ta, are announcing the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Miss Sharon Law to Mr. Clifton Cloy Alldredge. Mr. -All dredge is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Alldredge, also of Delta. Wedding vows will be exchanged November 16. Rawlinson have all gone to the BYU. Bishop and Mrs. Mary Johnson made a trip up north last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Porter and family were here on Saturday from Maser. NEW BEAUTICIAN Carol Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wood of Delta, is a new beautician at the Fashionette Beauty Beau-ty Salon. Carol has completed the beauty course at Hollywood Beauty Beau-ty College in Salt Lake City. She comes to the Fashionette highly recommended by the staff of the school. While at the school, Carol was awarded a trophy in hair-styling. NEW BEAUTICIAN Lorayne Ogden, who was recently graduated with high honors from the Hollywood Beauty College, has joined the staff at the Fashionette Beauty Salon. Miss Ogden is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Ogden, formerly of Sutherland. She has won trophies in contests in hairstyling and her work is highly endorsed by the Salt Lake school. A New Policyholder Every 22 Secondi My company Stat Faint Mutual insures cart at this amazing rata becauae it offers tho most modern protection available, pro videa hometown aervic wherever you drive and passes important operating; savings on to its policy holders. See if you can join the company that insures more can than any other. Call soon. N Kennard Riding ITAtt fl ....... AGENT Itali Fra HstNl IiUm toraa Can i omm iwwtMto, MM j nu jurui yui jor ins college student stu-dent Is the Millard County Chron icle, uraer today. KRAFT Dinner IS thrifty and quick and full of cheese flavor Count oo Kraft Dinner for tender macaroni that's full of tolaea chMee loodncaa. Have it on band for speedy school lunches and harry -up suppara. It'a food aatinf any time! 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE 111 II II HHllHIIllUfl nn (fflME COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING Saw 75 OH ALL DRY CLEANING When business or pleasure brings you to Provo, bring in all your Dry Cleaning. Tell our attendant the town from which you come, and she will steam press any TWO items. . . FGSEE "Grime doesn't Pay- Let us help you lead a clean life." 44 E. Sth N., PROVO, UTAH Hours: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Footed Sate FASIIIOil STORE, DELTA, OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR-ALL NEW FALL GOODS. MANY FAMOUS NAMES TO CHOOSE FROM. MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST OR LOSSES. . . . TREMENDOUS SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT . . . THIS IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE AS NEVER BEFORE AND MAYBE NEVER AGAIN ON BEAUTIFUL QUALITY BRANDS OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. HURRY FOR THESE GREAT VALUES USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE. NEW MERCHANDISE ARRIVING ARRI-VING WEEKLY. DRESSE COATS & CAR COAT Choice of the house. All new for Fall. Famous names. All sizes SAVE 25 to 50 Latest colors and styles. All famous CAIC ZP names. Hurry for these. jAYC Z J O and more SWEATER A good assortment. All colors and Styles. Famous brands Values to $12.95. 1 1 and up CAPRIS' & SKIRT These are brand new for Fall. A real fine selection. Values to $1635, rO) blouse: A fine assortment of styles and colors Many famous makes. Buy several of these. - up OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CHILDREN'S WEAR-ALL WEAR-ALL SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS GREAT SAVINGS EVENT SAVE 25 to 50 SALE STARTS TOMORRV at 9 a.m. HURRY for BETTER SELECTIONS FASIIIOil STORE - DELTA SAVE ON JEWELRY SLIPS BRAS GOWNS ROBES SAVINGS 25 to 50 COSTS ONLY 5 A SIIVINO |