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Show mat-. mm This Week's BARGAINS PLUMBING Close coupled, reverse trap closet combination, complete with white seat. REG. $43.80 SPECIAL... $35.15 Asbestos Siding Shingles Beautiful Pabco Colorok Asbestos Siding. Reg. $21.00 sq. SPECIAL... $1 6.05 ' per sq. PLYWOOD 58" AD Interior fir plywood. ply-wood. 4'x8' sheets REG. $8.00 SPECIAL.... S7.00 Hardwood Flooring 2532" Oak Flooring. REG. $17.50 SPECIAL . . . $14.00 per 100' THESE PRICES Are ONLY GOOD UNTIL THE END OF MARCH. BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM NOW 1 USL UUH BLSTWAY PAYMENT PLAN. TERMS ON AMOUNT UP TO SiiUU AKKANULD WHILL YOU WAIT. WE STOCK GRADE-STAMPED GRADE-STAMPED LUMBER ... an exclusive service at our store. Construction loans for new homes. Remodeling and repair loans for homes and ,farm structures. I WITH 1 J MILLAHD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah. Thurs. March 28, 19S7. LEGAL HOTICE Probata and Guardianship Notices. No-tices. Consult Cleric of District Court, or respective signers ior information. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF DESIGNATED STREETS AND ALLEYS WITHIN THE TOWN OF DELTA. WHEREAS, certain property own ers have acquired all of the abut ting property on both sides of Fourth East Street between Second North and Fourth North, all of the abutting property between Block West of Third North to Sixth East Street, AND, WHEREAS, Delta City, on August 6, 1938. sold by Deed of Conveyance the property described in said lots and blocks, the same being recorded In Book 19, pages 575-76 of Deed Records of Millard County, AND, WHEREAS, for more than 20 years the said streets and al leys above described have not been used by the public as streets and or alleys or at all, AND, WHEREAS, Is now being used as farm land by John L. Pet erson, AND, WHEREAS, it is in the pub lie Interest that the said streets and or alleys be vacated and closed to the use of the public, AND, WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 10-8-8, Revised Re-vised Statutes of 1953, the Delta City Council is authorized to vacate va-cate and close the said streets and or alleys by ordinance . NOW, THEREFORE, be it and it is thereby ordained by Delta City Council of Delta, Millard County, State of Utah, as follows: Section 1. That the certain portion por-tion of Fourth East Street and a certain portion of Third North Street and the alleys adjacent thereto, within the City of Delta, Millard County, State of Utah, and more particularly described as follows: That certain portion of Fourth East Street commencing at the Southwest Corner of Block 87, Plat A, Delta Townsite, thence North 16.50 chains to the Northwest North-west Corner of Block 90; thence West 1.5 chains; thence South 16.50 chains; thence East 1.5 Chains to 'beginning. That portion of Third North Street commencing at the North west Corner of Lot 4, Block 86, Plat A, Delta Townsite, thence East 20.82 chains; thence North 1.5 chains; thence West 20.82 chains; thence South 1.5 chains to beginning. That portion of Fifth East Street commencing at the Southwest Corner of Block 89, Plat A, Delta Townsite, thence North 7.50 chains; thence West 1.5 chains; thence South 7.50; thence East 1.5 chains to beginning. And that certain alley in the center of Block 87 and Block 90, beginning at the Southwest Cor-nor Cor-nor of Lot 1, Block 87, Plat A, Delta, Townsite, thence North 16.50 chains; thence West 0.5 chains; thence South 16.50 chains thence East 0.5 chain to beginning. begin-ning. be and the same are hereby va cated and closed to the use of the public. FOR A COMPLETE SPORT OUTFIT SEE OUR HEW LINE OF CAROLE CHRIS SPORT TOGS MART JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Barney Lake are home after a two weeks' visit in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodman left Monday for California follow' ing word of the death of a brother in-law. They will visit with their children there for sometime before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dutson are proud parents of a new baby daug hter, born last Tuesday March 19. The Dutsons reside at Kearns and have two other daughters and a son. