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Show Millard county chronicle 'Sella, Utah. Thurs. March 28. 1957. The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY Athena B. Cook and Wanda Beckwith owners Athena B. Cook Editor Wanda Beckwith Business Manager Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffico at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. IF YOU DON'T DRINK Why Help Pay for the Accidents of Those Who Do? For your automobile Insurance In-surance see Clarence C. Hogan, Lynndyl, Utah, agent, Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Co. 9-6 TF CAR MATS, front and rear ,n beautiful colors to match your car Red, Yellow, Blue, Tan, Turquoise, Grey,, White, Green. Delta Auto Supply, Delta, Utah. TF tOH SALE: A nice gentle gaaaia Horse, also 10 ton Velvon Barley and 10 ton of Winter Wheat. See Harry Meinhardt, Woodrow. 41 FARM FOR SALE: 120 acres, all custom leveled. About 40 acres In alfalfa, 24 acres in winter grain. Modern 4-room home, and bath. Good flowing well. John Hersleff, Delta RFD. 2I14TF SEWING MACHINE SALES and I SERVICE. Benny Schena, Abraham, Ut., Ph 3984. 42r WE WILL SHIP HOGS every other Wednesday, Feb. 20, March 6, March Mar-ch 20, April 3, April 17, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK TF DELTA BUS LINE Daily To and From Salt Lake and Ely, Nevada Passengers and Fast Express To Salt Lake- lv. Delta 8 a. m. Arrive Salt Lake 12 noon. To Delta, lv. Salt Lake 6:30 p.m. Arrive Delta 10:30 p. m. Bus Depot- City Cafe, Delta Continer-' Bus Depot, in Salt Lake City. Do you have a water proolem? See Herald Petersen for Wells drilled and repaired, 4 inch to 16 inchat going prices. Petersen Well Driling, R.F.D. Delta. Utah. 517157 Living-room Furniture Shabby? ' 'Have yours remodeled arm reupholstered. Professional service will guarantee latest style look at savings of one-third to one-half.-Free estimates, pickup and delivery. Drop a card to Twitchell Upholstery Cedar City, Utah WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS: We are making a special offer on Wedding Announcements. With each order, we will give the newly-weds newly-weds a year's subscription to the Chronicle, and also will run the bride's picture in the paper. The bride is to furniuh the picture. The Chronicle SEPTIC TANK SEaVICE: pumping, cleaning, alterations. O. L. Turner, Box 385, ph 722, Delta, Ut. 119TF PROTO TOOLS Guaranteed indefinitely. indef-initely. Your first cost is your last. Delta Auto Supply. TF BE INDEPEMUfcNT Sell HCtwlelgtt Products. Good nearby locality nren in No. Millard and Juab Cos. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. UTC-180-D Denver, Colo. 3-28 WANTED: 40 to 80 acre farm. Mut be reasonably priced, good terms. Have substantital down payment. Write Box 248, Delta, Utah. 3-28 2-3-Z-Z-Z-Z 1 l:is hour of the morning Dad t;;J io be down In the base-i..3:.'.a--,:.ov2lin'anda-freezin'. - ; r r.v thr.t he's put in Lennox V.'.t. i Air I' ?.t!ng, the house . ; r'l by iiself while he .. ,j:;i:JcrJ... r-z-z-z-z! ANDERSON FURNACE COMPANY Rulon D. Anderson Ph. 113J6 Delta, Utah tUH bHLE: JU31 MECE1VEU a Supply of Used Tires, all sizes. Reasonable Price. Also M & M baler new type, good condition. HUN- SAKER MOTOR CO. LEGAL NOTICE Probate and Guardianship Notices. No-tices. Consult Clerk of District Court, or respective signers for information. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management LariU Office, Salt Lake City, Utah February 20, 1957 NOTICE is hereby given that Robert Cannon Bennion, of Vernon, Utah, who, on May 4, 1954, made Desert Land Entry, No. Utah 06967, for SSW W'SEli Sec. 1, W'i NE'4 N'iNWIS, Section 12, Township Town-ship 11 South, Range 9 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Don H. Fisher, Notary Public at Columbus, Ohio, JWm SPRING FEEDER SALE at Delta Livestock Auction Co., ou Tuesday April 9. Sale starts at 11:00 a. m. Elwln Pace, ph 4584; Russell Knight, ph 338J3; Auction Phone 1544. FOR SALE: One only. Monarch coal range, complete with good grates and water jacket, at $30.00. See The Delmart or Mrs. Ireland. 