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Show MILLAR t COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah. Thurs. Feb. 26. 1953 The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah, By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY Frank S. Beckwith and Athena Beckwith Cook Owners Athena Beckwith Cook . '. Editor Frank S. Beckwith Business Manager Entered as Second Class Delta, Utah, under the Act of FOR SALE: Delta Shoe Repairing Shop. Good business. Make me an offer. Bernard Christensen. Delta 2-26 FOR SALE: Delta building lots In good location. Call 191. 2-26 FOR SALE: 3-room house, two Delta city lots, and chicken coop large enouge for 500 laying hens, and 2.6 shares Melville water. Some furniture. See George Corry, Delta RFD. 35 pd EILEEN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING DANC-ING will start a class in ball room dancing for high school age people. The class will continue con-tinue for about 2 months $1 per lesson per couple. As few as six couples may have a separate sep-arate class arranged for their convenience. First class meets this Thursday, IS Cv I .1 l: - a? (cMuuiy, ui iuo biuuio over T the Delta Drug store, from 7 to! 3 p.m. Mrs. Eileen E. Smith, ph. 142J4 Delta STORAGE SPACE AVAILALBE for 2 cars or trucks. Snow 66 Station. 2-26 JOS. C. Robson, registered plumber Hot water and steam heat Call 118n3. Free estimates. 226 pd TYPEWRITER.. REPAIRS: Have your typewriters or adding mach ines repaired or cleaned by the Mobile Typerwriter Shop for expert workmanship. Will be in Delta the week of Feb. 9. Leave your machines at the Chronicle office for pick-up. DELTA BUS LINE Daily to Salt Lake and Return Leave Delta 6:30 cm Leave Continental Bus Depot In Salt Lake City 4:50 p.m. Good Schedulo for 1-day Trip DAILY FAST EXPRESS Ta and from Salt Lake City $1.25 per hundred under ten pounds, 52c FOR LIGHT OR HEAVY LAND LEV ELING. or bulldozing and road building of any kind, see H. A. Curtis, Delta, Utah, Ph. 392 3-12 For All Upholstery Needs, such as Recovering, Remodeling and Custom-Made Furniture, drop a card to TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY Cedar City, Utah Truck Will Be In Delta Once a Week With Free Pick-Up and Delivery ' - TF Red Van 1 doing body and fender work, and automobile painting for M and M Motor Co., formerly Peterson Pe-terson Motor Co., Delta, Utah. He will welcome his old customers and new ones. M. and M. Motor Co., Delta, Utah. 1-22TF FOR SALE i 2 bedroom modern home just east of the new school In Delta. Large lot and adjacent lot on Main Street, ideal for a motel. Large enough for six lots. Set Mr. or Mrs. Ray Skinner, ph. 46L TF GOOD CEDAR POSTS for sale. See Chester R. Johnson, Holden, Utah. 226 FOR SALE: Deep freeze, combination combina-tion coal and electric stove, refrig-ator refrig-ator and auomatic washer. Call Carl Smith, or phone 67J1 3-19 LOST: Hereford cow, branded with square A on left ribs. Possibly has a calf with her. See Glen Anderson, Ander-son, Oasis. 3-19 SICKNESS MAZES AVAILABLE Rawleigh business in Millard county. coun-ty. Good opportunity to continue established service. Previous dealer deal-er in business almost four years, write at once, Rawleighs" Dept. UT-181-203, 1415 23rd St, Denver, Colorado. 3"25 matter at the Postoffice at Congress, March 3, 1879 USED SPINET PIANIO: Demonstr ator in the vicinity of Nephi, will pick up and redeliver to your home. For further particulars write Hart Bros. Music Co., 46 East S.u So., Salt Lake City, Utah DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION will ship hogs Wednesday March 4, and March 18. 312 DRIED FRUIT SAMPLER: High quality sun cured apricots, pears, figs, prunes, peaches in 7 ?i pound sampler boxes. The family will love it. Full of health for the kids. Grown In sun drenched San ta Clara Vally. Delivery to your door, $4.22. Send check or money order today. G W. Hood, Box 245 San Jose, California. FOR SALE: A very good 3 year old purebred Hereford bull. Call or see Jofferson Jones. GET YOUR POST HOLES DUG NOW. 12 inch holes. You don't have to trim your posts to get them In. See Vera or Dee Stevens, Hinckley. A LITTLE INVESTMENT in a CLASSIFIED AD WILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS 5 line or less 50c or 3 times for $1.00 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION FINAL PROOF FORM "F" We. C A. Shields, Evelyn Shields, C. M. Shields, and Lorraine Shields all of Delta, Utah, who made entries en-tries Nos. 685, 686, 687, and 735, respectively under provisions of Chapter 2, Title 75, Compiled Laws of Utah, as amended, com monly known as the "Carey Act,' which embraces the SViSW4 and WV&NWK, Sec. 21, Twp. 15 So., R. 7 W., applied for by C A. Shields, and EtoNWVi and E&SEV4, Sec 28, Twp 15 So., R. 7 W., applied for by Evelyn Shields, and SEtt NW14 and EVsNEU, Sec 33, and SEViNW'4, Sec. 34, Twp. 15 S., R. 7 V.'