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills are grandparents here. . Leland andRoger Overson who have been at school at the Y until the spring quarter, set out for Alaska last Thursday to seek fortune for-tune and employment. They were taken to Provo by Mrs. Lucille Overson, where they joined with another fellow student for the journey. We hope all goes well for the boys and that they will return come fall time, much richer in both experiences and finances. Mrs. Marva Whiting visited here briefly 'before going on to Delta to spend the day Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Evans. Curt Johnson was called to Fill more Thursday for jury service. Saturday the Johnsons were In Salt Lake for the day. Bishop and Mrs. Reed Nielson, Blaine and Joe drove to Salt Lake Saturday and spent the day visiting visit-ing Mrs. Donna Haycock and family. fam-ily. They looked for their son Dee to arrive at the air port, but Dee wasn't able to make the flight to Salt Lake from Fort Ord in Calif ornia, where he has been In basic training. He did make a flight to Las Vegas and came on home by Section 2. This ordinance shall be published once in the Millard County Chronicle, a weekly news paper published in Delta, Millard County, Utah and having general circulation within the City of Delta. Del-ta. An emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon publica tion. Passed and approved March 26, A. D., 1957. ATTEST: Dorothy H. Theobald, Clerk Rulon A, CaHister, Mayor of Delta City. STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF MILLARD Bg I, Dorothy Theobald, do hereby certify that I am the duly chosen, qualified, and acting city record er and clerk of the City of Delta, Millard County, State of Utah, and that the above and foregoing constitutes con-stitutes a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed and approved at a regular meeting of the Delta.City Counell of the City of Delta, Utah, duly called and lawfully held at the regular meeting meet-ing place of the said council on the 2Cth day of March, 1957, as the same appears of record in my office; and that the foregoing ordinance or-dinance was passed and approved as therein stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereinto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City of Delta, this the 27th day of March, Mar-ch, A. D., 1957. Dorothy H. Theobald Recorder and Clerk , TO 54,58 Ms Hostess at 1 Mothers' Meet Mrs. Norma Pearson was hostess to the Missionary Mothers at her home Monday evening. A most Interesting evening was spent as each mother present told of her son's experiences of the past month.. A program was outlined for the next meeting. The parents will be given a flannel board discussion of the lessons as the missionaries are presenting them in the mission field. Light refreshments were served to Pearl Snow, Marjorie Gardner Mary Henrle, Ella Elack, Arprilla Scow, Eddis Barben, Marth Dutson, and Alisha Jackson. Mrs. Eddis Barben was hostess for the February meeting. Light refreshments were served to Inez Moody, Norma Pearson, Pearl Snow Marjorie Gardner, Madge Johnson, Ella Black, Myrtle Western, Arpril la Scow and Leona Jeffery. ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE FOR BETTER RESULTS train. Dee has until April 5 to report to his base in Oklahoma. He will travel there by car with a buddy, Gale Hinton of Hurricane, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins and family drove to Richfield, Saturday and spent the day with daughter, Barbara Anderson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nielson had their sons, Ivie J., Gary and Leon, home from Salt Lake over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nielson spent the weekend In Las Vegas with relatives. Miss Susan Nielson was home with the boys. Miss Rayona Bradfield and Miss Linda Greathouse went to St. George Thursday for a speech festival. Rayma entered the dramatic dram-atic style reading and Linda the humorous. They both received high rating. They returned home Saturday. Satur-day. Bob McCardell and friend Era Call were here over the weekend with the Harry McCardells. Miss Ranee Crowther was a guest of Miss Linda Greathouse over the weekend, from Fountain Green. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson and family attended the wedding re ception of Janet Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Nielson, in Salt Lake Friday evening. Sunday evening the program in church was given by the youths receiving their Individual Awards. Talks were given by Linda WiU kins, Karen Nielson, Russell Great- ( house, Gene Cahoon, Ray Best and I Alan Nielson. An accordion solo was played by John Greathouse, song by Jimmy McCardell, Burton ' Cahoon, Joe Nielson and Donald . Benson. Prayers were given by Wardell Nielson and Ross Johnson. Receiving awards were RusselJ Greathouse, Gene and Burton Cahoon, Cah-oon, Roy and Bud Best, Eric, Wardell, War-dell, Alan, Joe and Blaine Nielson, Wayn Shipley, Ross Johnson, Donald Don-ald Benson and Jimmy McCardell. Carl Benson was in charge of the program. Saturday, Mrs. Iva Howlett brought her mother home from Kanosh. Here to visit her were Mr. and Mrs. John Whatcott and little son from Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Darold Whatcott and girls from Salt Lake. They all went on back to Kanosh and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whatcott and family joined them for a session of visiting. visit-ing. The Whatcotts all returned to their home, Mr. and Mrs. Darold Whatcott brought Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Whatcott back here. NNUAL Spring 'A UVI AUCTION Tyes. SALE STARTS AT 11:00 -Where Buyers I,E.MNGTOX iRtoa Mrs. Stanley Bradfleld spent Wednesday to Friday In Salt Lake City with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nielson and daughter Sally Jane, drove n to Salt Lake City Friday to attend the wedding of Janice Nelson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Nielson also attended the wedding ceremony. cere-mony. Miss Verlene Delois and Doris Peterson of Blanding, and two friends, Wilma Laws and Norma Hurst, also of Blanding, spent Fri day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaForge Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Letherlm and children of Eureka, spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Nielson. Paul Johnson, Rex Finlinson and Karla Nielson were baptised Sun day morning and confirmed in sac rament meeting at night. , Mrs. Randall Bradfield spent Wednesday to Friday in Salt Lake City with her husband who is work tng there. They returned to Learn ington for the weekend and return ed to Salt Lake Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Bradfield and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Shep-hard Shep-hard and son, and Miss Nadine Pay, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bradfield The Relief Society annual Birth day dinner was held Saturday night. A delicious dinner was pre pared for a large crowd. The lucky ticket to get the quilt was held by Glen Harder. Mrs. Clead Nielson presented a picture to the Leamington Relief Society from her mother, Mrs. Rodney B, Ashby, a former president. Elder Scott Skidmore, of Suther land, reported his missionary acti vities at church Sunday night. He was assisted by his brother Gale, who was home on leave from the Navy, also by Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Johnson who sang. Elmo Nielson was advanced to a teacher. Prayers Pray-ers were offered by Spencer Nielson Niel-son and Alma Harder. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Skidmore and family were present at meeting to hear their son's report. Mr. and Mrs. Rich Finlinson, Mrs. Lorna Wichmann and children, went to Ogden on Sunday to see their brother-in-law, who Is very ill. Klee remained to help for a few days. They also visited a sister and Klee and Lorna's father and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradfield visit ed with Wm. Bradfield and Margaret Mar-garet Bradfield Monday. Mrs. Wm. Griffith and son, How ard, from FaUon, Nevada, spent the weekend with Margaret Bradfield. Brad-field. Mrs. Lucile Stephensen returned Sunday after a trip to Richland, Wash., where she visited her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stephenson and their two young daughters, and daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dyreng. Gerald W. Watts, A.N., U.S. Navy is home on 30-day leave to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Watts. He has been at Milton, Fla., and will report April 8 at Alameda, Cal., where he will be stationed on the aircraft carrier, Bonhomme Richard. FOR RENT: Modern house, 3 bed rooms, partly furnished. Across from Delta High School. See Kenneth Ken-neth Adams, ph 396J1. lx ANT ADS escier n3 and Sellers Meet- with ourw CO. April Cr; Now I on Luzon, I. I. Luzon, P. I. (FIITNO Marine ; Pfc. Jack D. Orton, son of Mr. and , Mrs. Dee Orton of Delta. Utah,! - 1 landed on the Philippine Island of Luzon March 25 with the 3rd Mar ine Division in the largest ship-to-shore operation held in the Far East since World Warll. The week-long exercise started when the assault landing forces