411 on tho 19th day of April, 1957. Claimant names as witnesses: Colin Bennion, Franklin L. McKean, Lucille Cannon Bennion, Sergene Benson Bennion, All of Salt Lake City, Utah, who will submit their testimony the same date before Albert W. Kay, Notary Public, Continental Bank Bldg., Salf Lake City, Utah. Ernest E. House, Manager. First Publication Feb. 28, 1957. Final Publiication March 28, 1957. 0 4 kit. 55 "fBAZOEE KENTUCKY BOURBON W s-1810 I - .. f K Froo' lit o-u wmefiu AND FRAzTtTDiSmLERY COMPANY, BARDSTOWti. KIMTUCH 4,4 FURNACES: Used or New. Coal, oil or gas. Service and Repair. A. & A. Round Oak Furnace Co. Spring-ville, Spring-ville, Utah. Bill Straw, oil. Burner Specialist. 8-8-1957 APT. FOR RENT: Strictly modern, 2-tedroom, bath; Electric stove, refrigerator, automatic washer and dryer; Wall to wall carpeting, heat and hot water. Mrs. J. W. Swal- berg, or Delta Auto Supply. 228TF FOR Rent: 4-room modem house in Delta, at 3rd West and 3rd South. See Myrtle Spor, or N, C. fcpor, early mornings or after 6 p. rn. at the Johns Apt., Delta. , APT. FOR RENT: Strictly modern. 2-bedroom. Automatic Washer and Dryer, Air conditioning, furnished j or unfurnished. Mrs. J. W. Swal-, berg, or Delta Auto Supply. 328TF BATTERIES FOR CARS - TRUCKS: Starting at $10.95. Fully guaranteed. guarante-ed. We have sold over two thousand. thou-sand. Our batteries last from two to four years. Delta Auto Supply. 328TF WE WILL SHIP HOGS every other Wednesday, Mar. 20, April 3, April 17, May 1, May 15, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK CO. TF FOR RENT: Modern home 2 miles north of Sutherland. Partly furnished furn-ished or unfurnished. See H. O. Wilcox, 124 S. 1st West, ph 193J1, or Fred Clayton, Delta RFTJ. 228TF UH SALEI 1K1IH BAi.E trom certified seed last year. No. 3 separator sep-arator first class condition. 30 ft. spray. Good condition. See Bryant Bry-ant Larson, Delta. 3-28 wanted: 3U0 tons good quality hay. See or write Dell Shurtliff, at Hinckley. 44 FOR SALE: Very reasonable. Two modern homes: The Agnes Black home: The Paul Baker home. Phone 1481, Golden H. Black. 44 ruunu: rair glasses in leatner case. Owner may have them by identification and payent for this ad, at Chronicle office. JUOVttL COAL CO. will he open Wednesdays and Saturdays, beginning begin-ning March 27, instead of the whole week. Call Wednesday or Saturday. 4!4 FOR RENT: 1-bedroom house In Delta, newly decorated. Furnished lbedroom apartment. See Mrs. Nina Lee, 221 So. 4 West, Delta. lljlTF SEE our MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE machinery for good buys. Done Equipment Co.. Ph. 1125 TF FOR RENT: New 2-bedroom apartment, apart-ment, and single bedroom apartment, apart-ment, partlj furnished. Jacoos Apts., ph 3413, or call at 215 S. 4 West. 67TF BATTERIES FOR CARS- -TRUCKS: Starting at $10.95. Fully guaranteed. guarante-ed. We have sold over fifteen hundred. Our batteries last from two to four years. Delta Auto Supply, 614TF APARTMENT TO RENT: Furnished, steam ' heated, and with washing facilities. SHARP APTC , 219 W. Miin, Delta, ph 1S71. U29TF RE-CORE YOUR BAD RADIATOR so you doVt hurt your engine. Use INHIBITOR to save your Re-Core. Bill's Radiator Shop, Delta. 920TF 1UK Kent: i nearoom bouse. completely furnished. See James Nickle, Delta, Ph 1021. 11122TF ELECTRONIC WHEEL BALANCING FOR SALE: Manure Loader Wagon, Corn Planter, Small Tractor and Marker. Mrs. Dee Sanford, ph 3864 37TF Let Me Give You a bid on your Concrete work. Call Bunker's Ready mix Concrete 2281 13TF WATER WELL DRILLING: 6 to 20 inch holes. Scott Stephenson, Fill more. Utah, ph 78K. 11..1157 Dr. A. K. Tronrud, D. C Chiropractor 4957 South State Murray, Utah will be In Delta very Thursday, from 1 p.m. to 8 p. m. to help you in room 4 of HOTEL SOUTHERN lust: Last triacry rugnt roil or Fibreglass between Tooele and Delta by Abraham Ward. Would appreciate any information as to its return. 3-28 MACHINE and CARRIAGE BOLTS: all sizes. One lot of odd sizes, 1)3 discount Delta Auto Supply. 3I28TF SHALER RIZLONE Guaranteed to keep your engine running better! or your money back. Delta Auto Supply. 3I28TF, MACKS' 13 Auto radiator rust inhibitor and water pump lubri- ( cant. Guaranteed to keep your radiator crystal clear for one year or your money back. Delta Auto Supply. 328TF Free from worry in a chair no more dandruff in my hair since using Sanidyne. Baker Pharmacy. ODORLESS, soapless, gentle and kind, no foreign substance left be hind In carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Workmans Furniture. FOR SALE: 20x40 building, located in Sugarville. If Interested, contact Lee H. Boothe, 3554 West Meadow-brook Meadow-brook Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Make offer. 4 n FOR SALE: 1948 Dodge 4-door, with new B. F. Goodrich Lifesaver tire. Motor lust overhauled. Make offer. Duane Galli, Hinckley, phone 322J5. FOR RENT: Modern 2-bedroom house in Delta, furnished. See M. H. Workman, at Workman's Home Furnishings. 328TF LOST: Boy's glasses with dark rims, in light tan case. Please return re-turn to Irvin W. Jeffery. Delta. FOR SALE: Springtooth mowing machine for Ford tractor, $100; 1947 pick-up truck, $75; spring-tooth. spring-tooth. $50. See M. J. Moody, Delta RFD, or Mrs. Lucile Stephenson, Delta. 4jll FOR RENT: Modern 2-bedroom apt., good location, close in. Automatic Auto-matic washer, heat and water furnished. fur-nished. See Mrs. Rex Harris, Delta, ph 350J-. 3j28 FOR SALE: 100 Cold Storage lockers, lock-ers, compressors and time clock, nearly new. I. J. Burr, 86 East 12 South, Orem, Utah. Ph. Academy 2529. 3-28 Tires Balanced while you wait apt. FOR BENT: Modern. i-tea-KELLY SERVICE 205 West Main, room, unfurnished. Inquire at Sun-Delti. Sun-Delti. 1-31-57 TF set Chevrolet Co.. Delta. Utah. 3 28 . 1 1 r f - I 512.98 lilliti' ii r The DELMART GRANDMA 6E, FELLERS, LOOK EE WHO MAS TH' END O' TW DOZED OFP" (HALF LET'S 1 r A By Charles KuKn S-H-W - IT'S TIMS T'PES'JME PLAY-BUT LET GRANDMA f 3NVWt MAY6E WE CAW WIS SHE DOESN'T WAKE U? TOO SOON r VIRGIL By Len Kleis POf- I'rA N ( vnPLL" I" L CECTAIMLV B x . ( ( WHAT COUXi. fttPES I V IS MAK S w S APPRECIATED f 6 I I WMlO VOU Lle J JITYEB By ARTHUR POINICR AND THIS IS MY TCOPHYi M. I I ' .- J- .. MUTT AND JEFF BY AL SMITH ..oVmNV 17 ARE you U TALLER .y-fl THE TOP OF MAYBE IT l" -1. r XJ GETTING J?7 VOURNOGGlM C0MES FR0M Wf lNUTEArWHypJi TALLER? IHVr JL IS POKING SLEEPING IMik MARY WORTH'S FAMILY E5 WANDEKFUL.MFFl' L WORTH1. .TO HAVE VDII I 1 5 WU0 70 5E-E.Y0U AWW EEN I OUR Sm.S .W:m5U5U!.:By THE room: j "w 1 mLI A UANCt ftAM ATMIRCS WITH YOU.1- THE THLY ARE APPEARING ) tmf n.woprc?" ATAHOTn licpr... THEDE.VORES? -"' ur.LV OPP.YET.HUH? i ""f -ci mr tii.i A ii-rro.iT VA ' ' JUL I HLtNu. TNUINI IO 1VUK : 3LAI,MR5. WORTH! I ! KERRY DRAKE IV f -1) iy r t.-r. ". 'I I M .... V 1. il. i.ii. .i idn.ii. . i mmrni r.r ii k r , 1 v;.--. v i .1 . n 7 i HAIR-BREADTH HARRY r ( OH - OH- MR . KANTSITSKI ! Y OO VAS! hi ABOUT MY AFTERNOON t t'OUGHT ! OFF - jrT ll TOC YOU- 1 miSr i mm YOU NOT GAT ANY !!! 5" YOU J V MEAN? J l MEAN YOU MU5 5TAY MERE FC ALWEZL' . 4 BUT ALWAYS IS A VERY LONG WUiLE.HR. KANTSITSKI - T CWT& 1 si V YOU CARE TO TALKING BECK I MUST SIGNAL HARRY OF TUtS ' AT ME.'! HAAYHfMONSTEBSSW ,STER BEHAVIOR! i |