., applied for by C M. Shields, ana SWV4, Sec. 22, Twp. 15 S., R. 7 W., SLB&M, applied for by Lorraine Shields, and each of us do hereby give notice of our intention to make final proof to establish our individual claims to the land above described, and that each of us expect to prove that we have settled upon, reclaimed and cultivated said lands as required re-quired by the laws and the rules and regulations relative thereto before C D. McNeely, who Is the authorized representative of the State Land Board of the State of Utah at Delta, Utah, on February 27, 1953 by two of the following witnesses: I. H. Losee and Derral Christensen Christen-sen ol Delta, Utah. C A. Shields, Evelyn Shields, C M. Shields, Lorraine Shields, E.itrymen. First publication Jan. 29, 1953. Final publication Feb. 26, 1953 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Land and Survey Office. Salt Lake City, Utah, January 27, 1953 NOTICE is hereby given that Kimball Butler Anderson of Trout Creek, Utah, who, on Jan. 27, 1950, made homestead entry No. S. L. 070402, for Lots 4 and 5, Section 3, Lots 1 and 8, Section 4, Township 14 South, Range 18 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Leila M. New-bold, New-bold, Notary Public,at Trout Creek, Utah, on the 25th day of March, 1953. Claimant names as witnesses: Gustav Adam of Trout Creek.Utah Lawrence Allen, Trout Creek, Utah Clyde Peay, Trout Creek, Utah, t Vivian Neilson, Trout Creek, Utah Ernest E. House. Manager First publication Feb. 12. 1953 Final publication March 12, 1953 fFIND IT WlTH OUR 1VANT ADS ttlack iiock MRS. MERRILL MILLER Taft Paxton of Kanosh was a visitor of the Black Rock Ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Gale and fam ily uf Miliord were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Burke. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Miller were Mr. and Mrs. "Sunny" Allsop and Kent Allsop, of Bingham Canyon, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maughn of Kamas, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hisken, of Seattle, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stokes, and family, of Richfield, Utah. Mr. and Mrs Hampton Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Miller, and Walter Miller were in Fillmore. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Miller went to Salt Lake City on business. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH LAFE NIELSON, Plaintiff, VS FIRST SECURITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Ancillary administrator of the estate of George S. Ingra-ham, Ingra-ham, Deceased; Millard County Drainage District No. 3, a body corporate anopolitic; Millard Realty Real-ty Company, A corporation; GEORGE GEO-RGE S. IN GRAHAM, EDWARD P. McKENNA and ELMER RICHARDSON, RICHARD-SON, a committee of bondholders of Millard County Drainage District Dist-rict No. 2; MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 1, a body corporate and politic; CATHERINE CATH-ERINE J. BUDION; FRANCIS T. INGRAHAM; ISAAC ELKINGTON and MRS. ISAAC ELKINGTON, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; C. H. DAY and MRS. C. H. DAY, his wife, waose irue ana correct name is otherwise unknown; A. W. Mac- ARTHUR and MRS. A. W. Mac ARTHUR, his wife, whose true and correct name Is otherwise- un known; FRANK W. JARVIS and MARY B. JARVIS, his wife; JOHN T. JARVIS; FRANK WALKER and ELIZABETH WALKER, his wife: JOHN HURTIG; MRS H. E. BART- LETT; GEORGE STEWART and MRS. GEORGE STEWART, his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; A. R. CRUMB and MRS. A. R. CRUMB, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; LELAND SAN DERSON and BERNIECE SANDER SON, his wife; OLIVER CHRISTENSEN CHRIST-ENSEN and MRS. OLIVER CHRIST