hit the beach in small landing craft. Other units hopped over simulated sim-ulated beach defenses in helicop ters to capture key inland positions. posi-tions. This vertical envelopment concept, con-cept, developed first by the Marine Corps, provides a landing force with a powerful one-two punch for securing a beachhead. The excercise includes more than 40 miles of hiking, practical application appli-cation of tactics and techniques perfected during the 3rd Division's year-long training program, and living in the field under simulated battle conditions. Card of Thanks The thoughtfulness and sympathy sympa-thy extended to us by our friends and neighbors during our recent sorrow in the death of our beloved baby daughter will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks to all. . Bob and Donna Faye Oppenheimer tun bAUi: Heavy fluty nP- electric motor. Will work on 220 or 110 volts. In good condition. Seei Kenneth Adams, ph 396J1. 411 , i Food Sense Who's Barking up Weight watchers and dieters who sit down on the job of living are barking up the wrong tree. Some outstanding scientists have tracked down the principal cause of overweight lack of activity at work and at play. This underactivity is robbing adults and children alike of their favorite pastime eating. According Ac-cording to these nutritionists., overeating no longer is considered consid-ered the first cause of obesity, America's foremost health menace. men-ace. These scientists have found that creeping overweight follows lessened activity. Recently, a Harvard University study emphasized an alarming trend: Suburban high schcjl girls, on the whole, are net active. ac-tive. Researchers compared two groups of these girls. One group was obese, the other, of normal weight. They noted that girls of normal weight spent twice as much time in some type of physical physi-cal activity, which included dancing danc-ing and they ate more than CANNON t t WHITE, PINK, ROSE, TURQUOISE STRIPES and PLAID Size 20 x 40 inches for EXTRA LARGE 26x46 ASSORTED COLORS -WE SELL THEM CHEAPER T t 5pK UlL ASHOM THAfS MM ASHORCt ThI MVT ANb HAMiMf U? AWit" TO J-MIM TT Kj I? aTOatlCAGt MAi WlTD M IHt CO. I V.H.H V fWWUl OflttCR NAiaK fMHIMt,,1WMI - "New Tablet Relieves 'Hot Flashes; Irritation From Change -Of-Life Without Costly Shots!" "Shot. I took gave no relief," say. W. W., -nic5o, Dutwith v i rinkham i 1 ablet. no hot flashet no'.orrv for myself spells!" Hotel Phata Science offers women new freedom free-dom from much misery of change-of-life, thanks to an amazing tablet developed especially to relieve re-lieve such functional discomforts. Doctors report sensational results using this home treatment alone and no costly injections! Relief for 8 out of 10 Tested! Irritability was calmed. Dizziness relieved. Hot flashes subsided. Here's why. This new tablet is a unique combination of special medicines. Acts directly on the cause of these troubles to relieve tense feelings, physical distress that bring unhappiness to so many. Clinical tests prove this. Don't let change-of-life rob you of loy! Ask for "Lydia Pinkham's Tablets", now at drugstores without with-out prescription. Contain blood-building blood-building iron. (Also liquid Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compi iund. --Not Nonsense the Wrong Tree? did their obese classmates. Later, at summer camp, when girls in both grcupf were under strenuous strenu-ous routines, all lost weight, in spite of eating more than they did before. This fact refutes the tale that added activity increases appetite to such an extent that & f;ain in weight results. The role of exercise in weight control has been abused. Statements, State-ments, such as "'You must walk rapidly for six Lours to lose one pounu," also can mean a brisk one-hour walk on six days. Dieterc who unwittingly reduce re-duce their requirements for food by a continuous sit-down "program "pro-gram are barking up the wrong tree. Through constant restriction restric-tion of different foods, they inflict in-flict a life-long state of mild hunger upon themselves. In contrast, con-trast, an active life, with regular exercise, permits the enjoyment of normal meals which include plenty of enriched bread and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meat and milk all foods needed by the body. TOWELS t t $ t X ! l -""mirr" BATH TOWELS Heavy Duty VJ" ' j " eacHn Elwin Pace l It "I f T5... 11 rr r r-'i Phone 4584 Phone 338JJ Auction Phone 1544 4 T |