ENSEN, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise un known; GEORGE TALBOT, administrator admin-istrator of the estate of LYLE C. TALBOT; GRANT THEOBALD and MRS. GRANT THEOBALD, his wife, whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown;BLAINE THEO BALD and MRS. BLAINE THEO' BALD, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise un known; the Heirs, Creditors, Lega tees, Devisees and Personal Representatives Repre-sentatives of the Personal Defendants Defend-ants above named, who might be deceased; and the Stockholders, Creditors, Assigns and Successors in Interest of any ol the above named corporate Defendants that might have ceased to exist; and all other persons unknown, claim ing any r.ght, title or estate there in; or interest in the real property pro-perty described In this Complaint, adverse to the Plaintiffs owner ship, or any cloud upon the title thereto, Defendants, THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned and required to serve uoon ELDON A. ELIASON, PLAINTIFF'S ATTORN EY, whose address is Delta, Utah an answer to the Complaint with in 20 davs after service upon you of this Summons. If you fail so to do. judgment by default will be taken against you for relief de manded In said Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court, and a copy of which Is hereto annexed and herewith served upon you. This action is broueht to quiet title in the Plain tiff to certain property described as follows: The Northeast K and the East 4 of the Northwest 4 of Section Sec-tion 22. TownshlD 17 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, containing 210 acres, more or less. The West H of the Northwest "i. Section 22. Township 17 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing con-taining 80 acres, more or less. All of Lot 4. Block 18, Plat A, Hinckley Town Survey. The Northwest ' of the Northeast North-east '1, and the West H of the Northeast 4 of th Northeast K, of Section 30. Township 17 South, Range 7 West. Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and contain-in contain-in e 50 acres, more or less. In Hinckley Town Survey. Dated this 19 dav of February, A. D.. 1951 Eldm A. Eliason. Attorney for Plaintiff. Delta, Utah. Plaintiffs Address: Delta, Utah. First publication Feb. 19, 195-3 Final publication March 12, 1953 FOB BETTER RESULTS Mrs. Ervin Whatcott of Lynndyl, Mr. Jack Ash ton and son, Bryce, of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. David Weatherhead and son, Carl, from Salt Lake City visited in Delta Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stephenson. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH R. L. HEYBORNE, PLAINTIFF, VS - FREDERICK FROERER and MRS. FREDERICK FROERER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; MARION J. CLARK and MRS. MARION J. CLARK, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; un-known; FREDERICK LEDERER and MRS. FREDERICK LEDERER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; STATE OF UTAH; SAMUEL BENNETT and MRS. SAMUEL BENNETT, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; MYRON B. HESTON and MRS. MYRON B. HESTON, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; un-known; A. M. STILLSON and MRS. A. M. STILLSON, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; JAMES M. IDE, Agent; J. W. IDE and MRS. J. W. IDE. his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; R. N. DAY and MRS. R. N. DAY, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; the Heirs, Creditors, Devisees, Legatees and Personal Representatives of the Personal Defendants above named who might be deceased; and the Stockholders, Creditors, Assigns; and Successors in interest, of any of the above named corporate Defendants De-fendants that might have ceased to exist; and any and all other persons unKnown claiming any right, title or Interest in the real property described in the Com plaint, adverse to the Plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon the title thereto, Defendants, THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon ELDON A. ELIASON, PLAINTIFF'S ATTORN EY, whose address is Delta, Utah, an answer to the Complaint within 20 days after service upon you of this Summons. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for relief demanded in said Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of Said Court, and a copy of which is hereto annexed, an-nexed, and herewith served upon you. This action is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiff to cer tain property described as follows: All of Lot 3 (being the NW of the SW) and the NE',4 of the SW54, of Sec. 30, Twp. 17 S., Range 6 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. And The North of the Southeast '4 of Section 34, Township 18 South, Range 5 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. And The South of Section 35, Township 18 South, Range 5 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Mer-idian. Dated this 19 day of February, A. D.. 1953. Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney for Plaintiff. Delta, Utah. Plaintiffs Address: Delta, Utah. First publication Feb. 19, 1953 Final publication March 12, 1953 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION FINAL PROOF Form "F" I, Glen Losee of Delta, Utah, who made entry No. 678, under provisions of Chapter 2, Title 75, Compiled Laws of Utah 1907, as amended, commonly known as the "Carey Act," which embraces NE4 NW"4 of Section 31, Township 15 South, of Range 7 W., do hereby give notice of my intention to make final proof to establish my claim to the land above described, and that I expect to prove that I have settled upon, reclaimed and cultivated said lands as required by the laws and the rules and reg ulations relative thereto before C D. McNeely, who Is the authorized representative of the State Land Board of the State of Utah at Delta, Utah on March 20, 1953 by two of the following witnesses: Albert M. Smith and C A. Shields, Delta, Utah. Glen Losee, entryman. First publication Feb. 19, 1953 Final publication March 19, 1953 For a better deal write to ... . Miller Box 807 SALT LAKE HcUaii Pledges Pi Kappa Alpha Among the 124 men who pledged pledg-ed social fraternities at the University Uni-versity of Utah recently was Harold Har-old Snow, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Snow of Delta. Pledging climaxed winter quarter quar-ter rushing activities which included includ-ed rushing parties and dinners. Mr. Snow pledged Pi Kappa Alpha Al-pha fraternity. He is a graduate of Delta high school where he was active in football, basketball, track and musical events. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH JAMES MACE, Plaintiff, VS FIRST SECURITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Ancillary Administrator of the Estate of George S. Ingra-ham, Ingra-ham, Deceased; DELTA REALTY COMPANY; GEORGE S. INGRA HAM, EDWARD P. McKENNA AND ELMER RICHARDSON, a Committee Commit-tee of Bondholders of Drainage District No. 2; MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 2, a body corporate and politic; CATHERINE CATH-ERINE J. BUDION, a single wom an; NORMA WRIGHT, Administratrix Administra-trix of the estate of AMANDA BARRON KELLY, Deceased; Joseph Damron, Jr., and J. C. Hawley, of the firm of DAMRON AND HAWLEY; HAW-LEY; EFFIE MOODY; NORMA MOODY; Vernell Thatcher; RAY C. MOODY and MRS. RAY C. MOODY, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; the Heirs, Creditors, Legatees, Devisees and Personal Representatives of the Personal Defendants above named, who might be deceased; and the Stockholders, Creditors, Assigns and Successors in interest of any of the above named Corporate Corpor-ate Defendants that might have ceased to exist; and all other persons unknown, claiming any right, title or estate therein, or interest in-terest In the real property described describ-ed In this complaint, adverse to Plaintiffs ownership, or any cloud upon the title thereto, Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon ELDON A. ELIASON, PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY, ATTORN-EY, whose address is Delta, Utah, an answer to the Complaint within 20 days after service upon you of this Summons. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for relief demanded in said Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court, and a copy of which is hereto an nexed and herewith served upon you. This action is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiff to cer tain property described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 15, Plat A, Deseret Town Survey, and running run-ning thence West 198 feet; thence South 300 feet; thence East 198 feet; thence North 300 feet to the place of beginning. Dated this 19 day of February, A. D., 1953. Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney for Plaintiff, Delta Utah. Plaintiffs Address. Deseret, Utah. First publication Feb. 19, 1953 Final publication March 12, 1953 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Land and Survey Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 3, 1953 Notice is hereby given that Clark L. Lovell of Oak City, Utah, filed application Utah 06306 under sec tion 8 of the Taylor Grazing Act, as amended, to select the SW SEU Section 12, T. 16 S., R. 5W., S. L. M., Utah, 40 acres, in ex change for the NWUNW14 Section 34, T. 15 S., R. 5 W, S. L. M., Utah, 40 acres. This notice is for the purpose of allowing all persons claiming the selected land or having bona fide objections to such application an opportunity to file their protests or other objections in the Land and Survey Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, together with evidence that a copy of such protest or objec tion has been served upon the applicant within 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice. Ernest E. House, manager First publication February 19, 1053 final publication March 12, 1953 & Viele CITY 16 Exchana? PI. i-Ki Projects Arc Developing Spring is rapidly approaching and our program for 4-H club projects pro-jects has begun to develop. Many boys and girls in the county could very profitably have a home garden gar-den for their 4-H project. In this regard the county agent has received re-ceived information to the effect that boys and girls interested in this type of project can obtain some very fine garden seed 'free of charge by making application for it at an early date. 'Any boy or girl who is at least ten years of age is eligible. Call the county agent's office for detailed de-tailed information. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Will-den and family returned to Delta during the week while Mr. Willden attend ed to business affairs here. Mrs. Willden had the flu while home, and their son Dean caught the measles. Much improved, the family fam-ily plans to return to Yuma, Ariz., next Sunday and stay about six weeks before coming to Delta again. Mr. and Mrs. Rom Shields made a trip to Salt Lake City Saturady and returned Sunday. COMMUNITY DAY SPECIALS March 5th Only 30 OFF ON ENTIRE PAINT STOCK 20 OFF ON ALL TIRES & BATTERIES 20 OFF ON OIL FILTERS 20 OFF ON GARDEN HOSE 15 OFF ON SHOVELS. FORKS & HANDLES.. 10 OFF ON ALL WELDING SUPPLIES 10 OFF ON BOLTS AND NAILS - MANY OTHER BARGAINS -REMEMBER! One Day Only VODAK TRACTOR & SERVICE PHONE 401 DELTA. UTAH FOR THE u $199.95 gmtmiwv wwwwm it .i. mmmmMmmimmummm.mmuma mm : m ' '51 STUDEBAKER, R & H, auto, trans. $1395 00 '51 PLYMOUTH, CI. cpe., R S H 1495 00 '50 CHEVROLET 4 door, R & H ... 1195 00 '40 FORD Sta. Wagon, R&H 195.00 '47 JEEP, 4 wh.. Power take off 695 00 '47 FORD 1 ton, PU 695 00 '46 FORD 1-2 PU 545 nn NEW FORD TRACTOR . "$158250 NEW TOWNER LEVELER 12800 BOTH FOR ONLY $1582.60 FORD 2 ton with Omaha Badger "Stock Rack ONLY 8300 MILES . MAKE OFFER PETERSON - FORD SALES Phone 2971 Delta V. A. Chapter News BY Jack Nielson The chapter held elections for the chapter Sweetheart on Feb. 16. We selected ten girls from the Junior and Senior classes for candidates. can-didates. They are. Kae Henrie, Dorene Moody, Lynnean Roper, Janet Bunker, Darlene May, Merle Ortin, LuRue Anderson, Thelma Jenson, Phyllis Kay Moody, and Sharon Steele. One of these girls will be selected by the judges for the chapter Sweetheirt. The F. F. A. assembly will be on February 27. It promises to be very good. On Feb. 24 Mr. Tharol Larson came and talked to our class on farm law and title deeds, and the like. This was very interesting. The chapter is holding their elections for new week. These boys chapter next year. officers this will run the Mr. and Mrs. Levi Gifford and son, Jerome, Idaho, were visiting over the weekend with Mrs'. Gifford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rom Shields. Launa Harris, a grandaughter of Mr. and Mrs Shields, also accompanied accom-panied them. 4'..M-'M..:. BEST IN BUY ZENITH and up VTTTVVTTTTTTttTTTTTtTTTTtt $1710.50 I ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE |